(2011/05) May 2011

other than dolly,

any mummies went back to work already?

super sian, gonna rept ofc in 2 wks time n there wuill b no net access liao....


Yippe! Happy today we went back to hv dinner wif my dad n he bot our fav food-durians!! N he sms us b4 we reached home 'i buy u like' which mean direct translation frm Chinese "我买你爱的".. Hehe.. Gd attempt for him to use SMS as he is a Chinese educate student.. Hehe..

Nw pumping milk after all kids r asleep nw.. Finally.. Really tinkng if 1 to stop expressing as really tired to tink tat I still hv to pump milk after shower at e end of e day.. Sigh.. N my milk is those kind tat is rather thin only.. Not sure got enuf nutrients for him or not.. But my hubby asks me to hang on if can.. Really tinking when can I go n rebond n color my hair.. Haha

Thank you starfruit, Sh..., preciousMom, pixie, Angie, CloudPeom, Ash and Little Fly! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had a wonderful celebration today! Luckily was just in the afternoon if not sure concussed!

Sh, yah lo! Time flies...I was still waiting for my turn when you all delivered in May and now my bb celebrated his full month! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all mummies! I have been a silent reader of this thread eversince I got preg and delivered my baby in early may. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We are now looking for part time cleaning lady, could those mummies who have contacts please pm me to let me have their contacts? Thanks a lot!!

Ash can takr spicy food. It will not cause any problem. For T's reflux condition, pd ask me to cut down on curry n super spicy food incase it causes more gas. I just stay clear of full bowls of curry, laksa for now, otherwise i am still taking my food/ noodles with chllie as well as 菜饭 with a bit of curry on the rice.

Cloud, haha ya. I think sherine was away thus the delay in her response. Wat else are u adding to the cart?

Val yeah lor cute leh. This will be the first set of hairband i am buying for her! Hope can fit her!! Hey did u get the white one too? How abt u? Getting anything else?

star: can u advise which carrier is beta? Bb bjorn(which model), beco or ergo(where to try for these 2)?

I hv a combi but I find too bulky, wil try to sell away

Ash wah tuff choice cos they are all for different needs. I really like the bjorn but it can only hold up to 13 kg. For the becco n ergo, they allow u to back carry up to 20 kg so can even use when they are tods. However i prefer the becco to the ergo cos the former is much more lighter weight n not so bulky. It depends on how long u wanna carry. But my fav is still my bb bjorn!

Bjorn can try at mothercare but for becco n ergo i dunno where to try cos i got my becco online. Hannah has the becco butterfly 2, perhaps she can advise where to try.

Hannah, anyway to try the the becco here?

For bjorn can get the one with back support ( synergy air with mesh material) I like myreg classic bjorn cos the padding is much softer. U can go WTS cos some mummies selling the bjorn.

Ash, on beco and ergo, you can contact Yaz from this website (her email and mobile is there)


I tried the latest Beco model (beco Gemini), Ergo sport and ergo organic from her. Liked the beco Gemini but got the ergo sport in the end cos baby will outgrow beco Gemini faster and ergo sport material is thinner. Downside of ergo is that u need a baby insert until BB is 3-4 months which is warm. No need insert for beco Gemini and weight distribution was comfy.

Ash, i can let u try on thursday if u're going for the gathering. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

preciousmom: I can only express my milk 2 times a day, once in the morning before baby wakes up and another time when husband is back coz he keeps crying nonstop. And my milk supply dropped until 20ml from both breasts and is super thin. I felt that I'm wasting my time. Now I just let baby suckle before giving him his FM. Then I can sleep till 10.30am coz he wakes up at about 11.30am.

sunflower: sometimes my husband returns home at 8pm. And I always sweat a lot after bathing baby coz cannot turn on the fan. Cannot tahan till so late.

Anyway to mothers out there, be aware of this babysuperstore website. I bought a rocker two Sundays ago and made payment immediately. It states in the site that delivery is within 3 working days but they din even call me two days later. I have to call them myself and the person told me they have an expo sale so not able to deliver n ask me to collect myself. I say I cun coz I need to take care of baby. Then they promised to deliver by today. Last sat my husband called and scold and say must deliver by today. Then today still no call for confirmation. MY husband sms them and they say can only deliver tmr. They kept delaying but already taken the money. They also nv state no delivery during expo sales period. So pls be aware and dun buy from them esp if u need the stuff urgently. For me, I really need the rocker as another method to stop my baby from crying.

Jenny u wanna try n pouch bb with uin the day ? May calm him down. N u can go do other stuff.

Hannah i see if i can bring becco for u to see on thurs cos i think mine is just the butterfly I.cant remember cos i fot it like so many yrs ago!

Jenny i also pespire after bathing bb cos gotta cloae windowa n doors. But quite fast usually done in 10 mins. Bb usually will lie quietly after bath n i will go for a quick shower after tat.

Now i shower super fast if dun wash hair i can be out in less than 5 mins. Even washing hair abt 5 mins can already.

preciousmum: does the consistency of the milk affect baby? cux BM supposed to catered to them in accordance to their growing months.. so it doesnt matter if its thin or thick right?

must ask Ling: her milk can tahan her baby quite long.. ask if hers is thin or thick?

i think i wanna sneak out today buy the sling. heehee... actually i'm thinking of bjorn too.

Jenny, starfruit, i didn't close the rm windows and door when bathing bb. During my confinement, my hubby was doing the bathing job and he didn't close too... my neighbours said tat once they get use to it and when they start childcare centre, they wun catch cold easily... bcos some childcare centres are aircon or they din close the windowns/doors when they bath the children.

perspire when bathing baby: i'm in this loop too! hahaha..

she loves to bathe, and when i bring her up, she'll wail! so need to nurse her, even when i feel like i'm in suana.. after changing her, i on my fan and blow myself liao..

Heloo...didnt log in for a long time again...& i didnt attend gathering at split's hse..

but im gg to Nex gathering...LOL

Starfruit, wer u all spree for those headbands & leg warmers etc? i hvn bought anything online for my gal except 2 pair of socks b4 her birth..lol..really salute & envy u all tt can handle bb & surf net & spree at the same time..hai..i stil hvn master d skills yet..jus managed to use my iphone to read on off for the post..

BTW mummies, wat do u all do w bb after their feeding? meaning usually bb dun fall rite asleep after feed mayb they can b awake for 30mins or more..i put bb on rocker (not those musical kind, simple net rocker) she doesnt sit for long...put on on bed, same thing, doesnt lie for long.will fuss & cry alot..hai..im so tired..

my hb say bb is too used to carrying all d time..so nw im wondering hw to train bb.cos she will cry softly,then if u ignore her..wil wail loudly.sometimes doesnt stop...sometimes at nite she will do tat too after nite feed.doesnt go into sleep immd & eyes r wide open. carry her oso cannot...sometimes hv to parade ard.but im sooo tired & sleepy liao...hai..wat can i do ah? anybody can give me gd advise?

Apple: I m most prob getting Ameda! My fren gg USA, helping me get. But I am confused with the Ameda and Ameda ultra...after reading like abt the same but price v.diff. So Ameda is quite quiet ya? I find my PISA quite noisy.

mudppie, if after feeds, my bb dun fall asleep, i will either put him in the rocker (no music and manually need to rock type) to rock him gently to sleep.. sometimes, he just need a "gentle push" to drift off to sleep... otherwise, I will just put him on the cot bed w the musical mobile and he will self-entertain himself. my boy now coming to 7 weeks soon and strting to appreciate musical mobile type of toys... so sometimes i will hang the musical toys and he will be very amused by it... of course, abt 10 mins later, he bore liao.. must play w him for awhile then leave him to explore then comes back to rock him to sleep. Btw, how old is yr bb now?


I hold bb in my arms and rock and pat after feed. 5 min can fall asleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cloud: hmm.. I dun tink e bm consistency affect baby as he quite enjoy drinking it but I wonder will it fill his tummy or not or just to quench thirst only.. Usually tink can only last him ard 2 hrs for 130-150ml..

Ling: may I Noe if ur bm is thin or thick? Last time my CL commented tat mine is rather thin as is white in color n not light yellow color..

starfruit: Last time I always wonder how come my mum can bath and eat so fast. Now that I'm a mum too, I can understand how she did it.

Auroa: I closed the bathroom window (I nv open them in the first place). Its when after the bath and the wearing of clothes etc that makes me super hot. Btw, hows ur confinement? Did it at ur mum's house in the end? I haven't been following this thread since baby is born.

cloupoem: My baby loves to bath too. He always moves his legs as if he is swimming. But I dare not let him bath for too long coz I'm afraid he might poo or urine in the water. If he poos in the water, I really dunno what to do.

mudpie: My baby will cry too and doesn't stop even if u ignore him. There's once during my confinement he was crying loudly at night and I carried him but have to put him back coz I'm too sleepy and might drop him on the floor. When he was on the bed, he was screaming away and I catch a few min nap and when I woke up, he was screaming even louder and kicked until he almost dropped on the floor.

I read that week 6 babies can recognise mums and dads and smile to them. Any babies able to do that already? My baby always smile in his dream but once he wakes up, he will frown and once he opens his eyes to see us, he will "fold" his face (face zhou zhou) and start crying.


Me waiting for baby to smile at hubby and me too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She does in her sleep sometimes, but no direct smile at us yet...

Auroa, my gal nw abt 6wks. i put her to rocker, rock oso she like no hiew type de..jus wail type leh.once u carry her.she wil stop.otherwise she will wail v long & get louder...so nw when u hang such musical mobile, bb can self entertained themselves? i tot they cun see? so they only respond to the music?

& if ur bb dun fall asleep rite after feed etc, does ur bb fuss in his rocker or bed?

Viman,for the past 1 mth, my mum & aunty do tt, like after bathe or feed, rock bb & pat in arms.sometimes can b fast falling asleep, sometimes very long leh can b up to an hr..my hb dun like d idea of such..& i feel sometimes esp in d middle of d nite, if bb aft feed dun fall sleep, fuss & hv to carry her etc can last up to like 1-2hrs de...tts y my hb conclude tt, our gal, my mum & aunty 'spoils' her by carrying her all d time when she wail & when she 1 2 sleep..

hai...duno hw to deal w this..

btw I did put him in a sling when I want to do things. It makes him sleep but my back is also breaking. I used babysafe sling. Not very user friendly, till now still dun get how they do it so I do it in my own method.

Vinan: My baby smiles to us during the first mth when he still dunno e meaning of smile. Once he knew it, he stopped smiling. LOL


1-2 hours??? Poor you! For my bb, if she burps well after her feed and is swaddled, she gets super drowsy and falls asleep in 5-10 min max. sometimes dun even have to rock... feed-burp-feed-burp-sleep.

hi mummies,

bath bb,

we also close the window, off the fan/aircon ...

will sweat alot after her bath, but bb loves her bath ... smile n talkativ during her bath ... like telling us how much she enjoyed her bath ... haha.. hehe


the watery milk is the foremilk... very dilute one...

hindmilk is very white like paper color...

fyi, i fully latch on my bb n no pump out the milk... so will hv 1 breast very full at some time...

b4 i feed my gal, i will press some milk out of the last breast bb feed on n see which milk. then will know she had enough hindmilk or not ...

if the last fed breast is foremilk, i will feed her again on the last fed breast, so bb can hv the hindmilk ... if not she will hv too much foremilk which will make their poo greenish ...


Yes Jenny, my bb at week 10 smiles a lot too.. making everyone who saw her smile sooooo happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Viman: Passing gas as in farting? My baby does it all the time and he doesn't smile when doing it. I dunno how come he can have so much gas in that tiny tummy.

2ww: That's so sweet. When did your baby start smiling?

As I pump out e milk, I can c initially is foremilk then follow by hindmilk cos in e end, e bottle will b white in color.. So I guess mine shld b normal.. But still find it abit thin..

dun worry, preciousmom, its the amount of oil in the milk that makes the bb full.

Jenny, i couldnt really remember but i think its week 7.

Hi mummies

I have an authentic fuschia pink agnes b bag to sell. I bought it on impulse. Its hardly used and still in very good condition. Its very roomy, good as a diaper bag. It has 2 side pockets and a zip pocket inside.

Anyone interested, please email me at [email protected]



2ww: u have a very jovial Bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Viman: ur Bb v gd can fall asleep v easily. The elders say some people 手腕 very good. Bb easy to take care if under them.

Mudpie: sometimes my Bb also takes 1-2 or more time to settle. He cluster feeds at night n we have to wait for him to be worn out then he will sleep. Back breaking !


Just brought Bb for his 6-in-1 today. He got cradle cap even on his forehead! Wailed so loud that my maid waiting outside can also hear his cries.

Bathing Bb:

My Bb so scared of water! He clings on to me as if I will let him slip. I got the anti-slip mat somemore. So different from my dd1 who loves water. My CL able to pour water over my Dd1 before like 2 weeks old.

Jenny, in the end, did the confinement back at my own place. Too much logistics and bb also got jaundice.. to and fro the clinic and recently got cleared of the jaundice.

I think my bb ard week 5 smiles at us... he knows tat we will laugh at him when he poos.. all those noises made before he poos and after tat he will be damn happy after he poos and smile after tat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mudppie, at 6 weeks, they can see pretty well liao.. shd be able to see more than a feet away fr them. I hang e musical cot mobile on his bed and recently set up the hanging toys (dun know wat's called.. will post it in FB for u to see tomorrow) and let him lie down under it to see.. he's starting to touch and feel the toys hanging above him too.

Sometimes my boy will fuss when i put him in the rocker or bed... will wait and see first... mostly bcos he wants to poo... after he poos, he will doze off or quiet down liao.

Watsons Kodomo wet wipes buy 10 get 1 free (70 pcs)! heaps of stock at Singpost & Bedok Point :p i just bot my "wet wipes mountain" heheee

littlefly, mayb put some water on bb chest n pat a few time n say it is time for bath ... b4 u put him into water, face him at the water n tell him u going to put him into water for bath ... tell him n prepare him for ur next steps ... hope it helps

my gal will smile after i latch her.. or when she is in gd mood.. we call her name she will give us a big smile.. haha.. the smile that melted her daddy heart.. keke...

my gal alway fuss when drinking from bottle and will be like fighting with her to drink from bottle leh... now im using NUK latex teat... at first is okie with NUK rejected avent and pigeon teat but now like NUK one also rejected liao.. haiz..

going bak work in 3 wks time.. dunno how? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hannah: yes, pls show me on thurs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

star: tks for comments. need to do further 'research'.

can u advise the thread to buy medela parts again? tot i bookmarked it but didnt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my softshield like got scratches n 'peeling'

Hi Mummies,

Need your advise, please.

My bb girl is at her 6 weeks. Her appetite was good, she was drinking 80 to 90 ml and can finished all in like 15 minutes (excluded time used for burping). However, this week she is not drinking as usual.

She is drinking lesser, sometimes cannot even finish 60 ml and she will fall asleep half way through feeding. Now she can take as long as 20 mins to finish 60 ml. Will try to knock on milk bottle, tap her cheeks to wake her up but she refused. Her next feeding is usually about 2.5 hours later. As she never finish her milk she will ask for milk 2 hours later.

Is this normal ?

I also realised that she is vomitting milk more frequent. Could it be due to the milk formula ? But she has been drinking the same brand for so long, is it possible that she is rejecting it now ?

