(2011/07) July 2011

I also wanted to give birth in the tub but haven't ask my gynae abt the price n whether she is doing it. Will check with her on Monday.

Ytd evening when to expo bought pillow n bolster set,milk bottle brush n 2 packs of goon NB diapers


nana-mum> thank you so much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

J2010T> serious? isnt it weird? i mean wont e water slips in?? btw are we supposed to touch water after giving birth?

janice- I think is easiler to give birth then on bed. but if the price is too high then i will not choose it.

i not very sure can touch water anot

Hi Janice,

Waterbirth is relatively new in sg. Basically, instead of lying on your back with your legs prop up, you get to be in a tub of warm water throughout your labour and delivery.

I opt for it as I have back problem and don't think the traditional or common way of delivery is good for my back. Worry it stress by back or hurt it even more.

On top of that, I scared of cold. So warm water is good to calm me down. According to research, women who goes through waterbirth, generally experience shorter labour and most of them don't need the gynae to snip the vaginal opening as water promotes elasticity...

Will let you mummies know how my delivery went once I pop! <^_^>

Jacqueline> oh wow, this method of delivery really helps woman to conquer e 2 biggest fear - shorter labor and no snip of our vaginal opening.

but our baby is so big, if not snipping our v, then it will cause it to tear, which is even worst isnt it?

Jacqueline/J2010T> oh my gosh, i just watched a video clip on waterbirth. 1) it looks so scary, gross. 2) isnt it dangerous if baby's head is in water while body still inside?

Janice, even now ur baby is living in water bag full of water. Newborns are very smart..throw them in water, they know how to kick alr.. give them the breast, they know how to suck! it's nature.

I believe water birth is very expensive, rite Jacqueline?

Janice- The dr won't snip unless vaginal threaten to tear. Even if snip also not as much as on land. No, it's not dangerous for baby. Baby comes out to the same environment as our womb.

Zachmommy- NUH is charging an extra $400 for waterbirth facilities and equipments. However, you will need to engage a midwife or a doula. Midwife is ard $1200. Doula is slightly more expensive...

zachmommy/Jacqueline> oh ic. pardon me for my ignorance. feel so silly after hearing wat u gals have said.

Jacqueine> $400 + $1200 = $1600. its not as expensive as those price list from tmc. is tat all in total? can claim cpf?

Janice- It's ok. It's a valid question. Even my mother-in-law ask that too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, that's all the amt for waterbirth. You can't claim this from cpf. Cpf is only used for inpatient package meaning staying in hospital fee, dr fee, etc..

However, this $1600 is excluding prenatal classes. If you want to take prenatal classes, it's extra $$$. NUH has this programme called EMMa care which includes lessons to learn how to take care of yourself and the baby inclusive of breastfeeding and postnatal consultation till 8 weeks after delivery. There's no maximum no. of sessions, you can go as much as you want or need. It cost abt $250.

For me, I'm taking up Hypnobirthing classes, parenting classes and doula package from a private agency recommended by NUH. This is slightly more ex. Abt $2k+

You can go check out the website if u r interested..


Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pigeon Nipple Care Cream and Breast Shields


Tommee Tippee Bottle Tongs


Pre-loved My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


Hi I have got a brand new 200ml clarins stretch mark control cream for sale at $70. Bought too many at one go and about to give birth soon. Email me at [email protected] if interested.

Tmr will go check with my gynae whether she do waterbirth and the price. Will update. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Janice, dun tink abt it anymore. Even if working doesn't mean can buy anything to ur heart content. Juz buy the necessity will do.

Don't hv that mindset that others hv u must hv. If u banish that thought I'll be happier n enjoy the last stage of ur pregnancy.

Janice, u r nt alone.. Quite a few of us are nt working including me..i hv nt been working for 3 yrs already since preg with #1. due to prev preg.. .. There are alot of thing that i want but cld nt get I hv to think alot before i spend on anything But i am contented with wat i hv...it does nt mean that what people buy, we must buy....

I knw u want a son badly but got a girl.. Be contented with wat u hv got..bcoz once baby is born..the feeling of

unhappiness will reflect on yr action towards yr child.. Enjoy

yr pregnancy. It happens to one of my friend.. She wanted a boy.. But it turns out to b a girl.. During pregnancy, she said that she accepted that it will b a girl but at the same timethat she kept saying that she wants a boy. Aft her baby was born, she nv treat her baby well..all bcoz she wants a boy n nt a girl..

I understand that u r are lonely without hubby but u r nt nt totally alone.. Yr baby is with u 24/7 wherever u go n watever u do.. Cherish all the moments

aiyoh so sad de.. give birth liao still dun treat bb well.. poor thing..

well i totally agree with Zachmommy workin does not mean buying anything u wan u will still wan things that are necessary more than jus buy buy buy..

interesting waterbirth information I reading above Jac u r e 1st person I know goin thru water birth gd luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yes Zachmommy my colleague (her current edd is 1 day away from mine current edd) same gyn as u hers also #2 her #1 also similar timing to my #1 but her gyn wants her to give birth with a schedule.. but Zachmommy how u know bb will b breech so soon? wat did ur gyn see tat allowed her to make this diagnosis? i m v concern so once i know i will ask my gyn if this bb will also b breeched..

wendy, wat u mean by give birth with a schedule? meaning suit her timing? mine too lor.. she chose a tuesday whereas I prefer Friday..but then again Tuesday is cheaper for me cos her visit will be during her office hour. If on Friday, Sat n Sun she must come n do her rounds, shuld be charging extra bah..haha.

u noe when i was having my #1 i oso wanted a girl but i got a boy.. i kept telling baby that no matter boy or girl I still love you.. now that Zach is born, I couldn't love him enough..he's my BFF! U will soon realise how much ur bb mean to u when she/he kept telling I Love You Mummy umpteenth times.. Zach does that every night.. he will keep repeating this 3 little words and then shower me with his kisses.. bf/hb oso dun treat me so nice..haha

good morning everyone! its monday blue again..how i wish weekend will be longer abit!

all got monday blue!!

i still have to wait till this sat for my gynae visit lor!.... bb nt active during weekend le... shd i be worrying??? zzzz

Hi mummies,

I went for my gynae appointment last Friday. BB is 25 weeks old liao, weighing at 800gm.. Phew! starting to feel the strain on my lower back. Feeling my belly getting heavier each day and my hips "suan suan" de if walk too long..


me oso same~~ #1 wanted a girl but got a boy instead... did the same thing and keep telling myself boy or girl oso the same... oso my own flesh n blood... then now he is oso my bff~~~ he would oso shower me w hugs n kisses and would oso tell his grandma dat he misses me when i work late... aww...

now #2 i still wanted a girl but i still got a boy... i m going to do the same too... be it boy or girl, they are still my flesh n blood afterall... no point treating them bad... kids are innocent...

Hi ,

For those experiencing swollen legs,you can try lifting your leg high while sleeping.Like putting a pillow underneath your legs.Mostly by next morning, the swelling will go down.This is what I did [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maelyn, ur bb is huge! do u ate durian as well?

i had durian feast on friday night and then on sat.. >.<... abit scared of durian liao...


800gm huge meh? I thought normal size at 25 weeks, haha! coz gynae did not comment its huge, so i assume its normal. :p

Talking about durians, that's my favourite leh! I have not touch durian for this pregnancy yet.. "saliva drooling liao" Last pregnancy I took durian, erm.. BB came out at 3.1kg, average size, not very big..

maelyn, not big ah? i thought so...so long bb is healthy, i guess all the rest is secondary..kekeke

ahhh.. i now want to koonz now! sigh!!!

maelyn> ahhh...we r in the same boat then...but walking still ok worrr...is onli when bend abit...or turning in bed...Wowww...the 'sour' feeling...hahahhaa...terrible!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but mine happen usually on my left side...right side still ok leh...

maelyn, feimei,

I have very bad pain on the left side of butt since late 1st trimester till now. I don't feel the pain while working but once I lie down, it gets very bad. I can't turn to my sides without tolerating the super sharp pain. If I'm to get up, it gets very bad as well. Have to bite my lips to get up. But if I lie down for more than an hour then it's much much better but every night it's a vicious cycle...haiz...

Morning mummies!

Wendy> thanks! me hoping for a smooth and wonderful delivery

Wondering if any of you mummies tried belly support belt to relive the weight strain on our back? Is it effective? Which brand is good?

elch> yea...yea...same same...hv the pain since 1st tri but into 2nd tri...kind of better abit lol...now seems like back again...*omg*...my frenx asked me to tell gynae abt it but how to mentioned leh...onli u feel the pain...haiz~~~we hv to tolerate the pain??? my 1st tri tire spell is on the way back to huant me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

elch: i get the SAME feeling...I thought my butt is giving way too. Im doing physio for it at KKH.

The physiotherapist tells me that its due to the pelvic bones. Our ligaments soften...so very easy to feel discomfort or pain...

zachmommy> thanks gal...you dun know e misery n frustration of not being able to spend...much. but i m very grateful for your comfort.

cupcake> finally, someone is e same as me. mine is no. 1. is Dr Eunice Chua good in natural or c-sect?? i never took any multi-vits. when is ur next appt?? usually i go see her alone coz dh not in sg.

baby> u r sooooo right. i dun feel my 100% love for my baby. seriously its e mental block although i hv been trying very hard to love her with my whole heart but its difficult. i m e same as ur fren. this is why i sometimes dun care much abt her now even she is in my stomach. i just do or eat things wat i like. somemore, after delivery (which i m sooo looking forward to), i intend to dump her to my mil immediately after my confinement. i m so looking forward to my freedom. i dun know how to get rid of my biases towards having baby a boy than a gal.

wendy> its e mental block tat exists inside me. u know from day 1 of conceiving, i hv been planning n doing anything tat can get me a boy. even my 2 dogs are males. how to get rid my this biases? e only comfort i hv now tat makes me like my baby gal is when i think of e dowry or e wedding tables i can get from her when she get married in e future....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yaya/feimei/xinyue> 3 more months, you mummies can enjoy e long paid confinement! so good!

morning all mtbs

think bb putting alot of pressure on my bladder...always hv urge to pee...but oni alittle bit nia...then my bladder is so painful till i can't stand straight

XW, i m oso expecting boy for #2..at first of course abit disappointed but hey if i can carry him for 9 mths I have to love him fully after he is born.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

janice, wat makes u tink i dunno the misery of not being able to spend. Having a job doesnt mean it wil be well paid? Having a job doesnt mean dun hv debts? can spend freely = incurring credit card bills, still need to pay up the following month. Anyway, since the thought is alr embedded inside u, nothing much we say can change ur mind.. mummies here can only advise because boy or girl it is still ur flesh n blood. juz dun do things that u will regret in the future and wish that u do it differently.

zachmommy> true, but some extra income mah. -_- anyway 3 or 4 more months, i can start looking for a job. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah, u r rite, if i did something wrong i will regret for e rest of my life.


jan-ice, i am actually more looking forward to my baby then enjoying my ML..hahaha... jialat me..

Hope u try to feel better..many said bb will be affected by Mummy's mood.. if u kept thinking negatively le, then ur bb next time also hard to take care also lor.. cheer up okie? like what zach mommy said.. its ur own flesh and blood..

i have come across many couples who are unable to conceive naturally or even have difficulties in conceiving even with help of IVF/IUI etc.. so i can only say, u are blessed with a healthy bb growing inside u!

