(2011/05) May 2011

by the way, what will you all put in the porridge ah? My aunt told me she use dry scallop to make the base soup for porridge. any things to take note?


Stephanie, not a must to learn how to drink fr sippy cup.guess tis was introduce for mommies' convenience cos there come a stage where they wan to hold their bottles/cups on their own n sippy cup is non drip. Last time I buy for my son he also nvr use.he use d straw mag mag more.d straw 1 has non drip version too tho if u tilt,still will leak abit. Pple prefer sippy teat cos d whole thin can sterilize whereas if it's straw can't sterilize so u c ur preference bah.

Lil fly,cut when they r deep aslp.easier. Else, d other day I act got mil to help me hold d hand while I grip d finger n cut.

For #1,I used to start with heinz plain rice cereal wic now no more then immediately give porridge le.fruit wise I gave him raw apple mashed tho.then banana n papaya I think I intro ard 7mths old.#2 now I gave her Bellamy rice cereal.started 1 wkb4 she turn 5mth old. Til now still not swallowing very well.has not intro any others yet

Stephanie: My baby used to wake up at 1pm+, then change to 11.15 then change to 10.30 and now 9.30am. He slps at midnight and wake up at 5+am for milk. Very tiring for me coz I need to count sheep at least 1 hour at midnight and another hour after his feed.

2ww: Dried scallops quite salty leh. My mum say can use ikan bilis for soup. Then it will be sweet.

Viman, the stroller u put lying position? Maybe can make it higher so that won't vomit easily?

2ww, healthy time no DHA, thats why switch to Happy bellies huh? The latter one can be found at ntuc?

Sunflower/vicki, Bellamys can b found at ntuc? Think I'll try either this one or HB...

Stephanie, for my #1, I actually didn't buy the sippy cup for him. I think I go to straw mag mag directly ar... So it's not a must, like what Vicki said, it depends on what u wanna intro to the kid lor...

2ww, yes I'll put dried scallops too. Ikan bilis also gd, coz got calcium. Will need to grind using blender, then cook in porridge....

Jenny, bb sleeps at 12am, then 5am, then 9.30am... This is indeed very good alrd wor! My bb's timing is like 10/11pm, 3/4am, 6/7am. So after 7am sometimes he won't wanna sleep back le... Every sat or sun, will hv to wake up so early... Sianz

vicki: oh wow that's alot of 学问 involved. thanks so much for the sharing! hee i shall take cue from bb n oso source ard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mickeyboy: icic, hehe thanks thanks too!

jenny: oh no..that's very drastic. hmmm did u try to schedule his sleeping n wake up time? my bb used to sleep at midnight too, or even later while drinking milk every 2 hrs. but as the days goes, i train him to sleep earlier and now ard 8pm he will sleep. if by 730pm i still don change him into his pj at home, he'll cry alr. i oso have him to wake up by 930am latest, if he still asleep i'll wake him up. jiayou jiayou [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stephanie,I still got loads to learn still.juz trial n error lor.

Mickeyboy,Bellamy only selected cold storage n vitakids (paragon,forum,millennia walk n united sq) has. Yishun don't have. I buy fr a bp under seller agapebabies. Tho more $ la. Ntuc only sell healthy times brown rice

good morning ladies, its mid week... not too bad ya, 2 more days to go!

bunnymum, i m using avent pacifier for both my kids. think that one is silicon type.

ya parenthood is a long journey, and along the way, many things to learn. even as a 2nd time mummy, sometimes sth will forget, and will need to read thru again here.. we just learn together ba! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vicki & mummyboy: nw northpoint cold storage has bellamy's bb rice. Jus saw yest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but my bb is on organix so too bad for me

Hee it's mid week alr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyone gg bb fair this wkend?

Good morning mummies! I try to attached e picture of the solid food leaflet that my PD gave me, hope it works, first time uploading pic here =P


morning mummies...

long time didnt post liao ... had turn to silent reading liao ...

my gal had running nose for the past one week ... now stil hv some ... hope she will fully recover soon ...

Stephanie, where is the bb fair?

Super long no log in here! Ahaha...

Hi grace welcome! What I do is turn my bb towards my chest when lying down and let her hold her bean bag covering her ears than stroke her back or just support her back...u can pat a lil...than my girl will zzz....

Stephanie maybe I gg with my hb but depends coz super tough to find parking lei..

Bunnymum I using silicon avent paci..

Hi mummies, long time never loggin le... I'm clearing my last two weeks of ML.. Just came back from Indonesia, Bandung. Shopped alot @ their factories outlet. Now, I'm a temp SAHM till this fri as my helper has went back to her hometown..

W has started his semi-solid two weeks ago... He's not really veg/fruit puree unless we add rice cereal in it... Recently, I've Intro eu yan sang's brown rice to him.. Surprisingly that he loves it too, unlike J refused to have brown rice...

mimosa: wow, thanks for the pix, looks v informative heheh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

V: icic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] im gg on sat, hope to go as early as poss to get parking *fingers crossed*

Ling & Hopeful: hee bb fair is this fri to sun (21-23 Oct) at expo hall 6, if i nv rmb wrongly, shld be 6B [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mickey: Ur baby got nap very long throughout the day? I know some baby can nap for a few hours throughout the day. Mine takes 30min nap abt 3 times only. I wish my baby is a lazy bum who loves to slp like me. But I think he takes after his daddy who doesn't like to slp. My husband loves to slp at nite while I love to slp in the morning.

Stephanie: Wow ur baby good hor, will cry for slp. Sometimes I do try to let him slp earlier but he just cry till midnight his usual slping time then he will slp.

Today even more xiong. He woke up at 8.15am then I feed him he's not interested in drinking. Drink 20 min only 2oz then after 30 min can only finish 4oz then I let him slp. After I wash bottle he still dun wan to slp till 9am+ I plead him. I say even if I kill ur whole family in my previous life and u are here to take revenge I also pay back to u liao. Already 5 mths, its enough. But he doesn't listen. Then I on aircond and he finally slp. Phew!

Actually these few days he wake up early, his temper is very bad. He keep on crying throughout the day. I think he doesn't have enough slp. Hope he will be fine soon!

This week seems extremely long. I keep think yest was wed or thur. But today is only wed! Sat husband going to baby massage class then to work, another long week for me. Next week onwards worse, he's going to work from mon to sun. Haiz!

mimosa, thks for the pic! but some of the words very blur leh. need to guess from the pic. but it will be a good guide when i start to intro solids slowly...

i think i'm going to get this bellamy's bb rice fr cold storage then. i wont know until i buy and let him try rite? hopefully bb will like it ba.

jenny, ya perhaps he nap more during the daytime, coz my nanny seems ok w his timing, didnt complain that she cant finish her house work. last time during my #1, nanny always complain tt she cant even prepare dinner for her family ar. its the same nanny for both kids.

ur hb very hardworking leh, its not his own business wor, y need to be so 'ping ming' ar? sometimes my hb will b asked to go back to ofc on sat too, i will complain also le. and ur hb is going back every weekend!?

wah bb fair at expo, usually i wont go de, its too far to go fr yishun ar. and we dun have car. mummies who r gg, can share got what good deals ma? then only we see if its worth gg by cab onot...

Mickyboy: i took e pic using my iphone, maybe e qual not so good, plus nid to strink it so that can upload here :p maybe u give me ur email i send e original file to u?? =)

bunnymum: i also using avent silicon pacifier for my bb.

Jenny: ya, ur bb sleep time is v good! it only happens to me two times T_T my bb slp at 9/10pm, then 12+, 2+ 4+ then finally wakes up ard 630 and refuse to slp bk... very very tirring... cos i nid to work whole day also... now everyday like zombie... sob sob....

bb fair: ya, those mummies who gng, can share if there is any good deal to see worth going or not, weekend is like so short, time always not enough!!

Mickey: I think ur nanny let him naps too long in the day. Yest I was searching for 5 mth baby development, I saw someone wrote her baby woke up at 7.30am, then nap 1.5hr, noon nap 3 hours, evening nap 1 hour. Then I tot her baby wake up early so nap more then I read her baby slps at 8.30pm! So her baby slps for 11 hours then still nap for so long. What an easy baby she has.

I also cannot cook or do housework even though my baby is 5 mths old now. Have to get my husband to cook before he goes to work then I eat cold food throughout the day. I got time to eat already very happy, dare not think of cooking.

Yah lor, somemore u wun imagine how miserable his salary is. $2000+ only lor. His co 'promote' him in terms of work then increment only one mth later den give him $100 increment. Last time he only need to OT end of mth, now he have to OT beginning of mth, mid mth and mth end! Basically he do OT everyday and weekends too and OT pay is a miserable $20, can only get $20 after working min 2 hours on weekdays and 4 whole hours on weekends! Which means if he go back on sat or sun for 4 hours he only get $5/hour. I always tell him even banglas also rather go to Little India to walk ard than to work at that rate lor, somemore mosto f the time 4 hours he still haven't finish his work. Then he need to work from home too without getting any cent.

He needs to send report every Sat. So even if he dun go back to work he also have to do the report from home and send it out.

Sorry huh, too much complains but my husband's work is getting up on my nerves.


Mickeyboy/mimosa,,above is d bp price. Tat x cold storage yishun don't have so not sure d price but I bought another packet of Bellamy to put at nanny plc fr vitakidz is $6.80 & FYI organix rice cereal is $7.10. Bp tat price still have to add postage. I rem I paid total $14.50 for 1 pkt of Bellamy n promo $3.50 (1for1) earth best brown rice 6 loose pack. so meanin my postage cost abt $4 lor.

Mimosa I wan d pic too.

Mickeyboy,btw Bellamy has got gluten if that is a concern for u.I use it cos bp seller recommend me cos I can juz add hot water to d cereal even if I don't wan add milk & it still has iron in it.if u dun wan gluten then use organix.purely juz rice cereal only.

Fr yishun to expo act only need ard 50mins (with sligh jam due to rain) take 858 drop at changi airport then take train to expo. D route is almost same as takins cab but much cheaper ;)

Mimosa: I wan e pix too haha
Jenny: *hugs* the first few weeks of taking care of bb for me is e same as u. I think hubby's support v impt. U got talk to him abt it? Wad he working as? Like v xiong n everytime OT. When my bb was difficult w me I tried eating biscuits while taking care of him. Otherwise my gastric will act up, it's accumulation from work last time. U too mus try to eat sth when u can n take good care

Bellamy bb rice cereal: I saw at northpoint cold storage selling at $6.80 [IMG=[URL]http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][/URL]

Bb fair: I hope to stock up on diapers. The previous bb fair I bought drypers S for $6.50 which is abt half e price in retail. huggies S was gg for $6.80. Saw lots of ppl buying in cartons of 4packs n I only bought 1 pack [IMG=[URL]http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][/URL]
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Mickyboy, Vicki: ya, Bellamy got trace of gluten tats y i chosed Organix, i bought it from agapebaby at $6.20, didn't pay for e postage cos e collection pt near my place. i saw Earth's best also got rice cereal, FB mummies said it is good, can give a try also.

btw can give me ur email pls? =)

Hey mummies,

REally appreciate all your advice and answers for me, seriously.

Mimosa, your pic is really helpful!! I have been trying to find out more about the food to give my bb and when, how to do it, etc..

now he can't eat rice based cereal. nurse ask me stop till 6 mth but bb keeps wanting to eat when we eat.. duno how also..

the heinz puree - how early can we start? i read from one of your post must get thru the rice based cereal first before can start on the fruit purees right?

Found this picture from FB group, seems bigger, will send together with e first pic =)


Stephanie: MY husband says he will help me to take care of baby at nite and ask me to go to bed at 10pm. But yest count sheep till 11pm+ then at 12am baby come in to slp I woke up then have to recount sheeps.

U also got gastric pain? Same here. Who's taking care of ur baby now? My husband working as asst sales executive. Asst only lor and he work until like he's the big boss. Even midnight also got call for him but I refuse to let him ans. We got agreement to turn off the phone when slping, if not if the phone wake me up I'll throw his phone away.

The dryers $6.50 is how many pcs? So cheap!

Ling/twickle/steph: i just sent e pic to u gals, receive?

MIckyboy & Vicki: not yet send to ur, cos dun have ur email =)

Grace: did u try out our method to get ur baby to slp? does it work for ur bb? maybe nid to try a few more times to see which way ur bb feel relax n comfortable??

2ww: today work v xiong – no time to even do online retail therapy (sob!)…ur itchy hands cured already ya? For my #1, i will ikan bilis as soup base. I will also microwave the ikan bilis til dry and cripsy and the grind into powder and add into porridge. My mum will add dried scallop, corn, pork ribs to make soup base for making his porridge.

Mimosa: your bb 6mths already ya? Googled and found that gluten is ok for bb >6mths old http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/startingsolids/gluten&babiesexpert/

Now I can’t decide which brand to get ?

Vicki: haha, i tried that and end up trim into his skin, then blood come out and he was screaming away and that was like 2mths old. Now 5mths easier.

Jenny: Have your hb thought of changing to another job? He probably find it very tiring too. An easy baby is probably an exception. Most babies are very active. Just like morning sickness, some mummies don’t even feel nauseous while I practically guard the toilet. LOL.

Another alternative is try catering? My gf does that and being a small eater, she divides the lunch portion into 2 and heats up food again for dinner. At least no need to do marketing, cook and wash-up after that.

Hi ladies, nid your advice on avent sterlizer.. will the heating element at e bottom get rusty? usually i dun wipe it dry after using, cos always nid to use, but i will pour out the extra water before i use it. After i bk to work, my hb help me wash and sterlize e bottles and pumping acc, he dun even pour out e water... then 1 day when i wanna use, e water that i poured out was v yellowish like rusty... then i quickly rinse e sterlizer with water.. could not be scale particle bcos i remem i just descaled it 1 week b4 that... is it still safe to use e sterlizer? how shld i maintain it?

Thanks in advanced for your advice!

Little Fly: my bb is 5 month today! hehe... not yet 6 months old, tats y i chosed organix... gluten will wait after he is older abit =) How old is your baby?

Mimosa: once you de-scale it, it should be fine. Water need to change regularly wor.. My bb is 5mths 3 days ago. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Din manage to try out at 8plus when he wan to sleep as he's very cranky already, so rocked till he drift to sleep.. Took 30mins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

When he woke up at 2.30am for night feed, i tried putting him to sleep beside me after feeding.. Rub his back n sang softly to him.. he turn left, turn right, rubbing eye, make noise but refuse to sleep..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] finally after abt 30mins, he cannot stand it and start to "complain" louder.. haha.. my hubby picked him up n pat him to sleep.. He fell asleep within 5-10 mins.. keke

Hubby said at least 1/2 success as took a shorter time to pat him.. usually we need to rock n pat for 30-1hr before he finally settle to sleep..

Would try again tonight.. i like the sleep n massage method.. hope he would like too.. haha

I bot the bellamy rice cereal for 4mth+ from United Sq cold storage but haven intd to my boy.. Am thinking to give him next week after his injection.. Exciting..

Little Fly: u mean i nid to descale it again ah? i dun dare to do anything after i saw e yellow water, i just rinse then continue to use =P okok, tonight i go descale it again...

Mimosa, another method is to use half lemon to remove the dusty and stain. Left the lemon juice for 30min den use a cloth to wipe it away.

littlefly, what do u mean by descale it? how to do it ar?

mimosa, my email is [email protected] thks in advance ya!

oh bellamy has gluten, but my bb not yet 5 mths, maybe i shd look for alternative which doesnt hv gluten then.

Mimosa: yes I received, thanks! :D oops I nv descale my sterilizer before :x I think I shld get cracking n descale it

Jenny: oh that's good, at least ur hubby did help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do u have insomnia? Maybe can see a doc abt it? I used to have it last mth for abt a wk n I spoke to my psychologist when I went followup for PND den she prescribed me some sleeping pills which r safe when bf. I only ate one time n aft tt ok alr.

Yes I have gastric prob cos last time at work is irregular lunch hrs. Nw I'm SAHM too n take care of bb myself. My short break is when hb comes hm or weekends. Nw deciding to put bb for afternoon half day IFC so tt I can have a break n tutor more students.

Hmmm got talk to ur hb abt changing his job? Maybe it could be an option?

Oh it's 64pcs for drypers at $6.50. Huggies I forgot hw many pcs but shld be abt e same? That's y this fair I wanna check out diapers n stock up hee

