(2011/06) June 2011

Altariel, I thot bb dun head down so soon. now is side ways rite? Previously mine head down at 28 weeks


nope mine not sideways leh.. literally sitting upright.. so probably thats why i can feel her kicks so strongly at the tummy haha

yeah gynae said latest should head down by wk 28 liao.. so if by my next scan in mar she still dun turn then i can start to panic

Wah lots of reading to do.

Been feeling sick since yesterday, went home with a headache & fever. Think i have not been drinking enough water, cos i was so thirsty when i got back home. Woke up several times in the night just to drink water. And gave up sleepin on my left, just slept in whatever position i felt comfy. heee

Seeing TCM near workplace in 10 mins, told to go back later cos now alot of pple.

regarding why we should sleep on the left. Found the answer on web.

Some doctors specifically recommend that pregnant women sleep on the left side. Because your liver is on the right side of your abdomen, lying on your left side helps keep the uterus off that large organ. Sleeping on the left side also improves circulation to the heart and allows for the best blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys.


qiuen > take care and drink more water, or they say red date tea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

I got 2 packs of huggies new born diapers (unopened) to let go at $5 each.

Also letting go of pigeon nipple care cream(unopened) at $12.

Do PM me if interested. Thanks.

Hi Suzie, don't be upset and don't blame yourself for not being in the best of health.. With so many virus around and the little one absorbing the nutrients from you, it's not your fault to fall ill.

Be happy and eat happily.. leave the weight losing headache to after the pregnancy! hehe that's my strategy.. This is the time to eat all you want and gaining weight with nobody saying anything! haha.. and it's good to eat good food, of course! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Altariel, you must be feeling relieved and happy to see your baby so happy! so do we have to fast for the detailed scan? Or is it only for your gynae?

Rata> no la next appt i'll be halfway between wk 26 & 27 only.. im at 21w2d now

eileen> no need to fast for the detailed scan. the fasting was only cos my gynae wanted me to do fasting sugar test this month then need to draw blood lor.. for scan itself no need

Suzie,cheer up.I m also emo sometimes.

Qiuen,take care..hope u'll get well soon.

As for the support belt,I also think that trying out before buying better because it will be a waste if u realise.

anyway,if mummies are interested,I think there 2 buyers on the tw yahoo website selling : -



If interested can pm me,then I will order and bring back in feb for u.

Finally get to see my bb today,everything seems smooth,guess it was because my dh was around..haha..He is now 400g.Its amazing to see his eyes..can see the eyes moving and the doc pointed out his eyeballs to us..wow..quite an experience.

Christine > Oh I'm a teacher too. Was also sick from late Dec till beginning of term. Till now, my persistent cough has not gone away. Moreover with kids around us all days, more prone to getting sick, I suppose.


congrats! must feel wonderful to have a boy and a girl at the same time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


1) diapers: i used nepia NB for #1

2) nappy rash cream: drapolene (it's more of a barrier cream. desitin is harder to clean off)

2) infant formula: sorry can't recommend any coz i bf all the way


ur dd will grow up to be a real beauty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummy stroller shopping already? I need recc for good ones that can be used from birth to around 3 years. I prefer single stroller and those non-system. See soo many stroller confused liao lol

For breast pump I more or less decided on Avent electric one (1 only, no need 2 lah hahaha) and cot wise I'm thinking of getting IKEA ones (now waiting for IKEA sale, BY RIGHT should be coming soon cuz last year was around Feb March)

My baby moves already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at first was exciting but after a while a bit irritating especially when I'm trying to sleep lol but reassuring also la to know that baby is healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my neck pain is getting worse and I experience dizziness also... Slight hair drop too (but not in an alarm stage yet *touch wood*) but my close friend who is a hair dresser said it's pretty common.


I felt baby kick only at week 21! And even then i couldnt be sure becos its just light flutterings! Now at week 25, i feel baby more frequently already and the kicks are stronger. Week 19 is still early, dun worry! =)


Congrats on the great news! Am so happy for ya!


Im starting to notice more preggy moms at tpy when i go to work in the mornings! Heh. And pls get well soon! Take your Vit Cs!


Great bb shot! So cute! Can collect all your scans and show your baby next time! And shes putting on more weight now! =)


can see bb eyeballs already ah! So amazing! Mine like eyes still closed, gynae says maybe this or next week will open =)

Morning ladies

claire,I also also waiting for ikea sale to get some stuff like bb cupboards etc etc..lol

Ashley belle, yah.but the gyne tell us,his eyes got white white circle thingy and moving,thats the eye balls..we were like kids in amazed n say:wah...oh...haha.I think his eyes were also closed but can scan thru like his organs.Gyne showed us each part of his organs and measured them.

morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

claire, i thot stroller shopping no need so fast, can't remember which thread i was at, they say stroller can wait till baby is born then buy... so either i wait for mar/june sale or after baby is born, since my edd is end june. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

do keep me in the loop for ikea sale, wana get baby cupboards too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and girls, i tink i felt my little one move last night but i am really not sure... only 17wks5days. still looking forward to my 20th week for the detailed scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


don't worry. different ple will feel it different.. perhaps there are faint movement you didn't recognise or you were busy walking around. I felt mine in ~wk17 coz i MC two days at home from flu. So i kept lying down and later felt something in tummy. most books described as butterflies in stomach. I found a description that fitted me best: goldfish in stomach. Friends laugh but that's how I recognise =) don't worry, it's still early..

was window shopping in mothercare paragon yesterday for fun.. it's helpful knowing some info off hand from this forum. At least I know what i'm looking at =) gotta collect all the said-hand me downs then can start purchasing.. Didn't think of buying breast pump so soon coz my colleague had a breast pump spoit just weeks before the 1 yr warranty was up. but i read somewhere that warranty can start later after purchase, is that so?

Morning ladies. Seems like I m having stomach flu again. Been having the runs since last night. Found my old med and it was dated1st dec. Gosh. 2 mth in a row.

But no worries. Feeling better after eating charcoal pills.

Milktea, the baby products (SHEARS brand) can be found at Robinson's sale at expo, happening now. I went yesterday and bought the hooded towel, washcloth set and the hairband sets..cheaper than price stated at website, but I do admit, I was being extravagant at buying. Hahaha..can obviously get cheaper alternatives..

But, overall, the Robinson's sale not too fantastic. Although Nine West shoes are going at discounted prices..

Busy busy at work...later mummies...

crazy. just found out all the lactation rooms in office are booked up, and they are booked by people not yet due, much less coming back from maternity leave?! gosh why is everything in such a kiasu mode... CL/Nanny/Infant Care must find early, now even lactation room? Wah maybe I should start looking for Primary and Secondary school lo.

HHHAHAA... this is nuts.

will just book the room during maternity leave loh.

shymz & ashley> thanks! hee hope she'll grow up healthy and pretty!

bless> i started feeling the baby's flutterings in wk 18, then hubby could feel them from the outside from wk 20 onwards.. but i guess everyone is different so dun worry so much abt not feeling it yet ya

chilli_padi> why ur lactation room muz book wan? cant all of u line up and use or something?

quien> get well soon! drink lots of water!

im super duper tired today cos was coughing very very badly last night and barely slept at all.. sighz. why isnt today friday? bleh.

hi syrah

gong xi ni..very very fortunate to have long feng tai leh..haha..soooooo envy

hi bless

me is week 19 4 days..

i also haven exp anything leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i also very kan jiong..next tues my ds le..then

i ask gynae..

hi chilli

wah u so early can exp liao..sometimes i gt abit cramps then awhile dun have liao..is it bb movement...wahaha

quien rest more and drink lots of water..cny coming soon le..must stay healthy..hehe

Dear mummies.. would like to check if anyone might know where can I get luggages at good price? My 20-yr Samsonite finally decided to retire yesterday so I need to buy another luggage for my trip next week.. Any suggestions?

Eileen, u want to try at carrefour?

Hanis, i think seaweed is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


There's this shop call DNF marketing at Siglap where all the aircrew and pilots get their luggages from. At least 20-40% off for major brands and I think additional discount if u got frens etc who can give u their 'SIA' crew pass number. I got a lovely Samsonite there for a pretty good discount. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] They do repairs and stuff too.


Is it a 3D scan? I would love to go for a 3D scan & see more of bb! Right now I can't even make out his features properly! Lol.

Qiuen,try to drink more water.if u tummy don't feel well,can ask ur hubby to dry fry spring onion(unchopped) with lots of salt,wrap them in a cloth and leave it on ur tummy for awhile.It is not that hot for tummy but just to warm ur tummy so it feel better and the heat lasts longer.can refry again when heat is all gone.rest well..

Hanis,wow!!u're on a shopping spree already?lol

I think those seaweed is really high in salt and oil content if I m not wrong.I think have to read the nutrition content table o the packaging.It is good for us to take seaweed but I think in moderation for this kind of seaweed.

Bless n Joyce,like what chilli padi and Altáriël said,everyone is different so don't worry too much.

Got my 2nd hand pram,car seat and cot from my friends..whew..so I just need to buy small stuff now.

Think we have discuss about bm pumps before.but cannot really recall..I want to get manual pumps instead because I can only bf for a max of 4mths later on I will have leave my bb with my hubby and I will have to go back singapore to work (I cannot take anymore leave as I have already take 2years unpaid leave already),can only come back to taiwan to see my bb on alternate months so I cant bf anymore*sad*..so I think I will invest in manual pump which is more practical since I wouldn't use that long.

Can I ask if medela or Avent manual pumps will a better choice?or is there no diff since its manual?Thanks mummies..

Clare > Am shopping for strollers now. Shortlisted to Combi Miracle Turn, Capella 707 & Peg Perego Pliko Swtich. Two must-have features for me are:

1) 360deg swivel wheels

2) reversible seat or handles

Not too concerned about weight, as I don't think I can manage a lightweight one with baby on my own anyway haha.

ashley belle,its the normal ultrasound leh,maybe u can ask ur gyne to show u on ur next visit..I think 3d scans can see the features very clearly but its all for us parents to see..lol..

My gyne says doctors still use US to check bb's features for a clearer picture(for them I mean)

life is beautiful, altariel,

apparently there are quite a few preggies this year and those last year that are still using the lactation room. we have quite alot of ple in the whole factory floor. in the past they just queue for those few rooms, but heard there were a lot of miscomms of mummies heading to the rooms and find all occupied, so they actually came up with a 'system' to 'book' the rooms, like how you do with calendar events on repeat mode of certain 'meeting rooms' =) I mean, i'm not complaining la, seeing some posts here that there are offices that don't even have lactation room. But just find it just totally rediculous to block book a few hours everyday for their slot in AUGUST when they haven't even given birth!!


it's said that first time mums and mums on plump side can't feel soon. I fall into both =) But yeah it just depends on individual.. i think some books say you'll feel into 20+ weeks even. so nothing alarming.. but u can ask ur gynae when u have check up =) think the cramps are just stretching of skin or round ligament pain? i sometimes have that...


totally know what you mean by 'clearer picture for them". I had my detailed scan and i dunno what on earth was scanned (except spinal cord, fingers and toes coz the bones are very obvious on US). Otherwise they would be telling me "ok this is his buttocks" and I go 'where????". haha..

oh btw had my scan, confirmed a boy =)

Thanks JJ & Ashley, I will pay them a visit soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clare, you have a great boss who allowed you to take 2 years unpaid leave! By the way, will you be able to freeze the milk and your hubby feed the baby while you are not around? My colleague mentioned that frozen milk can last for a year!

Chilli padi,yesh!!my husband was like wah..ok..wah ok..as he point out all the body parts to us.lol..It like bio lesson like that.

Congrates in knowing ur bb's gender!

Moon,the 2nd hand I got is a capella s705.what I like is the one hand folding feature..my gf gave to me coz' her son stopped using it since 13 mths old.wah..kids really start walking fast..

hello mummies, busy lar.

milktea, pretty cot u bot!

hanis, yr shopping spree start already? haha.. next thing to invest is a big cabinet to keep the cutie clothes in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clare, ya agreed w Eileen, you can freeze yr milk n bring back to tw. bf can in deep freezer for 6mths wo losing their nutrients. u cant be w yr bb everyday, but he/she can hv mummy milk everyday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chilli_padi. wah seh.. i also 1st time heard that. actually i think yr col overbook lar, each ppl inside room mostly 30mins. n one person need one / two times per day. u cal in details then u will noe those mummies book over 45mins should be kick out!

my hub ytd nite finally feel the bb kick! n tis lil' one give the papa face. kick 3 times at one go! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chil n Eileen, oh..I didn't know can freeze the milk leh..wah...not a bad idea!okiez..like that I will consider electric pump..lol

haha.yah..I can take up to 2 1/2yrs of unpaid leave actually,but I very pai seh liao,take so long liao,so better go back to work.When I go back to work,my husband will most prob take 6mths of paid childcare leave,so we can take turns to take care of the kid lor.

clare, can freeze la. For deep freezer, you can store for 6mths, for normal freezer (fridge), you can store up to 3months.

claire, u mean u need only 1 pump, actually duo pumps will be bttr, cos when u pump one side using 1 pump, the other breast will tend to leak out milk and you need to use the breast shield to hold the leaking milk while you're pumping. that my personal tot la, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya clare. no waste the nutrients! lil' bit or more. is all the best for the bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i hv frenz who still pump even during bis trip then bring back. buy a really gd ice box so u can load all the goodies back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do check w the airline for their rules n regulations, afterall bf is liquid. muahahaa

hi mtb

just nw i went to take water..then i kana a serious electric shock with light flashing out and current thru my hands..then i duno is my heart beat or bb heart beat very fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

then after awhile i try feel bb heartbeat like nt so fast le..duno i sensitive or wad..

do u all tink its dangerous??

me sooo worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wah joyce, i hope u two will be alrighty. maybe next time yr bb will hv curly hair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dont worry much k, when is yr next checkup?

hi chil

my ds next tue..ah yoyo me reali worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i tell husband..he say his bb cant zzz liao cuz just nw heartbeat very fast..then i told him nw heartbeat like slower liao..he still say bb zz liao..hehe..

OMG curly hair bb..haha

Hi Joyce, if you are too concern, why don't you give your gynae a call and see what he/she says. Believe your baby will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chili Padi, about baby movement, I so agree with you! Mine sometimes feel like a goldfish splashing about in the bowl! Bluup bluup! Kekekeke

I just came back buying the luggage from DNF Marketing, thanks so much for the brilliant recommendation! Indeed very value for money!!!

Last night baby gave 2 hard kicks but his daddy was already asleep so missed the chance to feel the little one.. haha Today my boyfriend kept putting his hand on my tummy and shaking it "wake up wake up" hoping to feel the little monster! haha.. Seems that he has to be very patience.. I am not feeling the baby much yet.. only once in a long while!


Thats great! The place is really ulu, right. Lol. Its a good hidden secret in Singapore =)


Dun wory! Bb will be fine! But yeah maybe just to ease your worries, give your gynae a call?

Chil, haha...just bits here and there...not fully shopping yet..haha..Am going to check out furniture for nursery tmw...Gonna get a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a small little table-top with drawers..

Just had to write this in! I've been feeling baby move for about a week or so now, but hubby can't. But just now, I lay still, and put my hands on my tummy (baby will move when I put my hands and usually stop when I let go! hehe). I could feel her strong heartbeat and a little movement.

Then, I ask hubby to put his hand to feel the heart beating, suddenly we felt a little 'pop'! Hehehe... we were so excited! I felt it inside, he felt it outside! hehe..

JJ, thanks for the consolation. The area where I sit at the staffroom suddenly became mama shop! Haha..my colleagues bought seaweed and I also ordered from her, then we all started eating and cannot stop! I just make sure I drink lots of water though..

Omg Joyce, so scary...But i think your baby is soo well protected inside, your baby will be fine...you can just e-mail your gynae or give a call tmw..dun worry k?

Hi Joyce.. since the DS is next Tuesday, I suggest you inform the gynae then on your encounter.. I reckon the DS will be a very good indication on your little baby's health [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Since you are feeling fine, I think the baby should be well too.. Don't worry too much.. But if you are still worried, why don't call the gynae to push the DS forward?


Joyce dun worry slight shock is fine unless u almost fainted. Nb diaper I buying goon nw gmarket.com.sg got sale. Diaper cream I use 2.drapolene for normal day n desitin (blue) wn diaper rash along w California cream for face n rash anywhere else

