(2011/06) June 2011

juniorRain - I wan those good durians, those we get during june time, those eat liao very shiok! I almost wanted to buy emicake pure durian cake just to satisfy my cravings hahaha



the other day i was flipping to my side and felt something turn as well...it was as if my bb turned upside down!

i dun seem to have gained weight. maybe coz' of my MS in first trimester. not complaining!

Victoria, thanks for the email!!

I am having craving for durians too! i prefer to eat those in their fruit form. But cant really find it outside coss it's off season.

Sigh cant put on too much weight too as I will be the jie mei for my friend's wedding this coming sat. If i put on more weight i may not fit into the dress anymore sob.

I am now looking forward to recieving packages of the dresses I have bought from other mummies online =)

christine - I've not gained any weight, last week oscar scan Dr Henry Cheng weight me & I lost almost 1 kg. I told hubby its normal, I still eat & I eat more than him but weight still drop which puzzled me too

qiuen - my hubby banned me from eating & drinking anything thats cold [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Winniepooh n junior rain,yes...the pure fruit is the best! I m still dreaming...

Qiuen,ice cream n yoghurt good...got lots a of calcium..I just had a small tub of yoghurt also..

winniepooh: hee. lucky my hub knows very little about pregnancy yes and no. So i can eat whatever i want. shhh...heee

christine: my gf is getting married next sept, and i really wonder if i will be able to help out then. gheez

qiuen - I better dun complain cos for now he still allow me to drink kopi sshhhhh, just have to give & take for now

Wahaha...lucky Qiuen!

Winniepooh,I got my mil to watch over the kitchen...haha...whatever I eat must get her approval 1st.

I get my hubby to make coffee n pretend he is the one drinking it then I have to hide in my room n drink...wahahaha...

clare - super heng I dun live with my PILs, their current naggings already driving me insane & hubby already told them off a few times liao. if stay together hubby can book a suite for me at IMH liao hahahaha

Winniepooh,understand how u feel.I feel like a thief in my own hm...now waiting patiently for my mil to go back to her own home then she is going to china for holidays followed by Korea!I even gladly help her to book her tickets!wahahaha...

I think old people don't realize that they nag.That's why cannot blame them.I hope I will not like that one day...

hello mummies, i was also craving for durian, last nite even drove to my usual fruit stall to see if they have... uncle say limited supply sold out n i should come earlier... so i will try again this evening !

Ann,hope u'll get ur durian this evening...* envy*

I guess I have to go carrefour to see got anot..hehe

So far,my ms is gone... I have gone back to the gym to do one hour of slow walk everyday to get some adrenline..coz it helps in our moods.so mummies can try when feel moody.hopefully can go start to power walk n swim once I get green light from my gyne coz of my infection..

Clare: i hope so too ! me will try to reach the stall at 7pm and i intend to just eat durian tonite. and yes, exercise does help a lot, i am also waiting for a week or two more before i start some swimming...

qiuen, i will KIV that... kekekeke...

JJ, glad to report that my boy is coping better, today is his 3rd half-day at childcare, crying has reduced though he is still looking for me all the time...

Hi June Mummies!

im from the dec 2010 thread. im consolidating orders for raspberry leaves tea which aids in a smooth delivery and breastfeeding, also helps in digestion and water retention. esp good for pregnant women. its recommended that we take 2-3 cups each day. these raspberry leaves tea are organic and are selling at $9.50 outside. i can get it at $8.00 (60g) which can make bout 30 cups... if ure interested pls email me at [email protected]


Hi mummies,

Quite sometimes i didnt log in..Last week Im having fever, flu n sore throat.. plus Im hvig brw discharge on the same day. Lucky my fever subsided on the same day but gyane wan me to rest more so Im on MC again.


Big Hugz gal.. do take care n rem yr confinement.


Dr koh can c yr bb gender on yr last visit ard 15 weeks.. i went last fri, he din mention to me any... hope i can c my bb gender on my nx appt this end dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


OMG, I oso 1st time hear this kind of news bcos of Ms than terminate the preg.. to me is cruel.


i same as u , that time i craved for ice-cream but hubby don let me eat.. i so upset..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

E'leen, paiseh to say this but i will try a few places tonight, i just realise and still thinking whether i should drop by BPP which is very near to my workplace to get the 717 durian and spend a bomb.

Jaymum, welcome back ! good la, got MC can rest at home , rest more rest more... btw, ice-cream can eat during third tri... np la...

Dear mummies, I am providing Weekend Chauffuer Service in a luxury 8 seaters MPV. Will be driven by myself. I can send your family to a location comfortably. Car seat and booster seat available for kid and baby. Pls sms me @ 90990650 or email me [email protected] to learn more. Limited slots available in Dec 2010 and Jan 2011.

hi all, was busy with meetings and online shopping earlier haha!just now went shopping during lunch time again, pocket burn big big hole cos bgt a lot for my gal and niece, that's the thing when u have gals in the family, ahhaa!

ann01jan, glad to know ur boy is doing fine, jia you!

wahaha, u're all talking abt durians!! i bought durian puffs over the weekends and was happily eating them! but i try not to take too much cos durians are sweet, i don want to fail my gd test later wro, so i'm watching my sugar intake carefully. I'm actually craving for chili crabs now...

JJ, i thot the way to cheat the GD test is to go sugarless a few days before the test, no need to prep so early right ??? i also dun want to fail my GD test and have to bargain with my gynae !

qiuen, just take note and try to eat ice cream with no eggs. some ice cream are actually made of raw eggs which is not good for baby. still, my hubby does let me eat the ice cream if i want but it just isnt my craving for the moment. I m more into soft drinks lol but i avoid coke becos of its caffiene content.

krex, i think i will be looking at confinement catering instead as i stay with my mil who can actually help me with looking after the baby and me. However, I will need to know well about how to go about with the confinement as she told me she is not knowledgeable about it but is willing to learn and help me. I have so far been stocking up those leftover herbal bath mix from those mummies who have given birth. Trying to get my hands on recipes for soup or drinks that will help induce breast milk too. As for the baby care time, my MIL and I will split the time into day and night duty. MIL will be made to nap in the and care for the baby at night for me so that i can rest well during the night and can have sufficient energy to bond with my baby during the day. I hope things will eventually work out well even though i am still worried about overloading my hardworking mil just becos we want to save some $$$.

urgh even though this is the rainy season, I still feel hot alllll the time. I wonder why??? I cant imagine confinement with no wind and aircon =( esp it is the hot hot summer time during june !!

I am eating a lot of prawn, fish crackers and the fried fish balls now. My dept secretary just ordered all these junk food using the left over budget. Stuffing myself in the face.

Anyone tried to refrain from eating anything because of hearsay? Some people even say that eating papaya is not allowed. Haha...

I only avoid raw oysters. My gynae allows me to eat sashimi but must be from fresh sources.

One of my colleagues refrained from eating raw stuff, even soft boiled egg.


Yes, dec bcm my rest month but stress if I gg back to work .. I trying to clear abit from home too cos I don't want to work late when I'm back to work..

Hope my body getting better than I can eat ice cream.. Hehe yumyum.. But I feel to eat now oso ;p


I booked mine.. I kaisu cos I scare I can't book one when .

drawing near .. My Cl is booked until Apr before I book her.


Dec gt lots of Sales online.. I bought some RL polo tops for my boy n Hùbby online.. v good buy ;) my boy polo tee at $25 to $35..

christine: oh, i didnt know that ice cream might have raw egg. I am mainly eating Magnum, Oreo Mcflurry and Yummi Yogurt. Tomorow i am going for facial and Mac is just nearby. Have a strong feeling i am going to snack on mcflurry again. heee

Gosh. Hope it doesnt rain. It rained on Monday and i was stuck at the MRT station for 20mins cos the trains are all packed. In the end i gave up and took a cab instead


Can I know why we can't eat papaya? I was so tempted to buy a pack of it just now but refrained cos it's pre-cut. I was thinking to ask my hb to go buy a whole papaya later.


Your hb still ctls your diet so strictly? Avoid taking cold stuff cos of lingering slightly cough. However I do find that I feel better drinking slightly chilled milk rather than warm milk. Warm milk will have higher chance of it going into the toilet bowl but the slightly chilled ones stay down.


I went for my 13th wk scan n finally saw babies waving at me. One of them was really actively dancing while the other took a little nudging. They look so adorable! Can't wait to see them again but will have to wait 7 weeks for the next appt! Argh!


I googled on ice cream before. Apparently it's safe to eat the hard ones but not soft serve as the latter can contain the bacteria listeria.

JJ, I heard my colleague said now nt much designs but u faster go n c any u like.. I rem I bot 2 polos tees at us$15each n with shipping chgs only ard $25 in sgd .. So I oso ordered big poly for my boy est abt $35.. For hb polo tee abt $70.. ;)


Great!! It's really a joy to c them waving to u..plus u r expecting twins ;) I oso waiting for my nx appt to c the gender, hope BB will b co-operative [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Excited. !!!

yeah. hub last meeting in town, got car ride home liao. no need to squeeze MRT. YIppeee. hee

syrah: opps McFlurry is soft serve cone. So cute, babies waving at you. Eh your next appt is 7 weeks? That is pretty long. Mine is 4 weeks apart

Syrah,wow! It must be very exciting to see both ur babies waving...sooo touching..

But y ur next appt only 7 weeks later?not usually a mth?ur gyne schedule packed.

Qiuen,I also like MacD ice cream....every time I walk past Mac,I feel like buying but after looking at my mil staring eyes..I dun dare to buy..haha

U guys made me hungry for durian! Hehe.

Anyway i thought we cant eat soft serve ice cream because it contains some kind of bacteria? Actually realise that sooo many things cannot eat. I think i miss half-booked eggs the most.

Jay mum, Qiuen, Clare,

Thanks for the well wishes. My hubby was so excited seeing baby 1 dancing away especially. He's insisting baby 1 must be a boy while the other shy sweet one to be a gal.

I waited 5 weeks before my appt yesterday already! Yes my Gynae is really popular in KK. Unless it's high risk case we don't need to see the doc that often apparently. I have another appt coming up to see a specialist though. Blood test came back that I have thyroid! May have to start taking med to control so that babies won't be affected. Another have this condition before?

Got up to wee wee n couldn't get to sleep so came in here

Diana, me too cos we were summoned to PIL house for dinner... Never got to see durians even... Should have gone to 717 earlier..

So far I only avoid chinese herbs, shelled stuff n soft boiled eggs, I take coffee, cold drinks, sashimi... Hubby no control cos he thinks it's ok ...


syrah> Can eat papaya but not too much... cause will cause jaundice in NB mostly eat even less during last stage of trimester. Same goes with ginger. I took papaya sometimes too.

Ann01jan> Seafood like prawns I take only... cause still my fav but dun take too much (seafood) cause will cause sensitive skin to kids next time. My SIL's daughter skin very jia lat le see till I want to bring her to dr myself.. hahah but her parents sis bring her to see skin dr. It really very very bad.

