(2011/06) June 2011

I went to NTUC to check out the Sofy 40cm pad no longer there already.. if I am correct they stop selling it already.

The next one is Whisper Overnight pad its in a pack of 6 pad only. 40cm... which is long... and I think its cottony surface one. Anyone use this before?

If so I think we can use this...


Someone mentioned about the pigeon sterilizer at the mothercare sale. Is it the normal one? If it is only 39 then i dun mind buying instead of using food steamer lol. Sound so cheapo kekeke

pianojazzy > the $39 steriliser is mothercare brand, not pigeon brand. and i think can only sterilise... not a steriliser cum food warmer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@junez > hey, thanks! My sis in law kindly sponsor me the avent kit :p But I think still need to buy extra 125ml bottles... 2 not enough la...

@pad > i'm going to use a normal heavy flow night pads lol cuz im used to pads with wings, no wings dun like lol i usually use newspaper or those spam brochures to wrap.

@gathering > sorry i cant join at the end cuz hubby fixed appt wif his friend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my fault oso for not telling him about the gathering, only found out today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@babycare fair > anyone got Mother & Baby magazine? Can help to scan what are the good deals?

tsukushi > my workplace does not allow for camera phones... so cannot access fb either. :p

crystalz > the ikea one... anti-slip mat is in the form of blue wavy lines. http://www.ikea.com/sg/en/catalog/products/40173391 the catalogue doesn't show the anti-slip mat though.

victoria > you are not alone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my cough hasn't got any better also. (been coughing for 1++weeks liao) Am going to see the doctor tml evening after work. Cos when I went last week, she wanted to prescribe me anti-biotics, but I told her not to... so the doctor says if my cough still don't improve after taking the normal cough syrup, I will have to go back to her. Much as I don't want to take the antibiotics, I reckon long-term coughing also do the little one in me no good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: mother & baby magazine

wanted to buy one but i couldn't find it at the petrol kiosk today... yah... would be grateful if any mommies have it and scan the good deals...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thnks life is beautiful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone using the mothercare sterilizer? How is it? Dunno wanna buy or just stick to my initial plan of using food steamer.....

Went to see see look look today. Hb insist of using playpan only when i have 2 baby cots hand down. I told him baby cot is better cos can adjust then no need to keep bending down to carry baby cos need to change diaper at least 8 times a day. He says never mind what, not we change. Maid change ma. Faintz....

Re: pads

I always keep the plastic wrapper then use that to wrap. I think more convenient leh.

my workplace also dun allow camera phones but I can go fb on my phone. u dun need cam phones to go fb ma.. normal phone that has internet access will work liao..

TomOlo going glucose test n taka fair shall update u all if got v gd deals haha but I nt buying sterilize n bros so dunno wat price is gd

g'morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Drizzling now. Weather is good for snuggling in bed. :x

Altáriël > that's true, but my non-camera phone screen is so small... never beats the convenience of the I-device. haha. so I tend to access FB only with my other camera phone where the screen is bigger. :p

re: Mothercare steriliser

yup, mommies who bought & tried the mothercare steriliser, can give comments is it good? I was hesitant to buy cos I'm not sure of the quality. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If it's comparable to the regular brands like pigeon/avent, then I might return to get it before it ends this Sunday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shymz, thanks for checking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but yesterday I went to NTUC they dun seems to sell the 40cm long series. Now the next in line is Whisper Overnight 40cm pad which got wings and I think its cotton surface.

Createjoy, oh... good for u.. I so wanted to go tomorrow but I think really got lots of pple and next day still got to work *Blah*


Can help to see if pigeon has trade in offers and which kind of bottle is up for the trade in? Thanks!

Crystalz, Victoria, here is the photo of the BB bath tub with the prop up mesh sling I had bought for your references [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Mummies...

Do you feel hot recently even in aircon room.. I do.. Hot flush. i keep feel hot in office. -_-""

Re:confinement shower gel

I saw a link selling those ginger cream, shower gel that can use for confinement, not sure is that good to try. Got time i go n find the link.

Re: Stroller/Pram,

Any mummies bot their pram/stroller, im thinking Maclaren brand.. I heard my colleague said that Mothercare on the 1st day sales selling one of the model "Techno XT" Black/Red at $399 instead 15% off of the original price at $598. Any mummies using this brand for your 1st child. Im thinking to get this, so my big n small boy can use.

Re:Sales List

I have a BB fair sales list to share with u. Got it from my colleague.

1. Takashimaya Baby Fair 2011

Dates: 9 to 28 March 2011

Venue: Takashimaya Singapore

2. Mothercare Baby Fair

Dates: 3 to 13 March 2011

Venue: Harbour Front Centre Level 3

3. Baby Care Festival 2011

Dates: 18 to 20 March 2011

Time: 11a.m. to 8p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B

4. Baby Expo

Dates: 22 to 24 Apr 2011

Time: (Fri & Sat) 11a.m. to 9p.m.,

(Sun)11a.m. to 8p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A

5. Motherhood Fair

Date : 2-5 June (TBC)

6. Baby Expo

Date : 1-3 July 2011

Time : 11am – 9pm (Sunday: ends at 8pm)

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B

7. Baby Expo

Date : 21-23 October 2011

Time : 11am – 9pm (Sunday: ends at 8pm)

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5B

jay_mum, we are going towards 3rd trim, so we will begin to feel hot even with the full blast air con on.

RE: confinement shower gel

I"m using the ginger cream, shower gel and shampoo, thumbs up! the ginger cream helps to ease my back ache. the shower gel and shampoo have nice pleasant smell esp the shower gel have nice nice lemongrass smell, keke!

Maclaren stroller - taka bb fair have a offer of $199, u may want to check it out.

hello mummies. juz realised i'm stuck in fb -june mtb2011 iso of here. more convenience.

mesh for bath tub. i bot mine when expecting #1 but end up no use. #1 was 3+ kg which quite easy to handle. for bathtub, would recommend buy a bigger with those stopper beneath, so you can pull out n let the water flow out itself than wasting yr energy to lift the tub up.

i will put the bath tub on this ikea stool. http://www.ikea.com/sg/en/catalog/products/90165416 then sit on those small kiddo stool myself to bath the bb. when bb older, noe how to sit by themselves, i will put the bath tub on floor

anyone noe wat is offering in taka fair?

hello mummies,

is anyone going for 3D or 4Dscan ?? i heard best time is around 26 - 27 weeks.

any recommendations which place is good and the cost involved.

Jay_Mum> The weather also hot la... plus our body temp also going up... so its both. Yesterday, I went home shower first... than go to my IL place to have dinner than go back home shower again.

JJ> I will buy the shampoo and shower gel after talking to my mom if she oki or not... lucky she is oki w it. Hmmm 1 set will be enough right?

Fancy> I went for the 4D scan and its part of my gyne's package. I went during 24 weeks. It really depend on ur baby if they want to show u their face :p cause my girl always putting her left hand on the side of her face... posing all the time.. than gyne press press my tummy to make her move... she than show us her back :S hahah dr say "this is a joke, she is making fun of me" Talk to bb a few times she also dun want to show us her full face just like putting her hand on her cheek area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At one time, she even give us the finger LOL hahaha

christy, shld be enuff i think, bath with warm water, the after bath feeling is much bttr. warm warm kind of feelling.

JJ> Oki.. will start to order fm the organizer... My hair I will cut slightly after shoulder length... at least dry liao can bun up.. if not feel hot jia lat.

Hmmm I usually after shower will blow dry my hair le... can I still do that during confinement? Will get headache or not?

wow, the lists look like more boys than gals.

Ooopsss fen and applepies, we have the same gynae and our edd just one day apart, wonder how is Dr Sim going to cope if we all happen to deliver on the same day hehehe!

JJ> Hahah I just read from other thread also recommend to blow dry our hair.. heng ah cause I cannot get used to it if no dryer.

Some pple even brush teeth and wash face in the morning w warm water... like that have to boil water early morning liao.

chil, oh ya hor, all boys somemore, keke! but i maybe 2-3 wks early delivery judging from my previous delliveries, #1 induced 2wks earlier (not counted hehe), #2 is 3 wks earlier via natural, mmmmmmm

Christy, if u wan to order the confinement shower gel better do it earlier. cos i received the seller's email mentioning that the stock will come in 3 weeks later, as her supplies run out very fast.. i ordered the package with the belly wrap as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ, i oso dunnoe whether i ordered the 250ml for shampoo enuff anot? haha.. do u noe if the ginger cream and belly wrap can be used if i C-sect? cos i only know cannot massage lor..

Junez> Ya will do it soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for the info. I not taking belly wrap cause am doing postnatal massage and they will provide cloth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I thinking may have to get 2 bottle of 250ml of shampoo.. if you are long hair.. short hair 1 bottle may be enough... I like to be clean so I usually use lots of shampoo.

Hmmm I think belly wrap c-sect cannot use le.. only until u heal than can use. Ginger cream... I think not around the scar area.. cause dun know infection or not.

junez, the shampoo order x 2 bttr if you are washing ur hair regularly, i will order from the seller later cos i still have the shampoo and showergel even if her stocks come in 3 wk later.

If you're going for csect, best to use the ginger cream and wrap 2-4wks later i think, but u can check with the massage lady or gynae on this, as i'm not too sure.

christy, if u want, bttr place order with her soon wor...

chil, hhee, this didi bttr be good, head down so i can go natural again, then i can jagar him keke!

JJ, Christy, thats what i thot so too.. but the seller indicated the wrap can be used even after caesarean, which i doubt lor.. haha.. i tink i better wait till wound recover liao then use.. but i still hope i can go for natural lah.. haha..

Mine is short hair. will be hot in June as well. so i will go cut it shorter.. haha.. Yesterday i was telling my mum abt this shampoo, she say better dun wash hair, which i told her how can? will be very oily lor. so tink i will not wash everyday just to be on the safe side. ;p

junez, just tell ur mum, we are not in china, we are in singapore where the weather is different, so we have to wash hair.... keke!

Hehehe.....Exactly JJ. Luckily for Dr Sim, we are delivering at the same hospital [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Junez> Heng my mum oki LOL. Just shower on hot hour liao 12noon the sun very bright... try avoiding the night time or early moring cause colder.

I very scard if dun wash hair and our hair will be very oily than hair start to drop... I think I rather die lor... no hair can u imagine... so better wash hair.. Hockkian saying: Want beautiful but dun want life LOL..

applepies, ya, if diff hosp, i dono how she spilt herself hahha! see when our bbs want to be out hehhe!

Christy, ya man! don wash hair i can die. anyway our hair will still drop due to hormones change after birth.

JJ... ya but not that bad if we wash our hair... cause oily scalp also one cause of the hair drop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ya lor.. thats what i told her.. hair will be oily if dun wash for so long lor.. i oso cant stand oily scalp.. haha..

Hi mummies,

I have been wondering where all these excess skin from my belly comes from! Lately it has been growing so much that it feels sooo tight after each meal! And each day, as I wear a different color of dress to work, I feel so much like a Tellytubby!! Today, I am a Purple Tellytubby! Kekekekeke

Altariel > paiseh, it turns out that my hubby appointment wif his friend is most likely to be postponed so most likely (unless i need to OT last min) i can go for the gathering! Can pm me your phone number? :D

Altariel, i might not be meeting u gals for dinner later as my gal is having fever now, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow lau my dr Douglas going on leave 30 may to 11 June ! If. Knew earlier mayb I won't switch to him already just switch 2 mth nia... Sigh 1 hand hope bb born earlier then before 28 on another hand bb best can stay longer in womb 38+ 39 wk best mah. My son born 37+3 so sm n bb born early usully jaundice... Bless n zerochristy u all knew abt his leave? But I think u all abit safer than me...

Hi Evvie (evvie)

Been very sick with bad cough and down for M.C yesterday. GP wanna give me two days m.c but i couldn't afford to absent for work for 2 days so i am here in office today. Work accumulated and now slogging at work with the bad cough. Colleagues see me as a contagious bugs and i think i heard someone comments that she will soon "catch" the coughing bugs!! How unsympathetic! And at the 1st place...i got this virus from one of my other colleague too..she is still coughing away! Really misearable now!!

Sorry for ranting in the morning. My mood is very very bad...and i cried this morning & also yesterday due to the bad cough. Just feel very bad and guilty towards my baby. Now i hardly feel her movements too. Hope she is not being distress by my bad cough! Sob!

