(2011/06) June 2011

Hi Mummies,

How mummies doing now?

Ydae i had a bad day, vomitted mani times till i feel giddy. Managed to c gp after tt and gp mentioned that is my gastric nt well and given me 2 days MC to rest. Tdy feel much better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I like Tristan this name =D n Sean oso nt bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also started to shortlist bb name. But headache. My boy name is Jayden which is v v common now so i hope i can pick a least common name. I like Aden this name too but this name also v common nowaday..

I shortlisted some names too but yet to decide :p

1) Aden

2) Brayden

3) Javan

I might wan to search around for more names ;)


For my boy last time, I went to GP for his 6-in-1 jab n the rest all from PD. You mayb check out the price n the waiting time for both.. For me I like convienence so I went to my GP for the 6-in-1 jab.



i bot this Latex bbsafe mattress 3 yrs back.. I went to kiddy palace and with member there is a 10% disc.. I rem like shopping centre outside they dont hv any disc on it. But i like this mattress compare to others. I bot one mattress before, no good..v hot and bb will sink after awhile which i think no good for his back.

moon> think either cayden or sean can go well with neo..

jaymum> actually first time see aden this spelling.. usually i see aaden or aiden.. but of the three names, i like that best la..

Jay> Take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Its ex... my hub will not but de lor.. haiz... tell him got discount on the expo bb fair in Mar he also like not willing to buy... "God can only help me now"

Cause our cot is hand down to us.. and the base cannot adjust one... so I think using its will not be that long so I dun think he will agree to buy a ex mattress..


Yes yes, I think have mani spelling for it and i think Aden is short n nice.. ya me oso but i think is common as my boy JAyden so wondering wan to go for it or nt. I checked the bb name top name is Aidan/Aden/Aiden.


Maybe you n yr hubby source around first, as I was like him at the beginning but in the end i still find latex bb safe is good. my boy stop sleeping on it after 2 yrs old but i passed to my sil, now i getting back from her for my 2nd boy.. so i think worth the $$ ..but still depend cos i rem that time i dun hv much time to source for it, so not much compare too.

Jay> Hope something change his mind.. anyway.. the mattress can still be use even we not using the cot.. maybe can take it out and put in on the floor for the bb to sleep for afternoon nap..

By the way how do you all let your bb to sleep if you all were in my case.. got a hand down bb cot but cannot adjust.. so by the time bb can climb we should move him/her out of the cot right? Than where the bb sleep than? A kid bed?

Thank you, everyone, for the input on the 3 names. I'll most likely go with Sean [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jay > I love the name Aden! Or Aiden. I heard of this name after the series, Sex & The City. Carrie's boyfriend. Such a romantic, boyish sounding name.

Pianojazzy > Same here, i'm very strict with my pupils. Blame it on my fussiness la, like to have things done properly.

Christy > If u're using the cot that cannot be adjusted higher, I guess u'll hv to get a kid's bed when yr child is older. I went to IKEA and saw some cots going for less than $100, but same, cannot be adjusted, so we didn't buy it.

hi all, back from ds, mine is 100% boy! dh still asked me is it 100% confirmed, i rolled my eyes! Told him the scan is done by the head of xray division wor, he nvr see the name tag, lol! didi very cute, he keep waving and moving ard, if not he will keep sucking his thumb, can see his birdie very clear, hehe! I am quite surprised the ds waiting time is very fast, normally have to wait at least an hr, this time scanning start exactly my appt time!

SASHIMI! I LOVE SASHIMI! my previous pregs, dh doesnt allow me to take, but this preg, he is abit lenient and allow me to take, but he will qc the sashimi before i can go ahead, :p

Jay, Aden is a nice and unique name, i love this name! DH had already gotten the chinese name for didi, this time round he want to choose the english name for didi, cos first 2 kids' english names were selected by me,hehe! We shld be searching names starting with J, cos our kids' names all started with J.

JJ, hi 5. I am also going to name my boy starting wif J coz my gal both english & chinses name start wif J too. Both born in J month (Jun, July)

Busy Busy day. no time to go thru all the posts

I'm having a Gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rataouille, hehehe! mine are born in jan and dec, didi is in june, all their bds either in school holiday or public holiday, my dh was saying like that they don kana sabo on their bds, hehee!

Bbsafe mattress if u can wait,wait till may GSS 20% disc for kiddypalace member. Nw struck at clinic dr just went to deliver waiting to do my DS

oh ya, i only gained 1.1kg but gynae say i'm doing fine, seem bb absorb the food very well and helping his mummy to maintain weight, hehee!

JJ, me too, gain less than 1kg overall. But is lost 3kg during 1st tri and gain back. Baby is 337gms. Think should be alright ba.

Createjoy> Dun know le.. hmmm aiyo u know man la say dun want to buy than dun want... maybe got to ask my mum for help.... they buy... but I pay them LOL.

GSS during End May right??

Actually I call Babysafe they say Expo also got discount price.. maybe can go there look see.. I am very keen on the latex mattress le..

hi mummies

wah u all so gd leh..gain so few kgs..

yes bb 337g is average..so far i gain 8 kgs leh

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i gain the most is last mth..3.8kgs.. my bb 350g..i dun tink i eat alot leh..bt still gain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] everytime just 3 meals then on off take fruits, yognut..i seldom supper also..bt i drink alot milk..bt i get hungry very very fast..u all same as me?? if i take rice for lunch, can last 1-2hr..if noodle, ah yo, can last onli 1hr

hoho. me back from detail scan too, another princess! my DH ofcos very happy..another sweet pie, daddy's gal. babby is near to 400g with big round head. move and kick around and lying in breech position. mean i might need to go c-sec again tis time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tmr need to popby my gynae instead, as he is stuck in a last min operation. sigh.

keke. lunch we went window by the park's buffet, damn shiok durian puree leh~ somemore is the sour type. yum yum.. and +1 pcs of fresh sashimi!

i bot mine babysafe latex mattress & pillow at robinson @ raffles city 2 yrs back when they hving 20% disc sale. mummies, wait ya!

jaymum, not a fan of "XXden" so i cast my vote to Javan. but it do sound like an indian boy name..

haiz, my dh chosed some old chinese gal name that end with "Fen", "Fang" & "Shan" for my #2. now i feel like fainting..

Chil > the "fen", "fang" and "shan" sounds feminine, very girl-girl! So long not together, hehe.

Haven't thought of the Chinese name yet, though I prefer to have a "Guo" in it for my boy. Sounds homely, and cultured keke~

Has anyone gone to a geomancer to choose a Chinese name for the baby using the birth details? I wonder do the parents have to state a preference for number of strokes, or a certain single character (like "Guo")? How does it work huh?

moon. i no like those leh.. i remind me all those schoolmate i hv during my pri / sec school time. would prefer a more unique name.

goemancer, my frenz say they will give him a list of character that they like, and the edd date and time (if c-sec) then the uncle will chose a few combination for them to chose. but recently i heard my frenz engaged one who is in Canada. iso giving them name, he only say "u c-sec this date and time. then chose name that has meaning of water.. for english name, chose 6 characters, one phrase and water meaning" so my frenz, paid and had a really hard time chosing their kids name by themselves. and is for a twin somemore. trouble x 2! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My uncle is a fortune teller. Normally after birth, give him a call him and give him the bb 8 characters- date and time of birth. He will then fix an appt and give u a list of characters to use for 2nd and 3rd word. He will also give some preferred combinations.

I know another fortune teller who even give a list of English names. Let me know if anyone need the contacts!

Joyce, I get hungry v fast too but no food so no choice. Maybe that's y I didn't put on weight. But also because I still feel nausea till b4 cny and has no appetite though I am hungry. So I drank a lot of soup. Oh ya and I dun really take carbo even b4 preggie. Maybe also due to the headache, I would rather lie down on the bed then to eat haha.

Oh No. Veron is back!

Thought i was gaining too little weight, turns out it was too much. haha. But gynae said its understandable for the CNY. I gained about 3+kg, and my ideal is 1-2kg.

Beanie is now 506gm. All measurements within the 50% percentile.

Finally figured our how she is positioned in me. Always thought i get hard kicks/punches on my right, but that's where her spine is. Gotta feel abit more tonight, heee

Hi mummies,

Just flew back from Singapore last night. Had been eating so much and massive baby stuffs shopping for the last 2 weeks! Managed to get stuffs like Medela PIS pump, an Avent bottle sterilizer which comes bundled with some freebies, passed down nb clothes from friends, some baby knick knacks here and there... and we even bought back a play yard with bassinet! In total our checked in luggage exceeded 65kg! But luckily the airport counter staff was so kind to let us passed all thru when I showed her my tummy and claimed its mostly baby stuffs for our oversea posting! kekeke

Re hooks for yr baby stroller, my GF shared a tip to buy from Daiso. I saw some at Kiddy Palace and they were selling for at least $16++ for a set of 2 plastic hooks which comes with velcro fastening to be attached to the stroller handle. I found very similar ones in the tiny baby section of Daiso. They are also with velcro top fastening and they looks cute enough in yellow for $2 a set.

Looking forward to my DS next Tueday, excited to see baby precious again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw mummies, anyone gets rashes around your tummy area? I started to have rashes a few days back.. not sure if it is the new bottle of Palmer's stretch mark lotion I am using on my tummy or what... they are tiny red dots and sometimes it itches.. I used some nappy rash cream on the rashes and they seems to help a bit.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks mummies for comments for BB names =D


my boy stopped sleeping in his cot since 14-15mths. but he slp with his mattess till 2 yrs old + than he sleep in a adult mattress.. I din buy him a bed is bcos he can turn 180 degree when slp, i scare he will fall off from the bed.


act i oso looking for "A" n "J"... got mani mani names in mind but still nt sure...*Headache*


yes, my boy name Jayden n his classmate also called Jayden. Even my cousin boy oso so I think this name is v v common.


yes i do have rashes during my 1st preg n try nt to stretch it cos will have marks after that.. I do hv marks after my 1st preg.. so nw try not to stretch.. Maybe you can highlight to yr gyane if u think its bad. he will gv u some cream to relieve it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Moon,I haven't decided on a name yet.and my husband will want to wait for me decide on a English name,n he will do a translation from the english name.

Anyway,we have a lot nicknames for my bb,poor thing.coz my dh's surname is yang.so we get ideas like "yang rou4 Lu3"(lamb hotpot)."yang cong1","yang tze Jiang"(china's longest river),Tom Yang goong....

My bb always start to kick when we talk about his names.I think he knows..haha ^~^

For now,his nickname is Yang Wan4 Cai2..

Jay mum,I like Aden..^_^

Evvie,I also get the rashes,n I m also using palmers.heard that a lot mummies get it from using palmers.for me,as long as not serious,I ignore it lor.

nvm after e baby born we FEAST on sashimi lol

I play piano too. Last time my mum asked me to teach my younger brother but I got no patient lah. So I will only play the piece correctly once or twice while he listening how it supposed to be, then my younger sister (with more patient) will sit down with him and accompany him practice LOL

I'm planning to teach but more on tertiary level [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My mother side a family of teachers and lecturers, I guess it runs in the family. We have 2 lecturers, 3 school teachers, 1 music teacher, 1 martial art teacher. My mum used to teach primary school, but quit when she got pregnant.

I started my childbirth education program (aka prenatal course) at Mount Alvernia today. Today topic is about nutrition, not bad lah but most mommies probably already read out about the topic so 70% are things you already know. There are interesting bits too for instance the nutritionist mentioned that commercial pregnancy milk actually contain a high level of sugar hence if you are gaining too much weight and in a risk of diabetes - you may want to pay attention and change to low fat milk instead. Inbetween talk there is a 15 minutes break (light refreshment provided) and at the end of the talk there is a short 10 munutes presentation from Stemcord. Freebies I got today: 2 package of sample milk, some letter container thingy, a pair of mitten.

I feel so underprepared, haven't start shopping hahahaha Oh ya, if anyone got any news about IKEA sale please buzz me - I wanna buy a cot from there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Qiuen: Congrats on your gal!

I was actually a little worried after reading that yours is a gal, cos if i don't remember wrongly, some time back you posted a 3D ultrasound pic and quite a few mummies commented that they could see something between the legs and I thought so too.

I'm having a boy, confirmed during detailed scan at 19 weeks, and I have bought tons of blue bb clothes, getting a bit worried now, what if the gender is not predicted accurately? I could see the birdie quite clearly, I think I'm getting a little paranoid! =)

Claire: I just got back from Ikea too, should be getting the cot bed from there. Felt that the design and quality is comparable to those priced above $800 ones at Mothercare.

Mummies here, any comments on Pigeon and Avent sterilisers? I'm considering between the 2, have heard both positive and negative feedback about both.

pianojzzy and joyce, my bb weigh at 402gms, just had a quick check with my 2 older kids' wt when i had their detailed scan, seem didi is heavier, #1 is 291gms and #2 is 300plus gms. ooppss!

Jay_mum, ic ic! i'm having headaches too cos dh just passed me 3 english names for me to choose, lol!

Clare, ^5! my dh surname is also yeo aka yang, we had fun making jokes abt the bb's names last time, like yang tou, etc.

Babynini, don't worry so much, ok? if the detailed scan showed clearly of ur boy's birdie, it cant be wrong, cos usually the birdie will usually appear early if it is a boy, i was told by gynae that i most likely having a boy when i'm 14wks preg. twice checkup twice was told it's a boy and during detailed scan the birdie was shown and i can see very clearly, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: Sterilisers

I'm using Pigeon one. It had been faithfully served me for almost 4 yrs now, no regrets!

(as seen on SG expo website)

22 Apr 2011 - 24 Apr 2011


Admission: Public - Free Admission

Venue: Hall 6A

Time: 11am – 9pm (Fri & Sat) 11am – 8pm (Sun)

Organiser: Vivacious Media Pte Ltd

Contact Details:

Tel : +65 6404 3676

Fax : +65 6343 9600

Email : [email protected]

BABY EXPO provides you with amazing choices and unbeatable value on everything for your pregnancy, baby and toddler. Get set to make the most of our HOT DEALS & GREAT PROMOTIONS!

Hi mummies, those who have done the ds, would like to ask if any of ur bb head is bigger than the average bb? Mine is on the higher side so getting abit worried..

JJ: Thanks for the assurance! My bb's gender was only confirmed at detailed scan, previously gynae could not see clearly as position of bb was not favourable. She even said bb looks like a girl! Haha!

glitters: My bb's head circumference is also higher than average, I think in the 70th percentile or so, while other measurements are in the 50th percentile. Gynae did not mention any cause for concern, so I think it must be attributed to the fact the hubby has a large head!

Okie, should most probably get Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser as I heard that it is cheap and good, Avent one is quite cumbersome as you need to find some way to arrange the items to fit into the steriliser.

I have bought a Medela PIS Metro Bag, am wondering are Avent bottles compatible with that? Can fit in directly? I'm thinking of getting the Newborn Starter Kit. Experienced mummies here, can advise if what is the recommended number of milk bottles that we need? 4 or 6 is a good number to begin with?

JJ, maybe this detail scan is done a bit later that's y didi is bigger?

JJ,haha..I think bb knows their names being made fun of..wahaha~~~ "p

glitters,mine also head bigger,but gyne didn't mention anything..

Babynini,I think we need 4 big bottles,2 small ones.Thats what my preggie mummies guide book says..

Hi Evvie (evvie)

Me too starts to have rashes on my tummy..but i suspect is the palmer's stretch mark cream..cos my rest of the body did not get. But strange thing is i apply quite a while then just few days ago only get the rashes. So now i stop using liao.

Need to find a good alternate when my rashes heals. Now UGLY tummy! Sob!

My gynae told me specifically not to use palmer. He said too many women develop rashes from it. Do change brand n stop using it before the rashes get worse.

Evvie> Rashes are common in preggy stage.. . I have it too cause I get heaty easily its also call heat rash... even before preggy I also have it already.. now a bit more... 2 inch below under bustline and some on legs and hands.. its just here and there that sort.. like tiny dots.. I dun use palmer.

I apply hazeline snow cream to apply (i store it in the fridge) mu mum say more safer than applying other stuff... at least more betterfor the skin.

I am using bio-oil. Saw some recommendations from other threads and not as expensive as clarins. So far so good but i find it a bit oily. Might wanna try clarins also if i finish this bottle.

Glitters & Babynini > My baby's head circumference is bigger than the charted average too. Follows after me, hehe!

I absoulutely love my Clarins tonic oil. Have tried Clarins cream, Palmers, and bought Elancyl (have not tried yet). The oil is still my fave. I just love the spa-like aroma. Do note that such oils and creams do not prevent stretchmarks though, nothing does. More to moisturise.

For bottles, I've bought 2 big, 2 small ones from NUK, with 2 addiitional size 2 teats.

ok girls, after a discussion on fb, it's decided that it will be a weekday dinner, 2nd week of march, 8th-11th mar, one of these days.

7th is out for quien. any other days out for anyone? or anyone else wanna join us?






Qiuen (TBC)


JJ(marchbb) (TBC)

Clare68 (TBC)

winniepooh (TBC)

chiladi (TBC)




Singapore's weather is very humid n hot.so a lot of Singapore mummies get the rash coz it's too rich.I was using the massage lotion,and it was fine as the weather here is dry.but weather has changed to abit warmer lately n I changed to palmers cream formula,guess it's too rich so getting rashes.

I think I will try olive oil.

Piano jazzy,was using bio oil also,but I stopped coz it has vit A in it so I stopped.

well if it makes any mummy feel better, this is the state of my limbs now.. i itch EVERYWHERE regardless of whether i applied anything..


actually, this is a pic taken end jan. so actually the rash situation is way way worse now. my cam no batt so i cant take a new pic of my ruined limbs.. whole of CNY visiting i had to endure relatives asking me wat on earth i did to myself >.< and all of them say i very rich now cos got a lot of 5 cents 10 cents haha.. my hubby has taken to making me wear gloves when i sleep. but it doesnt seem to have worked cos one night he woke to check on me and he happen to catch me taking off the gloves, scratch scratch, then wear back, all while i was still asleep! lol


Babynini > for me is simply because I believe IKEA met the international safety standard. Also I find it easier to shop at IKEA cuz the item and write up are all very clear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alteriel > I'm fine with the gathering too as long as it's not Friday (got church stuffs every Friday night)

Baby Fair etc > dun forget reminder when it's nearer to the date lol

