(2011/05) May 2011

Starfruit, what so cheap? Omg...! I've been chopped for three times le... Haiz... No choice, I'm too desperate for the parts...! Maybe I should get extra set for emergency use.. So any recommendation on which bp?


I thought the membrane for all medela pumps are the same? If that's the case the membrane can get separate by itself... Check the bulk purchase thread and search medela.. 6 pc membrane she be ard $12

Bunnymum, i got my fan cover from Japan Home.. But I think I saw it at Kiddy Palace also

Ash & Cloud - Thanks for the advise. My girl is not well so she is fussy and I understand she cannot cope. That is why each time my girl starts crying, we will be the first to carry and comfort her. Our helper will just stand aside and watch but I told her she needs to observe how we do it, so that she can get the hang of it slowly.

My mum is here in the weekdays so she can watch and guide the helper. As for weekends I will be in as I don't feel secure to leave them alone yet.

We are still waking up at night to help her to make milk, burp and put my girl to sleep. I do not expect her to catch my girl's pattern after a week but I hope she observe, learn and try.

This morning, I don't know what she was doing ? My girl woke up, she is supposed to feed her medicine then bath her before giving her milk. She was like waiting and waiting until I told her what to do. When she was bathing my girl, she actually forgot to shampoo her hair ??? !!

I reminded her and she can tell me I forget.. I feel that she is not trying, not sure if she is home sick ?

But I do let her make phone calls back home weekly. I do let her nap in the day also as she has to wake up at night.

I am worried if she is not getting sleep, she will have no energy to look after my girl.

Another thing also, we told her try not to rock my girl whenshe sleeps in the sarong. Once she is sleeping she can stop rocking. But we caught her a few times using the auto mode and with no timer on... Sarong will rocks for he whole night..

I am trying so hard to get my girl to sleep in her cot... Haiz... I do not know if I am really getting extra help or not ??

Morning mummies..

Is Sunday! N I suppose to start working tomolo.. But nw still having sore eye.. Guess I may have to take mc.. Wonder wat my boss will think.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kaykay,my #1 flip ard 3mth n sitI forgot. No choice have to on/off watch them if u need to go away for awhile. Wat u can do is leave them in cot/playpen.else if on bed then surround d corners wif pillows.if on bouncer etc need to belt them up. Don't mean to scare u but it get more tiring when they start crawling/stand/walk.一刻都不能安宁.

Starfruit.megababy only sell $5-10 cheaper on tis forum but ya,her price increase overall.I buy d lasinoh bag fr her.but still cheaper to get fr bp than outside

kay: My baby can flip too from last week, he succeeded in doing it two times and he always cry when he can't do it. He's 12 weeks now. I let him sleep in the yao lan so that even if he flips, he can still get oxygen.

Re: Hairloss

anyone knows when will it stop?

Re: flipping

my boy is 16 weeks already and still can't slip and lift his head at all. sighh..

Bunnymum: Daiso sell lots of those fan cover.

Maid: latest update for my maid. she suddenly wake up after i bring her to visit my messy n big houses of my friends that most of them have 3 kids and above. she came back and tell me my house is very simple and neat compare to the rest. from then on , she wake up and work well. but usual, her self laziness cannot be changed.

she didn't clean up her room and i saw tons of hairs on the floor and she claim she did. I am sure she lie to me. so should i keep her? and she really treat my house as her house by finishing all the rice in the rice cooker as her second helping without asking if we still want anymore. in the end my hubby had not enough rice for his second helping at all. after one issue solve, always another issue pop up for the maid. real headache to have a maid. how i wish there is infant care around my house!

Kristle, changing maid is also another headache especially now it is kinda like shortage of maid especially Phil. I'm still waiting for mine to come, hopefully no delay. I extended my nanny's service my hb think that nanny can help me to train the maid especially how to care for bb. Also, partly to set example for the maid the chores my nanny is doing for us.

I shd be thankful to have a nanny like her, now my #1 also stick to her..cham

Apple baby D no longer on bottle strike already? U only bottle feed at hm? When u ate outside u latch or do u still give bottles?

Any mummies bringing baby out for shopping? I saw a friend at FB whose baby is also born in May n she brings baby out to everywhere for shopping. Looks so good, I also wish I can bring baby out for shopping but we got no car and need to take bus to reach MRT station and need to tug along a big diaper bag plus a forever crying baby...

Bb flipping: each bb develops differently bah.. My girl is grabbing stuff already...toys, hanky, her top... We are flipping her in her tummy 1-2 times a day to let her learn to lift her head.. Her neck is quite stable already and when she sits she can tilt her head forward and try to sit up....

Jenny: I bring my girl out every weekend to let her get use.. Haha... Go out for lunch with my hubby and her in tow.. But we only recently started to do so only..

Can any mummies give me the link for buying leg warmers?? My hubby very cute... When we bring her out ask me to smell if she ta Bian if she wear long pants.. Coz can't open the side of the diaper to see..

Jenny my bb also goes out everyweekend when i bring my no. 1 for classes. I think a lot of us have also brought bb out on our own using public transport esp to our mummies gathering. U should join us at the next gathering.

Jenny: we always bring baby out for shopping n we hv no car too.. I hv 3 kids n usually we will walk to e nearest mrt station n start our shopping trip.. U just hv to get use to it n u can do it too!!: )

starfruit, I would say it depends on his mood. Usually morning feed he is pretty ok with bottle. Afternoon a lil more tedious, 90ml of ebm he needs an interval to finish! I don't bottle feed outside coz I don't want to bring ebm out..so I usually latch.

For once he was OK with Bfree bottles for awhile. After that he rejected the bottle & I switch to NUK latex then slowly intro silicon. So now he sticks to NUK.

Starfruit, sorry for the late reply. Had a super hectic week. Regarding your qn, my mil told me to get a small bottle so that the teat is smaller and resemble the size of my nipple, hoping that the baby will take it more easily. Actually we tried soooo many bottles. Whenever she rejects my mil will pour into another bottle to try whether she takes it. haha now we use the cheap $5.90 pigeon bottles and wasted so much money on expensive tommee tippee, breastflow, playtex, nuk, pigeon wide-neck bottles.

I'm going back to work on 5th Sept, but gg HK the week before. Very worried that she will reject bottles when we return to Sg if I latch her all the time in HK. My mil told me to stop bf-ing before going HK. haix i really dunno what to do regarding this. I just wonder if I am very selfish and passing a very mummy-attached to her if i continue latching my baby.

Little Fly: Thanks for your recommendation. I brought her to a GP who give her antibotics but she still got worse. Will bring her to her usual PD tmr.

Jenny: I think sometimes if you being your baby out, he will be too curious over his surroundings that he will forget to cry. My hubby likes to being my bb out whenever she cries uncontrollably and most of the time she will stop. My fussy #1 also loves to go out and will sleep most of the time when we are out. You should try!

Cloud, is your bb better? Anyways don't beat yourself so hard over not bf-ing ur #1. I exclusively bf my #2 but she's still infected with bronchitis like her elder sister. when bb grow up, they will also have the choice of choosing what they wanna eat so if your #1 likes to eat healthily she can grow up strong too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenny: ny family dont drive too.. even if hubby wants to buy, i forbid too.. kekeke.. u can still bring baby out.. start small and short trips first.. go supermarket, get him used to it alittle.. slowly venture out to shopping centres..

i started work, hardly bring my kids out too..i feel guilty that they are either at school, enrichment, and at home.. like no play time like that.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my baby is also sick. down with running nose.. when her nose is stuck, she get angry on my b. sigh.. whole family sick.

Deon: hmmm.. my bb sleeps on sarong at day and bed at night.. cux there are days i work till 10pm and only home by 10,45pm, my baby would be sleeping le.. so, usually, my mil will shake her in sarong, after i bathe and settle myself, i will carry baby to bed.. by this time, she should be in deep sleep.. and she doesnt fuss much too.. u can try.. let baby sleep in sarong, than shake slowly till deep sleep, than slowly migrate her to cot.

i suggest that u take off the mobile sarong, if ur maid is so reliant on it. think let ur maid do household chores, dont do baby first.. when baby can sit up than let her bathe..

i must say my luck with maid are rather good. mine is jus emo, other than that.. she does everything quite well, considering that i have 3 kids. and she manages pretty well.. she cant take nap too, as all 3 have different napping time. she eats very very little.. dunno if she's on diet.

Kristie: my maid eats so little that she often got gastrict. dunno if she on diet. but she already damn skinny.. there was once incident that we have to call ambulance, cux she fainted on her way to clinic,

Sylvia can u do a combi of bottle n latch when you are in HK? Actually i think bb are smart they prob know u wont be around n may go back to the bottle. Its a family trip to HK? With 2 kids?

Apple thks. I think i may try the nuk latex teat n see how it goes.

sylvia(moon) thanks! all my kids are still sick.. in fact, its my #1 that is not breastfed and has a history of fever convulsion.. i very scared she'll have fever, cux her fever always comes without warning...

my baby actually has reocvered, but kenna from her siblings agian..

in fact, the whole family only me not sick.. guess i'm really producing anitibodies.. hope i can transmit more anitibodies to baby, so that she can recover faster.

Mummies, the past week has been rather eventful in both a good and bad way for me.

Good - My #2 has finally accepted the bottles after a stressful battle.

Bad - I have been in and out the clinic 4 times this week as both my girls fell sick one after another. My heart aches whenever I hear them cough so badly. My #2 has lost her voice from coughing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Anyways PDs are super ex! Consultation already $100.. Hope my kids are smart enough to be doctors in the future and earn such big bucks haha

On Friday, my #1 fell and hit her mouth on the toy basket under my mil's watch. Her whole mouth was filled with blood when she cried and I was so terrified! The flow of blood did not stop so we sent her to KK, and fortunately she didn't need any stitches.

My mil blamed my #1 for not listening to instructions when she told her not to play there but what does a 20-month old understand? I can't even outwardly blame her for letting my child fall. If the person supervising my child at the time of fall is my maid, she would have gotten hell from my mil (and of course me and my hubby haha).

Sometimes I feel so unhappy at home because I can't behave like myself or do whatever I want. Yet, I am an anything-also-dunno mother and would not be able to look after my 2 kids well without her help. I guess it's really true that when you gain some, you lose some.

Starfruit: Yeah I'll do a bottle and latch combo jus as what you suggested. Will be going HK with the whole family and yes, my 2 kids too. I think we are super daring hor haha!

Cloud: Opps yeah it's your number one, sorry rmb wrongly. I think when the weather turns warmer, more virus tend to spread around so people get sick more easily. Hope our kids recover soon!

Super stressful weekend....haf bn having btl war wif my ger...haiz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dunno y she suddenly super reject btl, since birth i've always alternate her feed btw ebm n latch, she just suddenly dun wan btl liow

Any mummies haf similar prob?

Jenny i bring my ger out all e x either in her stroller or in bbjorn carrier....must make sure plc u go to is stroller friendly tt's all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just make sure there r places tt u can bf bb or bring ur bf shawl....so convenient esp when we bf dun haf to carry too many barangs...

Give it a try do short trips first before venturing our for longer periods [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will b fun better than coping at hm everyday

Oh no its my ger's turn to haf running nose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hope all e bugs leave our bb alone...

Luanmummy, could be the running nose thus bb reject bottle. Anyway a few of our bbs also having bottle war, started a mth or more liao, including mine! She has not taken the bottle close to 3 weeks already. I am still trying to give n see if she will take.

Thanks to all mummies. I feel so motivated to bring baby out. Yest husband told me he wanted to buy second hand car but I tell him wait till his salary is at least $3000. If not how to support the whole house n baby n a car. I decided to wait till baby's neck is stable before bringing him out for shopping so that at least if he cries in his stroller, I can carry him in the X sling that I bought, much easier than slinging him sideways.

Luann: I wish I could but my bm is not enough, need to supplement with FM. Would probably try to express first then go out with baby with bottles n milk powder and hope baby can drink more n extend the feeding intervals too before we go out shopping with him.

My poor w having cough & flu since last week.. Has been taking half day from last week till now.. Running around to yu guo & pd... Hope he can gets well quick!

Hi mummies,

I have a few new Sophie the Giraffe teethers to let go. Please email me your address and orders to:

[email protected]

Selling at S$28 each, will include normal local postage.


Starfruit.....thanx i've having btl war wif her for a week liow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope it ends soon if not everytime waste lots of ebm....

Jenny bring ur bb out when u feel more confident n not get stress by it...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gd luck

hi mummies...

me back after a mth away in china... super hot there ... kanna the hottest period... my hubby bought 2fans for us... princess had one to herself ... hehe

didnt hv time to catch up the readings ...

hope those mummies n bb not well, get well soon ...

i also lazy to check my gal for any poo, i jus smell the backside... my hubby also laugh at me ...

Poo: My husband also smell for poo. I just flipped the side of diapers to check. And my husband very funny, always accuse baby of pooing. Once he carry baby, he will say baby poo until night time when baby sleep.

Hi Cloud,

Usually when my mum looks after my girl, she do not on the sarong to rock automatically. She will do it manually and when my girl fall asleep, she will stop rocking her.

When she is in deep sleep, I tried to put her in the cot. But each time she touch the mattress, she wakes up.. Very instant effect.

But sometimes depends on her mood, she will be able to sleep like 1 to 3 hours. I am thankful each time she sleeps on the cot (no matter for how long). To me, I am one step closer to reaching my goal.

As for the helper, our intention is to get someone to help my mum with my girl. So housework is not a priority as I used to have a cleaning auntie coming in to help out.

I must say she is good at housework but not that willing to look after bb. But when we interviewed her we made it very clear that looking after bb is her main duty. Anyway after seeing her performance for past week, I do not dare to leave bb in her care. I make sure that my mum or myself is around with her.

We will watch how she handle my girl and correct her along the way. Hopefully, she will be able to pick up bit by bit.

Hi all mummies!

Jenny:- at first I also no confident to bring my boy out. After I bought a carrier, I will bring him out every offdays & he slowly get use to it. Sometimes even slp in the carrier on my chest.. When go home, he will be super tired & might slp thru a few hours..

Thks all mummies replying to baby flipping.. Now I feel more secure & put my baby on tummy to play with him, training his neck muscles..

Re: baby poo

I didn't check.. My boy don't poo. Only if we open his diaper & hmm hmm for him, then he will poo.. If not, I don't have to worry. Haha!

Kaykay...wah ur boi gd leh... My ger likes to poo halfway thru her feed...damn smelly haha and after tt she will lk at me sheepishly haha

Re: Poo

my boy loves to fart and is super loud and with lots of sequences. i always thought he poo but not. he don't poo daily but i make it a point to make the ng ng sound to him daily. i hope that he can poo daily so that he can drink his milk more smoothly since he is already drinking on the low side.

he can only finish 3 oz at 3 hr interval and his is reaching his 4 months old this week.

@kristle: dun worry, you're not alone. my gal also take very little. sometimes as low as 60ml. she takes more at nite, ard 120-150ml. try to feed more at nite? my gal drinks more cos she's sleepy = less fussy.

kay: My baby still needs to be slinged sideways and he's very funny, always kick and kick until his head is outside of the sling, so I always have to use a hand n support his head while making sure the body is well supported.

poo: These few days I see my baby hmmm hmmm hmmm then I know he's going to poo. Yest my husband washing baby's clothes n I feeding baby n baby pooed and I tell him to change the diapers coz I showed him an article before which says daddy should change diapers to pull the relationship closer. LOL.

I saw my baby's gums red n sore. Not sure why, could it be because he always chew his hand?

Luann: I don't feel pai seh. I feel so cute....

Hairless: anyone knows when will we stop the hairloss?

Sunflower: I thought mine was already on the low side. Hope that our baby can take more milk.

Jenny: the first time I bring my boy and I was alone. I nearly fall myself down from escalator. Practice make perfect. Go for short trip like tabaoing at the nearest mall first. Then I venture to lunch dates with my friends. Then taka fair. Most of the times I am with mummies friend so we understand each other n go to baby room together to change diapers, milk, common shopping goals.

Re: manduca carrier. I recently got it in July for the new style in black. Tried 2 times only but my boy prefer facing out type. I m letting go so any mummies interested pls pm me. Thanks.

Carrying baby: I been carrying baby for too long n had my tenor injured. Is so pain. Currently on occupational therapy so all, pls note not to open yr thumb n second finger widely too often. A gd examPle is the burping action is the killer one. We should cup our baby chin instead of opening n stretching our two fingers wide. Such a big waste of money to go for the therapy n treatment.

kristle, for #1, i started droppin hair fr 4th mth onwards & stop ard 7mth wic is quite thankful. was so worried i'll go bald cos my hair is little & fine. use the hair fall ctrl shampoo & hair tonic to reduce in d meantime

luann: My boy also farts a lot. I'm so scare he might fart loudly on the bus when I bring him to my mum's house. I scare other pple tot its me. LOL.

Kristle: I hope my hairloss will stop, my hair dropping like crazy. Poor baby always have my hair around his whole body. Oh mine! Sounds so serious, falling from escalator. I've bought on escalator once with baby and I ask my husband to hold on to me coz I no hand to hold the railings. That is when we bring baby to see doc.

So far, we have only bought baby to my mum's house, jurong point once, orchard once (to take mrt to novena then transfer cab). All my closer friends are still unmarried and I doubt will be going out with them until baby gets bigger.

Take care of your hand. I also stretch my thumb n index finger to burp baby.

Morning mummies..

I supposed to return to work yest but my sore eye has not recovered yet n was referred to NUH A&E yest.. Hence my boss asked me to use up my ML tis wk rather than taking mc.. V bad hor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

preciousmum, still not yet recover..aiyo, bosses are like tat one..mine even solid, i was back in office w my little one, still on ML, she ask me to clear email and do some work.


Bubblepearl: yalor.. Haven't recovered yet.. Still red n swollen.. Hv to wear sunglasses when go out else most pple will look at me.. Sigh...

Quite pissed wif my co.. Wa.. Ur boss really solid lor.. Then who helped u looked after ur baby when u cleared ur mail n work?

