(2011/05) May 2011

Cloud: thanks for adding me to e fb group... Finally I m in e group.. Hehe..

Ya.. Nex gathering is more popular.. 2 bad I stay in e west, else sure join nex gathering.. M still thinking.. Hmmm..


Dear mummies,

Anyone got the huggies green stamp to spare or exchange. Cause my gal nw using size m no more green stamp. I need another 4green stamp to exchange the caterpillar. Thanks


Checked wif ya kun, they do open from 730am....


Juz saw carters swimwear at nex isetan. So nice tat tonite I gotta check out carters web... Swimwear gt discount online I think....

Wats TLW, share pls... Lol... Me gonna spend again....

hello mummies,

so fast second gathering at Nex again! The place is a bit far for me oso, that day got a dinner, wouldn't be meeting you all there. Enjoy!

So tired today. This morning bring my son to cc then the teacher told me got 2 confirmed cases of HFMD and another 3 suspected cases, so ask me if wan to bring my boy home as his immunity not that strong, still coughing away. Bring him back then catch up all the laundry as yesterday was out to the maid agency. Only till now both kiddos are zzing then have time to rest.

Confirmed getting a maid after considering all the options, hope it will turn out well. Just a bit worrying on the expenses, need to watch what we spend from now.


I can't decide on the size between 6-12 or 12-18. Let me decide then I pm u if I have. When u ordering?

TLW= the little wardrobe. Their gals clothes v nice but alittle pricey. Once u start, u can't stop! Hahha.


Wat myth? The one I heard is that they will have a harder life if they wear shoes prior to them walking or before they turn 1?? 

My boy was already walking at 11mths and I started letting him wear those soft sole pediped when he was 9m.

Hahha, we are almost meeting every week. Hehe. I sld be joining. Nd to ask my mum to help me pick up #1 frm sch then I go n pick him up frm her. If she ok then I will be going, let u know again. Hmm...1 place cfm serve bfast regardless of weekdays or weekends-mcdonald! Hehe. Unless u ladies dun mind. I think starbucks or coffee beans may also have western bfast?? 

If wan hk cafe, think the one at united sq opens at 10am.

Wat brand did u get for the swimwear? I am thinking to get snapper rock but hard to find le. Brought my boy to the pool at 6m in romper but only let him dip his legs n feets inside to get a feel. Hahaha.

Hahaha, no regrets getting their leg warmers ya? I think these are one of the nicest ones I have seen as compared to bps.    


Happy shopping. Hehee.


I am ok with spag. So long as doesn't inconvenient u =)


hi babe, how have u been? =)

yup, we bring the babies along. U sld come along =)

Val the leg warmers are so damn cute !! Haha

Anyway is fine, its the company tat counts not the food!!! McD also can ya kun also can! Right muummies!!

U should look at caters, gap, gymboree, they have very nice swimwear for kids, i already bought a piece for my mei mei from gymboree!

Yes hope u can join us next week. I will let my ger wear the leg warmers, we can compare notes then!!

Today I'm bz..preparing for nanny arrival. Gotta make shift my guest room furniture so that I can place my bb cot there.

Fingers cross that the nanny is gonna be good & provide TLC to my boy while am at work. Actually I'm bu fang xin, so I asked my bro to stay with me for a month to keep an eye on the nanny..hehe

Lastly, my super duper lazy maid made me so mad today that I throw my floor mat on her! Anyway gonna say sayonara to her this weekends..she better get out of my sight asap!

Poohlyn, i am interested in the carter's sale. what is the website? Time to spend some money!!!

CloudPoem, saw the mail. Thanks! Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dolly, still a good deal! The parts should cost less than 100sgd if you buy from overseas BP.

I replaced most parts coz I haven't use the old parts for more than a yr and together cost me less than 100 excluding the bottles.

Dolly, nuk, ameda bottles all can fit the freestyle. U go to bp look under megababy she has the parts for sale, the breast shell n spare part cos $19 each, tubing more ex at a out $35. Much cheaper to buy from BP then retail!

Kay: I need to switch on my laptop than can invite.. Gotta wait a little. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starfruit: I'm getting those leg warmers too! Wanted to go down their shops but no time to venture out! I've been spending more money when I'm on leave.. Not as much as u, Val & apple but already need to control.

Bbpoohfamily: hiring a maid has it's good and bad. My first maid is a young maid, she's actually 19 when she came over my place, but her passport reported her as 23... I dun mind young maids actually Cux mine is good with kids. She is able to bond and play with them.


Yes.. Now the basic pay for maid has increase. My HB and I also watching wad we buy.. It's not helping when I love to shop.. Sigh. The side effects of having a girl!

Wearing shoes

Ya. My mil also mention that Bb cannot wear shoes till 1 yr old.. Followed suit for both my elder kids.


Must find a place tat can accomodate so many of us and space for prams. Also must be able to let us stay there for awhile and nt expect us to leave right aft finishing our food unless we going to some other coffee joints??

Hmm, personally dun like those swimwear le. Looks nice but too "exposing"! Haha. As in so young may catch a chill if it happens to be windy. So I prefer snapper rock kind of swimwear, which is not cheap.

Hahah, compare notes = gonna burn big holes in pocket again! Hehe.


Hope ur nanny will be gd and hooray to getting rid of ur maid. I am sure u can't wait for the weekend to arrive =>


U will like the legs warmers n u will get more items! Hehe.

lol Val,

i've already got her 12-18mths in my shoe cabinet....now thinking of getting 6-12 in case she starts walking early......

my boi starts walking be4 12 mths so tot of buying her 1 pair to stand by


the nex gathering is next week, jul 7 =)

anyway, just cldnt resist once I start. Have pm u my order for pediped. Hehe. Thanks!!

Apple: haa i tot u have 250 ml ones...

Split: yeah spaghetti is ok...thanks alot! I will be eating before gg down too.

Val: I heard alot of raves abt pediped....why so popular ar?

Cloud: ya sth I also thk if mine is a gal gal I will surely spend alot....but tot yours can pass down? More 有划 le...

Starfruit: I also got for my boy boy gym swimsuit! Haa intending to bring him when he is 6 months old.

Dolly: very good price!

Val got got can find similar esp at ON. I bought the liferacer neoprene types as well. Will get my ger to wear the cuteones then the neoprene one over so to keep her warmer.

Anything i cant stop buying, its hats for bb. I have like to tons of hats for my ger!!

Sh the nex gathering is next week . Not tomorrow. Dont get confused.

@ Apple - Hearing from you, getting a maid maybe getting myself into trouble too (if maid is no good).

Went to a few agencies at Chong Pang today, the hunt was not that fruitful.

BB girl not sleeping well due to her phlegm as well. Any good GP in yishun area that mummies can recommend ?

My panda eyes r so bad ....

Starfruit & aris, I've bought the parts from mums & babes, total I've spent 138 on the parts.. Need to use it on fri so can't wait le..

Anyway, I've tried the pump. It's so quiet & light weight.. Most impt is I don't need a electric plug for this..

Deon, do you wanna try to bring your girl to chinese sinseh, 育国 @ kembangan. It's very popular for baby & children, I've brought both my kids there esp my boy when he's 6 weeks old. He's caught the virus from his sister. Has bad cough, phlegm & mucus. He recovered comPletely in 1 week time..

Dolly should buy from BP its all ready stock n much cheaper!! Yes i love my freestyle too so compact n potable. Mine is a new set and each charge can last me more than a week of pumping ( i pump just twice a day). Now brainwashing apple to consider.

Apple u should consider the freestyle too.


Bubblepearl, sunflower n ling u have a email.

Dear 2ww, if u want to order from carter, can email to me by tonite or tomolo morning?

Starfruit, I've only decided last nite to get it so run out of time to get it from bp. Don't wish to lug PISA to office & home. So quickly get it & settle..

Sunflower, you can google their contact & address. They are close on Wednesday. If yOu need to go, try to visit them in the afternoon which is less crowded during weekdays..


I'm doing ok. Just hate the confinement bit. Counting down to sunday. I don't mind joining this thurs outing but it'll

be my first outing with baby. Afraid I cannot manage.

Hmm..todays trip to town report: only managed to get a karen millen dress, nothing fm warehouse or topshop, lots of stuff no sizes. Ferragamo jus had sale, maybe w check out ion branch for a purple pair i saw. Gucci has nothing nice, Burberry's design bit boring. LV has a nice burgundy sling bag *droolz but price is exxxxx so tonite can only dream about it heheee Taka kids section nothing much on sale, pigeon the usual 20%, maclaren stroller sale at $400+ DKNY, Armani kids & Petit Bateu sale not worth buying. RL kids sale has heaps of stuff but still cheaper to buy from Spree. Only thing worth considering is Oshkosh sale items, can skip the Guess, Benetton & levis section. And Carters is ridiculously priced at Taka, $50+ for dresses which we can get for $10+ online....gosh how to buy? Heheee lucky we have BPs & sprees, save more & much more convenient way to shop!

mummies, has anyone of you been to Red Star Restaurant for dim sum before? if so, is it bb friendly? hubby gave me a tough job of finding a dim sum restaurant place for dinner. it's to celebrate his birthday.

Hi all mummies, i ve been a regular reader of this thread & read that most of you recommend freestyle & heard theres a BP on this product, can share wif me? Currently has a manual pump & wondering if electric pump can better stimulate more supply as me trying to increase the supply...

Starflower: u are funny! Manx, u shop so many places with ur Bb? I can't do long shopping with NB. I always got to zoom zoom with them.. Wad u mention are all high end products wor.. I can only see and dream. Dare not buy. I rather spend on my kids education. :x

Hungry at this hr.. But can't cook instant noodle Cux I scared I can't be out of room long.

Me still pumping nw as just nw whole famly went to JP to accompany my hubby bot iPhone 4.. Then reached Hm still hv to settle e kids b4 I can pump nw.. So tired n nw my baby is cranky.. Tink due to me opening e light n e noise frm e pump .. : p

Evie, red star can ve very crowded so unless u get a corner table, it may be a squeeze for the stroller if table is in the centre. I jus had dim sum today at wah lok, carlton hotel, wider space but pricier. But dim sum for dinner? Normally lunch right?

Cloud, i just had to do 1 lapse around the shops, since all so ex and nothing to buy, of course can zoom the stroller around

reeal fast! Hehehe had to find something to dream about tonite mah ;ppp


i'm pumping too, juz after a feed....


u mean freestyle gt rechargeable batt n when pump don need to find a cable pt... tats gd.....i need one for ofc... will check tat out....


u juz buy 1 freestyle? bn or 2nd hand? how much?

Count me in pls! :-D

Re: Nex 7 july ( thursday)

1) starflower

2) starfruit

3) evie

4) cloudpoem

5) sh

6) arisz

7) apple

8) poppy

9) nic

10) jerejoy

11) Littlefly

12) Ash

13) iloveparis

Starfruit, too late to brainwash me of getting freestyle coz I gotten my new Ameda already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think I still like Ameda, so no regret.

Val, seriously I can't wait for the day she is out of my sight!! She can't do anything better now..eyesore to me seeing her doing tasks.

Deon, I hv no confident in getting good maid nowadays..the last 1yr I changed 3 fr bad to worst [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] that's y I bite the pain paying live in nanny. My colleague joke w me said every month I lost 1 LV bag by paying nanny salary..sigh

Starflower - ya la.. Dim sum is normally eaten for lunch. But this joker got to work on his bday n said that he sure cannot make it for lunch n yet he wants to eat dim sum on that day. Haiz...

good morning mummies,

would like to know how to stop bb from eating 'drumstick' - hands?

my gal starts eating drumstick liao ... n i hope to stop her ...

my gal nowadays dont sleep much during the day.. 10mins to the most half hr and she will wake up n active for 2-3hr... is it ok?

yesterday day time, i tried sleeping wz her and she can sleep for 3hr... seem like she is sticking to me ... once i'm out of the rm, she will wake up within 5mins...


Good morning mummies,

Ling, you don't have to worry... It's just a phase, they will stop by themselves. My girl used to do that too, once we start to wean her. She stop sucking her thumbs/drumstick le. My boy has started few weeks ago.. :p

