(2011/05) May 2011

Qin: Huh?? I dun understand wat chalet has to do with boxer?? Briefs cannot?

Guess whr we went to tdy? Bugis OG and tampines ikea (yet again and again!!!) hahahahaha... Oh, they really hv free bb food! My mum is so happy! Ya, cheap thrill.. Heee...

Jen: MUST enjoy yr time off tmr, k! Don't take hubby's call cos you'll b worried abt bb and rush hm one. Remember it's your ME time!!! Hee...

My hb found new excuse to go Jb tmr and nxt week :/

Qin: very sorry I can't attend yr son's bday party nxt sat cos hb's 老太后 wan us bk in Jb to 扫墓. Can't run away fr it. Very very sorry !!

Is okay e.v.a .

Boxer is similar to shorts. Hush puppies box fabric more lighter he prefer and use to it. His mum accidentally lost his boxer when taking out to dry.

Eve: LOL. Yah, must enjoy. I only get 1 day off in a mth, sometimes not at all!

Talking abt JB I was looking forward to go next mth but now the stupid CW bus change pickup and dropoff point. Ask my hb to drive in he say dun want. There goes my shopping trip to JB =(

Qin: U managed to buy the boxers?

Eva: yup but he inside got wear underwear so ok ba.

Jen: thks I buy it at og orchard point. Luckily u say og got I go check if not I must go marina square le.

Yesterday was a tiring but fun day for me and bb and elder son.

Eve: I wanna go bukit indah jusco. Next mth got one fri public holiday. If go in on sat will be super smooth one. I wanna go and eat A&W and walk walk. Already asked my mum and she agreed to help me take care of bb.

Qin: Oh ur hb wear on the outside? Just buy those cheap cheap shorts lah, can wear at home too.

Any mummies rem where the other mummies bought the yobaby yogurt? I tried cold storage but cun find. And anyone rem the name for the cheese baby can eat? I totally got no idea and recently have to sit with bb so not much time to use computer and my FB got prob, keep auto scrolling back to the top suddenly so very hard to search for old posts. Thanks!

Jen: how was your ME day? Enjoyed? Hee...

We went JB shop for furniture, eat seafood, shopped Jusco. Beri tired but bb likes zzz in the car. Al least makes my life easier. Hahahahaha...

Nowadays weather unpredictable. Rain during hot sunny day. Tink will last thru Ching Ming bah. Everybody must take care health.

Eve: Wow so far! I already sian half, imagine having to lug so many stuff from orchard. I think the next time I go orchard might be next yr! I went to NEX today. Finally got the chance to walk all around for the first time even though it was my 3rd time there. The first two times were with bb so only go isetan and ntuc and went off. So surprized by the speed we can reach there. Transferred to circle line and my friend and I were like huh we are here already? So fast!

Good hor, ur bb can slp in the car. I think ur bb looks like an angel when he's slping!

Oh yah, I bought a chicco talking driver from isetan, abt half price off and my bb loves it. He sat for quite long and drove the car.

Jen: I was jus bat to ask whe u get the steering wheel toy cos my boy loves driving too and I can't find a satisfactory wheel for him yet.

I also haven't been to all of NEX. with hb very difficult.

LOL.. All babies are angel when they slp... Becomes hell wrecker when he's awake!

Eve: Its at NEX isetan, near the baby car seats there! Better go early coz when I bought I saw two more there only. We were looking for toys at the toys section but cun find anything good. Then saw this and I told my friend must be at least 100 and was shocked to see it so cheap for such a toy, I think abt $40 and my friend bought it for bb. I came home and check the price online it was $100!

Yes yes, I always tell my hb our bb is an angel when he slps but he becomes a devil once he wakes up. LOL.

Oh yah, I was going to tell u my boy shakes his head when he's happy and when he hears songs. And in a diagonal motion like he just had ecstasy. Very funny. How u teach ur bb to nod his head?

jen: we din teach him.. guess he saw us asking him in tat manner, so he imitate bah. we seldom shake our heads so probably he doesn't know how also. hee....

he can hi-5 liao.. now start to do "bye bye" and "no more" ...so happy =D

when he's happy, he'll raise both his hands high up in the air and den clap clap. =D

viman: we jus keep doing over and over again, day after dayy. cos every morning, me and hubby will bid him bye bye when we leave for work. and we will raise his hand to wave too. take quite a while, mayb like 2-3 months already bah.

my fren who is selling the "learn to wink" tells me not to test baby what he has learnt cos tat will give him pressure and may refuse to respond.

Eve: Wow, my bb dunno how to wave bye bye or clap his hands. But he learnt how to hi 5 mths back and shake hand coz I kept asking him to do it. I think later I'll keep nodding at my baby. LOL. My bb can put his hand up and open and close his fingers to say hi.

actually, i tink my bb is slow in learning social skills leh... either he takes quite a while to learn or simply refuse to display them. =(

Eve, if ur bb is slow then mine is worse! I know those babies in FB are very very quick. I think ours are more of the normal side, except mine is extremely slow at sitting. LOL.

Eva: That's very good already...

Jen, Viman: my bb is 'regressing'...now, don't know how to do 'hi5' already. Everyday see me wave at him also refuse to learn. I tried to teach him to clap also don't know. He's best at screaming or screeching loudly. One thing he enjoys doing now is to push the chair around - to the detriment of my aching back...

Find it hard to focus with 2 kids. Teach #1, neglect bb. Teach bb, neglect #1.

Little fly: my bb also . Last time say clap hand hand he clap now I say he just walk away. Is really hard and tired to teach and take care of more than 2 kids

Little Fly: Mine also. He ever wave bye bye once and that's it. No more already. Last week he progressed very well in sitting then suddenly after a weekend he started to deproved! Sit like 1 min he fall down liao, no matter what toys I gave him! Last week he can sit 20-30 min on his own and on sat noon he can learn to support himself while holding onto things or the floor when turning. Now suddenly all dunno liao.

I very sian, told my hb off that he kept putting bb in exersaucer and not sitting with him, he still want to argue back.

Jen: same with as my hb, quite hopeless to count on him to teach my boys. *Sweat*

I think guys will take the easy way out.... so far, i am the one planning the marketing (what food to buy/eat) plus baby food preparation.. if i count on my hb, i think it would be either junk food or plain cereal all the way...

Sitting 20-30min on his own is a major achievement! If he has exhibited it, means he has learned it and now moved on to learn new skills. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little Fly: Same same. Everytime ask my hb what he wans to eat so that I can buy then he will say anything. But when I cook he will give me the 'wat eat this again' kinda attitute!

But now my bb can only sit a few min its ok already? I wonder if there's any other ways to let him sit better. But no more ideas liao!

lil fly, qin: i do agree the time and effort spent on 2 or more kids at the same time is really challenging. this one is already making my hands full!!

jen: how does yr bb react with other children around? mayb if you find him playmates, he can learn faster? my bb now wants to join the kor kor and jie jie in games whenever he sees them near him. i wish i hv frens for him too.. =(

Eve: Hmm, I think not much reactions. The most interaction he had was with his cousin who is 4 mths bigger than him. During cny she was playing and pulling a chair then my bb crawled over and pull off her hand and pull the chair on his own. In the end think they had a mini fight and my bb cried. I carried him away immediately.

That time during the yishun gathering my bb also like dun bother abt urs and serene's baby. LOL.Maybe we shld let our babies meet more often so that they can be friends!

Jen: ^5. My hb also do that. Cook dishes he don't like will grumble. He thinks I am the worm in his stomach knows what he likes to eat everytime... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eve: have a no 2! To keep no 1 amused ! Lol.

Qin: are u SAHM? I don't know how u cope but I always don't have enough time for both !

Littlefly: I m a sahm. The gd thing is more time and can born with kids and bb.

The bad thing is must know how to the same attention to both.

I just let both of them play together. But sometime bb want me more and I somehow neglected kor kor he get mad n cry.

I always ask #1 what he like. He like cartoon so I open for him sit beside him with bb and watch cartoon

good morning, mummies!!

today is tuesday... alamak.. i thot it's a saturday leh and laze laze on my bed, refuse to get up... den suddenly it hit me and jumped out of bed! heee....

lil fly: i would love to hv a no. 2 even thou 1 is tired enuf =D must jiayou!!

qin: OG gg to have sales.. think hush puppies boxer going at 1/2 price. in case, you still wan to buy.

Eve: Hows ur maid hunting? Actually if u get a maid u can start planning for #2 coz can ask maid to take care. Dun have to trouble ur mum coz I find not nice to give birth too closely if ur mum or mil helping u to take care.

jen: tats wat my mum told me yesday!! she said quickly go hv #2 since now getting maid. hee... sigh.. my hubby so fickle minded.. flipping betw yes/no get maid ... gggrrrr...

Hi Mommies, afternoon!

Had a very sian Sunday , lost my Iphone, which was brand new!

Only owned it for 5 days! SIANZ!!! but on hindsight, becuz its brand new, not much personal info inside, just some very cute pics of bb.

Baby #2: I also want to have no 2, but my menses not back yet after delivery, and I want to stock up on BM since I heard that when preggy with no2, better not to BF. Lazy to pump and not much milk ss.

Lately, my bb crazy one, sometimes "ahhhhhhh" very loudly like madman, and sometimes laugh for no apparent reason, sometimes sing song to himself, and now seems to prefer Daddy over me!!!

mummyzen: aiyoh.. heartache hor..jus new leh!

can store bm for tat long? preggy period is 10mths.. den add time between now and conceive..? sorry, i dun understand y cannot bf #2?

my bb also "aaaahhhhh" a lot, suddenly screams or letting out heavy sigh (??) and booo booo with water in the mouth. he'll jus drink enuf to quench thirst and keep some to boo.. every time he drinks must wet 1/3 clothes liao. dunno to stop him or to let him b till he gets sick of it?

if he prefer daddy now, take the chance to lay back! cos i tink is only a matter of time bb goes bk to you again. heee....

Afternoon mummies. It is only Tuesday.yawns...

#2: talking about giving birth again, I just visited my gynae yesterday and asked if there are sure hit ways of getting twins.lol..I think I'm crazy.love seeing twinnie pics. Find tha they look so cute and guess it will be very fun to grow up together.heehee..

Brought #2 for review just now.pd ask me to train her to walk. Let her walk in baby cot as she can stand n lean on me now. And these are signs that she is ready. Baby is growing up too fast for my liking!

Mummyzen: o dear..possible to trace your iPhone?I'm also very absent minded after giving birth to both kids. There was once I was in the car talking to my mum on the phone and suddenly started searching frantically for it, only to realize I'm holding it all along. -.-

Anyway,just to share. #1 did a sweetest thing yesterday.my face was beaming with glee and heart blaming with joy.lol..the story goes like this.

#2: ba ba ba ba ba ba ba

#1: mei mei, y? U don't like mummy is it?

#2: continues with her ba ba ba ba ba.

#1: I love you mummy.

Aww..my heart melted.and everyone in the house laughed.how much sweeter can #1 get.thinking about it now still brings happiness to me.hehehe...

Gathering: shall we have another gathering?missed the previous 1 cuz someone at home passed away..can't wait to meet up with mummies to chat non stop.hehehe..

Sunflower: u r interested too?heehee..I got some tips from gynae.but are not guaranteed to get as quoted by her.lol..

1) go for ivf.the daily injections aid in production of more eggs.so that u can store and have them placed in the womb at the no. u want. But not recommended for fertile mummies bcuz it is an expensive procedure n long journey.

2) take clomid.aids in production of additional eggs too.this medication is for those women who don't ovulate at every cycle.so for that cycle,if u happen to ovulate and after taking clomid,u ovulate again,dat is bingo.lol..but again not advised for fertile women because it is a drug and has got side effects.and it's not sure get too.

U want to have twins too?heehee..hb thinks I'm crazy.with 2 kids In alrdy going to b down with depression and now I'm thinking of twins!double the trouble,double the headache.hahah..but it's double the fun and double the happiness too!

jmummy: haa.. i dun wan ivf (if possible). not keen to take medications too.. hmm. yup, hb n i were hoping #1 will be twins. unfortunately (or fortunately??) no...lol. then again... i dunno if 3 kids will be ideal cos #2 might have middle child syndrome. oh well... will prob end up juz having 2. sui yuan bah :X

Hi may11 mummies,

Are you a fan of baby wearing? If so, you may like to check out our latest range of Korean baby carriers here. We are having an opening promotion now, do drop by if you can!

Thank you for your time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunflower: my 1st preg resulted in a miscarriage.2nd prefancy was a twin preg.but the other 1 didn't make it.so out came my #1.den #2 came along.hoping for twins again.lol..there isn't any history of twins in both my n hb family.when I conceived twins,I was on tcm for a month.it could b coincidental.lol.. If I'm going to have 4 kids,I'm not so worried abt middle child syndrome.but if I have 3,I will be worried for my #2 now.bcuz I feel from my actions that I dont love her as much.n I'm very guilty about it.but got no idea how to rectify it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

eve: read somewhere that it;s not good to bf and be pregnant at the same time leh.

Not store 10 months lah, maybe have a stash of at least 3 months supply and slowly wean to FM bah, not sure how i'm going to do it, get preggy first ba haha

jmummy: you also submitted for the "little fashionista " competition right? Which day are you scheduled to go down for shoot?

me going down on fri, around 4pm

twins: Geez, I shudder at the thought of shouldering 3 kids at one go -__-

twins: i want! i want!! longing for twins.. wouldn't it be so nice? ... i had bb J after taking clomid.. too bad, no twins.

jmummy: very sorry to hear about your loss. mayb you still pining for the other twin, tat's y you feel you dun love #2 enuf? pls dun tink tat way... mummy's love is very great one. no matter how, you will still love her one. =) mayb you are just too tired too. or mayb you are jealous of daddy's love for gal gal? =)

Wow u all longing for twins? When my gynae did the first scan and say mine is a single, not twins. I immediately say heng! We cun afford twins and I also cun take care of twins all by myself, and also I read morning sickness will double if u're carrying twins.

