(2011/04) Apr 2011


Boobs size not impt.. So long as you can give some bm to bb.. Good already.. =)


So what did the pd tell you? To stop breastfeeding for a while??


Piggy , do u have lumps in ur boobs? Have any fever? Pain or swelling of ur boobs? Aches? Shivers n chills?

Can go GP.. If need be he will prescribe an antibiotic. Do rest well dear!!

Vivi.. Ok, will get hubby buy s Size to try Tmr. Btw, u tried the fenugreek? I think it do helps. I tried eating now for 2nd week with 4pills (2day & 2night).. My supply now from 60 become 70 but must drink lots of water..


Does your breast feel warm and painful? Is it full?? Cos you also said your son and hb might be sick too right?? You can go to the GP.. And if he thinks it's mastitis, he might an antibiotic to reduce the inflammation and take panadol for the pain..

But you mustn't stop pumping.. And in between pumps, use cold compression to ease the swelling. You completely stopped latching already right?

If really persist, I think might have to contact a LC.. At least this is what I will do if I have it..

You got fever and chills too??

Pink & mum05.. I understand that we nt suppose to give my boy water but I staying with my parent now. As u all know la, toking to all these eldery really makes my blood boil lo. Explain to them the reason y dun wan to give water den end up will quarrrel with them etc.. Which I really really Sianz liao.. So whenever i see them give water, I try limit the amt.. 

Mrs Chua: can understand it's hard to explain to the older folks sometimes.

I bought fenugreek too but I don't think I'll continue taking it.. Can't stand the smell.......... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks pink n Gerry..

I dun have swelling n engorement but I do have chill n body ache[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hmm the full feeling is no diff from usu wor only the area near nipple after pumpin n clear of breast is still painful.. Ok shall go n see GP if fever persist..

My bb is having hiccups very often. Like after every feed she will hiccup leh. Any ladies encounter this problem? I duno is it a problem with her lungs, when in my tummy she already like that lor, can hiccup up to 3-4 times a day. I asked PD she say it's ok. But the frequency is kind of worrying to me.

Also wanna check bb cord stub will take how long to drop?


hiccup is v common n no cause for worry both my boi hiccup alot durin preg n after pop ad they grow older will reduce 1..

Pink mini ok wor anyway petite gal sweet ms

I scare Vianne soon becoming Michelin baby . By the way the fenugreek pills smelly?

Mrs chua i haven't got the chance on fenugreek wor cannot go out so haven't buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Piggy take care rest well

Aries Vianne also hiccup often especially after bath . For the stud Vianne took about 10 days to drop off. Usually it is about 8-12 days

Piggy/vivi: I see. Cos I quite paranoid when I see my girl hiccup after every feed. Tks.

The fenugreek pills actually I find got a strong smell/taste. But not unbearable la. Like mrs chua said just pop down and drown with water can le. ^^

Can I check the longan red date drinks how is it prepared? Apart fm longan and red date, any other "ingredient"? Im eating as per normal volume now but I am getting fatter leh. Just 1.5 wk confinement I find myself gaining xtra flabby meat Liao. Strange is that I didn't even appear so "fat" during pregnant. Aft birth then suddenly like that. I wonder is it because of the longan water cos my mum does put a pinch of brown sugar in it. I already ask her dun put the sugar Liao.

Mrs. Chua,

Still try to master Gerry method to hold both bottles, guess my boob is too big but my hand is too short... I can't do it well~ Lols~~~ the bottle will loosen if I use 1 hand to hold across.... Nvm, I only pump for ard 15mins, not that time wasting... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My CL use 11 types of herbs to boil the longan water... U want? But u already in confinement right? How u survive thru the early day? U drink plain water arh?

U put on weight means u absorb well all the food u taken, this is a good sign actually for us who is in confinement... My CL said this is golden period to bu (build) our body... Try eat whatever we can to bu, diet can do later... We have alot chance to on diet but not always we can bu our body coz our body cannot absorb so well after confinement liao...

good morning ladies


do u wanna try brg Joel to PD got his jaundice? sometime to PD it's not so serious last time my cousin also kp go bk to poly do BT then she so worried brg the BT report to PD, end up PD said it's all right ll take 2 mth to recover.


other than longan & red date still got many thg eg wolfberry, huai shan, black date, dang Shen, du zhong,

my girl also have hiccup almost after every feed

morning mummies.... Yeah... Managed to latch my boy on on both boobs.... Happy happy....

Sookie: jiayou... If I succeeded.. It means short nip also can latch on... Jia you!!!

Hippopolai: haahaa.. Ur assets too good Liao.. Me also always 1hand pump 1 hand do other things.. Haahaa..

Aries: hugz hugz.. Now confinement.. Try to bu and rest ur body.. We will loose the weight after that k.. =)


starting work today haix although half day how I wish fast fast end.

Hb bought my lil milk monster to fren's Hse she helpin me take care n I miss him alot now.


my boy oso hipcups alot almost aft every meal.I jux carry him up n pat his back.

For the longan tea, I put both red dates n black dates, longan. Dang shen n wolfberries. Nv put sugar cos very sweet le.

Pink/mrs chua

I find fenugreek got a smell ESP for me I donno how to pop pill de I put inside mouth it jux won't go down the Taste is so yucks. Was tellin my hb cos of milk monster I reali do alot of things. Durin preggy I ate those vit now fenugreek even I sick I oso won't eat the medicine but Now I pop pills

Hippo, u mentioned to stretch nite feeding to 4hrly?

Hw to do it? Mine woke up at 12,3 and 5 last nite. Not forgetting the burping and coaxing her bk to zz meaning I din sleep at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

then #1 woke up ard 5+...omg...

Woke up with the feeling of full breast.. Indeed feeling super full, took out pump thinking of pumping out all milk since my boy still sleeping & nt feeding time yet... But who know by the time I got ready abt to pimp, he woke up asking for milk so let him latch left while I pump right..

Hippoplai.. I managed to use piggy's method but still finds it a bit insecure, scare will topple & spill all precious bm so still occassionally hold it to secure it. Guess is yr asset is really asset la so cannot use Gerry's method, lols maybe u can try using the hand free secure strap that comes eith the package? I thought of using that but Duno how to secure using that strap yet.. 

Tweety.. I most of the time onli managed to latch him one side like now, latch one pump one.. Lols 

Sandy.. So fast starting work Le ah.. Take care of urself ok? Dun worry, little milk monster will b ok under ur hubby's fren's hands ;) 

I'm the type still can pop pills irreegsrdless big or small.. Hubby oso cannot swallow pills kind so when he sees me do so without a prob Lols.. Actually I admit it got smell la but I jus drink water down so fun feel anything.. Mummies are all wei da de, so no matter Wat as long as for bb's sake, I'm sure we will do it de ;) so jia you!!! 

Mrs chua: heehee.. ^5.. I'm those kind who can pop pills even without water too.. I think by latching bb on hor.. They can really stimulate the milk leh.. Like just now I jut started pumping.. My boy woke up so I latch him on... Even though he drank for quite some time.. I still can pump out 90ml leh..

My hubby was complaining.. Haahaa... Whenever jerrell hears my voice or being carried by me.. He looks so comfortable.. Haahaa.. Hubby is jealous.. Mil was telling him.. Of course... Cause I got 妈妈的味道。heehee

Morning ladies..

Sigh still havin fever goin to see dr later n the worse it dunno is it my sleepin postur. My right hand ache so much n with 2 heavy boobs I am feelin miserable[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] totally no strenght n in pain-_-

mrs chua,

cos I short so body length short can secure the bott.. N the suction is strong so wun fall out..


BB r smart they can sense the pp carryin them pro anot u see those CL the BB alway quiet in their arm 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hb last time v funnie say scare BB can't recognize him after 7mth so even gt gt 1 day off he also willing to pay $2k airtix to fly back .. I told him if I alone no BB he sure wun do tt..

Hippopo/bbgoh/tweedy/sandy: I drank the red date and longan plus brown sugar at first. Then later on my mum say can no need put brown sugar and she also added Huai Shan and dang shen, but I dun think she got use until 11 herbs so much leh. Cos I was suspecting is it too much sugar I drank as I think I'm drinking like 2-3 liters each day. Okay anyway I guess it was a vain question. Lol.. I bth see myself in the mirror now, few days only become so fat le.

Piggy: hugs hugs. Take a little panadol and rest well. Do see a doc, ur bb needs his mummy now, must be strong and get well soon kk!! Jia you!!!!!

Tweety: my girl too. Everytime when she hungry other ppl carry her she will just struggle and cry. But once I carry her she will automatic turn and try to find my nipples as thou I have a special smell, she knows mummy carrying her! The feeling is so sweet. ^,^.

Piggy: oh dear.. Better go see dr and find out the reason... Haahaa.. Ur hubby so funny...

Aries: need to put so many Liao in the drink?? My mil and mum only put wolfberries, red/black dates, longan and a slice of ginger wor... Yup.. I agree.. The feeling is great!! Hubby was saying me.. By the time I go back to work.. Sure miss my boy alot de/.


thanks alr taken panadol really sway ... actually durin confinement we will tend to eatmore dun tink it the sugarcos i drink milo etc all got sugar n usu BF help to burn the fats faster wor...


ya goin ard 11 now go sure v pack... last nite woke up becos of sweat lo .. yeah 1 more wk.. actually less than a wk liao cos my CL leavin on Thurs noon so to me wed is the last day...


rest well!! go see PD lata ok? my 1st confinement also got fever, can understd how pain u feel..

I was crying tat time


wow. u sound like doin pretty well as 1st time mummy

well done


how cum so fast u bk to work? dun worry abt yr lil monster, he is on good hand


u dun have CL ? yr #1 got attend cc daytime? try to rest during the dAy. me samethg. woke up at 1, 4 to pump then 6 to make mill for #1 jiu can't slp le must get ready for her to go cc. my mum do feeding for #2


sigh my 1st preg the wound pain until i wan to cry den sore nipple this time round the fever is makin me so sick... n the boobs is full...


ya u be surprise how man can change after entering fatherhood lol~

Morning mummies!

I managed to pump out 270ml of bm this morn after last pump at 9+pm yest. The max amt per pump so far. I notice tt I can have a 2nd round of let down reflex after pump few droplets for 5-10mins.. cos i was trying to squeeze out 10ml more for ez freezing.. then end up got 2nd let down. So those who want more bm can try this mtd. Now I got 3litres of frozen ebm in the freezer liao... but my bb still gotta drink fm... how ironic!!

Yest luckily Joel still willing to drink his fm.. CL managed to feed 80ml every 3 hr. Think these few days I will feed more fm than bm... till Fri see if the jaundice will improve. Today i will try the red dates drink for bb too. Now poor baby is suntanning. I really hope all these changes will bring down his jaundice on Fri!

piggy, u better go see doc if got fever. Dun let it turn worse! When u bringing ur boy for next review? Sianz hor.. next wk full mth liao this jaundice thing still havent clear. Hai...

Gerry, both my boys like to come out at 37wks... Not I choose one leh. Though I did wish tt i'll pop earlier. This Fri is my edd.. wahaha.. hope Fri will be a gd day for Joel!

Aries, my bb same blood grp as me leh. OUr whole family same blood grp de.

mum05, why cant give too much water? Izzit cos will make them too full for milk? Or more dire consequences like kidney cant support, etc? SO if it's breastmilk jaundice... still can continue bf? Or must stop for awhile?

bbgoh, but PD will do BT also rite? Or some PD will see level ok then just do nothing? so far i go PD still need BT leh.

G'morning ladies,


Oh do go see a dr soon.. And get as much rest while CL is still here..


Hehe!! You are too well endowed liao!! Maybe you can try to lean against a table.. and sort of secure the bottle and funnle against the table.. Then that way, you will have 2 hands free!! and can surf the net!!


You are a natural!! And after latch, can still pump so much!! *envy* =)


I am sure Fri will be a good day for Joel!! =)

Haha!! They are early birds!! Now I am really hoping to see my bunny this week cos #1 also came out at week 39!! *fingers cross*

Bbgoh: yeah.. Hope it maintains..

Piggy: yup.. I agree.. Like nOw hubby will want to learn how to feed, burp, carry bb.. Haha.. So fast ur confinement gonna be over soon...

Elmo: wah.. 270ml... U not feeding ur boy bm???


i goin back nex tues... ya sian hope will drop below 200 hundred.. n hope no phone call from them today...


ya goin to see dr later but the fever seem to go away liao n i am sweating now...


fast meh to me v slow keke... soon urs will be oversoon also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


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any mummies who wan to have Neo Garden for their baby's shower, pls note that there is a 19% off for the month of April. if u need more info, let me know by giving me ur email add and I can forward u the email. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies.. hope u all have a great day ahead... gonna have my massage later.. cant wait.. hehe

Elmo and Piggy.. dun worry so much. ur boys will be alright de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry, hope ur bunny will come out soon and cure ur pupps once n for all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tweety, these few days i'll try to give more fm.. see if the jaundice will drop on Fri loh. If Fri still increase I dunno the doc will ask bb do wat other test... -_-"""

piggy, same same!

hi mummies,

havent been logging in for e past 2 wks! some updates on my bunny! todae is 40th wks! went for check up last sun gynae mentioned tat cant go 4 natural as cervix not soft. had fixed for c-sect on tis coming sun! so surprised as tis baby leaving so comfortably in my stomach till dnt wan 2 come out. my #1 came out ard 37wks! how i hope sun faster come as my stomach really very huge n feeling exhausted n tired. every nite cant sleep well too.

Tweety: my longan drink now only have four liao. But according to some, CL put up to 11. I think my mum also not so pro, she just do according to what they did during their era.

I'm also starring to worry abt bonding with my gal aft I start work. Cos hb wants mil to take care of her weekday day and night, weekend then we bring her back. I think I will be very she bu de.

Elmo: wah ur supply so gd. Envy leh. Dun worry abt ur bb not bring able to take bm now. When he gets better fm the jaundice he will have a fridge full of 爱心mama's milk waiting for him. Jia you kk!!!!

Yeah piggy!

Me jus done w bb birth cert, otw home. Feel so idle walking out of house. Yr cl leaving on wed means frm wed, u will eat and shower per normal? I tot of ending on wed go trim eyebrow, look like forest now.

Bbgoh, I dnt have. Mum and maid helping out with cooking and baby. #1 go school frm 8am to 12pm, so noon I will nap w him. I have a clock built in so day x can't really sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm so tired tat I dnt have appetite to eat well, lost all weight + few kg gain during pregnancy.

Hee, I bought a mr bean cheese pancake to cheer myself up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua because scare hubbt buy wrongly so dont want to ask him.... how much is the fenugreek?

piggy hugs and get well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my CL leavin on Thurs Noon so i consider Wed last day of confinement la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]yes i will eat norm from Thurs onwards... ya my #1 i alone end up so tired v fast lost all the weight...


for me i only left bb with IL on wkday day time will bring home daily... else bb not close to me i be v sad..


Really hope so.. This itch is really killing me.. =( Making me quite miserable..


You can go visit your girl everynight after work?? Have dinner at your MIL's place? I know some people do that.. Why cannot bring home on weekday?


Oh.. Your fever is breaking..Have you been taking panadol? But still very xin ku..


I am still waiting and now at 39 weeks.. I really hope I don't have to wait 1 more week before anything is done.. Sigh..

Have a smooth delivery this sunday.. Maybe your little bunny might decide to come out anytime between now and sunday?? =)


Have you tried Mr bean caramel custard pancake.. it is uber nice!! Now I feel like getting it for myself too.. Haha!! =)

Gerry you tempting me with food!!!!

when is your next check up? hopefully your little one will not make you wait again....

I think I am gonna have a sore throat soon can feel it.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hehe!! Very soon your confinement will be over.. and then mine will start..

Next check up tmrw.. I hope hope hope.. This am had a bit of LS and cramping.. but now disappear liao!! False alarm.. =(

Oh maybe too much confinement food and the logan drink.. Better drink some warm water..

Tweety.. u mean u pop pills with ur saliva?? Omg.. that one maybe those small pills I can la.. but for bigger pills (capsule kind) I cant.. must have water.. ya, I agree that latching will helps to stimulate our milk.. jus now I latch left side of my breast while I pump the right, after latch for abt 15 mins, I continue with the pump for my left, still can get abt 30ml of milk.. overall pump, still get 60-70ml of milk.. hehe but my boy is a big eater now, can drink 110ml of milk so I latch him for that 15 min seems not enough for him.. cos after sleeping for abt 30mins, he woke up for his regular feeding, drown himself down with 110ml den KO lols.. my hubby oso jealous lo.. cos whenever he carried our boy, he dun seems slp very comfortably but if I carry, he will slp more longer.. true enough that this is 妈妈的味道 and the bond we had build up 10 mths le.. : ) like now, my boy like to do kola pose and slp on my chest.. such a way of sleeping, he can really slp v long ..

Piggy.. take care of urself ah.. u still need to take care of ur boys ah.. rest whenever u can ok? I agree that the suction is strong, I tried to let go this morn when I pump cos 1 hand carry my boy while the other hand I use to hold the pump, very xin ku and my boy seems dropping down hehe.. so I try to let go.. it really stay there without dropping.. jus that I myself scare the pump will drop half way or any leakage of milk so will still use 1 hand to hold abit..

Aries.. my longan water only got longan and red/black dates.. dun have so many liao.. previously got ginger but after my boy got jaundice, I ask my mummy not to put..

Elmo.. 270ml? wow.. gd supply.. my last pump oso 9pm yest, den this morn woke up to pump @7am, my supply still 60-70ml though I felt my breast v full.. now I gonna go pump b4 massage lady come..

Vivi.. $30 plus per bottle, 2nd bottle $20 plus.. (cant rem is 50% off or what for 2nd bottle).. u jus have to tell him to go GNC and tell the sale girl he wan fenugreek. there is only one type and on the label, it state FENUGREEK.. so dun have t worry he will get wrong one..


i m not sure how yellowish Joel look like, kayleen also look yellowish & her white eyes also lookyellowish. when disharge her level is 12.5 PD just advice give her drink more let her poo & pee more. take 2wks time to be gone & nvr ask me go bk to review again. my mil bath her with herb then my mum give her snake's gut (she Dan)

dun worry PD said some Bb take 2mth to recover. I tot BM is better for jaundice Bb?

so envy yr boobs can keep so much. I must wake up every 3hr to clear at most I can get 250ml if drag till 4hrs and the boobs is hard like stone & leak dao the whole pad is wet alrdy.


hug hug. take med from PD and rest well. how's yr #1? fully recover?


how's yr cough? hope yr bunny ll jump out soon. hehe


me too can't really sleep during the day.

mummies in confinement

do u spend most of the time lie on bed? I remember last time CL always ask me gotta lie on bed can't walk much. but this time very hard to lie on bed. seem like many thg to do ESP with #1 ard

how many times u bath yr lil one a day? my mum only bath her in the morning


Gerry hopefully that is a sign !!! hee hee remember I was like also looking out for it ...

Yeah I think I drink more warm water... I always seem to think I am not drinking enough water and going to toilet often... I also dont know why....

Hmm I dont know if Vianne knows I am the mother or not because she bully me yesterday when she was in my room. she did not sleep and when I go out of my room to take something she shouted loudly.... happened twice...

I wonder how to survive next month without the CL since I am a first time mummy....

