(2011/05) May 2011

hi auroa and lin,

Thanks for ur valuable experience..i really learnt something..i always tot is Juz push then ok liao..how long will e pain of e stitching lasts?need to remove stitch..

I saw my frez sitting cross leg in e hospital bed.. I tot vaginal delivery is easier n no pain according to my mom..

I tot of going for vaginal delivery without epidural..maybe will decide later..hee..

I also not in e good term with my mil..hate her to e core.. Clean freak to e max..dun open window n door at home..scare dirt, lizard n etc..after bathing must wipe e toilet wall.. I dun bother to do..

She already told my mother she is not taking care of my bb.. I felt so relieved afterall, her experience is way too behind time n only had 1 child..

Hi all glad to join this thread , pls add me to the list

Nick : starflower

Kid #2

Dr Chan KH



Oh yah as for vaginal delivery, the stitches no need to remove, they w melt off. My first was w epidural, rather painfree so I w def opt for epidural again, it a lifesaver.

yo babe, congrats!!

Take care of urself in 1st tri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Please refer to this link http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

for related pics and descriptions. Items include BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, My brest friend nursing pillow, and Dale abdominal binder.

If keen, please PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.

PS: just to add, for every purchase for $15 and above, you get 5pcs of Drypers S for free. so for $30, u get 10pcs and so on. while stocks last!

1st time mummies , im taking the time to share my 1st time experience:

Best to get a float to reduce inflammation of stitches area when we sit during the recovering period, juz a normal swim float n sit on it everytime instead of sitting on ur butt for vaginal deliveries.

I'll post pics of the cream once I tfr the Photo to my laptop, not sure how to add photo thru iPhone....

I'll neverforgot my suffering for 1st confinement. And at that time, I really put all the suffering blame to my mil.

She insist doing confinement for me n wand me go her hse do confinement...even I tell my hubby I wish I can get a cl and stay at home, my hubby so filial he can't reject. Rite till the day I deliver, I still tell him I wish u can do confinement at Hm... He kept assuring me it will b over soon... My hubby makes so much efforts to ensure I'll b comfort there. He even install the water spray at her toilets to let me use cos I tell him I need tat for washing my vigina after every pee....say no Aircon n fan for me cos can't blow air into my body! Hubby manage to convince her last min.... Imagine we move so much bb n my things over as well juz to accommodate her "want" to do confinement for me...

Everyhing she wanna do she say pple say do this n tat.... I wonder if she really know. Once deliver, she don even dare to carry my bb at hospital! She had nt carry one for since my sil born 22/23 yrs back. Then how she take care of my bb my BIL asked her n she juz smile n say later later....

Right back at her home, juz the 1st nite bb is back almost kill me!

She tell me tat day don bath bb but bb morning in hospital din bath tat day! All cos she din dare n din know how to bath bb!

Bb cry whole nite, she was too tired to take care of bb

N I gt to take care, bb drink every 3 hrs, in between i gt serious breast engorgement n I gt to keep expressing the milk out if nt my breast sore n was hard like rock. Once I done wif 1 side of breast, n express the other side, the other side done the next side was hard again... Whole nite I was feeding bb n expressing milk! I sit to do all these with hubby's help thus gt infection at the stitches there. In beteen ard 4am we even bring bb back to mt a cos he didnt poo since back home in the noon, they are suppose to poo every few hrs in the initial stage..bb was oso trying to poo but can't thruout the nite..but the Helpdesk there say no pd ard n it's ard atthat timing n need pay ~$400 to call pd in, I was thinking juz poo only no need pay so much so we return hoping to see pd at our area in the morning at 8am. The whole nite she was sleeping! Bb crying she oso too tired to come out n help.

In morning, we rush to pd 1st thing in the morning n mil insist she wanna go but she cant help anything...bb was turning veri yellow by now , thruout the whole nite we notice he is turning yellow...pd gave us priority to see her as emergency case. Pd was expert enuff to advise me to rush to mt a immed n do blood test for jaundice saying results done there will b out in an hr instead at her side will hv to wait till noon 3 pm..n she do direct Admission for us at her clinic so we go there no need q. Think pd knows the seriousness but didn't put me in alarm. At hospital, bb was dignose wif dangerously high jaundice! Bb was strip naked n if the photo terapy didn't bring down his jaundice to acceptance level by 7pm tat nite, doc say muz change blood for ehole body of the bb!!!! I almost fainted!!! We Pray so hard n our prayers were answered.... My hubby oso cried.... It's amazing how this little life who hv yet to live wif us can touch our heart so deep...

While I was settling the above, I suffer hard like rock breasts n my stitches area was real sore but I gt no time to take care of my self, all I care for was bb. While we r waiting for results of bb, I hard to go to a&e to see doc for the liquid to insert to my anus to make the stools loose so that i can lau sai! cos I feel I hv full anus of stools in me but I juz can't poo cos my stitches was all the way to the back, normally 1st delivery gynae will cut quite long to near anus.... While nurse is preparing the liquid n I've taken down my pants, gt a call tat bb blood test results is out n I gt to rush to hear it, I worn back my pants explaining to nurse I gt to come back later....

While we wait for the 7pm to reach get gd news, I got to rush back a&e to get the liquid inserted n clear my bowels in a few trips to the toilet...I oso hv to see the lactation nurse to help me clear the block ducts.... Imagine even I take panadol can't help relief te pain...pain when nurse use her nuckles of her hands to rub my breasts!!!

N while I explain to my mil (hubby was k way to take car while we waited) why we went back tat 1st without seeing doc when we reach mt a, she still dare to say "expensive then expensive la, when still go back!" as if I wan harm to my bb! I was so angry tat I immed complaint to my hubby in thecar in English wif her ard, I don care if she can understand English.

Next I gt to visit gynae on my infection, was ask to do salt bath n mil insist she was go wif us too! Juz couldn't kick her off. Tats when I told hubby I had enuff suffering n I wan go back home nurse myself...hubby Agree cos I gt to use common toilet in kitchen! Mil didnt offer her bedrm attached toilet for me to use at all before...I can't put my pads, vigina spray etc in the common toilet cos FIL using the toilet too...every pee I gt to bring these things in n out ! Hubby go collect car n i told her I gt to take salt bath then she offer her Bedrm toilet...tats where I learn to say no tks to her n she face black black give me see! I hack care lo! For all the pains above! Most tks to her...

I oso gt to find last min CL! Crying n rushing like mad woman calling all frens to help recommend but i still gt to call msia myself... Really tks to 1 CL who mge to recommend her friend tk me n no extra charge even it's last min....mil still wan us ask CL go her hse do confinement! 1 bedrm Sil n great grandma slp, 1 PIL slp. Left 1 she wan bb, me n CL slp! Then ask my hubby slp living hall!!! Luckily I'm prepared n told hubby be4 hand I won't hv rest if I slp wifbb, if nt hubby oso filial listen de!

Mummies, I do all the above within 24-48hrs from discharge from hospital wif bb... I was really a mad woman who can't b bother with my dressing n messy hair anymore! I feel like crazy those moments....

When CL reach, she oso find endless ways to complain to my hubby CL these n tats! I directly shoot my hubby! Then she can do meh! Can't then juz shut up! If she can I won't go thru all these trouble! Last min can get a CL count ourself lucky, wat good CL she expect! She insist wanna come my hse stay even wif CL ard!

My mum buy ingredients for me in bulk to keep n cook everyday, she oso red eyes n say hers fresher cos she goes mkt everyday! ask my mom take back the items! Blame my mom directly for the Ginger drink she cook for me take cause bb to hv jaundice cos I breastfeed! Wash my hubby brain tat Ginger might b the cause! Luckily I ask doc in front of them n doc say no scientific prove Ginger cause jaundice.

1 last straw from her when I show attitude to her! BIL bought us some Taiwan food when he's back from trip. We kept in fridge for a few days le but no one touch. MIL say in front of me n hubby tat Ask CL cook this fish she oso din, I ren! Then she continue say ask CL eat those taiwan fd tat BIL buy back she oso din! WTF ! I so angry tat I say no eat then throw! N I throw real hard in front of hubby n her! Hubby side her n quarrel wif me in front of her, hubby then sent her home then she keep mum thru out the car ride. The TW fd is a gift from someone n we as owners din open, how will CL dare to open ur things! she is finding faults till I can't stand!!!!

I was breast feeding n she insist wanna see! Once I was sk angry tat I take of my whole tee n let her see all she wan! I really suffer post natal depression wif her ard!

She still insist staying at my Hm aft CL is back! I really takes effort to ask hubby to chase her home! She scare i don let she look aft her 1st grand child n grand son with all the above...

I still learn to treat her peacefully n i can do it cos we din stay together n she really look aft my boy well with sometimes eyes closed too! But it's never safer than with nanny! For my hubby sake, I oso put those behind me but I'll never forget! I've learnt to say no as n when necessary too... My hubby is those tat I gt to pre teach him how to reject things to my mil if nt he will everything ok to her....

Choose bb name oso PIL wanna a share! We hv to follow surname n middle name! Middle name is fang but write out is 芳! it's for girls name n I oso no choice! Last character oso wanna play a part n I tell my hubby enuff! It's my son n I gt only 1 character to choose wif the limitation to pair wif fang! In the end she see her son so fan then Both PIL give up on the last character !

Endless....this round, I've make clear my stand to hubby, I wan CL n I wan a maid, MIL say maid don need, wan then hire! Again last min! I pre told my hubby I don care, maid is a must n the old lady now oso no choice! She everything no need maid n my poor FIL gt to b her maid! She can't take care of 1 child alone let alone now is no2 coming, yet she insist she wanna take care of her grandchilds....

Sh,understand how u felt... must be very helpless during that diffcult period esp for 1st time mums... it's not easy to cope with a new life, "hard-rock breasts", endless expressing breastmilk, breastfeeding, "stuck in the middle" w hubby and inlaws, etc... i went thru these...

I stayed in hospital for 6 days due to post-eclampsia effect and need to have blood transfusion (i had 2 bags of bloods) and bb stayed w me due to high jaundice (ard 200++)... my inlaws wanted to visit me in the hospital but i din let them come partly bcos my mil is down w flu and gynae said tat all sick personnel is not to come into close contact w me... my hubby told her and she seems not happy abt it...

i luckily that i rejected my mil to do confinement for me... even she sick, she also wants to come over and carry my girl and said never mind... that's the last straw... i hve never raise my voice at her... they back off and dare not come back for a few days.. after a few days, they went to market and bought big bags of ginger and blamed my CL not buying enough and said that need lots of ginger and even complaint to my CL abt me.... i overheard my mil talking to CL in the kitchen and caught her and she just smiled and quickly ran off to see bb....

my CL also another kind... she went ard spreading to my neighbour's nanny.. she knows what time that i will bring my girl for breastfeeding in the rooom (i locked up the door) and she will open the main door and chatted w the nanny... then the nanny went ard telling every1 what my mil said and what happens ard the house... i know it 1 mth later after my neighbours told me that they sacked the nanny bcos she went ard telling tales including my house matters... sigh..

My mil also bought her whole gang of her sisters to visit me... ignoring the fact that i pretty weak and cannot be exposed to many pp ... she also insisted tat she will cook pig trotters for her relatives to eat and said it's a tradition... she also wants to watch how i breastfeed which i refused (her daughter let us watch.. my mil even hve the cheek to ask my fil and hubby to come and watch my sil breastfeeding and said never mind.. my bil so angry and face black black that my sil hve to tell her off)... she will comes in the morning ard 9am and sit in the living rm to chat w the CL and complaint that why breastfeeding tooks so long... said that only needs to suck a few drops can do... almost fainted when my CL also said that i breastfeed too long.. my CL really is a 2-snake-headed...after my mil gone, she will tell me what my mil said...

the last straw came when it's near my girl full mth and mil smsed me that must go back to their house early in the morning.... i refused bcos guests will be coming and we will be busy.. not knowing that must pray pray to ancestors..(how i know when she din specify)... she called me and scolded and said that no need to pray if the person dun hve ancestors... i ren and tell her that we will be there...

one word of advice, if possible, dun get MIL to do confinement (even on very good terms)... my friends who did that in the end fall out w their mils... as for CL, it's really depends on yr luck (mine was highly recommended by my best friend)... they might be good in one area but they might hve other areas that u cannot tahan.. they might hve good feedbacks fr friends but might not be applicable to you.. hve to ren ren ren....

hi auroa and sh,

I can imagine how both of u went thru.. I need to avoid such situation.. My mil have the cheek to say.. Y waste money to engage a cl maid while my mother can do all this? (btw my mum recover fr cervical cancer in 2008 went thru chemotherapy n radiotherapy).. She is just selfish..Juz say will not help then push everything to my mum.. My mum is like its Ok..she will take care..

I dun even want her to help..she tell my hb that she noe I dun like her..that is e truth..dun want to get into conflict with mi..my sis kept telling mi must give face to mil..i dun care.. She is a weird person n I did suspect she has depression..when u call her, she will ignore u.. How rude right? After a while, will stare at u then look away.. I caught her watching 2 tvs at e same time.. Family reason(fil got affair,in huge debt) that makes her a bit koo koo..bcos of my hb,she continue her life or else die liao..

Always want to enjoy taI taI life..go out must sit car n b drove hor..my hb is only child..imagine we go dating,she will tag along..I hate her after move in her house..that is conflict begin..I always felt that my hb side her...she is like scare I will snatch her son away..

Sometimes pity her of her situation, but ppl can't b soft heartened..I dun like to talk to her..since start ever stop.. She is lonely,want ppl to talk to her..only 1 frez and siblings..after work, come back home..no activities ppl..

Take leave to do household chore...(her house is freaking clean)..

My mil told my hb that she wanna tour europe during apr n may.. I was like Ok..btw that is e time I am due..dun see her I am even happy..

I doubt she noe how to take care of children..dun like to see her..black face always..dun smile..

Will stay in my mum place...I believe if I am due, she also lost like Sotong, dunno wat to do..my fil is not at home often...at least in my place,my bro or father can drive mi to hospital..

Morning!! Wah.. Sh, auoro n serene, ur mil really v jialut..now think back , Heng I stay far from my pil! Else I will have headache too, I remember when I give birth to my 1st child, who happen to be 1st grandson..they keep saying that he resemble my hb! Forgot about my presence... They even take pix n compare n just ignore me! How sad I was that time? Now my hb is gog outstation for 2 mths , they tell me tat they want bring my son go over n stay overnight over the weekend, how about me? I am the mummy leh...won't I be missing him? How to reject them?

hi sh & auroa, thanks for sharing your experience. this will keep me prepared since i'm having my 1st. we haven't told our family about the baby yet, so we haven't decided on baby and confinement care arrangement. personally, i will go for CL, my MIL can be ard with the CL. my mil has never taken care of young babies before, so i hope she won't insist on doing my confinement. she likes to go ask ard her market friends, things to do etc (i.e. she did that during our wedding, a lot of additional things to do until quite pak cek), so i'm sure she will do the same during my confinement. this i will need to warn my hubby.

i guess we all learn from past experiences. the next one will definitely be better!

wow so many stories from experienced mummies.....we shared this hoping that 1st time mummies can learn something from it....don get wrong we are not asking u to oppose ur mil....but things are too late when it happened.

my friend oso prewarn my hubby tat time but he juz cant hear in.....only when things happen n he suffer with me then he agree to lotsa things.....sometimes it juz have to hv something to happen to stop all those nonsenses.

joyce, she can be ard but ask ur hubby to tell her let CL do what she wants, CL shd be experience enuff.....this is wat i told my hubby n my hubby told my MIL. so i suppose she cant be involve and hence find ways to give CL n me trouble.....

anyway its all over....*fingers crossed for 2nd round....*

haven't told hubby i need him to tell MIL nt to stay at our hse in this round! imagine 1st round how we communicate.....think back its so funny.....i will tell hubby to tell MIL this this this.....MIL will tell hubby to tell me this this this....we don communicate direct at all tat time.....

Hi all, pls add me -

Name: yoyo

EDD: 10May / bb#2

Mt E / Dr Yeoh Swee Choo

Hey all mummies, I can understand how u all must hv felt. I had a miserable period during my #1 as well, due to inexperienced last time, kena "suan" by her alot of times. And that time i didnt retaliate cos i tot i gv her the respect. But phui lor!! She didn't do confinement for me but sent her fren do for me. In the end, she criticize her own friend until not even worth a single cent. She complaint so much but didn't

help much. Only use mouth to talk. Then until one cny cos of an incident, I didn't gv her a single face n raised my voice at her cos I had enough of all her nonsenses, in font of everyone. 3 yrs Liao n we didn't talk anymore. This time round, I doubt she dare to interfere anymore.

hi mommies, i am about 5-6 weeks pregnant and bb is due next May...

am feeling very hungry almost 24hrs a day..and the feeling is making me feel nausea at times...is there any food/fruits that can help to reduce the hunger pangs? im going for a holiday trip soon and am really afraid that this will affect my trip..

thanks for any advise...!

Hello, all MTBs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm in week 7 and just saw bb's heartbeat yesterday. My gynae gave me the OSCAR brochure and said it's up to me to decide if I want to get it done. Any MTBs deciding not to go for it?

hi strengthnblessing,

My appetite has become quite poor but sometimes I get sudden hunger pangs, at times right after a meal! So far, foods that have helped me are simple biscuits, orange juice, bananas, flavoured yoghurt, etc. You can try and see.

thanks viman...i am trying to google n read up articles about foods that helps to curb hunger pangs during pregnancy.. so far, veges and fruits are the top list...

will try what u have said, just hope things will get better after a few weeks...n my trip wont be affected..am feeling so hungry again..n its as though i havent eaten for days!!...

Hi Viman & Strengthnblessing!

Im in week 7 now. Yeah, I heard the same; fruits/veg are the best. But I have a dislike towards apples and all the other fruits, I dun dare to take more since now 1st trimester. I switch to Marigold Juice..

Did you all have MS? My MS was very bad in the morning past few weeks but now abit ok. Instead night time, I got MS.. :-( I get hungry easily but scared to eat more as I will vomit... :-(


The Oscar test, u mean for the Down Syndrome de right? I am going for it. I think its better.. u dun want?

Vv, I think you should only eat the food you like. Dun force yourself to eat apples if you dun like them, or MS could get worse. Eat small and frequent meals, that has helped me keep MS under control, especially when I'm in the office.

Yeah, I mean the Down syndrome test. I read that it only gives a probability and often shows a false positive. To confirm, you.ll need to do a more invasive test which has a risk of M/C. I'm wondering if it's worth the worry if I get a false positive as I may decide not to do the more invasive test. My gynae said that women below 35 are in the low risk category for Down syndrome anyway.

hi gals, my stomach is very bloated with gas after last 2 weeks og taking duphaston pills, although i had stoped the pill for 8 days already but i'm still very bloated, plus the nausea feeling, sometimes i cant sleep well at night...

do you gals know of any remedy to get rid of the gas in the stomach?

Viman, yeah. I turned to other fruits..Hee, I just bot golden kiwi today. I tot I should have more Vit C. So read from the box got folate, which I think also stands for folic?

Yeah, I took this oscar test when I had my #1. Its like measuring some fluid behind the neck bone or something. Whole process about 30mins. It tells you the probability, like 1 out of how many millions/thousands..

Sherry, did u call your Gynae and ask? Could it be the food u had taken, that has "introduce" more gas? I read from somewhere can drink a bit of Ginger Tea, but am not sure if it works... It should get rid some gas.

Sh & Auroa - after reading your #1 post-natal incident, really pity you gals. Hopefully #2 you have a better control on domestic affair by avoiding the hectic post-natal incident happen again. It is important for us to have a good rest and coping with newborn and b/feeding.

Sh, I suggest you get a maid when you are around wk30-32 so that you still have some prep time to train her and get her to familiar with the family and the chores. Usually they need about a month or more to adapt to changes and also understand our needs. It is not easy and having a maid might not be a luxury at times. Lucky, you will bingo with her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] speaking from my experience :p I always tell my frens and colleagues by having a maid is never a luxury, having a new maid when you are giving birth is kinda like you have twins! haha, so give yourself ample time to train her up will benefit you and your family in long run.

I'm still considering should I get a CL or should I not..my 1st CL was bad and lazy..other than cooking, and bath bb..basically cleaning & washing is done by my maid. She zz at nite while I bf my bb...see how bad!!

Hi Apple, Oh... Mine also like that lor. CL went back to sleep and ended up zzz with me and CL zz by herself.

I am actually also thinking if I can do without CL since I also didnt have a good experience with my CL afterall (which was my Mil's fren). I am thinking of 2 options. Either totally do w/o CL since have maid at home, then order confinement food from natal essentials or sth.. Or 2nd option is to have a CL do half a month confinement like 2 weeks only, then maybe face them a shorter time, may have lesser problems? Then order confinement food too, but 14 days supply... Wats your opinion?

Hi Ladies

Anyone looking for a good second-hand stroller?

I have a Capella S228 (black and orangey red) for sale at $150. Suitable for newborn. It is a four-wheel drive stroller and the handles are reversible. It comes with full-canopy and a three-point harness. I bought it about 6 months ago at Robinsons (retail price was about $200). It is used occasionally as I also have another Combi stroller (a hand-me-down) from my colleague. I'm letting the Capella go because I have just bought a twin stroller (expecting another bb). Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Ang

hi Vv...*touchwood* so far my hunger pangs have been still manageable...though i feel extremely hungry as though i would die if i dont eat immediately...after drinking juice, milk, etc it will feels slightly better...i even bought cereal, dried apricots and biscuits to stock up as snacks...

as for MS...the hunger pangs usually comes with nausea n i did vomit a few times but think the hunger pangs are more serious than MS *touchwood*...im still pretty afraid that MS will kick in during my trip, so took pills for it from my gynae just in case..hopefully wont need to use it...plus i will be travelling into high mountains (swiss alps) im scare of high altitude sickness too...

really praying hard for all to be alright...im super "kia si" kind...

yoyo, for me I was c-sec during my #1, so my CL just did simple cooking for me as a lot of stuffs she claimed that I cannot take due to the wound..bla bla, by the time really take the tonic is like 3rd weeks onwards which she is about to leave. So thereafter, I actually ordered from Natal Essential for another 14days coz I realised I din get to "bu" much during the confinement month.

Since then, I was thinking, why I paid $2k for just simple cooking + bath bb!! Using that $2k I can have lots of good tonic in addition to confinement catering. Well, 1st time mom abit worried and anxious, now we are experienced, so I rather teach my maid how to brew tonic, then I ord from Natal Essential better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]My fren told me we can engage local CL who come to our place 1/2 day if really I need someone to bath the bb. Am still considering, otherwise my maid shd be able to handle with supervision.

starflower, we are seeing same Gynae. Maybe one day we may bump into each other at Dr Chan's clinic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

VV: I'm facing the same problem as you.. Haiz.. Wish tat my MS stop soon too but I think I'll last for another month or so.. So try to eat small frequent meals as mention by other mtbs.. ;)

Oh n for the Oscar test, I'm not going for it cos tat was my hubby's decision during my 1st pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sh & Auroa: Sorry to hear abt the bad experience u gals had with ur mil. All the best to you this time round ya.. ;)

I think most ppl r having a hard time with their mil but I'm one of the lucky one with a v easy going mil thou sometimes I dun like the think she did, she nv force me to do anything against my will.. Haha.. My fil n mil r living with us now n my fil have been helping out with my gal since she was born last yr.. They r really helpful n dotes on their 1st granddaughter..

My hubby also did his part by bathing my bb washing bottles n helping me in whatever way I asked so I'm really thankful to him too..before I'm discharged from hospital he already told my mil n fil to give way to me n try to help me in watever way cos he's afraid later I Kenna depression. He even went to the maternal class by himself when I was resting in the hospital to learn how to breastfeed n bath the BB.. Lol.. Imagine all the ladies' eyes staring at him.. Haha.. I still remember my 1st nite at hm after feeding n tucking my bb to slp, we were sitting by the bedside using a single manual pump to express milk.. It was horrible.. My hand was super tired from it n then my hubby step in to help to express my milk but we hardly get any n my nipple was sore n bleeding.. I even cried to him y I no milk but he assured me tat the milk will kicked in soon. The next day we went to departmental store to buy the dual electrical pumps n it was a life saver!! I got 60ml from each breast on my 1st try.. Haha. After tat my milk continue to increase until I can hit 360ml for both breast.. So I highly recommend u gals to get dual electrical pumps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh n I didn't really do any confinement cos both my mil n mummy were working so I jus hack care lo.. I even bath everyday at hm with jus warm water n washed my hair Lol.. My mil will cooked the red dates tea for me in the morning to drink before going for work n cooked dinner for me when she came hm. As for lunch my fil will go tapao for me mixed rice.. Then at nite after my BB's last nite feed my in laws will bring bb to their room to slp. It's for me to get enough rest n to built up my body. N now tat I'm pregnant, my in laws help take care of my daughter at nite again so I can rest more.. I'm really grateful to them..

Hi everyone,

I have a Mamas & Papas brand (from UK) baby cot & changing table (both cream color) for sale

Used only for 2 years and is in very good condition

Cot has 3 levels and is good for newborn till 3 years old.

Come with mattress and bed sheets.

Bought at $1500 now selling $450!

Please conatact me at 97970047 for viewing or photo if you are interested. Sorry, i hv problem to upload the photos here.

Lin, really envy you that you got good pil and supportive hubby... it's very impt to get enought rest and help after yr delivery. I agree w u to get the dual electrical pumps. For 1st timers mummies, it's best not to buy first mainly bcos won't know whether will be using it for long run. Pls dun get me wrong... i have friends tat bought the expensive pumps but ended up not using mainly bcos some can't get milk out even they consulted the lactation consultant... in the end hve to take medication and give FM to bb.. others give up after a few weeks after breastfeeding as it's too tiring (prob bcos not enough rest and help) and need to return to work... it's not easy to express milk and work at the same time... i did it for nearly a year at work expressing... my boss always ask me why i need to express 2 times a day and each time abt nearly 1 hr... hve to explain to her that sometimes the nursing rm is fully packed and need to wait for my turn or sometimes i dun hve "let down".. it's very diffcult to explain to my dept as they don't hve experience in breastfeeding...i will recommend to buy a manual pump or borrowed/hands-me-down electrical dual pump for a start (i heard hospital got rent, maybe can check and rent for a mth first.. think the breastfeeding support group also got t-loan services... need to fish out the infor 1st).. try breastfeeding for a mth and decide later to buy a pump.. i bought my dual electrical pump after i delivery 5 mths later...

oh ya, for maunal pump, it's very xin ku.... i pump and pump till my hands ache and the milks dun comes out... the suction is weak.. ended up "hard-rock breasts" and hve to get my hubby to massage and squeeze out the milk for me.. it's very painful and i cried (i used to laugh at my girlfriends who told me that they got hubby to massage as the milks can't come out) now i know it's not funny as i went thru it myself.. the reason why normally get hubby to do it is bcos mummies dun hve strength liao and it's painful... we don't squeeze/massage as already in pain... hubby got more strength and able to massage (bear in mind, still very painful and hve to ren the pain but can scold/complaint to hubby.. my hubby tried to cheer me up by saying that he's milking the cow).. if go llactation consultant, they also massage to ease the blocked ducts but more painful and u can't scold/complaint to them (i saw 1 who is very fierce)

dual pump is recommended by my nursing colleagues in the nursing rm.. they saw me using maunal pump and advised me to get a electrical pump... for yr information, maunal pump will hve to take out yr tops and expressed as u need to hold the pump and massage yr breasts at the same time...dual pump also helps to save time esp at nite when u need to get up to express milk.. after a tiring day, only want to sleep and last thing in the mind is to express milk (arrugh, i can still remember my bb snoring and hubby sleeping soundly while i express and watching them sleeping)...

for the time being, MTBs can read it as infor 1st... it's too early to decide on this.. after 7th mths onwards, can start to buy/decide bb' stuff.. body also feel better and can go shopping ard too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Strengthnblessings - So envy you, u can take snacks... I cant at all. I feel like trying sour plums which I honestly do not like but I dunno where I should get.. What trip? U going for long-haul trip? Where?

Hi Greenapple, its good you hv very supportive PILs leh.. That's really very important. My previous CL stayed with me overnight for a week plus then switch to daytime. As she was "intro" by my MIL at then, so its like I got nothing much to say or even has any control. Cos that time, I still got talk to MIL ma... So didnt want to "defy" her. So go along to the CL timing and all. In fact, daytime CL is kind of better leh. But hor, come to think of it, actually we can also bathe our own newborn? I tot we cannot touch water during confinement but one of my fren whom going to be due this Dec, told me no difference when we bathe baby wor.. so i tot it makes sense? wat do u think?

Hi Lin, heee, your hubby so sweet. I really hate the MS feeling.... somehow I tot it has diminished a bit over the weekends. Now, back to Office, seems like MS kicking in again. And every smell I smell, I find them irritating.... So sian leh

Hi Auroa - :) U are not alone.. I had a miserable time pumping my BM out too. So in the end, I gotta squeeze them out too drip by drip. It was so painful but just have to bear with it... I cannot use electric/manual pump, I tried and the pressure seems like "too great" for me like that... :-( So this time, I think I will have to go thru the same procedure again

just 2 share. For my earlier 3 deliveries, didn't use a CL cos heng suay. good one still ok. bad one will makes things worst.

My mother will cook for me in the first month and I will take care of baby myself. at night, hb will take care. maid will look after the younger children. slightly more tiring but less stressful.

regarding pumps. I have 2 PISA (one is advanced) and one Freestyle. Personally I prefer the PISA cos I feel that the suction power is better. PISA is more bulky but i have 2 sets, so I leave 1 set at the office.

Word of caution if u buy 2nd hand

Those u buy from big departmental stores like Isetan and Taka are covered by local distributor (servicing in Toh Guan).

Those by first few years are parallel import (from US). They provide their own warranty as it will not be covered by local distibutor. prices are cheaper.. but wouldn't recommend cos warranty is not by local distributor, servicing may have a problem.

Cos if u buy 2nd hand. better to get local one. even warranty over, local distributor can help service. parallel import or those bought from US have to pay extra charges.

for my first preg. i got block duct. went to TMC see lactation nurse. have to massage and squeeze the milk. Breast was blue black. they also use the stringe to suck out/clear the boackage. was go painful.

everyday, i pump 1 hr and massage 1 hr. and do tt every 3hrs.was so sad and miserable. as breast was blocked, bb didn't want to latch on. was so depressed. nevertheless, i expressed out. did it for a year.

when all my children take BM, they fall sick less often.

1 last part. my mum modern. dun blieve the chinese tradition. 2nd day after delivery, i bathe and wash hair at the hospital oredi. can't stand not bathing a single day.

ya, when got blocked ducts, bb dun want to latch as need to suck hard.. bb will cry and cry till so stressed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

vv, i remember that i once hve to massage with both hands on 1 breast and to use my thighs to hold the bottle to contain the milks.. really nightmares... btw, which electrical pump u using? i using ameda (think spell something like that).. it's very gentle on the breast and quiet.. medala (think spell something like tat) is very hard on breasts and hurts.. my own personal view on this 2 brands..

hello sh and auroa..thanks for sharing your experience!! really appreciate it~

hearing all your experiences with CL makes me a bit apprehensive..haiz..no choice leh..have to engage one

have not tried ameda. all my pumps are medela. read some reviews that ameda may be less powerful. also medela PISA is my 1st pump recommended by the lactation clinic.

ya, ameda is not so powerful.. however, can adjust the speed... for me, threshold of pain is very low [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Auroa - I had tried both pigeon manual & avent electric... in the end, I still cannot at all but to resort to "hand" instead. I used 1 hand and other other to hold the bottle... that means it took me almost an hour to finish 1 bottle.... :-( Haz, maybe I will try Ameda? But I am scared it will be the same again...

Christine - I agree with you. CL is see heng suay de. I read alot of the scary stories on CL. Somehow, I am really worried that it will create more stress. Uhmmm, nice modern mom u have. So means, actually we can bathe baby also right by ourselves... (cos I am really thinking to do w/o CL).

Evie - is it yout 1st preg? If it is, better to get one CL. But if you can, get from fren's recommendation...

hi all my MS have becoming ES liao.. hahah.. now only evening then got the feeling.. morning i can eat better.. manage to see bb heartbeat last friday.. but over the weekend up kick by my little boy on the stomach.. dunno will it affect his didi/mei mei or not...

i also thinking this one.. i will go without CL.. just my maid and cater confinement food can liao..

me using manual pump leh.. work well for me.. but really tiring.. maybe i should get a electrical one..

Mrs Lim - Aiyo, mine is MS + ES leh... Oh maybe u ask your boy to sayang your stomach? Now, am also very protective and keep reminding my boy not to kick me... u hv the same intention? Uhm, so confinement food from Natal? Or any good recommendation?

i think bathing the baby is ok. just need to more careful. but usually my mum only lets me baby the baby after the cord drops off approx 1week old. afraid of infection. I use one of the infant baby tub so it is quite shallow and with the head elevated.

gentle with the baby else it may be frightened and afraid of bath in future.

just wanted to share this info w u guys as well.

My first 2 babies didn't latch on well so I supplement with formula. both only have slight jaundice.

the youngest one. I fully bf. no supplement at all. so jaundice level was quite high. staying in hospital to treat jaundice. can't sun at home. everyday raining, where got sun.

pediatric says usually total bf baby will have more jaundice. when baby was treated for jaundice, asked me give full formula until jaundice is down.

auroa_sun, my pain threshold also v low. all 3 births, i had epidural. 3rd one, garang, wanted to try wo epidural. at the end, was begging them to get the anesthetist in ASAP.

this one, will go straight for epidural. already had 3, one more also dun make any difference.

christine.. so do u feel the side effect of epidural, the process of injecting the epidural needle painful... i have pobia of needles.. that why i rather endure the pain than having such a thick needle poke into me..

christine, didn't know that total bf bb will hve more jaundice.. no wonder my girl that time got very high level and can't discharge... i also opted for natural delivery for my girl but dilated 3cm and can't tahan the pain but i still dun want to take epidural till the nurse hve to call the gynae to talk to me... bcos i hve pre-emclapsia, if dun take epidural, i might not make it so my gynae have to tell me firmly to take it and to trust him.. he told me that he got the best doc to do it for me.. never saw him so seriously before so i took it... i guess the epidural doc already waiting outside bcos my gynae just went out of the rm, he immediately comes in... took quite a while before the needles goes in bcos i very scared... actually din feel anything at all .. just feel that they spread something at my back and it's done.. heard lots of terrible of stories abt epidural that i'm so scared of it... think it depends on the skill of the doc.. this time round, i will also opt for epidural w natural too as it really helps in delivery...

the needle not so bad. shortwhile only. the cramps are terrible. dun let me move cos the monitor stripped to body.

after the epidural, i get relaxed and dilate faster. delivery process faster. a few push, baby is out. still can joke joke when gynae stitch up my wound. usually there will be a tear.

i admire mummies wo epidural, not for the faint hearted like me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, I admire Mummies that go w/o epidural too. Mine was with epi; I still remembered when the nurse asked me which Options I will go for, example, epi, laughing gas, etc. I readily said "epidural"... Cos I know I cannot tahan any pain at all... So far, I dunno if its side effects but my back does hurts once a while but I suspect its becos I carried my boy in the wrong posture maybe...


bf baby higher chance of jaundice cos of mummy's milk. initially pediatric says supplement with formula. later jaundice still high, no choice, full formula. baby sunning, so naked and tiny v sad. baby at hospital, i cry and cry. struggle cos needs to be blind folded.

this time, not sure want to total bf again. introduce bottle, baby will refuse to latch on later. no formula, later jaundice again. how ?

