(2011/06) June 2011

Clare, Thanks. At least I am given the chance to do shopping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Chin Ling, I am so gonna sign up for a hospital tour too but perhaps during my next holiday in March. I hope it wont be too late for the hospital tour though. Do share with us when you have visited Thomson medical as I cant decide between Mount A and TMC for the delivery yet.

Oh yah i finally finish compiling sufficient maternity clothes to tide me through the pregnancy (super happy cos i am a pretty lazy person). all 2nd hand purchase from other mummies. i think so far I feel that the clothes quality are pretty decent and much affordable for my tight budget. So as promise earlier I will share once i finish compiling. http://christineandvitor.blogspot.com/2010/12/princess-christines-maternity-fashion.html

I wish I can know baby gender soon. A slow torture to ponder on daily basis. I want to start buying his/her little clothings soon!!!

Finally a happy 2011 to all mummies! I cant think of a happier moment of having a baby in our tummies to company us into the new year ahead.

Wahh all mummies discussing abt gender. Mine was a bb boy, according to the DNA result. But well, was admitted on Wed morning to remove fetus, but onli completed it on Thurs night, due to fetal abnormalities, as some mummies know. The wait is torturous. Am resting at home now, and trying not to tink too much abt it.

Anyway, Happy New Year to all mummies! May all mummies have a smooth pregnancy & delivery in May/ June 2011! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raynsky,try to let it out with ur loved ones around.my husband told me the last time that it was ok to pour out everything u feel,don't hide n bottle everything up.watch comedies films.It took me quite awhile to get myself back on track.

Time will heal everything n ur body will also heal for the next bb..

Happy New year to you..

Chin Ling, thru CVS and chromosomal test. My bb is found to be thalassemia major, so got to abort.

Thanks Clare! Yup, took an additional month of no-pay leave, hopefully can go for a short trip. Happy New Year to u too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raynsky, rest well and after your mini confinement, you may want to take a break from work with your hubby and go for a short holiday to get a breather. i agree with clare that it will be good to pour things out to ur hubby, family or close sister friends (whoever you can relate to best). I hope the next bb will come soon for you and ur hubby in the new year. *Hugz*


I'm totally amazed by your collection n how cheap everything worked out to be!!! Can u share some of the 2nd websites that u purchased them from?

Christine. Omg u have spent so little for ur fabulous wardrobe. Must not let hub see it or he will nag nag. Hee

Bleah, just vomited few hours ago T.T feel very, very sad and very, very cheated by the general consensus that second trimester is 'honeymoon' period lol

I still can't take milk also, not even soy milk. Everything will come out like waterfall.

For those who are planning to buy insurance for baby, I would suggest to read this first: http://tankinlian.com/Admin/File.aspx?id=60

I personally find the article very useful. For my baby, I'm only going to get a hospital coverage.

I still have another 2 weeks before my gynae visit. Hopefully this time can tell the gender loh. Everyone already asking me if it's a boy or girl and my answer still "I dont know".

BTW, anyone attending this? http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/pregnancy/view_events.asp My husband asked if I wanna go but I'm not sure yet if we need to as we are planning to go for prenatal course anyway.

Wah Christine you bought so many new clothes, I feel under-prepared lol so far I only bought 2 dresses lol

By the way, anyone else going for TMC prenatal course? When are we supposed to register? (I called ParentCraft and they advised to go for March session for June baby)

I'm delivering at Mount Alvernia but decided to go to TMC for prenatal class because AMK hub is more convenient for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning everyone!!! Its a fresh NEW YEAR! Hope all the mummies here have enjoyed all their wonderful new year's eve!

Im going for the detailed scan next monday and really excited about it! Hope next Monday will come real soon!

christine, wow your maternity wardrobe is impressively nice and cheap ! kudos for the hard work ! im re-using all the hand me downs i got from 1st pregnancy, v tempted to get new pcs...

hi mummies,

happy new year to all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

could you add me to the list? have been reading the thread occasionally, but was too tired and sick (very bad MS) to post

EDD: 19/Jun

Baby #2

Gynae: Dr LH Chen

Hospital: TMC/Mt A

raynsky, *HUGZ* take care of yourself, give yourself some time to recover and then try again.

Christine, haha you have an interesting collection. i have a bunch of maxi and babydoll dresses but sometimes it gets boring. i'm looking for a well cut pair of maternity berms, and maybe a pair of denim tights.

Claire, heads up. hopefully your ms will abate soon. maybe lots of bed rest will help. i made myself some ginger tea to sip after meals to reduce the gassy bloated feeling. just smash some ginger and soak in hot water. using a hot water bottle on the stomach also helps.

my DH ban me from getting any baby stuff till our next checkup which is next tues. hopefully the doc can tell us our baby gender and that everything is well and healthy. sometimes i get scared that bb is not developing well cos i can't see or feel it.

anyways, once we know the gender we can go havoc in shopping and redoing the baby room!

On placenta, I told hub before that some pple take back home and eat it.. He was like yackys @.@ Hahah I cannot imagine myself comsuming it too :p so I think for the moment I will have a pass on the placenta plus I dun have very strong tummy.

Have already sign up the Cordlife event... well I still dun know if we want or not to keep the cord blood. I tell my hub we will go to the event spent a S$20 to listen to it and than decide if we want to keep the cord blood. If not than we waste the S$20 rather than the few thousand dollars.

Maternity bra> I wish to check on Maternity bra cause I have not brought mine. Its the first time I am buying so go so many question to ask. Do Maternity bra come in cup size and padding?? Cause my usual cup size is smaller than A. So if I buy Cup A Maternity bra than no padding than will look very flat right if I put on my tops... So do Maternity bra come with padding so we look fuller LOL.

christy: the maternity bra i bought from BHG has no padding. It comes in cup size but think the smallest is B. The other one that i preffered is the Wireless Bra from Uniqlo (more exp, about $25), look more like sports bra. Its slightly padded and comfy.

Quien> LOL Wah if I buy the Maternity bra fm BHG with Cup B than will be lang lang Hahaah can put small chick into each cup.

Now I am still wearing my normal bra with extension bra hook coming to my 3rd hook liao LOL my cup have increase but not a lot.. but the underbust expend very fast LOL.

I am still fine wearing wired bra at the moment.

Any more places to recommend the bra.. and will I still need to buy more Maternity bra next time for expension?? Aiyo me very kuku.

how abt wearing sports bra??

am starting the feel bb kicking eh..so exciting..hubby was initially listening to heartbeat when bb gave a small little kick..

Ting> Sports bra can? Will be tight or not hmm cause later expension... On average I put on 1 kg everytime I visit my gyne....

Oh also want to ask... Maternity bra and Nursing Maternity bra different right.. do anyone buy Nursing Maternity bra as their Maternity bra?

Ting> BB cot am getting a hand-down one from my hb friend.. will need to give it a clean later bring it home (personally feels cleaner my mom tell me to buy dettol and clean the bb cot and the mattress will buy a new one) Price abt S$400+ according to our friend from another gf she also got a BB Cot at abt S$400+ too from Expo last year.

Car seat I also got hand down fm my BIL I wash the cover cause very dirty now look very clean. Its a Chicco Brand last for more than 4 years liao so very good brand I would say most of its is plastic only for the bb seat belt just like our car sit beat which I cannot wash... so I will get a cover for the bb car seat belt.

christy: so lucky to have hand me downs. I am the first in close friend to have kid so i have to be the pioneer to buy all the stuffs.

will go back and check the brand, cant remb now.

Qiuen> Not very lucky la cause those NB wear I dun have le still looking for it. Office no hand down... so got to sort to my hub friend... who have 2 or more kids liao... My friends mostly just have 1 kid I believe they would want to keep it for their next one.

Oh by the way do you all still have pain on your ab area (I encounter cutting pain slightly above my pubic hair) yesterday started and off and on. Than today just now I encounter it again.

Oh I have a question... LOL What does breast pad do?? Is it to put in the bra as padding and to suck up the BM flow??? Kuku me..

christy: i get the pain on my right side. Most noticable at night. dunno why too

breast pad: errr i think ya. cos will leak milk after giving birth??.

Qiuen> Aiyo cause this pain is more pain then the usual one... Sometimes very worring le dun know if normal or not.

Hahaha cause weekend I went walk around in the mall and every item I pick up and see and think what is this for and what is that for.

Maybe got to wait for experience mum to come and help us on some of the question Wahahaa.

bad start to 2011 for me! I got runs this morning, had it 4 times in a span of 5 mins & decided to see GP who only give me charcoal pills. my tummy is still churning now. by tonite still churn have to A&E liao

maternity bra - i didn't get any, i brought bra (wired, non-padded) 1 size bigger & later on add extension if needed.

nursing bra - since i'm only allowed bathe once a week during confinement, its too hot for bras at home. only had 1 nursing bra which i wore for my post natal check-ups & those times that i must go out. btw, there are reports saying that wired nursing bras can cause blocked ducts. i guess it depends on individual, cos i'm fine with it.

breast pads - i used disposable ones, to absorb the leaks. as i was not wearing bra, i stick the pads on my slighly tighter tees... you will come up with funny ideas then to make yourself more comfy! haha

bb's hand-me-downs - find them comfy as they are well-washed, very soft on the skin. but some chinese are pantang about choosing whose hand-me-downs to wear.

winniepooh: oh no. is it the stomach flu. When i had it last month, doc gave me charcoal pills, mixture to remove wind and pills to stop nauseous. Drink lots of water.

Hi have anyone experience indigestion? Its like the food stuck in my throat like that. so unbearable. if I can burp, will feel better, but if cant burp, will feel like vomitting. Is this normal?

qiuen- my future baby room already has a spare bed and drawer but it's also filled with my DH luggages and the ironing board. sigh! CNY coming so it's spring cleaning time. wishing that we can skip doing that.

i didn't get any maternity bra as yet but i did buy like 8 new underwired bras from La Senza. although i don't seem to have put on any weight ( my last weigh in 3 weeks ago was like 0.5 kg more) i did went from a 32 to a 36. it got to a point were i felt like i couldn't breath at all.

i have not felt much baby movements for the past few days so it does worry me. but i hope it's just we've been busy so not much time to settle down for a bit of bonding. i've tried singing to the bb even though i sound yucky. LOL!

for stomach flus, besides charcoal pills, my doc prescribed me some probiotics, but not live ones. she said will help to drive out the nasty bacteria. i've been also eating live probiotics that i get from the GP as well, to prevent stomach flu since the immunity is low now.

from the breast pump that my cuz gave me, i have a feeling that i will have to get everything first hand as well.

2ww- i've got that too. sometimes when i burp some of the digested stuff comes out so it's gross. indigestion is part of pregnancy. digestion is slowed down so that the body has time to fully absorb all the nutrients from food.

i've also had bad gas coming out from the other end as well. my only wish is that it doesn't happen in public.

winniepooh, im not any better, since morning running a high fever 39 degrees n can't take paracetamol due to allergy, also have cough n flu... all these just before i take the flu jab on thurs !

Hi mtbs,

Went for my detailed scan today. Measured bb lima and saw the head and listened to heartbeat! And we finally confirmed it's a boy!

christy: i didn't get maternity bras for my 1st, i used extensions and got bigger cup sizes. for nursing bras, they allow quick access for bf (usu a clip allows the front panel to be lowered) but as you get more experienced normal bras will do fine. for me i find that non-wired bras are much more comfy (got mine from VS) esp when i started bfg

re: breast pads

yes, u use it to absorb the bm leaking. i used disposable ones too, more hygenic

winniepooh: do take care and stay hydrated

Yah suzieduck, i also have bad gas over the weekend. But the food stuck in my throat part has been with me for the past 1 week. so unbearable. its especially so when i took rice for a meal!

and mummies, have you all been drinking milk everyday?

Hi all!!!

Wow! Just reading all the posts took me half an hour!

Went over to a friend's for dinner last night and she's a mother of two, so she passed me so many goodies. Some baby clothes, an electric Medela breast pump for me to try, the sarong sling from MIM and a baby harness! She says if I'm comfortable with the breast pump, no need to buy. Phew! I'm so happy with hand-me-downs but we have yet to get major purchases like car seats and strollers.

Clare68, I hope bb will cooperate too!!!!

2ww, I can't drink too much milk because it gives me bad gas and I will fart like nobody's business. Smelly ones too! And when the gas gets stuck in my system, it's really uncomfortable. Like what Lim Sze Yun says, sometimes, i cannot hold in the fart in public! Today I kena banned from the room cos hubby says my fart too smelly! haha..

So, I am taking Mums-2-be supplement with fish oil and calcium tablets, all prescribed by gynae. But I do take yoghurt, bananas, orange juice (the one with calcium), so its ok if we can't drink milk everyday, can get calcium from other food sources. =)

Winnie pooh, if you do not feel better, please check yourself in to KKH 24-hr women's clinic. Could be the stomach flu. Seems like a virus is going around. Drink pocari sweat, not water. Stay hydrated.

Everybody stay healthy before your flu jabs!!!!

OMG, Christine, I just have to post another post just to commend you on your incredible maternity finds!!! Kudos to you!!!! So hardworking!

Uziela, congratz! I hope I can hear good news from my FA scan next monday too!

the 2nd hand buys are mainly from this forum through the "Want to buy" catergory. Just post any items that you want to buy and all the mummies will reply you through emails with the pics of the clothings which you can pick and choose. For me I was pretty lucky that when I visited one of the mummy's house she happened to have so much maternity clothes which I could choose from. Bought 14 pieces from her in the end and I was surprise when she decided to quote me only $5 per piece as it was a hassle to quote the clothings piece by piece.

However, I will still be getting a few new pieces to pamper myself for the new yr etc =)

winniepooh, hope you will get well soon.

As for the gases, I do take veragel pill from time to time when i have wind in the tummy. it helps relief the wind fast and it's safe for preg =) can be bought at guardian pharmacy.

Bought a mix of bigger bras sizes and bra extension as it really gets so tight that it induces breathlessness. Intending to get nursing bra soon but wonder where to get nice pretty ones like i saw long time ago under those bulk purchase threads.


omg hanis, finally understood why i feel strain and pain on the muscles at the tummy region (not just at the lower tummy region). I dunno why but i feel that these days I feel my tummy muscles and skin like being stretch and taut that I feel strain most of the time. I hope this is normal but i wish i couldnt feel all these stretch so much that it really irritates me a little.

