(2011/05) May 2011

Morning mummies! now catching up with the posts. Haha, yes i bring pillow and umbrella. 2 must-haves for bb outing.

Mimosa: how's your discussion with your boss? hope he can support you maybe taking a sabbatical? can you consider IFC? working mothers get $600 subsidy.

Growth spurt: my bb wakes up once or twice for night feeds now.

Milk intake: my bb small drinker leh. Can't even finish 140ml [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Eve: are you getting a maid or you have worked out the caregiver arrangement?

Yday i was down with migraine. My mum volunteered to fetch bb from bbsitter. I told her bb won't let her carry she don't believe. End up bbsitter 'escorted' my mum back with my bb.... LOL.

lil fly: welcome back!! missing you leh...

my hb ok to get maid liao..yeah yeah!! now trying to get maid agency recommendation. he suggested getting a burmese but seems hv bad reviews on their efficiency. so mayb look for indo bah.

LOL tat the bbsitter has to "escort" them home! =D how come your bb dun wan your mum?

jen: however ppl tell u no worry, we still worry one... like me worry bb still bo geh! no big deal lah.. but slow also... so i can understand not sitting up at 10mth is worrisome. mayb really got to go cold turkey liao.

Eve: Just PMed you my sil's maid agency in case you need. This agent is recommended by my gf.

My mum is not the main caregiver mah.. my bb was bawling away when my mum tried to yank her from bbsitter. I must admit i am abit slack with this bb. Coz i don't devote 100% to him, i don't really know how he's like compared to my #1 who cannot escape my 5 finger mountain.

thks, got it!!

is like tat, if bb not familiar with yr mum, sure scream. my mil will insist on "snatching" my bb from my arms even thou bb is crying away, citing that he'll b alright in a while. sigh...

not slack bah, i guess is really tiring to hv 2 kids at same time + work. mayb me too when i hv 2nd one. heee....

Aiyo, I think I'm dying. Bb woke up crying at 3.30, 4, 4.30, 4.32 then I beat him up and he scream until dunno like what for at least 30 min. Then slp and wake up 5 min later. Got him back to slp and woke up 5 min later again! Then woke up at 7am, 9am, 10am, 10.30am, after that every 5 min until 11am I fed him milk. Woke up 10 min later. I ignored him and he finally went back to slp. BTH liao!

Little Fly: LOL. So cute ur bbsitter escort ur mum back. Ur bb dun even want ur mum?

Eve: Dun worry abt the teeth coz everybody will sure get their teeth. If u do read online, it says some babies get their teeth after their bday. In fact, I was hoping my bb teeth grow later so that he wun cry but too bad he's teething and cry and cry and cry. I want to enrol him in guiness world record for being no 1 crybaby in the world!

Hi mummies ,

My bb eat n drink alot. See kor drink packet drink got straw he want try so I give him try abit. But actually he want play straw only I not allow he cry.

So excited and tired . Countdown 10 days to bb birthday .

Whenever my #1 smell something smelly from didi diaper he will say didi poo poo but sometime actually is just smelly gas only . Haha

Bb know how to walk keep walking to destroy the house.

Little fly : Is okay de sometime when I need go buy food pass my bb to in law my also cry like mad.I let my bb get use with my in law they see me easy take care but actually is very tiring work

Eve: Last time I asked many times my bb cannot sit and everyone tell me dun worry. Till now my bb almost 10 mths still cannot sit, how not to be worried rite? I think 99% of the babies can sit liao, my bb is the 1%. Yest I also did some research, some bbs also cannot sit and they are also very worried like me.

Qin: U can let ur bb practice the straw. I also let me bb practice but must hold on the straw, let him bite a few times and he learnt how to drink from a straw, now using straw bottle to drink water already.

jen: how come yr bb sleep pattern like tat? got wind inside stomach? or teething really tat pain can't sleep? yr hb? slept thru' all these crying?

Eve: Not sure leh. Yest I even ask my hb to apply ru yi oil for bb before slping coz he cry too much yest! Dun think teething now leh, now got 4 teeth and no new cuts on gums. =( Dunno what's irritating him but he woke up at 1.30pm just now.

Jenny:my girl has the same sleep pattern as baby J!is it because they are both Js? I was so frustrated,she kept waking up for comfort latching!but I can feel she is teething since 2 mths ago!the teeth just couldn't cut thru. She just vomited on me,and her forehead feels cold.I think must be due to excessive crying last night, due to my refusal to latch her on..I faster applied ru Yi oil too.

Just want to rant: yesterday,hb volunteered to accompany mil to a wake of a distant relative when he can stay at home to look after the kids.every night without fail at 9pm, he would go downstairs to watch his favorite show even with my boy shouting for him,he couldn't care less and go down,always leaving me with 2 cranky kids.I accepted.because that's what a wife and a mother should do. But yesterday, he can forgo watching his favorite show and go to the wake of that relative where he didn't see her for donkey years!his parents could sense my displeasure and ask him to stay home. Not that I don't want him to go.but if mil needs him to fetch her there, I would have gladly obliged.but mil is already going with other relatives, so why can't he stay at home.fil didn't want to go too! Have not looked him in the eye and spoken to him since last night,,,

Mimosa: hope your problems have been solved.haven seen you here for quite some time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lil fly: hope you are feeling better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take lots of fluids!

Eva: congrats on a wish come true. But do take note of the new ruling on fdws now.

jmummy, i laughed after reading you saying that both are j so cannot sleep well. I understand how u feel about your hubby. Nothing much we can do except to rant coz almost all hb are like that.


i need to rant! I finally got a fren to translate what my maid wrote about us. I know it's unethical to read what she wrote but i just had to know what she is thinking after working here for a mth! Now i regret not reading what the previous maid wrote as she left because of not having a hp by her side all the time. My mil kept saying not to give as having hp by the side all the time will spell more problems and in the end she left.

Now this one i allowed her to use the hp after working hrs. she is young and playful n behaves like everything i ask her, she said she duno how to do. duno how to choose fish, duno how to buy vegetables, duno how to do marketing, duno how to cook. so i teach. She is fresh from Phillippines.

I thought she was ok and sometimes i see she is down, i talk to her. positive talks!! Turned out she wrote that i'm like an old lady, always calling her to do things! she wrote "maybe my lady boss is like an old lady like what other maids call their employers. Other employers call worse names! Heehee" .. gosh!

after that wrote why is my lady boss like that?? my husband and i are so shocked. I have never scolded her except for last fri when she pushed the blame of not cooking on time to my mum. But all that she wrote are before this incident with my mum.

she is often telling me she thinks she is lucky to be here and that other employers treat their maids worse. and now this??? what is this?? she told me her fren lives near our hse and wants to come my hse but she told her fren my employer will not allow. So i guess test water to see if i'm ok. That means she thinks i'm negotiable right? yet she say this abt me???

i can't imagine when she starts going for her weekly leave next time.

do u all call yr maid do thgs? baby sure has thgs to call her for, isn't it??i have already taken off many tasks that my previous maids did that she does not have to do. still not happy n often saying she cannot finish her work n sleep late. I also think she always finishes her work at 11,30pm whereas my previous 2 can finish by 10pm. the first one can finish by 9.30pm!

i duno what she do n if i stand there check one by one, i'm sure she has more to complain abt me right?? mummies, do u all call maids to do thgs?? pls correct my behaviour if i m wrong. i duno how to handle maids anymore!

Hmmm my. boy also cannot sleep through the night, ESP when I'm not next to him. He will cry and push daddy away and make whining voices, but when I appear in the room, he will shut up and sleep . Yesterday I slept with him throughout and he was quiet,.

Eve: Some babies are more “lor sor” – means once start can cry very long. My bb sitter knew his pattern so have to ‘escort’ my mum back.

It is difficult to focus on my bb development – I lose track of his milestones…he is almost same size as my neighbour’s kid who is 5mths smaller. My bb only weigh 9kg..is him on the small side?

Qin: must be quite exciting to countdown towards bb 1st birthday. I am sure #1 will enjoy too, it his first with his lil bro.

Jen/Jmum: bb stomach got wind? They get upset too when they don’t nap well…

Hb: sometimes they are too much! Have to show them ‘color’ if not will take us for granted. Its like our duty to dedicate our waking moments for our kids but they continue life as ‘swinging bachelors’. Appreciation works mutually...if hbs appreciate us, we'll reciprocate....

My #1 is also a J.I think he is a much easier J.lol....and I think could be due to wind too la.she keeps crying.put her on the bed cry.nv see me cry.no latch on, cry.haiz..how not to have wind... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lil fly: my girl is small too.she is only 8.1kg at her 8mo..

Mummyzen: my girl is like that too.daddy always has the easy way out.no need take care and still BB calls him 1st.mummy takes care 24/7,and ends up BB will "n........g" every time she wants him.n hb is gloating over it!*angry*

Bunny mum: sorry to hear about your new helper.think some times just have to close 1 eye..bcuz you mention she is young.hence she behaves like a kid who complains.give her more time,maybe she will be better?

My bb also bb J! he must have sleeping company, must always know that he's not there alone.

jmummy: i was telling jen tat my bb has been vomitting since 1-2 weeks ago. thot is i overfed but he also vomit under my mum's care. hmm.. dunno why leh..

i understand how u feel... damn those hb.. always got more important matters than wife and kids, rite?? my hb used to and sometimes still do so... sigh... sometimes we think dun wan to make noise over small matters yet when we keep quiet, they take it is ok all along, y we suddenly make a fuss. *eye rolling* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_frustrated.gif]

bunnymum: of cos the employers will ask maid to do things.. else wat for engage them, isn't it?? dun get angry over this la... we work also complain why boss ask me do this do that.. i guess same bah... so long no harmful thot, pray god liao.

Finally managed to use the computer! Have been sitting with bb J. After a while he crept away and crawled out of the room. Grabbed him back and sit with him and after a while he started crying non stop! I carried him and worse, he started screaming and screaming nonstop. Maybe he thinks mummy is weird today, why sit with him instead of using computer. -_-

Put him to bed then went to shower. Think he will be waking up in 5 min time. -_-

Suddenly I find it so hard to be a mummy. Lots more patience required from me.

Jenny, is it bcos computer noise in the rm woke him up? The room where i work and the room where bb slp has to be different. she wakes up with the slightest noise... (like typing on the keyboard).

Bunnymum: don't get upset. Take everything your maid said with a pinch of salt. For me, i don't treat her as a friend or family member. She is my paid helper. If she extends over and beyond, that's a bonus but if she's not, i am not affected. My baseline is for her to do her job, put my children's safety first and handle food with utmost hygiene. Others, i close one eye. I heck whatever she said behind my back. My mum said she complained alot behind my back. I heck care so long i don't hear it. If her attitude needs improvement, i will confront her to thrash it out. Important thing is she deliver her job. I don't allow handphones or off-days but i do let her call when she needs to and time-offs for her to do her retail therapy. I guess there's no perfect helper, you must be comfortable with her and she needs to know where is your baseline. Sometimes you may treat them very nicely and they may not appreciate your kindness in return. They are afterall here to work for a living, not related by blood anyway....

Eve: totally agree.and until now,he didn't talk a single word to me.definitely must be thinking y I kick such a big fuss.n I'm going to ignore him until he comes n apologize!!

Btw eve, side track abit.saw that u ordered RL from kitty and has got a bad experience.me too!!I think she is out to earn!still ask me to say gd things about her,FAT HOPE! Hope yours have been settled...

sunflower: No no, its diff room. And he's in a totally quiet and dark room. Just that he naps only 30 min, so he woke up as if his alarm went off.

Hui Kheng : Very good advice. =) I hope I can be like u, open one eye n close one eye too. U are a very positive person!

Lil fly: I also agree tat they may not appreciate the kindness towards them. Just treat them fair, according to conscience. Is like getting gd employee also need many trial and errors.

Jmummy: tat kitty is super duper damn frustrating!!! She sent me an email say tat batch got order problem blah blah blah... But tats her basah, shldnt be at my expense, rite? She at least shld hv the courtesy to inform the status and seek our opinion if we wan in/out mah. Den keep quiet and nvr order my items for me. I think It's only rightful tat she top up the difference in getting the available items jus like we agree to top up if cc rate increases. I am extremely annoyed and even thot of putting big bold banners across ALL her sprees, urging ppl not to join her. Mayb I shld recruit all her past victims and haunt her on every single pages she has. Hahahahasaaa... Angry seah!!!

Jen: I think tat way too! I guess bb really bring out my utmost patience Liao. But limited towards him only la, my hb still kana left right whenever my mood strikes! Hee...

Thanks mummies! My hubby also thinks she's not appreciating my kindness n that she is not my relative nor family, If I dun treat her like part of family, I won't feel so angry n disappt.

Thanks mummies for yr advice! Makes me feel better

Yest I only managed to go to bed at 1.15am! I was sitting with bb all nite and my hb say he needs to rush his report so no choice. After 11.30 when change bb's diapers then I recall I haven't cook porridge for today's lunch! Ask my hb to feed bb milk while I cook. Still need to sterilise bottle, brush teeth, wash face etc. After that use computer for a while then gonna trim the bib that I cut the hole too big! In the end only managed to finish all at 1.15am. My hb shiok lor. Whole nite dun need to take care of bb. Then when I sew he was playing mahjong on computer! After that he says he's tired going to bed. Then I told him next life I also wan to be a daddy, dun want to be a mummy. Mummy sewing away, tired also cannot slp while daddy playing away and go to bed once he felt like that.

So unfair!

Jenny: I slept at 4am in the morning!I think I'm dieing.baby girlis taking revenge on me because I refused to latch her on,so she refused to sleep until I cannot than and gave in at 4am.she fell asleep immediately. -.-

Eve: I don't like that kitty too.but no choice.have to transfer balance to her,else the payment I transferred upfront would have been wasted.never met a spree organizer like her b4!

jmummy: Is ur gal hungry? I already taught my boy how to slp on his own. So I just put him on the yao lan, give him bolsters and pacifier, turn on rocker power and turn on mobile and walk away. Then he will slp on his own in less than 1 min if he's tired.

I think she is latching for comfort.because she isn't crying at all!just didn't want to sleep.I fed her at 11+ and 1+.after that I decided no more feeding.until I cannot tak it and gave in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jmummy: how about giving pacifier? my bb also must suck or chew before sleep. is a die hard habit or he'll moan and whine and refuse to sleep too.

i also have stuff with her now. also bo bian. wait till i get all my items first. she locked the page i wrote leh and is not for viewing!! damn!

jen: poor mummy. stay away from PC and take naps bah.

Eve: dunno how to complain and boycott this kind of organizers lor.plus her shipping is sky rocket high! I will only try pacifier at a last resort.hope I don't have to introduce..I'm trying to break her habit of comfort latching,seems like it's a long long journey...

jmummy: very difficult to break her habit if you don't substitute with something else. babies are very stubborn and when they want something, means they want it no matter wat. *headache*

i tink kitty has the easy way out cos all mummies also bo bian.

I guess I'm the most unlucky person on earth today! Quickly went for a shower while bb just went to nap. In 5 min, the stupid rubbish chute collector came and made such a loud noise and woke bb up. He usually wun even wake up if plane fly across so u all can imagine the noise! I still tot can quickly take a shower and use computer. And now he refused to go back to slp. SO UNLUCKY!

Little fly: He dun care. If I say that to him he will just tell me to put bb on walker. Yest I say him that he can play games while I have to do stuff then guess what he said to me? He said who ask u wan to give intensive training to train bb to sit! He totally heck care that bb cannot sit like bb is not his bb like that! And he keeps saying that bb can already sit on his own when he totally cannot.

Wow, lots of new posts to catch up on!

Little Fly,

LOL-ing at babysitter 'escorting' baby and your mum home!


Baby J can drink from straw? Can give me tips on how to get started?

Jen: your hubby sounds like he need some good r

Whacking for being so heck care. Do you cool dinner everyday? If so, do serve up his most hated dish and continue doing so until he beg you or volunteer with some bb chores... Hehehe

mummyzen: like your idea! hahahahaha....

sunflower: i wanted to join but the stupid hp can't show RL site. tat's y missed out liao. do the other mummies organise spree in fb smh or smh here? cos i still blur with their nick and names. =P

Hi mummies! Long time nvr log in here... next time also cant log in often ler, bcos my comp going to monitor what website and how long we use e internet, so everyone dun dare to use liao =(

MIL issue: finally settle, she said she will stay and take care of bb until we get our BTO, which hopefully can complete Q1 next yr.. still nid to ta han ard another 1 yr... haix... 8 months already so difficult liao, hopefully i get my house soon and bb can go child care soon! then will have no more conflict with her and have our own family live...

Eve: saw u comment that u can give left right to ur hb, envy u loh... ever since my mil comes stay with us, i dun give him too much attitude, my mil will scream when we two quarrel, she is crazy... if we stay with my mum, i will scold him without thinking, but now no choice... everything must swallow, really internal injury.... =.=

bb sleeping: my bb develop a fever on Tuesday night, so yday took leave and brought him see doc, he has throat inflammation. anyway, i can understand tat he cant slp when he had fever, but yday there is no more fever, and he can slp from 7pm to 12am, but after keep waking up! 2am, 4am, 4am+, 5am, then dun wanna slp already, urghh... so tirring... he always cant slp well after mid night, how come huh? any mummy have any idea? dun think he is hungry leh...

Eve, u mean u cant view RL web with hp? okok. hmm.. i dunno if fb mummies have private sprees on smh. But on and off, we will post on fb to c if anyone keen to spree certain sites. So that can share shipping mah ;)

drinking from straw: i also wanna train my bb to drink from straw, i saw starfruit said combi straw cup is good, might be getting that this weekend at e taka baby fair, any mummy going?

Mummyzen: LOL... good idea!

Jenny: how come ur hb not worry? since he said bb can sit, ask him to sit with bb on e floor and ask him dun hold bb's back, see if ur hb dare? =.=

btw, did u try to let him sit and lean on e play yard while he plays? find another means to let him sit while he plays? Hope he can sit soon!

Viman/Mimosa: I started with yeos chrysanthemum. I was drinking it and bb was drooling away and looking at me. So I gave him. He tried but dunno how to suck until several weeks later he managed to drink and gave me a guilty look. After that he kept crying for more. After I finished the yeos I washed the straw and put it in a small cup with plain water and let him try and he drinks it so I moved on to straw bottles now.

mummyzen: If I cook soup he hates it and insisted on having mcdelivery at nite! He doesn't care if I cook food of his liking anot coz before marriage, his mum nv cook for him. Everyday he has to buy dinner back. It is until my sil came back fr US then she started cooking daily for them to eat.

Mimosa: I'm glad u worked out something with ur mil. Hopefully she doesn't keep changing her mind as and when she likes again! I guess after renovating and everything ur baby definitely can enter childcare already. =)

Yah lor, he's not worried at all! Even my mum is getting worried and says how come he still cun sit at 9 mths. I tried in the play yard too but he always lie down and flip and crawl away. I think he loves crawling and hates to walk.

btw mummies, my bb seems drinks faster and more milk when i use the avent variable teats (i turn to number 1), however my mil eye sight no good leh, i worried she might turn to other direction and e flow will be too quick, so till now she still dun use it... any suggestion how to indicate for her? TIA!


You mean the thin straw, the kind that comes with Yakult? Safe to give baby?

I thought your husband used to cook for you? Stopped already? I cook dinner every night but after hb comes back from work so he can look after baby while I cook. He also does the dishes. Try and see if you can also work out an arrangement to share baby's and household chores?

hahaha, i always cook with a howling baby so husband can have his dinner by the time he comes home.

drinking with straw: i also want to train bb too! But he doesn't seem the least bit interested when i place training cup in front of him, onlyy to smash it ..

