(2011/05) May 2011

Ash i think cos u r skinny to start with.

Val thks and to add on pregnancy is a good once u r over all the terrible MS hehehe



hahaha! agree la, preg is a wonderful thing MINUS the ms + spotting/bleeding. hahaha.

went to dig out my old photos...thi is my tum tum size when i was 36++weeks for my previous one:


Va|: Well, let's just say that mils and even our own mothers are masters at pressing the right button. Heh... I mean, they've had so many years of practice and knowing what would work... =)


true. and in return, the kids have yrs of exp hw to deal with the issues. hahahah.

some ppl are just better at emotional blackmail =P

i feel tt preg is the only time we r proud to hv a big tum and b able to eat anything w/o worrying abt waistline! :p

star: i've been wanting to eat bk for long time but still hv not satisfied this craving

hahaha....serene...no worries...we will definately arrange to meet again...

starfruit, err...r u in my fb & also r u in d SMH may group ah? cos i circulate in fb...did u rcv? or mayb u can post on d event wall which i created in d smh group...most prolly thur i will fb msg again...then forward u all my contact ba..hehe...

meeting at 313 marche 7pm

star: can i trouble u to rec friends to me in FB for all the mommies here? i was so lost when all of u posting email address the last time :p do it when u r free only can? pls!

I'm back home after lunch with hb..had nasi briyani..yum yum

Val, I received the Taka promotion leaflet too..I think got printing error..there stated Tue, 2nd Dec..faint! Look like Sat gonna be sardine at Orchard.

Wah ur tum tum very big..my fren commented mine very huge like gonna burst anytime when I'm about 35wks too..my girl was huge. I doubt this #2 gonna be that huge..hehe

wah..apple...ur lunch alwas like so yummi, i remb u oso ta pao some similar dish for dinner sometimes rite? LOL

im sipping sugar cane lemon again...sometimes feel v sinful alwas drink cold drinks...kekeke but cun help it leh..LOL

Serene, r u putting up with ur MIL now?

Oh yes, I noticed bb response to loud music coz I was at the Barney show with my girl last Sat..bb kicking quite hard inside hahaha


ya. i think so printing err as normally starts frm thurs-sun. yes, expect lots of crowds everywhere in orchard esp taka. too bad i think their extended shopping hr abit short lo, only extend for 30mins nia...

wats ur gal's birth weight? ya. i have the same feeling that this #2 wldnt be as huge as kor kor too...

dolly, wru...LOL

wats ur lunch tdy? quite a few days...i bo hear wat u eat liao..hehe

u bz with work ah? i cleared alot liao...so nw more time to come in here...kekeke

Mudpie, oh the nasi padang I always tar pao is nearby my ofc..Indonesian cook. Just now I went to hb ofc nearby for Indian nasi briyani but I took white rice coz don't like briyani. Now I'm clearing leave..on off I'll take 1/2 day..before driving home I just cut thrunto meet my hb for lunch lo

Noticed u ordered sugar cane quite often..better cut down. It is high sugar content ya

Val, she borned 4.06kg haha..super huge! She is the biggest when they display at hospital nursery :p

I told my gynae lucky I'm c-sec or else my episiotomy sure very bad!

Actually she was 3.35kg at wk37, but suddenly balloon when she is at wk38, she was out on wk38 d6..imagine if I wait till wk40 for natural delivery!! I dare not think

apple, hahaha...icic...

ok lah..sugar cane...i v limit liao...only 1 per week...hehe...

wow..ur #1 huge wor..4.06kg...wow!!! haha...wat did u eat & suddenly balloon her wgt?


gd u managed to clear ur wk, at least can rest n relax abit =)


WAH! 4.06kg is huge, esp since she is a gal!

ya. my boy oso suddenly ballooned coz the last visit 3days before, my gynae says he is only 3.2kg...at most 3.4kg..who knows...but lucky i manage to still go thro natural and w.o epi n laffing gas.

Thks all for your concern.

Star: my 1st one didnt pop out and is a boi, 2nd one haven till now not pop out yet.


I mostly not able to make it to this gathering cos my husband is sick.

apple: *kowtow* You are good....

Va|: Wah.... My girl was 3.645kg but i didn't remember my tummy being so big! Maybe i bigger sized so not so obvious...


Yes..staying with my in law till end feb..my hubby going aus..then I go back my mum's place..

Hannah n Val,

I hope he meant it..he Noe our situation..


Ur baby n tummy really big..

Mudppie wat is the name of tbe group? Smh may 2011? I dun think u r on my fb i only have val, apple, dolly n a few i think. Let me know group name n i will go n find it.

Val: For 36weeks ur tum is huge. R u very skinny / small to start with thus tummy seems bigger. Maybe i am tall n big size to start with so tum dun seem to get so big.

Mudpie, infact I eat less fr wk37 onwards coz the tum like getting heavier each day very uncomfy. The sudden balloon gave me memorable ugly strechmarks! Super ugly deep lines near bellybutton! Now when my tum start showing I saw the old strectmarks showing up..irritating

Val, yea last few days normally the u/s weight not so accurate de..my gynae estimate around 3.8kg..haha who knows she was that huge during birth. Good thing is I lost all weight right after delivery coz total I gained 10.7kg.


yea yea....i m oso counting dwn..my boss gg away to US & after he come bk..he oso taking lv...hehe...& nw v xmas mood...bo much mood work..hw i wish i can take lv...whahahaha

mudpie : just came back from lunch... went to TMC to visit my colleague who has just delivered a bb boy yesterday... had chicken rice, compared to purvis street... purvis street better...

serene : wow lau... your MIL likes to follow suit lei... my MIL too... initially, sees colleague play psp, she also buy...sees ppl own iphone, she also buy... colleagues have LV, she also buy... don't know follow people for what? even my mum too... keep pestering me/my HB if we're selling our iphone away?


ya. mayb i was lean then so my tum tum seems bigger.


ya. most impt ur hb must be firm la. =)


nt bad sia. u only gained 10.7kg but ur gal already took up some much weight le. did u control ur diet? 10.7kg to me v little lo coz i gained 20kg. whahaha.

i wonder for this preg..hw much wld i gain in total =P


actually xmas take leave bo hua esp if ur colleagues n boss are taking leave..coz xmas usually workload lesser and less ppl in office...so u have more freedom to do ur own things. hehhehe.

dolly, icic...u really like ckn rice hor..hehe..1 day i mus really go tat purvis street u recommend de...hehe

Val, true in a way lah..tts y nw i dun hv much mood...hahaha...planning to surf more net...nua abit...shhh.....

u gained 20kg during ur 1st preg..did u lose all b4 ur 2nd preg ah? hw u manage to lose wgt..hehe thru BF?


i got checked by dr chia before... very strict and fierce.. not motherly.. so prob that explains..


ya, you hubby really generous to buy yr mil so many gifts!!


the wedding at swissotel city hall leh... near my ofice in bugis.. taka not right next to mrt like ion.. if not dun mind travel down..

can travel then travel loh... think partially also becos my gynae is super "bo chap" one.. she only told me try not to go thru the x-ray gates and ask for hand search instead... then as for things like rebond, colouring, she strictly say no.. so to me, it shd be safe to travel.. i also bought the travel insurance which cover preg (from one of the mummies here) from my own pocket for every trip..

i also want to take the prenancy photos!! i did not take them for my #1. must take them this time round!

Val, my gynae very strict on weight gain. So I sort of keep a close watch on the gain or else he will nag & nag. Some more I'm not lean to start off..afraid I look like elephant :p

During my 1st day after delivery, I was putting up at 2-bedded & the super kpo neighbour visitor came to peep at me & bb said wah ur bb look like 3mths old..faint..I find them irritating..sigh imagine I already rested at the inner bed near window they still flip the curtain & peep at me!

My hb super angry..he make he'll noise at the admission coz mine c-sec is pre-book ward, but they never reserved the 1-bedded ward for me..sigh


ya. me too now no mood to wk but as my colleague on 2 weeks leave got to cover n clear the wk still...sian man...

I didnt lose all, kept 2kg as present. hahaha! for me bfeeding doesnt help me to lose weight as I ate more le...i lose weight gradually as I returned to wk, due to stress and slowly as my boy gets more active i started losing weight as well.

so hopefully, this time rd, i dun put on as much weight as i did! hehehe.


hmm..then too bad liao..if nt u go robinsons to look see look see..think robinsons card holder has got 5% or 10% rebate?? nt v sure as I was driving pass last sat then sat something like tat.

its nt my gynae who banned me lo, its my own hb! he feels its a risk i can avoid since i didnt travel overseas for my #1..and on n off i still have brown discharge so he is nt comfortable with me travelling.

yaya! this time rd must take esp since u nv take the previous time. i will take this time rd too as we intend to close factory aft this mah =)

and with #1 in the photos, will be fun n nice, i think =)


ur neighbour's visitor v rude lo...flipping the curtain to peep is by itself v rude le...making unneccessary comments even worst!

this preg, i wonder if i can keep to within 12kg =P

Val, 2kg is ok lah...hehe...so this time if dun put on too much wgt...lose all 1 shot..lol

did u eat alot when u had ur #1?

my frens told me..they eat normally...oso gained 16kg...omg...tdy i go weigh myself again..i think gained 3kg so far liao...depressed...stil got so many mths to go...hehe

apple, which hospital was tat ah? tmc? hehe

ur neighbour really rude leh...flip curtain peep & stil make such comments... =="

dolly, novena chicken rice? err...issit oppo d church tt stretch of shophouse kind? alot of eateries ter...


ya. 2kg wasnt so bad coz i was underweight before the pregnancy =P so tats why my gynae nt so concern abt my weight gain =P

ya! hopefully i can dun gain too much this time rd and go back to my pre-preg weight before my #1 =P

yes. for my 1st one, my appetite was v gd right frm the start and i dun have ms =P so the weight gain is increase all the way de, nv head south or stagnant before =P

hahaha. cut dwn on sugary stuffs if u wanna control ba. dun forget there is still xmas and cny goodies to feast on in coming mths =P


hmmmm...tt 1 ah...i tried b4...i oso dun find it sooo fantastic like go ter is a must to eat...haha....i think their soy sauce ckn oso so so nia..LOL


how much is it to take the photos? paiseh one or not? ya, i also think its will be fun to take with #1! your ms now different from #1, got good chance!!

mudpie - I was at GEH. We did ask the nurse at the ward for change of room, but was told all fully taken. Gynae came for round check in the evening and I was complaining about the noise fr neighbour and privacy thingy..so he actually ask my hb go down to admission office to talk to the officer. So my hb did went down to approach them. I shifted to Deluxe room around 11pm with free upgrade..haha

So we learnt, next time must make noise :p or else they just put us on 2-bedded if single bedded is fully occupied.

mudpie : ya lor... one of my colleagues claim super delicious & must try... so i happened to tell two other ladies from other department that i've tried a nicer chicken rice @ purvis street.. so after i tried the chicken rice... so-so niah.. lei...

before this, we went to amoy for fish slice beehoon soup... she also said very delicious.. then very expensive... SGD10 per bowl... not worth at all...

end of the day, complain to my HB... that to her is delicious... but i find it so-so, & kena con..

dolly, yea lor..diff ppl diff taste lah...haha

$10 for fish slice beehoon, they give u wat kind of fish? hahaha...but seriously $10 for fish slice 1 pax..i oso wont try..hehe...unless they give me loads of fish...if not..like normal size bowl..i think 4get it...lol

i hv a fren oso similar alot of things she say nice nice..mus try..end up i went....bo simi nice...hb went with me too..& he say...bo nice...so after once or twice hor..i gave up..she say nice nice...i say ha...ok...hahaha

Apple i also craving for nasir padang allthe time.

Ash , np will suggest the may mum to u as frens on fb.

Mudppie, thks i will go check fb.

I am out from my check up bb not cooperative legs cross all the time n hand was scratching head so cute. Doc try to scan from all angle then tell me may be ger n then turn to me say cant confirm as she is also not sure cos cant see very well.

Hannah, if mine is a ger i will have 2000 gold too hehehe. N yes dr chua gave me an mc for tis afternoon. She has some family emergency think bil passes away in aust so have to fly over immediately.

mudpie - yes, I find their service not bad, sometimes just need a lil luck and must push for the right lo..1st time, no experience. Now we learnt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gotta deliver there coz gynae only deliver in GEH.

starfruit - me too ler..I keep having curry, sambal belacan. Quite unhealthy actually!

dolly - $10 for fish slice beehoon?? wah..what type of fish they use wor..

Dolly must be the famous " ka soh" fish head bee hoon lah. Last time was nice maybe standard drop.

Apple, I am craving for strong taste food now.

