(2011/06) June 2011

hi Altáriël (altariel)

i saw ur rashes..is it preg rash ??

cuz my sis also had rashes last yr during her preg.. she went to see a doc in yishun and applied the cream..then after few days, the rash went off..

hi qiuen (qiuen)

act i was surprise tt clinic doc also can perform DS..cuz i gt one coll, also june mummies..tt time we were chatting abt DS then she told me hers was done at the clinic (gynae) instead of tmc..cuz in tmc, ours was nt done by own gynae..its done in xray dept.. bt i tink no prob either in tmc itself or clinic bah..

hi mummies

my ds everything was in the 50% percentile but hor my bb tummy abit over 50%..doc say ok..any mummies same as me?? is it i eat alot unhealthy food, tts y bb tummy slightly bigger ??


oh. cos so far, i have been doing everything at my gynae's. Just that a nurse from the Hosp side came over to the clinic to draw my blood for the oscar test.

Hee was just curious, cos i was like HUH? But now i know why my gynae charges slightly more exp than others liao. Cos its a 1stop.

All my scan so far are done at the doctor clinic, including the 4D pix [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joyce> dunno is it preg rash leh.. gynae see liao say dun look like it.. i have some anti itch cream that i got from polyclinic then gynae said that should be ok to use. told me use already if no use during next appt then he see how. but i used already still super itchy so i stopped using..

gathering: k so mon and fri is out. left tue 8th, wed 9th and thu 10th mar dinner

Poor thing altariel. I've been using Clarins oil and I love it. I got it at duty-free airport so it's a little cheaper.

U gals gg for outing! That's so cool, imagine the whole table of all preggy ladies :p keep me posted of the date and pl I'll try to join.

hi mummies,

it's been a long time since i last posted. usu too tired after work. now trying to catch up with all the posts

re: baby names

i've seen really nice names among the posts and altariel, you've even chosen your princess' chinese name! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for chinese we'll decide after bb is born, will go to a geomancer and choose his name based on ba-zi. still cracking our heads for the english name.

re: sashimi

used to be my fav, but i can't seem to stomach it at the moment. will definitely go for a sashimi feast after delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


all my tests were done at my gynae's clinic, including the 4d scan. depends on the machines available i suppose.

could you update the chart - i'll be delivering at Mt A this time.

re: outing

i would love to join, let me know when and where it will be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


did you try the baby calendula cream? it helps for me

re: glucose test

sadly it turns out that i've GD again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gotta control my diet and start pricking myself, sigh

Altariel,wah.ur rashes quite bad leh.can go get medication for doctor.i m having rashes also but I use aloe vera coz it's natural.

Pianojazzy,u can go check out bio oil's website for the actual ingredients.I also didn't realize till I went to see their website during my 1st preg,but after I had the mc.I stopped using it.but I know it's recommended by quite a few preggies leh.

Qiuen,it is not compulsory to do detailed scan,so some clinics don't provide this service.

It's the same here in Taiwan,we have subsidized preggie tests under their medical scheme n detailed scan is not one of them.tests like NT scans etc are,they are the more impt ones.

Shymz,oh dear.know it's tough to control the diet due to GD,seen my gf doing it.but it's good that you know it early and can control it.

Hey Altariel thanks for helping to organize the gathering! I'm ok any day except for thurs cos of cell group. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I caught a fever yesterday n left office when it was raining v heavily..no cabs in sight in the CBD area n couldnt even get thr the Comfort line when I tried calling sigh..was shivering for a while n finally decided to take train instead.

Was rather worried as fever will affect baby..thank God it subsided this morning!

I have been applying the palmers anti-stretch marks cream and so far so gd..I guess there's really no perfect cream out there n as long as it moisturizes our belly n have no side effects, it shld be fine. Many of my friend's have told me tt stretch marks is hereditary so these cream actually won't

really help.

Is it true tt stretch marks, if ever appear, will only appear fr 30 weeks onwards? How abt the linea nigra? When is it supposed to appear?

Goodness me I'm worried my glucose test will faul. My son's time ok but this mth I gain 3kg gynae too much n I'm 22wk bb 550 g is it too heavy? Gynae say ok normal weight but I read here all like less than 500g .hope its becos cny I ate too much ..

I'm still very vex over my bb girl's name hb n I still can't agree on a name.

Just went mothercare and bought a set of rompers.. Was confused for a while cos they have newborn sizes as well. But decided to b kiasu n buy 0-3 mths size. Or will that b too big?

Isetan parkway have 20% discount off nuk's.

Hi, I'm interested to join in the gathering. Let me know once u cfm on the date n time.

I saw some of u talking about percentile etc.. Wat does that mean? Do we need to match our weight gain with the percentile?

sounds exciting to have an outing. when will that be?

Alteriel, I have a rash as bad as yours during my 1st trimester. In the end i have to wear long track pants for slping. I went to see a polyclinic doc for cream to apply and medication to take. But to be honest, I think the best remedy back then was when i apply those baby diaper rash cream. was using a brand call desitin. helps relief my itch quite well. to help with after scratch soothing feeling, i also use aloe vera gel. Now my rashes has subsided from all over my body except on my tummy. The good thing is that the rash is those non itchy rash so doesnt bother me now. I believe the rash will subside after we give birth.

I suspect this is the type of rash that we are most likely suffering from.


shymz> wat's baby calendula cream? and how come u so early take GD test liao.. thot only in wk 28.. so far my doc never say need yet leh..

clare> aloe vera works for u in relieving the itch? nothing seems to work for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

christine> i dun think mine is puppp leh.. cos mine started from the legs not tummy.. and there is no blisters or lesions.. juz always very itchy then i go scratch until skin break or bleed then scab over.. so now i have many many scabs..

gathering> likely to be on either 8th march tue or 9th mar wed.






Qiuen (TBC)


JJ(marchbb) (TBC)

Clare68 (TBC)

winniepooh (TBC)

chiladi (TBC)







anyone know of any good place that is preggy-friendly for preggies to eat & chit-chat? suggestions pls..

hi I think aloe vera really works wonders.. I had itch and rashes once (before preg) and my mum who happen to grow aloe vera plant at home, gave me some. I cut the "fruit" out n apply on the rash.. within min, i m ok le..! shd go n try!

I am so envious of u gals who only gained a few kg.. My bb is only 21 wks 5 days and I had gained 10 kg! v sad.. so fat now!!! I didnt eat junk food le.. jus normal 3 meals.. didnt overeat aso.. dunno why my weight jus keep shooting up! I feel so helpless!

N i have been falling sick these days.. down with bad cough, flu , sore throat n on off fever.. I hope wont affect baby! soo worrying!

hmm.. dun think gt any special place for preggies le.. but i guess as long as is convenient n accessible for all and not soo noisy n crowded shd be good enuf! n thanks sherene for organising!!=)

glitters, my gynae say my bb is on a good weight and size. I just realised u having same edd as me, were u the one oso did the ds ytd?

pianojizzy, i just checked my kids' detailed scans report - #1 was 291gms at 20wks 0 days and #2 was 308gms at 20wks 1 days and this one is 402gms at 20wks 6days, mmm seem to me each time i preg, bb weight is more and more heavier, hahha!

Glucose test - ytd gynae passed me the yucky drink for me to take 2 hrs before my appt next mth, yucks!!! hb keep telling me it will be the last time i will take this test, asked me to REN! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

qiuen, i think 0-3mths rompers are fine, i din buy nb size when i was at mothercare, i just went straight to get 0-3mths and 3-6mths, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. bb do grow very fast.

Outing - i'm fine with any days, but might be bringing my prinicess along cos i don think hb is able to handle her if he's picking up the kids back home, hehe!

Altáriël - it's califonia baby (brand name) calendula cream. I also using this cream for all my kids as well.

Bless, i don gain much wt and according to my gynae, watever i eat, the food all absorbed by the bb.

so wat got restaurant is not noisy and crowded? um i dun go out wan.. so my knowledge of places is confined to IMM and jurong point haha

think muz go search for aloe plant liao..

juz for fun, this is my usual diet from before i was preg, and honestly, it hasnt changed all that much :p but i never gain any weight from pre-preg haha.. now only scare will get GD only..


haha i stay in jurong west.. so always stick around jurong point too hehe..

yea.. mayb we can meet at raffles city? more central..

Kekeke, my hb bday also 20th jun. If i deliver on that day, our girl with be exactly like him. Rabbit also haha

k let me sneak into other months' thread to see where r the gd places for mummies gathering & whether they hav high chair then I report back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi JJ, yes I have my ds on 11feb.. At wk21 my bb boy wt 406g.. His head circumference is at 90th percentile which caused me to worry.. The rest is normal..

Altáriël ,thanks for the arrangement with the gathering.I m fine with both dates.

Aloe Vera stops the itch for me lah,coz' its abit cooling,so I dont scratch.can go try..

Bless,not to worry..I also gained 10kg+ liao.still going up,and I also dont eat junk food.but I eat loads of fruits though,coz' I know sweet fruits also can be fattening lor.I m always hungry kind so I snack on fruits.

Qiuen,can try to put more.if too much red dates,can add hot water. "p

Welcome Jennie

JJ,wah...Ur 3rd boi boi will be a big leh!like my youngest brother like that.He is the heaviest and tallest out of us 3 siblings..

Hi everyone,

Quick post here..I'm ok with either dates...will check in here for updates.

My grandma got hospitalised today. Stage 4 lung cancer. We are all very worried. So, will check in once in a while, but so sorry if I'm MIA for a while..esp during weekends..maybe during work, can sneak in time to update, since using laptop most of the time...

Take care everyone, weather getting, keep hydrated!

Hi everyone,

Haven't been checking in for a while. An outing sounds fun! Too bad I can't make it.

I went for my appt two days ago and I need your opinion on something. I was in my 24w4d and my baby weighed 808g. That's huge right? Is that dangerous for my baby? I check with baby centre and other baby apps and the range should by 500-640g. My EDD moved forward to 25May which is quite impossible cos I would be having my menses at the time of conception.

Hey uziela, don't worry i think it's fine for baby to be bigger than average as long as she is healthy! If there's any potential danger, your gynae would have informed you isn't it? Those figures on the web only serves as a reference guide and it's alright to fall outside of the range. Maybe yours is a very fast baby and grow fast fast heh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm very happy today cos I've recovered from my fever and last night, hubby and I started brainstorming for bb's chinese name. For us, the name must carry meaning of virtues/strengths that we want baby to grow up to be...so I actually flipped from cover-to-cover the Chinese Dictionary and list down many many words and tried to mix and match them. We slept w no conclusion last night.

This morning, I woke up with a sudden idea for baby's name...immediately checked the dictionary and it carries such a great meaning for us! Sounds nice too! (shall share at our gathering :p) As my dad will bother whether the name is auspicious or not, i found an online Chinese Name analysis engine and the name turned out to be auspicious! hahaa...i shall print that out and show him! That's what we did for our wedding date...didn't consult any fortune teller but just picked a date we like but found an online engine to determine it's auspicious just to show my Dad hahahaha...so hi-tech right?

Oh..the website is: http://www.bestming.com/yourname.asp

You girls can go try for fun! don't take it seriously if your name is not auspicious k...heh.

Outing> Hmm cannot attend hope next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Spring maternity> Anyone have discount card for spring maternity? Might want to get maternity underwear cause my usual one now a but small liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Appricaiate if any mums want to share her card details with me.

Kiddy Palace> I have their card... those need my card no can PM me am glad to share it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hanis> Take care

uziela> i believe ur EDD shifted cos of ur baby size.. nothing to do with your last menstrual cycle date.. sometimes when i scan, my EDD shift by a few days back and forth also depending on whether baby is growing faster or slower ma.. so nothing impossible abt 25th may being ur new EDD la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clare, i dono leh, weight wise, didi is definitely going to be heavier, height wise, shld be as tall as their daddy cos dh is quite tall, my 2 kids' ht following their daddy actually.

glitters, so qiao! wat time was ur ds? mine was at 1030am, maybe we bump into each other hehe!

uziela, agreed with Altariel, your edd was shifted cos of the bb size.

e'leen, ya, vivo a lot of eateries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ> I use your Mothercare card during the weekends... thanks... will use it again if I need it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies,

Happy V day! I just went baby kingdom yesterday. Quite keen on combi stroller, second preference is capella as these two range are more affordable. Anyone knows if it's durable as I like combi stollers' light weight and easy to keep.

I need some advice now. Hb and I decided to go for Antenatal classes. Do you know if I can attend the course at other places than the hospital i am delivering at? Is there any course conducted at more convenient places?

Qiuen, can you help me update the table? I'm expecting a bb boy. Thank you.

hi pretty mummies,

it's been a long time since i last posted. i am workin and my job doesnt allow me to browse internet during work.n when reached home am too tired. normally aft dinner i'll doze off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now trying to catch up with all the posts. a bit blurr as too much info that i have to absorb hahaha...

a bit of update frm me: my EDD will be 10 Jun, expecting a "Princess" (my wishes come true), gyne told me that i have Low Placenta (placenta praevia) if it doesnt goes up till my EDD most probably will hv to do C-Section.

re: Bio Oil

most of my friends been using Bio Oil when they expecting and none of them got stretchmarks... i've finished 1 bottle alrdy.been using it since i discover my pregnancy and i nvr experience any itchiness at all.i apply 2 times/day. on my 2nd btl now..i asked my cabin-crew friend to get frm Sydney as its cheaper there.

re: sashimi

lets have sashimi buffet after we all give birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..I really Crave for it!!!

re: pre natal classes by mdm wong

any info re of her class...i really interested but i dont have her ctc number.pls advsd.

@altariel: Count Me In for the Gathering!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pls keep us posted.thk u so much for arranging..(i live in simei)

"Happy Valentine's Day to all Sexy Mom and Mommy To Be"

"May all ur preggy journeys be filled with love and joy"

Uziela, dun worry about the weight & EDD. I went for check up last week & bb is 671g at 23wks 6days. Gynae confirmed that the weight might be miscalculated as bb's head is slightly bigger. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@happy being me: i went to baby kingdom aswell yesterday hahaha but am looking at playpen.havent decide till now on which one shud i buy..still comparing between cot and playpen. i bought my stroller on Taka Fair. its Maclaren XLR on offer at 589dlr plus 10% discount for taka member. in the end i paid arnd 530dlr. as for XLR its quite heavy but very durable. my hb like combi so much as its light and compact. the reason for us to choose xlr coz we do quite lots of traveling. frm my friend's experience aswell if u chk in ur stroller for ur flight,they just simply throw and will never handle that with care. so thats why we choose XLR as its quite heavy and stable. nevertheless Combi is a good choice for Spore. as most of the time we use MRT for our transport [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am looking into antenatal class aswell... still waiting for info given by mothers here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully can attend Mdm Wong class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi loneeagle,

I was deciding over playpen and cot as well. I understand that both can be used for nb baby to sleep in. Some bb cot seem to be able to last longer since it can be converted to toddler bed. Still trying to find more choices for playpen as I don't quite the colours offered in BB kingdom.

Combi stroller is so lightweight and compact which I like it since I can manoeurve easily. Have to let my hubby know on the durability part. I didn't consider that part on handling by airline. Hope those who have used Combi before can advise me if it can last. I guess I may only get it nearing to due date or after bb is born.

