(2011/07) July 2011

lunch ate fish & chips and one anderson ice cream cone...feel very sinful...i also guilty of eating sweet stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i am going to the expo tomorrow...just dunno wat time...scared maybe will be crowded leh

welcome rexxie...yr feeling of tightness and suddenly have a bump then disappear i also experience before...till now i also dunno wat it is...i usually have this feeling when i lie straight on my back...so i always change position to my side then ok liao...i asked my gynae...he just say maybe bb in an uncomfortable position...haiz dunno wat kind of answer is this leh


yaya>>> last week when i go for my DS.. the sonographer also say my ger's head is down buttock is up.. thnk they will keep swimming until they dun have space to turn..

piyo, did u know ur bb weight? mine suddenly boom up to 475g.. which i was abit shock...

from 217g during week 18... now 475g at 21week 6 days...

Afternoon mummies!!

Have not been dat active in forum and FB.. Busy.. =(

TGIF!! Me cant wait to go the Baby Fair at EXPO tomorrow.. Anyone goin???

Welcome rexxie!!

oh.. so not too far from urs.. i thought she is huge! cos i told my hubby she is fat liao... lol

rexxie > [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am having a ger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Liz, u knwo what u going to get there? i see a few stall i want to go over.. like the postnatal message, milk bottles, playmat.. n alot more! kekekeke

so gd..think my hub will be lazy to accompany me..but bobian if i insisted on gg to the Fair..heheh

Anything worthwhile getting from there??


wow..your bbs r growing well..mine was around 350g at 21wks..no wonder pple commented tt my tummy is small..but it is bigger than my #1 oredi.

yaya> my bb gal is 322g at 20weeks 1day. my bb's head is on the big side and my gynae already told me tat its not gonna be a tiny baby. i will get to see my gynae when i m in month 6. i also worried my high sugar consumption will affect my bb. do u intake alot of sweet stuff like me??

lizzie> u mean drink water with strawberries?? i m kinda sick of eating strawberries after being eating them for a while. :p

Yaya - Me gettin diapers, wipes, clothes and not sure yet eh.. I wanna go check out the CordLife stall oso... Wanna ask more bout it..

Janice - Think shld be okie.. I had it durin my 1st tri.. Hee... U worried bout de cheese izzit?

Janice - Oh yeah, my bb head abit on big side oso... Gynae said hopefully wont be so big till difficult to push... =P

My bb is 357g at 20 weeks 3 days...

jan-ice, u knwo if u have high sugar level? cos so far i dun have lor and i pray hard that i dun have! cos recently likes to drink sugar stuff..sigh.....i wonder whether bb is heavy because i drank strawberry milk almost daily..

Liz, oh yeah.. still have the cordlife thing..

so many things to do tomorrow! i guess i will hav to reach there earlier!

jan-ice, now me making a point to control my sugar intake.. cos last 2 weeks, i like to eat ice cream..but i took ice cream once in a week or twice only.. then now is bubble tea.. so i request for low sugar if i going to drink more than once a week...

tdy have craving for bubble tea again.. i guess if want to drink later, i have to ask for zero % sugar..

Janice - Mine is a boy... No worries so much bout de cheese ya.. I had quite a few oredi.. Hee....

yaya - Ya lor... Sure gonna be pack...

ST - hihi, tks. I usually had this when lying on my sides. My mum said bb's turning but erm...I'm not sure leh...quite worried sometimes. When is your EDD ?

LIz - tks. I think I'm going to the expo tmrw too. Is it too early to buy bb cot now ?

sunshinebb - I read books that mentioned sometimes bb like adults also. Have ups and downs days. Sometimes we might not feel movements on days. But after 28 wks, we definitely have to monitor movements alr.

jan-ice, i dunno wor.. i presume is from the urine test during every gynae visit?

Hi Rexxie,

Welcome! I'm also in my 22nd week and having a gal too! EDD on 17 July.

Tightness of tummy skin is normal as your bb is growing pretty fast at this stage so your skin is expanding to accomodate the growing bb. Try applying moisturizer. I find it helpful. I experience the bump too! I think it's cos the bb is pushing against the uterus of stretching inside... lol

Don't think it's braxton hicks contractions. Braxton hicks feels more like a pulling inwards feeling...

Liz/Janice>> wad is the head circumference like to consist bb head big?? at 21wk6days is 191.1mm as per my DS report. Big?? the sonographer and gynae nv say anything lei.. they juz say my ger very active, everything normal.

rexxie..my EDD 11 Jul

my auntie also say is bb turning but dunno leh. now i dun have this feeling anymore...i had that when i was in my 18-20 wks...maybe you wanna check with yr gynae during next visit? my gynae say contraction will have pain..but i dun feel pain leh...

thanks rexxie....yup true think bb hv up and down too...just too emo liao my boy...sometimes talk to him also no respond.

jan-ice...yes me wondering 2...wht shld be bb head circumference to consider big??? cos thou my boy head c is same with ur gal?

jacqueline - hi, tks for the info. as this is my 1st pregnancy, I dunno how the braxton's contraction like. tks for enlightening.

ST - ya I will check with my gynae on this.

sunshinebb - sometimes my girl oso no respond inthe morning and at times quite active. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


this is my first preg too. I googled it and managed to find quite a lot of info abt it online.

I'll be opting for waterbirth as I want a drug free labour.. so hopefully bb will turn head down in the 3rd trimester... :)

Hi everyone,

I didn't have time to log in until now, Thanks to everyone who left their post on the blood test, it kinda makes my heart at ease now. ;)

Have a wonderful weekend

rexxie - Hmmmm... If u have de space and de bargain is gd.. Why not...

Im takin a look at cot oso.. I have some hand-me-down from my siblings..

piyo - The DS report that they gave us shows a graph with percentile all..

My bb head wen more than 100% for a 20 week bb. Not dat much, slight. He is tall oso.. His limb and arm length abit more den average..

Liz>> what size of diaper are you getting.. don't buy too much XS and small size as many friends like to give diaper as baby gift and XS and small outgrown very fast

yaya> i hardly drink bubble tea, now i know there is such thing as zero % sugar. i also need to take 'tei' from coffee shop once in a while like once or twice per week. if not pregnant, i will drink tei or coffee everyday man.

piyo piyo> ur sonographer is good. e sonographer at tmc didnt comment anything. i hv to keep asking her whether my bb's this..this ...this ok or not. then end result, she asked me to ask my gynae. my gynae only conclude e results based on her report. funny lor! its my gynae who told me my bb head is big at month 4.

at 20wk1day = my bb's head circumference is 174.0mm. according to e graph wif percentile, its bigger than e average.

sunshinebb> its my gynae who told me tat my bb's head is big. she told me this at week 20. this is why after hearing this, i cant help but keep worrying.

jacqueline> waterbirth?? tis is e first time i heard of this. wats this?? new technology..hehee.

jan-ice... oic.. the sonographer who did the scanning for me also didnt say anything lor.. kept slience throughout the 20min scan..make me worry while she did the measurement.. then after finishing, i ask her okay? she said okay..but didnt comment much. i ask her for report. she said she will send everything to clinic.. really qi si wo le.. end up i worry for many days.. tomorrow going to clinci to buy fish gel, i will ask my clinic to let me see the report before my gynae appointment next sat!

waterbirth is to give birth in a pool/bathtube lor.. not so common in asia..but v common in western countries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies!!

Today my Hubby took half day leave and we went to expo, kaki bukit bb hypermart and finally end up at taka bb fair~~ abit crazy right? Hahahahaah finally i bought my stroller at taka fair~!! actually the prices for all 3 places is the same.. Cheapest place to buy is at cheong choon (Chinatown) but it's $9 cheaper only. I bought a maclaren xlr ($549) and the promoter gave me a free front bar (worth $39) and also bought a cherrywood 4-in-1 baby cot for $399 with free fibre mattress and fitted sheet.

I find the expo too cramped n crowded coz I went ard lunch time.. I only signed up for mount alvernia ladies card there..

Bb hypermart don't have bundle or freebies.. They sell the cot as in frame only without any free mattress for the same price..

If wanna buy bb neccesities like wipes or even blankets, hankies, mats, best place to go will be cheong choon. Sale or no sale, their pigeon wipes r the cheapest so far!! U can call to check out the price of any item u looking at :D

Oh I also went to baby kingdom at kaki bukit.. Just next door only. Good to go to kaki bukit to try out the strollers coz the place is big.. Can push the stroller around... Heheheh

yaya> yeah sounds so annoying to hv met such sonographer. they shd know how anxious we are when we went for e DS. dun worry, as wat u hv mentioned, e result shd be no prob tats y didnt contact u immediately.

giving birth in e pool/bathtube? serious? is it better than giving birth on bed? besides e fact tat its much cleaner since its surrounded by e water, but e mummy willl be all wet. hmm...sounds weird, i go n check out from e internet. thanks yaya for e explain.

i m going to expo tmr morning cos juz saw got huggies diaper as freebies..lolz. not sure if my elder one can wear huggies but since it's free no harm signing up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheong choon is actually in the building which is connected to the hawker centre with the shops upstairs. Super near Chinatown mrt :D

U go to 3rd floor of the shops above hawker, from there can walk over to cheong choon

Its ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It looks very old from outside.. It is just a small shop in a very old building. Blk 34

They don't have displays of cots and strollers.. Have to flip through catalogues.. So it's best if u k ow exactly which one u r looking for. However, they have plenty of stock for the other neccessities so u can just c and choose.. The lady there is very friendly.. She will even give u a checklist of things needed for a newborn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe u would like to search for a map of the place before u go so u know exactly where it is.. Or u can ask ard the 3rd floor shops in peoples park complex to tell u where to cut thru to Blk 34

