(2011/07) July 2011

kim> i hv been using those feminine wash all the while till i got preg n gynae asked me to stop using...he said might wash away the good baterica n it will do no good to the V area...sometimes if my white discharge alot, i gt the itchness too but hv to try to keep it dry n clean...use cotton panties if possible...

if u dun hv the burning hot effect, still consider ok, if u got the burning hot effect, most probably gynae will give u cream to apply....but for now, can try eating yogurt, it may help....



oic, i dun use the wash, only when itch.

no burning effect, but just unbearable, i thk the area is "hard" to the feel, swollen, but not so bad as it means.

feimei u remembered!

yes today fully showing outliao.. its huge.. my ex team mates exclaimed aloud "u r preggers!"

but my blind team mates still cant see.. only my boss knows.. and he say i can leave early/ tell him if i dont feel well/ work from home.. i having precious.. HAHAH shiok..

yah, i thk also i dun wear skirt/dress for a long time...n wore thighs, may have triggerred.

now can only take yohgurt, drk more water n observe hygiene n cool that area more.

kim> no worries too much, it come n go...do ur part n u will be fine!!! as long no burning pain...u r alright!!! grab some yogurt n eat n more water....u shld try to wear back ur dress so that V area can be airy more easily....

px> hahahaha...of cos mann...happy for u to 'guan ming zhen da' to show off ur princess in ur tummy!!!!

ya la.. hide so long.. finally my princess can see the world.. she was so happy n kept kicking non stop yesterday..

Today my boss started asking me "is she misbehaving??" hahah so nice

And his boss still ask if i will be back after my maternity leave.. I replied I can only tell him after 9.30pm on 18th Feb 2011.. ho ho ho..

hello mummies here....i hv been a silent reader and read some of the threads here, and thinking might as well join in to chat....haha...my edd is ard 13/15 july...its my #2


Any of u have any back pains on de left side that runs down to the butt?

Sometimes, it hurts weneva I stand up afta sittin down...

liz- i alwayss have that pain,on BOTH sides some more...

i always tell myself baby is growing so will feel pain... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wah more n more july mummies....welcome welcome!!

px> what a good reply!!! hahahaha...my boss already told his boss, so finding coverage for me nw, he say they planning to let me take 4mths ML unless if there's any issue, no choice i hv to take onli 3mths then bo bian lol...i told him i m ok one...

u planning to utilize the full 4mth?

Hi Liz, yes im joining coz i think i need to do some exercise haha.. Float im not too sure but from one of the picture in the registration form it shows some mummy carrying those long tubes dun noe if it helps to float.. haha.. But u can email them to ask they quite prompt in replying.

pinkyrose - Sometimes cant take it liao de back pain.. I so cant wait for my massage dis sat.. Dis lady comin over my plc.. She infd me she will not touch the tummy.. Will concentrate more on de back & legs.. So need it!!

feimei> ya.. not only taking 4mths at a go, also taking all of my annual leave one shot, plus 6days parenting leave if i nv rem wrongly.. hoot until mid dec then go back


px> ahhh....envy U!!! my boss go faint if i tell him this... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i oso tinking how to clear my annual leave by then....i m still using last yr leave...

Actually i also got consider the Inspiremum and Mother & Child yoga classes but then either the location not too accessible for mi or the timing i cant. So end up took the aqua aerobics..

Marico - Oh... Where u stay?

For me, tanjong pagar is convenient.. I stayin in the west...

pinkyrose - Yup, she specialised in pre-natal massage... Malay lady in her 50s..

Its de first time she gonna massage me..

Seri - 91192464

feimei - I onli have 4 days leave from last yr.. maybe gonna use dem in march & april.. =D

Den dis yr's ones, maybe if can tahan save it.. Hee..

liz/ feimei> i still thinking if i can take 2-3 weeks no pay leave so i can come back only in 2012... very sian to work during xmas NY season...

annual leave can only carry 5days, the rest dont take all forfeited.. so i might well clear all at one shot

liz> i oso allow to bring forward 5days nia~~n need to utilize by next mth...n few wkend job i didn't even claim my off day...haiZ~~lugi...ya..will save some leave for end yr...since by then will hv lil bunny...can take leave to accompany lil bunny...somemore end yr alot of festive season...this yr will be the 1st xmas with lil bunny~~~ :D

px> good time to work mah...dec period...most branches holiday...esp my boss will take leave...then i die die oso wan to come work...becos w/o him ard...we like hving sch holiday!!!! hahahaha...

So sian....angry n piss off with the gal tht i m gg take over....stup*d...wht even thing i ask her she say dun know then she know wht...still dare to draw high pay...HOW COME GOT SUCH PPL

feimei> last dec i nearly died.. so bored nothing to do we were reading novels in the office and working from home sometimes

cos it was jus toooo quiet liao

px> but once in a yr mah...otherwise throughout the whole yr, we slog like crazy in office...nan de can relax n shake leg in office...like boss!!! hahahaha...if bored this yr...can bring ur princess to office...hahahaha...dan u wun be bored!!!

px> got ur team members to take turn to play w her...hahahaa....but u all the way on leave...u will be staying at tamp?

feimei> only during confinement then stay tampines.. after tat move back to west n start to handle all the reno n stuff for my new hse.. and i cant bear to be seperated too long from DH.. but tampines dont have queen bed so if he come he must sleep on the floor..

i scared my team mates teach her the wrong things lol. all in their late 20s and party animals.. i am the only married person in the team haah

px> hahahahha...dan she will be trained to be party Queen!!! :D

Oooh...sleep 1mth on the floor ok la...or maybe no need to stay daily w u...over the wkends, he can go over tamp...all can be arrange de...yahor...ur flat will be ready soon!!! good...good...can hv ur own heaven!!!

yes feimei.. no more monster in laws. swee~

cant wait.. some couples went to appeal to HDB and say the wife delivering this mth, HDB let them take keys already!

Any MTB here taking DHA... I'm currently taking Dhaxtra fm my gynae but heard that we can get a better deal outside buying other brands...

Anyone have any to recommend... I'm looking to get better quality for bb at lower cost...

im taking thus Neurogain...which when i have #1, im not introduce...this round, my gynae say new stuff....everyone eating..its in fact fish oil which include DHA

feimei, ya shld be ok. maybe u check ur MIL one first? maybe not as bad as u think? haha... ya, shld be enough. u shld check with ur CL she will be the one cooking for u. so she can estimate

xinyue, i am not sure how much she charge. cos she norm dun sell one. do for us and sometimes her frens ask her to do for them. i ask my mum tmr then get back to u ya...

thanks bellatwins and the rest of the mummies for the warm welcome....im gg for my DS on 24 n my gynae say 80% is ger...heee...so waiting for e scan to confirm the 20%


Hi mummies, good morning!

suying: About the cost of the detailed scan at KK, I didn't get any subsidy even though I was referred there from Mt.A.

