(2011/05) May 2011

christine, agree w u.. bottle feed or bf really hard to choose...


saw that quite a no of mummies thinking whether to hve CL or other options... just to share w u...i hve 20 hrs of labour pain till i delivered...suffered fr post-emclasspia effect and once out of bed will see stars (abt to faint) and can't stop tearing bcos of the lights and need to "take' 2 bags of bloods.. doc instructed that go home need to sleep at least 5 hrs in one undistrubted sleep per day.. my hubby managed to keep his parents not visiting for the 1st 2 weeks... whatever my CL do, i dun probe or see.. concentrate on resting otherwise i need to admit back to hospital... i only bf in the day and sleep at nite.. bb on FM at nite... when i got better, i only come to observe what my CL did.. really vomits blood...

it's good that mummies who hve supporitive husbands, pils, parents/siblings... my mum can't help me as she's recovering fr ceverial cancer and i can't depend my mil as i can' stand her nagging.. she can't seem to keep her mouth shut.. hve to rattle on and on... i got my sisters to visit me every 2 or 3 days at home otherwise my days w CL really very diffcult to pass by... for this time round, i thinking of getting a day time CL but i scared if my mil knows she will move in w me... sigh..

haha.. actually my motivation of not getting epidural is bcos hubby say he will use the money save for epidural to get me a LV bag.. haha.. end up hubby see me so xinku ask me take epidural.. but i was cursing at him ask him get lost.. haha.. I'm very determine to go without it and get my bag.. lolz...

BM and FM.. actually can really much different? my DH say FM better cos all the neccessary vit or minerals is in it.. however BM depend on mummy diet... and i very choosy in food.. so hubby scare his son not enough vit.. end up behind me together with my MIL feed him FM.. i faintz

blurlemon, BM and FM really a big difference... there are some nutrients that FM doesn't contains in BM.. those in FM are more "man-made".. bbs who r on BM tends not to fall sick easily (i agree w that as i bf my girl for 17th mths) unless put in infant care centre.. BF mummies diet is very impt as what u eat, BB will takes in too.. so if u take spicy food or coffee, bb tends to be fussy... there r pros & cons on BM and FM.. Christine might know more as she's a experienced mummy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, bf bbs tends to be smaller in size and weight and FM bbs tends to be bigger and heavier..

auroa, alot of my fren have big BM bb.. even bigger than my son who is FM one.. anyway can BF is the best cos its good for mummy and bb..

actually BF babies are chubbier cos of the fats from BM (esp the hind milk). also depending if baby empties the milk from the breast to take in the hind milk.

vv - yes..it's my first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] everything also dunno..

Evie - its ok de... we were all once 1st time Mummies too.. We had been thru it. But it is a very interesting journey to be a 1st time Mommy. Alot things which we will pick up and learn along the way. At least for BB#2, u will be smarter liao. Jia You!!!

Talking about epidural ... I was stubborn enuff to tell gynae I wan try labour pains, frankly speaking the pains to me were bearable like bad menses cramps feeling, i was 2cm dilated when check in, however after enduring for 6 hrs, still only dilate 2cm... I kind hearted nurse advise me to take epi as we will feel more relax thus muscles nt tense up n dilate will b faster. I ask nurse a qn, if I keep endure n still don dilate, when need to do c sect , does it means I've to take epi too? Nurse say yes so I think I better don take the risk so opt for epi, true enuff after 1 hr of epi I was fully dilated...but my naughty bb purpose don wanna come out... End up was on another 6 hrs of epi be4 doc close clinic at 8pm n come use forceps to pull bb out!

Mummies, wat's suffering is the epi effects n not the time when the needle was poke in ( if a gd doc is there), I suffer high fever which nurse din bother to measure how high, cold, even 2 blankets can't help, teeth rathering, shivering non stop, feel like I was dying! 1 strange thing is once bb is out , all these stops as well!!!

This time round I still considering shd I take epi or see how things goes... Sigh...

1st time Mummies , FYI epi can't take too early or too late. So if u already dilate to certain cm n decide wan epi, nurse might say too late, u juz gt to endure thru [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sh... Yeah, thats what I heard, cannot be too early or late.. Mine was induced birth as my naughty boy also didnt want to come out... So when I was in the ward, I alrdy told nurse I will take epi & let them go prepare.. Can see she is rather experienced nurse and so she get another doc in when the right timing kicks in; whom only do epi de. Then they do the timing themselves and slowly let the epi drip in my "nerve" I think since they poke in... On & Off, I can still feel very very mild cramps and make me kinda relax awhile. When cramps gets a little heavier, I press for nurse to come in to drip more epi for me... procedures went on and I dilate to 10cm in about 3 hours plus as I kept telling myself to cool down (but actually inside my heart, I super gan cheong and sooooOOOo scared leh).... My hubby even went for lunch lor... then I gotta called him back n tell him, im ready to give birth liao.

Evie - no worries, we jia you together!!

Mummies.... I benefit from all your experience, I know nothing about laughing gas n epi now I got better understanding

Thank you.... 1st time be mummy like so sotong

hi MTBs, just to check, hve u started to apply stretch mark creams? can't remember when need to start applying.. i have terrible stretch marks after my delivery.. not sure whether 2nd preg also need to apply or close one eye since already hve it...

Heeheee, Auroa - I do not intend to put la.. since like u said, alrdy have.. Hee... But can maybe put some cream to prevent some itch. Cos I remember the last preg, I had very bad itch due to the stretching.. till I gotta see skin doc. :-(

not a creme person. already have lots of stretch marks. so no difference [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

1st delivery also neber apply. bought 1 bottle but neber even tried once

ya, agree .. previously applied 3 times a day .. in the end still ended up w stretch marks.. really wasted of effort... arrugh....

I jus brought 1 tube of anti stretch mark cream n the gal tell me to apply from 3 mths onwards.. It's those flora fragance but dunoo whether I can tahan the smell anot.. Hee

Regarding e laughing gas, it really makes me go siao(crazy) cos totally no use at all on me.. I still remember tat time I break waterbag at 5plus then admitted to hospital at 8 plus. Nurse asked whether I wan edpidural n I tot I'll jus use the gas 1st. But ard 9.30am I cannot tahan liao so I told hubby to call the nurse in to opt for edpidural. But I waited ard 2 hrs before there's doc available to inject for me. By tat time I'm already in distress, whole body was shaking non stop n even Kenna scold by them y didn take it earlier cos it's v dangerous for them to inject me when I'm in this condition. So this time when admitted I'll opt for it straight away... Heehee

yar the laughing gas no use and make us go la la land only... feel so giddy after that.. i told myself i won't even wan to use the laughing gas for my next one..

stretch mark cream, i will put after 1 st trimester.. i got very bad cramp yesterday.. so sianz.. praying hard everything is alright..

for those having no2.. how u all manage the no1.. my boy so sticky to me.. i feel so gulity unable to play with him like last time...

really learned a lot from all the experience mummies here.

i think i more kiasu, already started applying the anti stretch mark cream, but just once a day.

had pretty bad gastric reflux, so on MC for 2 days. hopefully well enough to go back to work tomorrow. these few days really very lethargic.

Good Morning All Mummies!

Lin, yeah straightaway opt for it so that they will do the right timing & all for you. It will be a breeze.. :) But hor, one thing I can remember is after delivered, I stayed in my ward. I felt kinda nauseous and all. I believe its cos the epi started to "go away"... then the nauseous feel... Really feel blur and puky...Thats the after effects for me... So u didnt managed to take epi?

Blurlemon, yeah I felt guilty too. Hubby tried to help when he around. But those times when he not around... I got no choice but to carry him when he opens his hands wide and ask for "bao-bao"... he becomes more & more sticky. I heard from my Mom, is because our older kid actually "know" another baby is coming soon...

Joyce, I am @ work now but I also feel very lethargic. Very sian and lazy. Dun feel like working at all. Take care yea, did Gynae/GP gv u any med for gastric?

Yeah Joyce.. no choice. Avoid spicy and oily foods. Take sth light. So now u are on 2nd day MC?

Hey hey!

I was reading your inputs about BM or FM and the issue of jaundice. I wonder if these articles would be helpful.




Doctors in Singapore a little more kiasi coz they dun wan anything "bad" to happen to babies so i personally believe that they over-react at times.

My #1 was breastfed until she was about 8-9 months old and she had little problems with her poo-ing and all. My nephew is now a few months old and he keeps having problems with constipation as the FM he's taking is not suitable for him. It's like someone told me that BM is made specially for my baby while FM is not so customised and some parents had to go through a few brands before finding the one more suitable for their babies.

I will be breastfeeding #2. Hopefully he/she latches well. My #1 was bottle-fed with my expressed milk and it was such a tiring experience! I am glad to have gone through it though. It's worth it for my girl. =)

Hi Mummies,

*panting* so many posts to catch up with.

I read a bit on MIL. I got my part to share. My unhappiness starts when i know that my #1 is a girl. She kept on telling me that she is very disappointed tat i was having a girl coz she wants to have a grandson ( my hubby has a niece). And the way she talk, she seems like putting all the blame on me! ( my MIL is educated one, she can explain the X and Y stuff to me) She dint breathe any unhappiness to her son aka my hubby. I suffered in slience for 2-3 months as I dun wan to make tings difficult for him as he had juz switch job at tat time. I was staying with her as I was waiting for my new place. I was unhappy.

I told a close fren abt tis. He advice me to go my mum's place for confinement as he was worried tat i might have depression. I talked to my mum and she agreed. After many tots, i decided to move to my mum's place during my pregnancy. My hubby suspected something is not right and kept pestering me to tell him. I broke into tears before i could say anything. He supported me. I moved back when i was 6-7 mths pregnant. But tings dint turned well. Me and hubby's relationship turned sour coz my MIL is world class actress. We nearly divorced. After i gave birth, I told my CL wat happened and she stood by me. Everytime MIL came, she will get MIL to buy expensive stuff for me. Like cordeycep (dong cong chao), bird nest ( 1 piece 1 piece type).

Tat whole year after no. 1 is born, I only brought her back to MIL during occassions like CNY, PIL's birthdays, dong chi.

Tat was the time she reflected and MIL treated me better until today. Tat's t i decided to have no.2. its not easy to forgive and forget ( thou she dint say sorry) but i decided to forgive but not forget.

RE: Birth

I went natural delivery for my no.1 with laughing gas and 2 jabs of pethinde ( injection on tigh). I was in labour for 16 hours ( induced birth). I rejected epi coz i heard abt the scary side effects and also my mum encourage me to go without epi.

My girl came out at 6pm and I already cant wait to walk the moment i was pushed to ward. No pain for me at all at the wound. Tink my gynea dint cut for me coz bb too small ( 2.43kg) and his stitching skills was good! i cant feel it at all.

RE: Jaudice and bfing

tat is called bfing jaudice. It will go off when bb is 5 weeks old.

vv, today is 2nd day of MC, feeling slightly better. i haven't had any spicy food for a while. but the oily food was the trigger i think.

Penny, I share yr thoughts.. my mil is the type that preferences for boy.. even for my husband and his sister, she prefer my husband and when my sister-in-law was taken care by her nanny and fetch home when she was 2 yrs old.. can see how she prefer to take care of boy rather than girl (somemore is her own child).. when she saw my tummy for my 1st preg, she said must be a boy and my gynae must hve made a mistake...

Joyce, take care...dun take milk/soya bean milk as it will upset yr gastric more... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Penny - at least your MIL still got "fan-xing" herself. Mine will never think she is wrong. She is not only world class actress but adds in salt & spices to make the story become so juicy. The only content I have is my hubby support. All these years, he had stood by me as he knows his mom is wat type of person. But of course, sometimes, we do still argue when I cannot stand her actions & bad-mouth behind my back... Now, I only hope and pray she will not try to act nice in front of me again just to put her foot into my current pregnancy now.

Joyce - try to sip abit warm water... I had a crave towards spicy foods for this pregnancy... which I am really trying to control.. Haz.

Auroa - that time my MIL also kept saying my 1st one, tummy is a girl. Then end up after detailed scan is boy, she like cannot accept the fact that she had guessed wrongly lor.

hi mommies...been starting to vomit this 2 days...cant take in much food, stomach is hungry but once i see the food, i cant seems to eat it at all...

tried milk, biscuits etc but doesnt seems to help as before...really quite sick of this feeling...didnt know pregnancy can be so torturing...

going to see TCM this evening, hope it will help...anyone know of this Dr Liang at crawford lane blk 465?

vv, why mils all like that? don't they know that the gender is decided by the men... we women get the blame...my hubby said that i'm too sensitive, her mother just said said only...but don't hve to repeat and repeat... i remember once my girl (when she abt 2 mths old) need to change diaper bcos she poos.. my husband changed her in the living rm sofa... my inlaws quickly run over to see as if still can't believe "she is a girl"... after tat i scolded my hubby never never to change my girl in "public eyes" again.. everytime when they see some1 they know, they kept pointing to my girl and tell them she looks like a boy... sigh...

Auroa - exactly. I dunno why they always put the blame on wives. Yes, sometimes I would tell hubby why his mom like this like that, then he would also why I keep repeating to him the same problem. He didnt figure out most of the times, its her Mom whom is always creating the same problem.

Aiyo, means yr PILs refused to accept still at times? Haz.

all mils seems to b one type..Especially those less educated one..all will blame dil for baby girl..

I believe my mil also want grandson..cos she told mi b4 she has 3 m/c b4 my hubBY..She even pray to god n ask for a son if possible..

Now I start to doubt abt her word after I get preg... How do she noe she has 3 m/c which are all sons? I tot 4-5mth then can noe e gender lei..

She claim that within 3 years, she has 3 m/c n 1 successful baby(hubby).. A bit impossible right?

I might b a bit against her..but e above dun make sense lei..

Serene - Yea lor. But even those educated types also the same de la.. I think depends on luck. If lucky, will be blessed with supprtive & understanding PILs. Otherwise, I think just plain "bad luck"... :-( I think your MIL is "bull-shitting" lor. Maybe she trying to tell u, all her Babies are BOYS, so she expects yours to be boy also?

hehehe, i wish mil is not that type educated but not lor... she's a retired chinese primary school teacher... i let my girl keep long hair (actually to shoulder length otherwise too hot for her) so that they can "see properly"... my mil also likes to open our letters to see... always said never mind.. so fed up.. even credit card bills also open... in the end, i hve to keep personal items locked up in the rm and keep my rm locked when they are here.. once she went in to open my cabinets and i was following behind her... she opened and saw my bras and smiled and closed it... can't stand her....my hubby said i'm too much to lock up the master bedrm door...i told my inlaws so many times not to open my mails or touch my items but they still do it... so i resort to closing my door..sometimes quarrel w hubby bcos of them... somemore live a few blks away... sometimes can come over 3 times a week.. arrugh..

dunno her...we r not in very good term..at time I do suspect my hubBY is not her kid..my hubBY dun look like his parent at all.. 3 diff look..

I m even thinking maybe she went abortion when she noe its girl.. Then say is m/c.. Very bad of mi..Haha..

She is considered young (53yr) but I felt she has traditional thinking...

During wedding preparation, she was v enthu.. Decorate e room, make this n that..we got married for 1 yr plus, still wanna show our small wedding album to her colleague.. I wonder is she e one married?Haha..

Wah.. I also cannot tahan ppl open my things without my permission. No respect for others.. Lucky my in laws r not like tat even thou they r living with us..

Actually my case a bit opposite cos my in laws r v happy my no 1 is a girl. Cos they had two sons n always wanted a girl I guess.. Anyway I think whether our baby is a boy or a girl it doesn't matter cos it's still our precious bb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hee. i'm lucky. no MIL prob. she dun stay w me.

anyway i think she is more afraid of me blackface.

only dun like her to compare my kids with my BIL's children. always say infront of me, his children soooo v good.

anyway, when i needed help for my 1st child (new maid, dun dare to leave maid and baby alone), she tells me she wants to take a rest. dun want to look after kids anymore but end of the day, went to help my BIL. still sore after so many yrs esp mine is new born and my BIL's children min also 2-3yrs old.

anything she says, i acknowledge only but I dun follow.

my mil never say anything about boy or girl. i just hope she will be happy she's having a grandchild soon, as she loves young children. praying hard she don't make things difficult for me or hubby when the baby is born. we don't stay together at the moment, but when she's older, she might stay with us since she's staying alone now. she has been very nice so far, will come over to our house twice a week to help us with ironing. so i have nothing to complain about for now.

Auroa and yoyo,

We can intro our MIL to each other so tat when they leave tis earth, they can have some1 to talk to. or some1 to complaint to abt their DIL.

She fan-xing mayb coz she complaint to her sister abt me n her sister scolded her. COz i was v good to her before i married to her son. In yr 2006, before we got married, she needs to go for operation on her right knee. The natural lubriciant at her joint ran out and needs op to put a plastic in. After her op, no one in her family can take leave to look after her. My FIL's company got new project, no one can take leave, BIL reservist, my hubby ( then bf) was a SAF regular and he has a mission and he is the commanding officer- cant take leave. So, I volunteered myself to look after her the first week when she was home. She wakes up at 430am everymorning. I got to prepare breakfast for her. Acc her while she exercise her joints, massage for her, feed her medication. She already menopause, tink its due to her medication, she suddenly has menses. I got to help her to clear the mess.

Taking care of her is worst than working. Her temper is also no good after d op and she is always impatient towards me but i still got to make her feel comfortable.

Tat is d reason y I was so angry during my pregnancy days, d way she treated me.

Hubby's yi ma could have told her off. I even gave her face. I told hubby not to tell FIL wat happened between me n his mum coz my FIL will def stand by me coz he knows his wife. But I dun wan to a sinner to cause them to quarrel.


U r lucky. My in-laws also got 2 sons. My FIL is very happy when he know i was having a girl for my #1. But MIL scolded him.

Yah, to us, no matter boy or girl, they r still our precious.


How come ur MIL very bu ke qi, go open ur cabinets and see? If i were u, I will buy lots and lots of condoms and let her see when she open d cabinets. Let her tink tat u r not ready to hav another child. Then always say something like, I really hate pple who show no respect to pple blah blah , indirectly to shoot her until she know u r talking abt her.

Hi mommies, I'm very stressed and lost!

Yesterday I sent my maid off my hse after tolerating her nonsense for 4 months. She has been caught stealing and talking to strangers especially those bangla..we gave her chances but she never keep her promise..so no choice but to sent her off.

Now I'm maidless, gotta look after my girl, fetch her to and fro from sch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Managing a maid is worst than managing my work projects...

Auroa, wah..how can your MIL just go to your room and open your wardrobe and open you mails?? That's very rude and no privacy at all!

I think I'll be very mad if my MIL ever did that..

Sometimes I envy ppl getting help from inlaws or parents who can look after children while parents at work. As I do not enjoy this luxury and gotta depends on maid at all time, but think about it at least I do not have prob clashing with them too


Possible to take a week's leave to settle ur stuff? U r now pregnant and shouldnt feel stress.

I dun allow my maid to b alone. My MIL has to look after her and I m v strict to my maid.


I followed this blogsite very closely before i got my maid. I m very strict towards her. I gave her a set of rules and regulations to follow ( 8 pages- English and Berhasa). I went thru it with her and make sure she follow wat is expected of her.

She has been with me for 9 mths, so far I got no complaints abt her. She is from East Java. My indo frens told me pple from East JAva r very mild and obedient.

Hope ur next maid will b better.

Penny, Yeah. I think they can be best of friends lor. U are very filal to her leh. Yet she still treats you like that. I used to respect my MIL very much. During my 1st Pregnancy, I usually try to give in to her. Last time I stayed with her, she accused me of taking her things in front of everyone in the family when I was alrdy 6mths pregnany. Imagine, having a tummy, standing there, letting her scold and everyone in the family stared at me. That time, my hubby came home very late due to work. So she took opportunity. Until the maid also pitied me. Then next day, realised the things she accused me of taking was found somewhere near the corner of the bathroom. My hubby handed her the thing and she didnt even feel any guilt at all. And wats the thing? The thing is actually "the cap of her hair conditioner spray" lor. So Bo liao right?

Hey, yes, I also refer to singapore maid blogspot to do up her timetable, rules and regulation. She has been with me for almost 1 yr. She is my 3rd maid. Previous maids are horrendous. The last maid before this, even steal my password and access my PC to use FACEBOOK. OMG!

Now I install web cam at home to watch her.

Auroa, Wah. See yr personal stuffs and then smile? She looks abit "bian-tai" leh.. My MIL last time pretend to come my house and take things but actually also ransack things lor. I locked my master room. Then she complained to maid why lock the room door. But she never stop and think why we lock in the 1st place lor.

Apple, then now u gonna take another newe maid? Dun stress ok, take things at a time now. Have u started looking for new maid? Such maid, must staright away send back le. U know, when I go work, I will see those maids send children to school, then gather at void deck downstairs and talk for very long de. Then they will giggle and laugh very loud. Cannot stand the sight of it leh.

opening letter n cabinet are small issue...

My mil arrange my whole wardrobe n make up desk.. Saying its dusty n messy.. (she is a clean freak)..

always do that when we go holiday..i super hate ppl touch my stuff..touch is Ok..imagine she change e entire arrangement of my stuff.. To e point, I can't find my stuff..Will refold my bra,undies, clothing..change e way I hang my clothing..all our condom,lubricant gel,sex toy are exposed liao..

That is wat I call invade privacy..not once..but 3 times hor.. Say always forgot.. How can 1 ppl forgot 3 times..even my fil say her..

My hubby msg her not to touch my stuff... She is not happy.. Nv get a thank u and get scolded for tt.. Wat pissed mi off is she replied .. It is my cupboard.. U think I m very free?

It really fume mi..not free meh..can cut the plastic sheet n put on each shelves??

I can't take it n felt it is too much liao..it has been our hurdle for years.. in aug, came to visit us in Aust...bcos of some issue,this issue was brought up..she felt so wei Qu n cried in her sleep..so loud tt I can hear la.. so fake lor..btw we stay in studio apartment with no room..

Always dun like e way I do things..i hang clothing according to my mum style..she will change e whole thing to her style..buay tahan.. Damn dominating lor.. Everything must follow her style..

Things she cook, I dun like to eat..say I am picky n fussy.. Nv even ask mi wat I like to eat..always cook things in her style..

Can't finish soup n rice,will get scolded.. She spent time n effort to cook..

I drink water during dinner..will also get scolded..say got soup.. I m like..I m going to choked to death..by drinking ur hot soup,will make mi die faster..cant swallow..

We buay tahan one another.. My hubby is e middle man who pass msg..she always like to stare at u.. Then look ard..nv smile..

sorry for e release of my anger..

Serene - can understand how u must hv felt. Your MIL is truly damn sickening wor. If for me, I think I will lock my main door lor. My MIL also very domineering de and last time, I was really a fool to be "scared of" her. Cos I dun wan her to feel that I am like snatching her son away. But since years ago, I fell out with her cos of my boy, I decided never to talk to her or even believe what she says. Cos whatever she does and says all acting only. My anger towards my MIL is also and always at the peak whenever I talk about her. Thats why at times, my hubby & I ended up arguing. But then, I really think its not worth arguing with hubby cos of MIL lor.

My MIL likes to stare at me at corner eye and tells the whole world I treat her badly and add spices in her story. This year days before CNY, she even purposely brought the topic up and asked my husband if he knows how I treated her. Then my husband told her - he dun wan to talk about it. If so, lets all sit down and talk. Then she buay song and hung the phone up. Cos my hubby also v pissed with her. After that, I laughingly asked my hubby, what did I do to her? She siao lor. I should be asking her, if she know what she had done to me behind my back. She has the cheek to say sth which is not true and sounds as if so serious. Wah Kao!


U so poor thing. How can tat old woman scold u for that condition cap? And somemore its her fault lor.

Wah, ur maid very clever lei, knew how to steal ur password. I know my maid knows how to use internet but I never give her a chance to touch my pc. I pak her timing until before 10pm, she already yawn. Give her tings to do. Nothing to do, change bedsheets, wash curtains, wash toys, clean fans, mop floors 3 times a day. My maid is not 100 marks too. She do tings very S-L-O-W and at times she cant finish the tasks I gave her. My darling is a small bully. She know how to bully the maid. So I have a piece of mind.

I told myself if she is no good, show attitude or lazy, I will send her back w/o hesitant.


WAH, sex toys ah. *wink wink* Share with us wat u have lei. we fren fren, share share lah.

Penny, my maid is from East Java..and agency also told me normally ppl from East Java are good helper. Maybe just plain of my luck, as my former maid work for us for 4.5yrs has some family issue, so she cannot continue, resulted us taking new maid.

All these while I have cctv installed in my hse..I have 4 cameras to be exact but yet she still play punk!

Actually I also load her with tasks, but she never do it and got cheek to argue with me. When she first came, she zz when my girl left to sch at 8.15am to 11.30am then wake up and cook her lunch, eat and clean up by 12+ she nap again till 4pm. That's the time she prepare my girl's dinner and my girl will be home around 5.45pm. See how good life she is enjoying while we work hard in the office!

I hv lost faith on Indon maid n now I'm turning to Filipina work is ex-Kuwait. I picked the biodata from another agency, so gotta fork out more, but hb said since Indon lately quite bad, y not give Filipina a chance to try out. Well, due to some tight regulations I gotta wait for 4-5wks to get the maid in. Tentatively I'm maidless..will be like mad woman too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm greatful I have good superior, so I'm a lil flexi on my work, so I come to office slightly later and go back 30min earlier.


Haz.. its all in the past. Im glad somehow she is temporary out of my life. And she better dun try to pretend to be nice to me again, just because she wants to take control everything. I will not fall into her trap lor. She very cunning de la. Likes to act in front of the whole world. So angry wz her leh.

Yeah, smart hor. But I suspect she ransacked my papers and then see the word password:xxxx, then trial and error went into my PC even though its Password Locked. I was so shocked. She even used my boy's toy dog to pose and took pic. I dunno how she loaded that pic into Facebook. But she did it. So disgusting lor!! Yeah, my boy also always bully my maid. So somehow, she is super busy. But last time that maid, also same leh. very busy but dunno why she has the luxury of time to surf net and even make phone calls, etc.


I all along employ Indo maids. Actually hor, I also dun like Indo maids. I personally feel that those very smart de hor, all kay siao and like to play punk. Those not smart de, ended up will give excuses lah, blah blah,etc. Sometimes, I really have enough of all these maids also. My MIL (way before I was married in), used to have Myanmar maid. I can see she so kwai leh. And so gentle. But in the end work for 2 years, she want follow me. End up, she dressed up scantily and even wear tarzan top lor while doing house work. The shorts so short until I think can see the backside flesh leh. Then even talk to china neighbours next door (china man). Your maid very good life leh. Still like that, so send her back is right choice lor. In fact, I think those maids whom employers like us, work full time, and dun have PILS & Parents @ Home to watch them, they (maids) actually very good life liao. Own time own target, do their things blah blah. Dun understand why they dun treasure lor. My hubby said, if they have such sound mentality, they wont come here to be maids liao.

U try to relax and dun over-work. That time I also maid-less for almost 2 months. Sian lor. but have to really cut down some standards since without maid for the moment. So u mustnt over-tire yourself esp now preggy. Ask yr hubby to help out a little bit.


talking abt maid.. my neighbour last yr employed a maid to take care of her toddler boy... as she's a PR, she don't hve relatives in spore so the maid is whole day at home w e toddler... after less than a mth i din see her and asked my neighbour.. she said that the maid steal their coins... whenever she do laundry, she will check every pocket and collect the coins... in less than a mth, she can buy a phone card liao.. additional, she also abuse the toddler boy.. my neighbour din know at first till she discovered her son seems to be withdraw and scared.. she asked her son and her son said that the maid pinched his legs when he refused to co-operate, example to bath or sleep... my neighbour conforted the maid and she admitted to it..it's better to get some1 to supervise the maid... can't trust them...

