(2011/05) May 2011

I think if bb fever better not on air con.. Possible to give more plain water?

Just a quick update, Philip carnival sales selling avert steamer n blender at 178


Aaargh! So frustrated. Wanted bb to start solids this weekend with rice cereal but the NTUC near my place only has Nestlé and Cold Storage only has Friso! Read in forum that mommies say these two are the worst cos they have sugar/gluten/cow's milk? Didn't find Earth Best, Healthy Living, Happy Bellies or Bellamy. Will go Parkway Parade and look in Giant tomorrow. Meanwhile, got avocado in case Giant also doesn't have the cereal...

Thanks for all your concern. BB's temperature still coming and going like Little Fly's too. Been feeding him some paracetemol that the PD gave us the last time we went for his 6-in-1 jab and putting cool patches on his forehead. The clinic doesn't open over the weekend... Anyway I don't think the PD will prescribe us anything other than paracetemol so I will see how he does over the weekend before we decide if we shd visit the doc on Mon morning. So far he's been his old active self, kicking and screaming and eating all his food... so I'm not so anxious that it's anything more than a common cold.

I do switch on the aircon for my BB, but I set the temperature @ 28 deg. There's lift upgrading works going on in my block so I don't open the windows. I don't prescribe to the thick thick clothing theory, cuz my BB sweats even in aircon. Think his temperature will shoot up even higher if I do that. We feed him a lot of plain water, and we've been substituting his night feed with a feed of plain water for a month already. Tonight he's sleeping better than he did last night. Last night he woke up every half hourly due to his stuffy nose according to my maid (My poor maid, hehe... Thank god I have her!).

Viman, did you check out the Organic foods section of the supermarkets? You may find the organic cereals there instead.

Hello mummies! thank you all for your concern. My bb fever went off. This 3rd 6in1 jab so potent, make his fever run up so high. Scary.

WT - hope your bb is ok by now.

Jenny - yar old grandma's tale is like that. Cannot shower too. I sponge my bb when his fever ran up to 39+. My hb also argued with me not to give fever med every 4hrs coz afraid will overdose. How not to give when bb fever hovered at 38-39 ?

Viman - yar, i am also thinking to start as PD said after 24 weeks can start and gluten allergy is very rare in Asian bbies. I didnt know Nestle rice cereal and Friso are rated the worst by mummies here. Think i will buy online coz not near to Giant or any of the organic food store.

2ww: are you getting the Avent steamer/blender? how much it is retailing outside?

Little Fly,

Glad to know bb is fine now. My bb's third 5-in-1 coming up soon... Scared.

Hb sent me a photo of the ingredients list on the Friso tin. Milk solids is listed as the first item! That means it has more milk solids than rice! Sucrose is also listed. Nestlé also has milk solids and sucrose.

I bought the Avent steamer-blender from BHG Bugis at 199. Includes a weaning set too.


The dietitian at KK gave me a 5-page document on introducing solids. Too long for me to type everything and I dun have a scanner at home. But it has very useful info so if you have any questions on introducing solids, let me know and I can look to see if it's mentioned in the doc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LittleFly & WT - Glad your babies are better.

LittleFly - I tell you really is cannot talk about good things if not will get jinx.. LOL.. I was just saying my helper is doing all right. Then my mummy came and told me that the helper refeused to feed my girl at ardoung 4 plus in the morning. My mother told me my helper even raised my voice at her ! Argh ! Now I headache.

Talked to her, she cries and tell me difficult to communicate with my mummy.. I like sandwich in between and have to do conflict management.

Anyway I called up my agency to told them to keep a lookout for suitable replacement. If situation does not improces, will have to replace her.

Deon: Sorry to hear abt ur maid issue. I dun think its rite to raise her voice at ur mum. This is very rude and if u dun do anything to it, she will also raise her voice at u in future.

Nope little fly.. I not buying cos I bought it already!!! But bb happy with this purchase coz he say worth it. Then I told him luckily the mummies in forum tOld me abt this else I also dunno lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LittleFly - My girl also starting solid food next month. If you ordering online, can combine orders ?

The blender and steamer at Philip is going at $176 with some free gifts. Exactly what, i am not so sure.. My hubby went down.


Found Earth Best at that shop! Thanks for the reco. Was bragging to hb how forum mommies help each other with good advice and tips on saving $$! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Viman, no prob.. i was told bout this Four Seasons orgabic mkt by forum mummy too. They hav other outlets too- great world n city sq. Since parkway near yr plc, you can frequent there lor... You can also try bellamys fr cold storage. Happy experimenting!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, my boi is doing much better today. Minimal nasal dripping and no more fever since last night. But he's more fussy than usual, which we think could be due to teething. So glad he's bounced back! I give thanks to my friend's advise to feed him fruits for Vitamin C and I started feeding him nectarine last evening. Will continue to give him a serving of fruit with every meal.

I also order my organic cereals online @ iHerb. They're much cheaper than supermarkets here even with shipping charges and the shipping doesn't take that long.

Sunflower, WT,

Just to compare, iHerb selling at USD 3.66 (without shipping charges). Four Seaons Market selling at SGD 5.40.

Mummies – does your bb break out with rashes after the jab? After the fever subsided, his body has these tiny red spots like heat rashes.

Deon: Good idea to combine orders so we can probably save on shipping. Will PM you.

Maid: Crying is one of the tactics they use to get away from mistakes – I learnt from my ex-Phil maid. Yes, you did right to pre-empt your agency. After you talk to her, did she agree to keep her attitude in check? Not right for her to raise voice. Is she Phil or Indo?

2ww: you made me laugh again. Your post always tickled me. Will tell my hb, see ‘2ww tempt me again’. LOL

Viman: the high fever for this 3rd jab took me by surprise. I remember only the 4th jab (with MMR) is more potent. But i also read that 6-in-1 caused likely to result in fever than 5-in-1 packages.

i also bought or cereal to standby arleady.. will give when she turns 6 mths. dun mind waiting till she is 7 mths but my fren reminded till me that their body will start to need additional nutrients after 6 mths so i should start solid at 6. perhaps i will wait till 6.5mths before i start. cos lazy lah.

Jenny, u dun have to worry that they can't take normal food next time if u start them on organic food now. I will start bb on organic food too at least when they are below 1. cos their digestive system still not very mature and not good if they ingest too much pesticides or chemicals.. thus organic food is good for them now. I will move them to normal food after 1 year old.

Mummies looking for pumpkin can also try butternut squash, it is much much sweeter and tastier than pumpkin. Can get from cold storage. And most import, its easier to cut as compared to pumpkin. They sell by halfs and quarters in CS. if u dun see the cut ones, u can bring the whole veggie and ask them to cut into half for u and u take and pay for half only.

Viman slightly cheaper at iherb if u can get the free shipping. but then its alwasy easier and less hassle if u buy from a shop here.

Viman slightly cheaper at iherb if u can get the free shipping. but then its alwasy easier and less hassle if u buy from a shop here.

WT: Glad to know ur bb fever has retreated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WT, Viman: Which organic cereal do you buy from iherb? I can't find Organix, Bellamy there leh.

Little Fly,

My bb didn't get fever after the first 5-in-1 dose but got after the second. Let's see what happens after the third.

Star fruit,

Yeah quite convenient for me to buy at Parkway Parade.

Little Fly,

I havent tried iHerb. Bought Earth's Best at Parkway yesterday. Yet to give it to bb though, cos I just started on banana yesterday. Need to wait 4 days before letting her try the cereal.

Btw mommies, here's the ingredient list for Earth's Best - organic whole grain brown rice, vitamin E, electrolytic iron. No milk solids, no gluten, no sucrose. Yeay!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hehehe... Mine too! My plan had been to start with rice cereal but we only bought it Sunday afternoon and I wanted to give her first solid in the morning so I could monitor the reaction. So ended up giving banana in the morning, she slurped it up even though it was just half a tablespoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies! was on child care leave last Friday, brought my bb to see doc for his eczema... now abit difficult to follow e thread :p

Little Fly: I think can find healthy time and happy bellies organic cereal from iherb.

I also interested to combine order with u! u also staying SK right? =)

WT: ur bb ok already?

Viman: did u mix e banana with BM? or just give like that?

oh, for e weaning doc, maybe can try take photo then upload or send thru email? haha... interested to read :p if too troublesome then nvm la, hehe... =)

Starfruit: Thanks for e advice on e butternut squash, i will try to find it in cold storage

I have some doubt on e porridge and cereal, i heard we can start to give bb porridge after 6 mos right? then are we still going to give them cereal??

starfruit: thx for telling me that. Next time I'll buy organic food for baby. NTUC dun have the butternut squash? There's no CS near my house. Last sat I found ntuc selling half a pumpkin but can throw away that type, so nv buy.


Yes, I just squeezed some bm out and mixed with the mashed banana. The weaning document says the mixture should be runny. If you put some on the tip of the spoon and it holds its shape, then need to add more bm. Will try and take picture of the doc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LittleFly- Just saw your message on forum. Replied you already.

Maid - Continues to monitor her, told agency if have suitable replacement to inform me. But if possible, will try to ""tong"till my girl can goes to child care. My girl now sticks to the this helper also, new helper will need more time to adjust as well. Headache..

Helper - they help you or give you trouble.

Littlefly, yes, my bb also got rashes on his face after the jab. but my babysitter said, it may be due to the paracetamol wor, may not necessarily be the jab. so i'm not sure either. so still waiting for the rashes to go away now.

helper: i feel so much to get one, hb always mention. but i'm really worried they will give me trouble more than they can help lor, after all we dun have someone to supervise at hm ma. but working + looking after bb + doing house chores really very tiring + busy lor!

babysitter: vicki u mentioned b4 that ur babysitter took leave bcoz she was sick huh? so how many days she taken, n u will take leave to look after kids urself? did u deduct from her pay, no?

i think my babysitter maybe kena the stomach flu fr my #1, she is having diarrhea and fever (i also diarrhea for a few times last wkend, but luckily didnt have fever..), i wonder she needs how many days to recover. this wk i'm rather busy at work bcoz last wk alrd taken 2 days childcare mc, dun think i wanna take childcare leave again this wk, argh..

Hi Mummies,

I'm a Dec 2010 mummy.

I bought too many tins of Nestle Nan Pro 2 from the supplier and am looking to sell them off as my little one is nearly 1 and should be moving on to Nestle Nan Pro 3. I've got 4 tins to let go each at $28.50 or all 4 at $110. Do PM me if you are interested. Thanks.

Viman: U mean you start bb on banana with milk first? I thought first food must be rice cereal? Can try fruits puree first?

Mimosa: I tried Healthy Times cereal/ puree for my #1 last time. He don’t like it. End up I gave away to my gf who also said her bb don’t like it. I PMed you the list which I intend to buy from BP. Let me know if you are keen too.

Deon: Hope it is a one-off incident only. Re-training is troublesome and no guarantee new maid is better too. Important thing is she cares well for your girl.

Mickey: My bb also took paracetamol for his 1st/2nd jab but no rashes. Called the clinic, they told me to bring him back to PD if rashes didn’t go away.

Go hire one – any help with housework is better than none at all. You will also have more time to spend with #1 and bb and take well deserved rest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little Fly: I buy Happy Baby and Earth's Best from iHerb.

Mimosa: My BB has more or less recovered. No more fever and only slight runny nose. Back to his active screaming self. Think his parents are not doing so good. Wahahaha!

Deon: No more room/chance for your helper to improve? Or hopeless already? Sometimes the replacement may end up worse than the current one.

WT: Good to know ur bb is ok! oh, u mean u and ur hb r sick? same here! i am down with flu and cought T_T hope we all recover soon!

btw can check with u, after including the shipping charges, how much is the cereal u bought?

Mickeyboy,my bbsitter took last min so it's like wed off then fri off tat type of thingy. She told me if she request 1 then deduct,if I own self nvr bring bb to her hse then no deduct. So far abt 3days but I nvr deduct la cos give n take lor.since my timing abit long. She did wanted to take 1 wk off but too last min so I told her can't.

Abt fever.seem like only my pd give d orange fever med rather than pink (paracetamol) wor. I duno if u ladies practise but every1 tell me eg if 2nd dose jab got fever, shld give bb d fever med b4 they take d 3rd dose jab to prevent high fever.yes b4 d fever even kick in.

Mickey - I did not want a helper in the first place but really tiring.. So in the end, I got one. Agree with you that it is difficult to get a good one but am sure there are good ones out there.

LittleFly & WT - Undertand what you mean. I explained to my mum as well that we can always change a helper but there is no guarantee that it will be a better one.

The good thing about this helper is that she understands Chinese and can communicate with my mum. She is from Indo and can speaks good English as well. So far, I talked to her she will listen and understand. She can take care of my girl well. Cause my girl got acid reflux and her temper is very bad but so far she is very patient with my girl and will even sings and reads to her.

Honestly, I started work and I don;t think I can cope with continuous night feeds. It will be good to have some help. Maybe she don;t see my mum as her direct employer. So from now on will get my mum to pay her instead of me. So far, she told me she likes my mum but behind my back I am not so sure. Hopefully, by getting my mum to pay her will improves the situation. Will continues to monitor..

morning ladies... another day!

my babysitter is still on sick leave. my mum is supposed to come to my place for a good rest, now end up she will have to look after 2 kids (#1 not going to childcare yet), i feel "xin ku" for her, sigh... i think likely wont deduct auntie's pay too, coz abit paiseh to tell her, unless she ask me to, which i doubt so...

yes, continuous night feeds is no joke. every morning take one btl of chicken essence oso cant help much. i really envy those mummies whose their bb can sleep thru de. my fren's daughter, now is only 2mth+, but can sleep thru for at least 6 hrs. so its one stretch fr 12-6am, how i hope my bb can be like this gal...

Viman: Thanks for sharing! Me 2nd time mummy still clueless.

Mimosa: Thanks for sharing too. Hope you get well soon! I will try out Bellamy first and give iHerbs a miss first.

WT: I laugh over your post. My bb also back to his jumping/ screaming self.

Mickey: Have your bb rashes subsided? Mine still have patches of rashes all over his body, face, hands, legs.

BB Sleep through – are you able to substitute milk with water? I would rock bb back to sleep if he didn’t really wake up for night feeds but if he wakes up and start screaming, then I will give him.

Deon: the seller recommended me organic teething biscuit, get for you too?

Sounds like a good idea for your mum to pay her instead. Is your mum very gentle and soft spoken type? I am trying to ‘dong’ my maid till her contract expires.

Littlefly, nope i can still see rashes on his hands, legs n face... Wonder when it will subside. Or is it the heat rashes? Am also not sure...

So u r using sarong, the electrical one? Aih I haven't introduced sarong to bb yet. So u won't give bb milk huh, will only give water?


Mickey: same here. He is still spoting rashes.

I use electric sarong but when he sleeps soundly, I transfer him back to his bb cot.

It depends what time he took his milk feed before bed. If he drank around 9pm plus, then he can last til 5 or 6am plus. If he knock out at 7pm +, then he would demand for milk at 2-3am plus. So we try to keep him entertained until 9pm + then coax him back to sleep. He's stay up and play whole afternoon so usually by 9plus, he will 'knock out'.

Did you bbsitter complain abt your bb? Mine said he's very active and hardly nap.

