(2011/06) June 2011

christy> where got girl dun like chocolate one! haha so i think urs is more boy than girl leh

eleen> eh ur mil very kiasu.. later come out girl then ur poor girl girl wear all blue then pple cannot tell is girl girl..

christine> thanks for explaining FA scan! wk 20 is still so so far away.. sigh

quien> haha i did the same thing this morning.. stare and stare dunno wat to wear.. sianz

a bit of diarrhoea and feel very bleh today.. icky taste in mouth plus left side of womb hurts.. dunno expanding or wat.. totally no mood work.. stare at one email for 5 mins then come surf forum haha *whine*


Hello mummies!

I stop my anti nausea pill (maxalon) for 5 days & thought it had stop. I was so so wrong! it came back with a bigger revenge now!! The pill is not helping much & whole day feeling nausea. I'm already 12 weeks & I just hope it'll go away soon ARGHHH!!!

ya Altariel, best if don't do, but i think my gynae will ask me to do, sian!!!

MdmKhoo and winnie, I still have ms, but only in the evening, i think i cant take homecooked food, if not i sure ms.

Hi gorgeous mtbs,

Have u felt the baby kick yet? I did! So super excited! Was feeling a fluttering/tapping and I pressed my fingers on the tummy cos I thought I was having a cramp when I felt the legs and it started kicking me away. Hubby also felt and he was so excited. But scared our pressing would hurt her/him so we stopped. Now can't feel much unless I am super still then can feel. Is that the way it actually feels?

diana - me too geh kiang lor, now totally regret it! now appetite is so small & tiny until everybody worry. wat to do, eat too full will puke, hungry also puke

uziela - I haven't feel baby kick but every scan can see baby perform sommersault inside me hahaha. last fri after my procedure when doc scan baby decided to lie flat on tummy... so cute!

JJ - I cannot take anything too oily, last nite mil cook macaroni soup with fishball, I manage to eat half bowl. my ms is whole day

Hi all sweet mummies

i just order 2 maternity bottoms from alpha mama..

test to see the quality and fitness first..before i buy more...seem quite cheap lo.



1 maternity jeans -$30, 1 maternity pants - $25.00

Ok right??

Where else can i get nice & reasonable priced maternity wears??

Hi Uziela (uziela)

Wow..so nice you can feel baby kicks liao. I am not sure the feeling i felt is kick or gases in my intestines leh. Cos i am constipated and alot of gases loh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I did feel some very very slight movements in my stomach...but i think is my gases instead of baby kicks wo. Sigh!

Hello Mumies. ..

good afternoon

how is everyone ???

Doing well ???

my son down with fever sia.

so sian.... early morning 4.40 am .. vomitted n kena my bed..

Hi Vitoria, did you buy the pants online or do you go down to Malaysia to make the purchase? I am very interested in getting a few pieces of working pants.

Even though i am now in week 16 still dont feel any kicking yet. I think any movement felt is more like gases moving around in the tummy. I am so looking forward to the passing by of 4 more weeks.

I also thought i have been through with ms, but i realise i still have waves of ms hitting me now and then. Poor appetite and it is making me loose a little weight =(

Let's hope all of us can be done with the ms syndrome soon. Oh yes any mummy have any idea that is there other any upcoming symptoms in pregnancy that may be undesirable other then stretch marks? I hope we can enjoy the rest of our pregnancy.

Eliomummy, hope your son gets well soon =)

Gynae told me that if it's 2nd or 3rd child, maybe able to feel around 17 weeks. For first child, normally 20 weeks.

Stretch marks the most terrible thing that can happened and it's permanent so first time mummy, please take care.

I didn't watch my weight during my 2nd pregnancy and it happened overnight! My gynae said that it's actually no point applying cream coz it's really depends on individual's skin. I think stretch mark cream do help a bit but important is also not to gain weight too much and too fast which is very common in the late 2nd trimester and the last trimester.

So far, I had gained 2 kg (now 2 weeks into my 13th week) and my colleagues had commented that I put on weight. I didn't tell them that I am preggy so they must have thought that I am greedy...heehee

matahari, like the first time, i dun dare to ask, will wait for dr to tell me... best part is dr will ask if i want to know... sigh, half of me want to know, half of me dun wan to face the reality !

altariel, in a sense i got my 'desired' gender the first time cos my MIL was super happy that we clocked a baby boy in my family. this time round, i dun think i am so lucky liao... although my hubby already standby everything that is girly...including her name...

Eliomummy, hope it's just a passin fever, then the little one will be ok liao... i hate diarrhoea and vomitting... a lot of logistics involved...

Just now i heard of a colleague's friend who aborted her pregnancy cos of severe MS... my gosh, until now still cannot accept such decisions...

Hi Christine

I make a order via email. Just email her the link on the website, she will advise you the cost and postage. Just transfer payment to her POSB acct and she will mail it to me.

If u intrested to know her email, pls let me know.

Hope the pants fit me well and the quality is good. Had bad experience online buying before..hope this will not disapoint me again!

I can't wait to be week 20 too...to feel baby's movement. Every day and night..i am worry abt how's my baby doing. If i can feel the movement at least i know BB is doing fine. Now it is like so scary to wait till next gynae appointment every time.

Ann..i am shock to hear that people aborted their baby due to serve MS..i know ms is so so so miserable & terrible but to abort baby due to is something i cannot comprehen leh..sob!

ann01jan, oh gosh!! i can't believe ur colleague's frd went to abort juse cos of severe MS!! I don't know what to say, I have very severe MS for my last preg, but abortion was nvr in my mind.


ya after gynae tell me is likely to b boy i oso somehow stop see gal's stuffs, oredi. But still hoping for 1 more confirmation during detailed scan, hahaha.


u feel pain on the left side of your womb? Cos on sat nite I oso feel pulling pain on the left side of the lower tummy on n off like afew hrs. I wonder is it normal to still hv cramps now.

I thought it was fast too but I think it was just lucky cos my hands were pressing at the right place at the right time. Hopefully can feel more regularly soon.

I didn't know bt the spicy food and choc relating to gender. That's new! I love eating chocs but now I don't anymore cos of the caffeine intake.

Anyway according to babybump (IPhone app), I gained too much weight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully won't get too much stretchmarks. Basically the great weight gain is supposed to start by week 20 so if u are worried bt the little weight gain, don't worry bt it.

altariel, for #1, mil brought all the pink stuff & i really got a girl... but after dressing her in pink, ppl still ask me, boy boy ah?

bb movement - i felt a kick last night. was surprised cos i didn't feel anything for #1 until about 22wks

Hihi Mummies

Sorry to interupt. I am frm Dec MTB thread. Have decided to give up breastfeeding want to sell my pump.

Medela Swing, bought in Nov 10'. (Local set w/warranty)

Selling at $300 with the breastpump bag, cooler bag & 4 x 150ml btls. Retail at $469.

Will throw in 4 boxes Granny Milkbags too.

Do PM/email me [email protected] if keen. Price negotiable. Thanks.

Victoria: do let us know if the quality of the clothes are good. The prices are reasonable. Been long time since i did online shopping. Fingers getting itchy. hehe

JuniorRain: i felt a pull on my left tummy too. But not too bad so i didnt tink much about it. Wonder what causes it.

Mummies I am providing weekend chauffeur services In a luxury 8 seaters mpv! Promotion Ok when the bill come then I take from u k! The last meal on board how much I gt to pay u?? this month

To know more pls SMS me 90990650 or email me at [email protected]

JJ, i also in quite a bit of shock especially now i'm also pregnant... my colleague said she couldn't take it so she terminated her pregnancy (btw this is the term my colleague used, not abortion, wah biang what's the difference manzzz)... what if the girl or boy turn out to be a very guai guai kid ?

ann & JJ, maybe it is more of a health condition than discomfort? my colleague's daughter MS was so bad that she was repeatedly hospitalised, but she din terminated her preg.

First time i heard of termination of pregnancy due to MS. and the gynae actually allowed it to happen.

So irresponsible

omg ann ur colleague is so terrible! juz now at lunch my colleague was still telling me she ms all 9 months throughout her pregnancy for her first kid lor..

juniorrain> yeah i still get crampy sometimes.. dunno normal or not.. whole day keep pulling.. so irritating

eleen> i think most babies look male when young leh! so even if its girl dressed in pink also will look boy most of the time..

eliomummy> hope ur kid gets well soon!

E'leen, but then I don see why this is an excuse to terminate a healthy preg? I have an ex-colleague who have ms throughout her preg, she never tot of terminating it.

there are pple who want to get preg but they are not able to due to health issues, fertility issues, etc, I had seen one of my gfs who went thru all sort of treatments, tests and still can't get preg. There is this lady who got preg, but 2-3 times she was preg, 3 times she have stillbirth complications which all 3 bbs didn't survive and in the end she went to adopt a child. She shld consider lucky she is having a normal preg and she terminated it cos of ms?

i just went over to ask my colleague about her friend again, she said her friend was under a lot of stress and they went ahead to terminate... i dun know if the gynae can interfere in such decisions ?

JJ, i feel a lot for the stillbirth cases cos my friend went through it and it is very very tragic... but she is so strong, she recovered well and is on her way to try again..

ann, i'm not sure if gynae can interfere in this kind of decisions or not, but i guess it's up to the couple to decide bah.

That's great for your frd! Not many pple will recover from stillbirth cases.

JJ, we were all so worried for her, then one day she told us she is ok liao... then she went for 2 holidays 6 months after the whole thing, now she is trying again... she even has a blog for her little little one...

actually, for all we know, maybe that fren terminated the preg due to some other complications that she didnt want to tell others so she used severe ms as an excuse..

JJ, I tried very long for #1, so I understand the pain of trying & seeing ppl gg for abortion w/o health reasons as irresponsible. then i also saw ppl giving birth to kids for the govt bb bonus & not caring for them after that... not everyone deserve the gift of children.

Well, I guess everyone has their own choice and their own life. We really can't feel it for the others. I was telling my colleagues just now that during the delivery of my 2 girls a few years back. I didn't use epidural or any pain relief, just the laughing gas and although my hubby, the nurses and dr were all around me. I know that they can't feel my tremendous pain. I guess it's also the same when we are about to die. The family can't really help you and you really got to depend on yourself and your mental strength. Everyone is different and so it's better that we be strong ourselves and encourage the others.

BTW, it's really a good experience to go through. I always thought that we as woman should try to experience labour pain since we are the only gender to have the "opportunity" to experience it. But of course, it's really individual choice but from my experience, the labour will be quite short. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My first experience, I took some time because I don't know how to push, but maybe 5 mins was all it takes from crowning (baby hair is visible) to actual delivery of the baby. The 2nd time, it only takes 2 pushes.


ya, I was also surprised that they want a didi. My elder said that because she has a meimei already so she wants a didi. My younger girl actually said that she wants a didi and a meimei. Very funny but I told her it's either a didi or a meimei and I am not going to have a 4th child. I am wondering if she knows that my attention on her will be reduced when the new baby arrives.


Hubby not back yet...

dun noe how come these few days he been back so late... haiz... my dinner always after 8pm... he never call me if he doing OT anot lor...

I also cant understand about the abort due to ms reasons. Like E'leen, I also tried very hard trying to concieve. For me it is more about the work stress issues that makes it difficult for me. But i guess it is true that short hollidays abroad helps in conceiving as it is consider the best stress free period. i almost thought about quitting to concieve so this was really good news.

I also have a colleague who had stillborn and hence i guess i need to be extra careful as i know the emotional experience is really too much for any mummies to take. perhaps becos of this, i always feel paranoid about the well being of my baby as i felt that anything can happen to it during pregnancy.

Vitoria, my email address is [email protected] please do drop me the email as i am pretty interested in ordering. thanks!!

Morning mummies! I just received my maternity clothes from ASOS! I gotta say that their quality is good for the price (sales items). Not like the boring maternity clothings I see in Singapore... hee

Morning everyone!


that day i craved from chili crabs & for 2days I ate chili crabs. Hahaha. Then now i crave from durians by difficult to find cos nt in season. so yesterday i wen to durianlingers in bt timah. quite ex, so ended nv buy. I guess tis wkend hv to go geylang to find. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clare n mdmkhoo,

hehehe......... i have the craved since last sat still hv nt satisfied my crave yet. My fren suggested i buy durian puff or cake to eat but i feel no shiok lei must eat the real fruit then shiok, wahahah.

