(2011/05) May 2011

Thanks Jenny for e link! ya, e socks are so cute and so many variety @.@ btw, my bb also like to brush his feet! lol..

Micky: how is ur block milk duct? still painful? maybe try to use hot towel to press the area and latch ur bb more?

Deon: ya, like wat starfruit said, try to use clean wet towel to wipe her hands frequently, i am abit worried mitten will trap more germs, hmm...

Dec gathering: ah... i wanna join but my leave start from 22nd Dec =( sad... T_T


Mummies, my bb 2 days nvr poo poo already, =( normally he will poo 3-4 times a day, worried he might have constipation. i know pear and peaches can help relieve, but e prob is i still dun have my blender yet, will it be lumpy if just use spoon to mesh? Thanks for ur advice in advanced!

Starfruit: so it is normal? my mil said if tmr dun poo, she wanna give him grip water, she said bb might have fever if they dun poo... but i told her i wanna give him fruits, more natural and got vit C... but dun know spoon can mesh e steam peach or pear or not... =(


Bf babies can go a week without pooing, no need to worry. And yes, you can mash steamed fruits with a spoon, but just to be sure, you can pass it through a fine tea strainer to avoid lumps.

Hihi, mummies here... Was on this thread before birth but after that no longer active due to busy schedule...Hope I am not too late to join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sheena here... My boy born on 28th May 2011, exact EDD.

Starfruit, my spree amt sgd200!

I jus sent her an SMS to return my hard earned $ n to return call n SMS. She jus called n hang up! I'm so feeling the heat now! Urgh! Spate of bad luck!

Mimosa: Can't remember the exact amount but should be around $6+ for the Happy Bellies Cereal and $5+ for Earth's Best. It will depend on the kind of shipping you op for (I paid for DHL) and the US$ exchange rate at the time you order. It's best not to steam fruits because the process will destroy the vitamins. I started to give my boi blended fruits w/o steaming last week when he had sniffles & fever at the advise of a friend and he's bounced back pretty fast. No issues with the un-steamed fruits so far. Have given him apple, nectarine and avocado. Pear and prune juice is supposed to help ease constipation too. Perhaps you can consider feeding some diluted with water? Barley water (unsweetened) is supposed to help too.

Deon: Hope you can work things out between your mum and helper. I had a similar situation between hubby and helper at one point. Then my maid had a situation back home, her son was sick, and at one point she wanted to go home after completing her loan period. However (Thank my stars!) she finally decided to stay on after a series of talks with me and an offer to let her go home for a short visit in Mar next year. It was a very stressful period the week she was considering. We were so worried about the process of getting a new helper... In the end all turned out well and even better cuz my hubby was more appreciative and understanding with my helper after the incident. (But we never tell her directly...)

Starfruit: My baby now poos every alternate day too. Previously before he started solids, he could also go up to a week without poo-ing.

I will like to join the AMK hub gathering if I happen to be on leave that day. Do update me when you all will be meeting!

Sorry to disturb... this might interest some of you on the go.

this is what you need to bring along with your baby!

For only $16!!! was $19.90 with FREE POSTAGE

Other designs available too. PM me for details



Thanks for the reco on the bibs. Just ordered 2 sets of Rio. I had been looking for that kind for a while. Can't believe I got it so much cheap online! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

block milk ducts: had a hard time clearing it. bb doesnt really like to latch ar, i express most of the time. but i have a "stone" with me, i used the hot compress method and managed to clear most of the blocked ducts this morning. cant really sleep well ytd night, i woke up at 5+, and boil the stone, haha... then finally i feel more comfortable sitting in front of my pc now, ytd i felt so terrible, cant concentrate working at all...

now i really realise the bfeeding path is very tiring actually. i didnt manage to bf my #1 successfully, i hope i can "dong" longer for #2 ba... jia you tog, all bfeeding mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mimosa: ya lor. there r other nicer designs fr other sellers but this one doesnt hv [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yeah bm babies can go days without pooing. It's because bm is very easy to digest and not much residue to poo out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I got 2 pieces of the Rio bib, the one with the pouch in front. Easy to feed solids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cost 3.40 per piece.

Viman: how to select a ripe avocado? I bought one before and it tastes horrible. Different from the avocado drink I had. Hope to start bb this weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenny: I just discovered my bb also brushed his feet very hard! But mostly I either carry him or give him tummy time so I didn’t know about it.

Sheena: Welcome!

Mickey: you are quite super leh. No helper with 2 boys and still manage to BF. Jiayou! I stopped after returning work (bad mummy).

Mimosa: thanks for sharing the link. Lucky I am slow in placing orders.

Mickey: your bb rashes went away? Mine still have and clinic asked me to bring bb back for observation. Mine even has rashes on his soles! The staff said it is very rare bb develop rashes after 3rd jab from 6-in-1. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dear mummies, pls help to like this page if you wish to sell/buy 2nd hand baby items here. We need more likers in order for this platform to work. I believe most of you sell used items in forum before. This is just an another platform to serve buyers and sellers for this purpose. Please LIKE the page and read more http://www.facebook.com/2ndhandmarketplace


Ash: i also thinking to buy that two bibs!! but still thinking whether to take pooh or mickey :p hahaha...

Micky boy: ya, jia you together!!

Little Fly: Hope nth serious about ur boy's rashes..

Bibs: I just asked my friend to help mi buy 2 more. Its very cheap and nice. Hope they get more such offers in future.

Brushing leg: Any idea when this will stop? I think he's going to lose all e skin on his feet soon.

Baby poo: My baby now also poo once every 2-3 days. He used to poo many times a day. I wonder isit mamil gold that makes him more constipated. And now his poo is very sticky and dark in color and smelly, unlike when he was on enfalac, the yellow and wet poo.

Little Fly,

When selecting an avocado, get a dark green color with bumpy texture. The fruit should be firm yet yielding when gently pushed. Don't store in the fridge if you want it to ripen a bit more before giving to baby. I started my baby on avocado today. She seemed 'surprised' by the taste but likes it I think. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can use hubby's email account too. Got this tip from Mimosa Kekeke! ;)

Little Fly: To check if avocado is ripe, press on it. A ripe one will be slightly soft. However dun pick the ones which are too soft or got mushy spots.

Deon: You can also drip a little eBM onto BB's eyes.

Hi mummies

B careful when u buy fr sprees here. I contacted the moderator of Singapore motherhood forum n they advised me to wait n give the spreeist more time. She advised that they only hv email add which we also hv n no other contact info.

She also said other spreerers should b trying to contact her too, just wait awhile. Gosh!

Luckily tdy the spreeist husband refunded my $ on behalf after I sent a few smses over stating how irresponsible she is to ignore calls n SMS n not to at least get someone else do refund if she is not well.

I check out the babystudio's website, good deals leh. But cannot go down. Able to order online ?

Thinking of getting a new stroller for my girl.

bunnymum, wha good that u got your money back.

What is the name of this spreeist? she sprees often?

Jenny/ash, i missed the $1.20 deal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mimosa: Thanks. PD said my boy got reaction to the pneumoccal jab. First time she saw this but she confirmed its not HFMD which I am afraid of.

Viman, WT: Thanks for the tip on choosing Avocado. Now I must wait for his rashes to go away fully before introducing.

Viman: where do u get a fine tea strainer? Aiyoh, i don't even think of using this for my #1 last time! LOL

Deon: Our loots arrived. You want to collect from me next week? Your girl's eyes better today?

Jenny: I missed the bibs deal! I just bought my bb cubes and bb socks. Hope the quality of the socks is good. How do we check the expected shipment arrival date?

Bunnymum: Good to get your $ back. Probably she’s really unwell and cannot respond promptly. Now you can put it behind you and start spreeing again.

i am actually wearing booties to keep my bb warm in aircon at night, is it encouraged? but now i worry it might get tight at the elastic area for his blood circulation.

still wearing mittens for his hands in case he scratched his face when sleeping and eczema worsens. is this ok too?

Bunnymum: if you are buying big quantity (like $200), might as well order directly from US merchant. I like to buy a few pieces only different merchants so cannot make the shipping worth if i don't join sprees.

Little Fly: Glad to know that it is not sth serious abt ur boy's rashes =)

Bunnymum: Socks: i also worried abt his blood circulation, so i let him wear bigger socks, abit loose but wont drop..

Mittens: i think shld be ok to let him wear mitten when he is sleeping cos he dun use his hand much when he sleeps, I also do that last time when his eczema still bad, cos he scratch until bleeding... but daytime dun let him wear, he nid to practise grabbing etc =)

oh btw, is ur bb eczema very bad? did u see my post in fb? my bb eczema clear up after seeing the doc!

Mummies, the socks r only $1 now!! http://list.gmarket.com.sg/gmkt.inc/Goods/Goods.aspx?goodscode=400953186

but i think nid to pay $0.26 for shippment, but still cheap right?? =D

Little Fly: Glad to know that it is not sth serious abt ur boy's rashes =)

Bunnymum: Socks: i also worried abt his blood circulation, so i let him wear bigger socks, abit loose but wont drop..

Mittens: i think shld be ok to let him wear mitten when he is sleeping cos he dun use his hand much when he sleeps, I also do that last time when his eczema still bad, cos he scratch until bleeding... but daytime dun let him wear, he nid to practise grabbing etc =)

oh btw, is ur bb eczema very bad? did u see my post in fb? my bb eczema clear up after seeing the doc!



I think i have not gone into fb for quite sometime hehehe..thus don't have your contacts added.

which doc did u see? what he use? my boy use the steriod cream pd use and start to have one patch of white on the area i put..just put once and like that now..i don't know is it he use many mths so like that so i stopped.

tried california cream also no use.. seba med too.. cetaphil also gives him rashes..sigh..

at first still better but recently body alot rashes again..duno his saliva stained his t shirt or what.. then body alot by noon.. i already stopped his cereal and apple puree for 1 wk so by right rashes shld subside liao right?

now i think if it's nt the apple or cereal, will be lack of nutrients since his milk is Mamil HA only.. n he is a big bb.. sob sob..dilemma..lost...

then also suspect maybe saliva drip then t shirt wet n rashes come out so detergent? i'm using pigeon detergent..

tdy trying to put bibs and hankie ard his neck..but he's v active..always drop n sweat

