(2011/05) May 2011

halo mummies!!! just finish my last pump...

apple: make me tempted to buy the FTG wor... went to retail n see before but didn't buy cos expensive... i oso tried bfree bottles before but my bb dun like...

starfruit: so tempted to go for the nex gathering sia... miss the last one cos sick...

angie: i watch drama using fushion too!!! but i watch US drama... heehee...

Apple: great! I gor the worm from fb page.. Thinking of getting the octopus.

I have lots of toys too.. My mil & HB forbids me to buy Liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I went mothercare but was disappointed by the range and condition of the toys..

Apple: think there's pros and cons to every job.. It's hard to find a jod so flexible and u like it too.. Sigh. Being a mummy is tough job. On one hand, we wanna work to sustain income, on the other hand, we want to stay home during the formative yrs..

My HB did ask if I wanna stay home, but I dont think possible.. With my new flat and 3 kids.. We can't afford. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 1 kid sch fees already so ex. How to stay home?

cloud: really loh... me just got the keys to my new flat... me really want to find when tinking of the money going to spend for reno n buying funiture... n by the way im spending money... be it shopping online or at the mall... dun really tink can be a SAHM... haha...

cloud, i recall i saw quite a range of Lamaze in robinson, during their closed door sales in march. u can try?

fri gathering at Split's place, sorry, i cannot make it as my #1 has teacher parents meeting session.

NEX gathering, i can only come down at 12pm as i need to send my #1 to his playgroup which starts at 11.45am.

starfruit, not xin wang, it is a wang jiao hk cafe located at the same level as ntuc, level 4. saw the advertisement, they open at 9am onwards.

Up for pumping...sleepy..

Nex gathering:

I am keen too. My Bb having his jab on mon n I hope by thur he's ok for me to bring out.

Apple: thanks for sharing! The live in nanny rates are quite costly. Hope u get a gd maid soon.

Deon: if ur mum can watch over the maid who could relief her of housework n cooking then it would be a relief to her too. Some maids are v gd w bbies n kids so hope u can get good helper too. For me I want to try a nanny for Bb coz I tried maid n IFC for dd1.

Apple: is this the girdle u mentioned earlier? Found this on BP


Cloud: I yet to try M&S body shaper myself but tempted to get before returning to work. It costs around $99~ I think.

Lamaze toys

I thought Cersis also carry them?


I wanna watch too! Sick of recycled shows from mediacorps. the one I am keen is 犀利人妻. Is it on funshion?

Starfruit: me too! I smelled milk all the time if don't count the pee my Bb sometimes jetted at me. he also will eat me n my clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Up for pumping.... So sleepy! Yawn.

Starfruit, I'm fine with Thur! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me pu pumping here too. Will go back tosleep aftr i am done!

Bubble: you are the i need to ask nnot starflower! Ok i think i know which hk cafe on same level as NTUC, just not sure of the cafe name.

Morning mummies,

I need to rant. My mil has been coming over these few days to help. I appreciate it at 1st but later on feel angry cos alot nt done as wat I said. She applied eczema cream on butt instd of nappy cream n refused admit. I already caught her 2nd round but she still denied.

Then let bb listen to radio whole day long without stopping n bb cannot sleep at all. Overstimulated!! After she left my bb still can't zz. V angry! She said let bb get used to noise but that's nt the way. Abit Iis enough n natural surrounding noise is bad enough. She still kept repeating the cd once it stops. I was so angry that I turned down the volume until i cannot hear after 3 hrs! The schedule I set for bb has been destroyed by her jus cos of her logic GEt uSED to NoISE!

Mummies, can give me advice on how to kick the habit of pacifier? My mum is giving my girl the "cold turkey" treatment, I find that J's quite stressed up as she kept whining & cranky before going to bed.

Re may mummies fb group

I hv some of e mummies fb acct but hw do I go abt joining e fb group so tat I can hv all mummies acct in e group at 1 go?

Cloud: r u able to assist me?? Thanks

Morning mummies!

Preciousmum, me too! How to add to fb grp? Is there a may11 mummies fb grp? I only hv dome individuals fb....

Can anyone bring me in if there's one... Keke...

Re: nex gathering

I'm ok for thurs....

I'm popping by there later maybe... If I go I help u all ask the hk restaurant at lvl same as ntuc....


Kicking pacifier now? Is it too early... They r sill bb.... Suggest quitting it when they are toddler Lo.... When at least they can understand n talk a bit will b easier....

Now they juz wan something familiar at bedtime to doze off...

I'm starting to bring my gal to mil pl every day. She as long as can't settle bb cries she will give Pacifier Liao.... If at my own Hm is only during nite time....gt no choice cos Tats the only thing to stop her terrfyin cries.... It's harmless to me to take pacifier la, so It didn't bother me too much.... Can't insist so many things too....


Really gt to close 1 eyes sometimes but Nt 2.... Mayb u ask ur hubby tell hEr Lo....gt to tell hb the cons of things she does then Mayb hb more acceptable to it if Nt they only think we r picking faults....

Really gt to hv ur mil to cooperate too....as for the wrong cream used, Izz she old le can't see properly or can't br properly?

For my bb 1 last time.... I'm quite fed up my mil too... But I learnt to accept some things she does too cos they can't perfectly b us. N I realize they r actually old le to b like us....things thy may forgot, some Simple things to us is easy but they will Gan cheong n shiver actually ! So I've learnt to take things easy n tell them things I need them to do in another way if this way they don listen or forgot...

N all things Muz keep ur hb in the loop if Nt when u seriously tell him to take action, he might think its a one off issue only n Nt serious.

It's really hardwork communicating between pil n us n hb!!!!

good morning!!!

little fly: got 犀利人妻 in fushion...

bunnymum: oh dear... ezcema cream is it the one with steriod? better keep it somewhere she can't see... like wat sh said, they tend to forget simple things due to age... maybe can tell her nicely or show her wat u want her to do....

Sh thks for checking out the HK cafe. Think its after ajisen.

Bunnymum maybe to min confusion of the creams. U keep both creams apart seperately. U may want to put the diaper cream on the changing table or get a small basket to keep the diaper cream, tummy oil n cotton wool n tell MIL tat this is for changing diaper so she wont use the wrong stuff n will just use what is n th basket. I suspect she cant tell the difference between the creams. This is small matter n can be easily resolved so dun get too angry.

As for ambient noise. Tell MIL no need to switch on radio the whole day. Let her undrrstand tat bb did not sleep well n tell her no need for such ' noise' training.

Dolly wh need to wean J of her pacy? Still ok for her to take right? AnywAy u can either wait till she self wean (dunno when?) or if u do cold turkey, pls cont n dun give in by returning her the pacy,if not the next time u try it will be even tougher. Hang in there, may take a few days to even a week or so.

Re: Fb may group

We have a group call SMH may 2011 try n search for it n request to add into the group. Once of us will add u in. I am on mobile now. So cant add u guys in.

i'm literally without sleep...up again 5plus for bb's next feed. His small stomach now takes around 90ml or so and only last 2hr plus. Then DD1 wakes up for his milk feed at 6plus. Then prepare him for bfast and school. Now, waiting for bb's next feed.

Bunnymum: can empathsize with u. Even my own parents do that. Overly excited when i brght bb home and kept wanting to carry him. End up bb overly stimulated too and guess who suffer, the mummies!

Dolly: u don't like bb taking pacifiers? I read somewhere that dentists think its ok for them so long its before 3yrs...

Cloud: I share your sentiment.. even for DD1 i feel quite torn between wanting to work (financial independence) and around for him and develop his learning through play. Hb's way of spending time with DD1 now is TV, More TV, Games, More Games! Arrgh !!!

morning mummies,

I'm in for the nx gathering, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re nex 7 july ( thursday)

1) starflower

2) starfruit

3) evie

4) cloudpoem

5) sh

6) arisz

7) apple

8) poppy

9) nic

10) jerejoy

Morning ladies. Finally sun out today for me to sun the clothes =)


when are u ladies intending to let the kid start wearing soft sole shoes? I am v tempted to get from pediped nw as they having sales. Going gaga over the gals designs ESP a pair of fur boots! Hahaha.


Im ordering frm pediped too! Am buying size 6-12 mths. My fren wanna order but surprise they don ship to vpost addy anymore. I've borderlinx acct which I'm tryingto see if can buy Ma... U wanna tag along? Pm my ur orders ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi apple,

I'm a twins mama who delivered ard mid may. Saw that u installed cctvs in the hse. Would like to find out wich co u engaged to install n hw much ?

M having problems with my own maid n in future hiring second when I go bac to wk as she cant really cope with tsking care of only one bb at nite, alw making mistakes n I daren't scold her too badly lest she ill treat my bbs.

Seems CCTV will give me peace of mind but m concerned abt e costs. Does it allow u to access anywhere, Hp n comp? Does it hv sound?

Saw that u hv live in nanny, may I know hw much it costs ? Singaporean?

Sh, starfruit & lil fly, she's turning 2 next month le.. So my mum wants to kick her pacifier away.. Today's the 3rd day,she wakes up 5am & gets me to rescue her.. So I gave it to her as no wanting her to wake everyone up... Furthermore, she has not been sleeping well since Monday.. I find her so poor thing...

Starfruit: thanks but can some1 frm e fb group, pls help to add me into e Grp.. As I m using iPhone to online.. N I can't find a feature to add group... Thanks so much

ya preciousmom,

gt to use pc to login fb to add grp, iphone cant do tat.....nt sure how to invite u to the grp thou.....


oh, u r talking about your gal, i tot ur boi....mayb find 1 morning, show her pacifier spoilt (cut a hole for her if she don bite to spoilt it....tell her ants bite till pacifier spoilt....then get her to throw it in the dustbin...tell her throw le don hv liao......the idea is for her to throw in the dustbin so tat she rmbr don hv pacifier anymore....

else, gt to put something spicy on it....my fren's mil put ru yi oil n refuse to tell my fren wat she did to stop her girl from having pacifier. juz say put someting spicy only...my fren suspects its ru yi oil....

ya preciousmom,

gt to use pc to login fb to add grp, iphone cant do tat.....nt sure how to invite u to the grp thou.....


oh, u r talking about your gal, i tot ur boi....mayb find 1 morning, show her pacifier spoilt (cut a hole for her if she don bite to spoilt it....tell her ants bite till pacifier spoilt....then get her to throw it in the dustbin...tell her throw le don hv liao......the idea is for her to throw in the dustbin so tat she rmbr don hv pacifier anymore....

else, gt to put something spicy on it....my fren's mil put ru yi oil n refuse to tell my fren wat she did to stop her girl from having pacifier. juz say put someting spicy only...my fren suspects its ru yi oil....

Gathering at yishun: ladies if u all don't mind I can get my maid to cook spaghetti so we don't have to order anything

dolly: hee, i also tot u meant ur bb. For my DD1, its the peer pressure in his childcare. He pai-seh to use anymore coz he get teased and stop on his own. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re nex 7 july ( thursday)

1) starflower

2) starfruit

3) evie

4) cloudpoem

5) sh

6) arisz

7) apple

8) poppy

9) nic

10) jerejoy

11) Littlefly

12) Ash

Hi mummies,

I Already separated the cream apart n put the eczema one in my room. Yes it's the steroid one! I understd she can't read so mixed up. What I'm angry abt is that she refuse to admit despite me telling that it's v harmful for her grandson groin. She insisted she didn't put n the maid saw her applying the cream. In this instance I would believe the maid becos my mil has bad record of lying all the time! Even her own niece expose her in front of relatives during one party that she always lie but I guess the niece is too young tonknow she. Shldnt do it openly.

Music- I told her n she said must let bb get used to noise if nt next time v easily wake up. So my poor bb cannot sleep for one WHOLE day! Argghh.. Tdy I off the radio switch n reduce tv volume v low.

Hi Mummies,

NUK teats - NB (unopen) Standard neck Medium hole stage 1 latex, total 4 packs (8 teats), each pack selling at $3.

NB (unopen) Standard neck Medium hole stage 2 latex, 1 pack (2 teats) selling at $3.

NUK soother - NB (open), left 1 soother, stage 1 latex, to give away for free.

Avent Non-spill, Easy sip, 6m+ Soft Spout NB (open), left 1 piece, to give away for free.

Self collect. Pm me if interested.

hi mummies, how do you know if bb has diarrhoea? my bb poo these 2 days look watery kind. quite different from her usual.. not sure if its bcos she's taking a bit more BM, or bcos its diarrhoea..?


I've checke the wan chai HK restaurant. Bkfat is only for wkends n Wkdays they r open at 1130am only.

There's a yakun there... Mummies wanna go there? Quite big space... Try Shd b open early. I'll ask later

Hi May Mummies,

I am new to the Forum and is keen to join in the gathering @ Nex on 7 Jul. I have just requested to join the group on FB.

Hi preciousmum & kaykay: added u in the fb group liao.. in any case forum is down, we can still communicate in there.. i cant remember all the mummies who requested to be in.. so i jus add these 2 mummies that are regular first. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnymum: its true.. we have to close an eye somehow.. so much so that we want the best and to protect our kids, but elder generation have their way too. i used to be protective over my #1 as i cant seem to agree with my mil way of doing things.. but, i have learnt to accept somehow..


seems like Nex is so much more popular to west gathering..


i dont mind to eat what ur maid cooks.. but would it be troublesome? later still got to wash up. or order more better. pizza, than u supply paper plates. eat and throw. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

who are the confirmed attendees? if i arrived earlier, can? 11am abit too late for me. my kids are back by 1pm. i need to zoom back by than.. cux my maid needs to help to settle #1 & #2..

arisz: i send the recipe to ur email liao. happy baking!

Starflower: so sweet. have fun shopping ba! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val i dun let her wear shoes till 1 yr old. This follows an old tradition tat bb can only wear shoes at first bday. My #1 was wearing soft shoes for cloes to 9 mths cos she only started walking at abt 13 mths.

Val, go buy swimwear for ur girl. I wanna start bringing her to the pool at abt 6 mths.

U joining us at nex mall gathering?

Green bb poo in bf baby

This could be a case of too much foremilk. To rectify feed on one breast so bb gets more hind milk.

Bb on bm have watery stools, very watery infact. So dun worry its not diarrhoea

V i got the leg warmers from TLW, its super cute!!! Wanna let her wear when we go out this sat!!! Hehe


Split, sorry, I can't turn up for the gathering at ur place this fri! Cos I was told by my gal's new sch tt she has to turn up for an orientation this friday for new pupils, from 12-1.30pm. So I think I can't make it once my gal is out of cc cos I can't attend to both kids[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

