(2011/04) Apr 2011

Thks for the encouragement Aries.

Vonn, I think i will eat n shower normally next Sunday.. the day of full mth celebration. Bath xiang xiang then make up b4 the guests come. hahha! I extended CL for 2 more days. Cos i wanna change bed sheet, wash this n tt after I get my freedom and not so stinky everyday anymore. Good to have CL ard to help out 1st. :p Feel like going facial during tt 2 days. :p


Mrs Chua, breast full means still got milk? I can pump till my breasts soft soft de leh. Maybe my manual pump is better at emptying my breasts.

bbgoh, cos ur milk really too much ba. I whole nite then got 200+ leh. If 3 hrly only 100 odd. My boobs are v small loh... AA cup leh... but still can produce milk. :p

Huh ur pd never ask u to go back for review for the jaundice ah? Mine did leh.. end up must do BT also. J dun look tt yellow leh. Cos i scared it's bm jaundice mah. Then keep blaming my bm say cannot eat herbs,etc. Then i might as well give more fm see if it'll help loh. Then we will know the cause.

Tonite can go TPY shop shop... going to see gynae for review. hehe.

Bbgoh.. We oso bath him once in the morn but sometimes he too sleepy so Bath time become afternoon lols..

Rach & Elmo.. Jus forward u all the Neo garden email. Nt sure if it is for member, maybe u all take a look & c ok?

Elmo... My breast full is b4 pump. Den my boy suck until soft but I still pump out the left over.. How long u take to pump until soft.. I pump for ard 20 - 30min max den stop

If nt sore nipple ah..

Vivi.. Of cos she know u r the mummy ah.. She calling u Ma... So dun think so much, learn from ur CL now & get to understand her needs den by then u will hv no prob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] trust urself u can do it de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we here Jia you & support u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy/Gerry: not cannot bring home on weekday la. Just that hb say w both need to work so dun wan to tire out. He say if I she bu de I can bring back but night time I have to take care. As a first time mummy I worry I cannot handle her alone at night that's why I agree let mil take care at night. I guess I will have to go over PIL place everyday, I cannot bear to see my bb closer to other ppl.

Bbgoh: My mum bathe my bb once in the morning. Then evening time wipe body. I didn't lie in bed wor. Cos very busy leh, I don't have CL, only my mum helping me. Need to feed bb, pump milk, eat, go toilet (cos I drink alot). Mayb only noon time have 2-3 hrs to lie down, other than that I Whole day walk here walk there wor. Finish one thing then next thing come again. Then my mum doing most of the housework wash bb clothes and adult clothes, prepare bath water for me and bb and cook for me to eat.

Gerry, ok I try it next week after my 'jail'.

Jus nw went ica felt lost leh, walking aimlessly like no 'aim'.

Can't imagine returning to work feel like gung do.

Bbgoh, got 2kids very tiring. Especially when both need attn at the sametime. Hw to lie down w tis weather? I sit most of the time.

Vivi, u have a motherly instinct built in tat will help u. Jus tat we will be very busy etc.

Elmo, wow u plan so swee Liao!

I oni intend to trim my hair and eyebrow.

Ha ha Mrs Chua maybe lor hee hee because I seldom carry her so hopefully she knows I am mummy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me and hubby have a competition to see she calls mummy or daddy first hee hee

Aries I guess that is a typical day for me too... just pump milk and play with baby for a while and then rest a bit and before you know it is time to pump milk...

Mrs Chua, think the neo garden one need to be member. I din really time.. think ard 10-15mins ba.. sometimes let down slow so longer.. still less than 30mins? My nipple so far ok.. just tt i think become more elongated? hahhaa

vonn, ya must plan. i 10mths din go facial le... if dun go while CL here or hb on leave... I dun have chance to go le!!!

vivi, u know hor... my #1 called gong gong 1st! I was so jealous! Maybe this one will call teacher 1st cos whole day at IFC. -_-"

wah elmo, yr supply is superb! I doubt if I can achieve that. There was once, I had 2nd let down too I think but hor, it leaked out so i stopped pumping a sec and then hor, no more liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm not very sure as to exactly why we can't give but they mentioned that it's to prevent bloating the baby 'cos their organs r still not in full force function... something like that.

Yday I tried to re-latch on my bb and for juz 1 day n 1 nite, my nipples r very sore alr. This am I tried to pump out instead and only got 60ml this time round, sooo sad...

My #2's jaundice was high to begin with dur our stay at e hosp(200+) but we were given the greenlight to go home. Then on the follow-up check up couple of days later, it went up and the PD said we can continue to sun and may hv to admit if it went up higher. 2nd follow up, PD said abit better but my hub heartache, din wanna her to go thru another BT so brought her home.

The next few days, I found her rather yellow and when I went to my gynae's for stitch removal(the outer wound's), I asked my gynae to chck on my girl and he said better bring to PD again. We went and after BT, the level of her jaundice was so high that phototherapy was prescribed. We decided to admit her for trained nurses' care(n for me to rest abit) instead of loaning the lights home. 1 day later, she was discharged but when we went bk for another follow-up check up(aiyoh duno how many times we paid this PD just to let him 'see' the bb man!), she seems abit yellow still and the PD said it's BM jaundice which will last thru 2 mths or more. Upon my querying, he added that it's not as 'harmful' as the 1st wk jaundice and I can continue to bf still...

Mrs chua: yup.. I can pop pills even big ones without drinking water.. Haaahaa....

Elmo: wow... Can go out walk walk.. Me Tom also bringing jerrell to PD for review.. But feel so smelly sia.. Haahaa...

Aries: maybe can arrange to bring back bb at nite? Then morning bring over to mil? I will feel very sad if I can only see bb over the weekends leh.. U all staying near to mil?


Haha!! Hope it is a sign of good things to come!!


Haha!! Yes..

Ya 4 months of ML.. After that, go back to work.. Like super lost!! =) but will regain footing one.. Don't worry..


Icic.. Ya I wouldn't be able to bear that thought of leaving my girl.. but never mind.. When she is older and easier to manage.. Can bring her home.. =)

For mommies who r following the traditional confinement - no shower/bathe & wash hair, do you use boiled water to wash yr hands too?

I can follow alot better when I had my 1st but this time round, quite hard to do so and hv been using heater water to wash my hands.

Used to just wipe myself with the boiled herbal water in the past, but tis time round, I wld rinse my body with it and wash my hair once every wk...

Gerry: can I asked u... We express out our bm right.. Can keep in fridge for 24hours only issit? Then if so.. Can I freeze it in the freezer to keep it for 3-6months if I dun use it within 24hours??

mum05, so after tt last pd check where pd declared tt it's bm jaundice... u no need to go back do blood test n review anymore?

I bath n wash hair with herbs every alt day. Then when no bath.. i will wipe with boiled water. Wash hand i wash with tap water... cos too troublesome le. But now 2wk+ le.. i'm tempted to bath n wash hair everyday... :p

tweety, i'm going to bath xiang xiang then go tpy today loh. Can go shop abit. wahahaha! But no makeup will still look like ghost.

Tell u all something funny.. tt day my #1 at home. Then hb bring him over to my mum's place.

Jr: Mummy u not coming ah?

Me: No, mummy cannot go out

Jr: Oh. Mummy no makeup hor? Then u go and makeup lah.

Me: wahahhahahhaha!

Even my son also know i need to makeup to go out. hahahaha!

tweety, pd say can put on fridge for 48hrs. I try to freeze within 24hrs if din use.. so fresher mah.

Elmo yeah maybe Vianne will call gong gong first since after that he will take care of her....

I also dont know why can feel my nipples like pain and heavy leh....

Mum05 for me I also use tap water to wash my hands when I finished with toilet.... anyway first day after delivering I also did that in hospital liao....

Tweety/Gerry: luckily for me I stay very near to PIL, only walking distance. So logistically not a prob to visit my bb every night. Actually the prob is that I have no confidence to handle her alone at night. Maybe try try see aft confinement I can handle or not, if can then I bring back home every night to look aft her myself. ^^

Mum05: I didn't really follow strictly for confinement. I got use herb water wipe body and wash hair every other days. Then wash hands I just use tap water. No time to always use boil water just to wash hand, I find it very lei chey, imagine every few hrs we pump milk have to make sure hands clean, so I just bend the rules a little bit.

Frozen ebm: just wanna check for frozen ebm thaw at rm tempt can? Then if the pack vol is too much can split into two servings? The other half keep in fridge first will spoil?

Elmo: haha.. Ur #1 so cute.. Okie.. That means I can freeze within 24hours after keeping it in the fridge.. Thanks arh!!

Aries: then still Ok.. Maybe u see if u can handle bb when u go back to work.. If can.. Then can bring bb home every day..

Hi mommies, it's been some time since i posted! Been so bz wif bb....

To recount my birth exp (which was rather traumatic to say the least!)

1) Admitted to TMC midnight of 05 Apr

2) Inserted pill to soften cervix

3) Drip started at 730am on 05 Apr - think drip not inserted properly, hand damn pain....

4) Contractions came fast & furious.... after 2 hrs, couldn't take it & asked for epidural

5) Being VERY afraid of injections, freaked out but couldn't chicken out cos Dr there liao.

6) Halfway through the epidural injection, cos I was to afraid & felt the pain, moved too much & Dr asked if I really wanna continue after injecting halfway cos was concerned that the injection may not go well cos I'm moving too much. No choice, nurse gave me laughing gas to make me blur so the epidural could go on

7) After epidural done, waiting game started.

8) Gynae came in intermittently to check. Dilating slowly but baby wasn't moving down birth canal.

9) At 430pm, gynae said despite best efforts, only dilated 4cm & still firm & thick. Baby position still high, didn't budge an inch.

10) Gynae advised emergency c-sec cos waterbag had already been burst sometime & from the looks of it, nothing will come out of the waiting...

11) Hubby & I agreed to emergency c-sec

12) Pushed to OT - freaked out cos so unexpected. Trembling badly from epidural side effects. Nausea dunno due to fear or epidural

13) Gynae started cutting me up - could feel the pain, pulling sensation etc etc... think the epidural dosage wasn't high enough.

14) Both docs kept asking if i'm alright cos I was trembling madly & crying.. But was too deliriously in pain & fear to say anything. Unfortunately, cos I couldn't answer, epidural dosage not increased cos I was already having side effects

15) 4:58pm - baby is out. Measured 52cm and weighs 3.930kg. Gynae said 'no wonder la...'

16) End of ordeal

All in all, I was extremely traumatised by the entire episode to be honest. Main reason: my own fears!

It's been 1 wk since that fateful day and seeing my lil gal everyday, the pain & trauma was worth it. I'd go through it again, a million times worse just to have her in my arms.

She was discharged at 3.6kg & has since regained the weight - 4kg now ( based on 1 wk visit at pd). No jaundice or other issues so far.

I faced & still facing some challenges with bmilk supply. My lil gal is drinking 90ml 3 hrly now and I honestly can't keep up! Supplementing with Nan FM now & she's taking to it well. Half her feeds are still expressed bmilk though.

To all who've delivered, YAAAY! CONGRATS!!!

To those who're waiting, your lil one is worth the wait so JIA YOU!! And wish you a smooth & fast delivery with healthy baby.... =)

Tweety, Elmo,

I kept my EBM at the back of my fridge longest 7 days.. Still can.. The thing about BM is that it has natural preservatives (all the antibodies) so unless you spit into it, the chances of it spoiling is very silm.. =)

Freezer-- 3-6 months..


If you want to use frozen milk. Must take out the night before and and thaw slowly in the fridge.

Storage guidelines


Temperature Storage Time

Freshly expressed milk

Warm room 79°F / 25°C 4-6 hours

Room temperature 66-72°F / 19-22°C 10 hours

Insulated cooler / icepacks 60°F / 15°C 24 hours

Refrigerated Milk (Store at back, away from door)

Refrigerator (fresh milk) 32-39°F / 0-4°C 8 days

Refrigerator (thawed milk) 32-39°F / 0-4°C 24 hours

Frozen Milk (Do not refreeze! Store at back, away from door/sides)

Freezer compartment

inside refrigerator (older-style) Varies 2 weeks

Self-contained freezer unit

of a refrigerator/freezer Varies 3-6 months

Separate deep freeze 0°F / 19°C 6-12 months

These guidelines are for milk expressed for a full-term healthy baby.

If baby is seriously ill and/or hospitalized, discuss storage guidelines with baby’s doctor.

To avoid waste and for easier thawing & warming, store milk in 1-4 ounce portions. Date milk before storing. Milk from different pumping sessions/days may be combined in one container – use the date of the first milk expressed.

Breastmilk is not spoiled unless it smells really bad or tastes sour.

To thaw milk

Thaw slowly in the refrigerator (this takes about 12 hours – try putting it in the fridge the night before you need it). Avoid letting milk sit out at room temperature to thaw.

For quicker thawing, hold container under running water - start cool and gradually increase temperature.

Previously frozen milk may be kept in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours after it has finished thawing. Do not refreeze.

To warm milk

Heat water in a cup or other small container, then place frozen milk in the water to warm; or

Use a bottle warmer.

NEVER microwave human milk or heat it directly on the stove.

The cream will rise to the top of the milk during storage. Gently swirl milk (do not shake) to mix before checking temperature and offering to baby.

If baby does not finish milk at one feeding, it may be refrigerated and offered at the next feeding before it is discarded.


Congrats!! Wow!!Quite a birth story! Good that you and baby are doing well! =)


It's normal to have leaky breast in the early days despite the pumping and latching.. the body is still adjusting the vol.. Give it time..


Ya you try without the CL. You might surprise yourself.. When you have a child, somehow your natural maternal, survival instinct will kick in and you will be able to do lots of things that you thought you were not able to do!! =)

Gerry thanks I will try and work hard de. Gambatte!!!

Rene... Awe so sweet isn't it? All the pain is worthwhile. Congrats and Jia you ! ^^


yah he nvr ask me to go back again. the nurse told me the level queit high but bcoz i m total breastfeed so PD allow her to go home with me. then last mon we went back review PD see liao said nvr mind, abt 2wks ll gone just continue sun bath & feed more if she can drink loh. even not do any BT ler..

To all mummies in the midst of their moo moo career!! Jia you!!

Is your milk supply really low?

First of all, is your milk supply really low? Often, mothers think that their milk supply is low when it really isn't. If your baby is gaining weight well on breastmilk alone, then you do not have a problem with milk supply.

It's important to note that the feel of the breast, the behavior of your baby, the frequency of nursing, the sensation of let-down, or the amount you pump are not valid ways to determine if you have enough milk for your baby.

What if you're not quite sure about baby's current weight gain (perhaps baby hasn't had a weight check lately)? If baby is having an adequate number of wet and dirty diapers then the following things do NOT mean that you have a low milk supply:

1)Your baby nurses frequently. Breastmilk is digested quickly (usually in 1.5-2 hours), so breastfed babies need to eat more often than formula-fed babies. Many babies have a strong need to suck. Also, babies often need continuous contact with mom in order to feel secure. All these things are normal, and you cannot spoil your baby by meeting these needs.

2)Your baby suddenly increases the frequency and/or length of nursings. This is often a growth spurt. The baby nurses more (this usually lasts a few days to a week), which increases your milk supply. Don't offer baby supplements when this happens: supplementing will inform your body that the baby doesn't need the extra milk, and your supply will drop.

3)Your baby nurses more often and is fussy in the evening.

Your baby doesn't nurse as long as she did previously. As babies get older and better at nursing, they become more efficient at extracting milk.

4)Your baby is fussy. Many babies have a fussy time of day - often in the evening. Some babies are fussy much of the time. This can have many reasons, and sometimes the fussiness goes away before you find the reason.

5)Your baby guzzles down a bottle of formula or expressed milk after nursing. Many babies will willingly take a bottle even after they have a full feeding at the breast. Read more here from board-certified lactation consultant Kathy Kuhn about why baby may do this and how this can affect milk supply. Of course, if you regularly supplement baby after nursing, your milk supply will drop (see below).

6)Your breasts don't leak milk, or only leak a little, or stop leaking. Leaking has nothing to do with your milk supply. It often stops after your milk supply has adjusted to your baby's needs.

7)Your breasts suddenly seem softer. Again, this normally happens after your milk supply has adjusted to your baby's needs.

8)You never feel a let-down sensation, or it doesn't seem as strong as before. Some women never feel a let-down. This has nothing to do with milk supply.

9)You get very little or no milk when you pump. The amount of milk that you can pump is not an accurate measure of your milk supply. A baby with a healthy suck milks your breast much more efficiently than any pump. Also, pumping is an acquired skill (different than nursing), and can be very dependent on the type of pump. Some women who have abundant milk supplies are unable to get any milk when they pump. In addition, it is very common and normal for pumping output to decrease over time.

Rene wow can feel your pain during birth but all is worthwhile when your little one is in your arms now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks all mummies for the concern jus now went to see GP she examine my breast say unlikely it masities maybe viral fever n after seein dr I feel so much better no fever nothin so my hb bring me go eat pizza hut oops..

Who knows the moment I reach home fever up again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


usu by 3 mth alot BB can sleep longer Liao n by 6 mth ur BB shd sleep thru cos the Amt of milk they drink duri. The day time is enough to tide them thru the whole nite..


usu for EBM I will keep max 3 day den freeze I read can put in fridge 8 day max la..

ic, vivi and gerry, ya, this time round i also can't tahan as well, also used tap water so many times. now alr here ache there ache, haiz.

gerry, the PD also funny, the last chck up he said wanna do BT, so I asked, is it necessary? n he replied, not really, then juz asked me to come bk 2wks later for 1st mth jab, aiyoh.

Gg to change PD to my 1st girl's 2nd PD for her jabs...

Tweety,Mrs. Chua & Gerry,

U know what is the meaning of asset? Asset means u have to invest before it become an asset!!!!!

Invest good bra to maintain it!

Invest expensive cloth coz some cheap/normal range cloth cannot fits my 'asset'!!!!

Invest energy to carry it every where every day!!!!

& now they are giving restriction!!!! Sad lor... Lols~

I know some ppl envy me but then mine is really too big... Even LC met me at TMC also told me I have to get euro size for nursing bra coz she doubt Asians' size can fit my boobies... -_-"

I even got difficulties to find my normal bra lor... Cannot have flowery pattern de some more... Ke Lian... =X


Is ur bb on formula n still wake up 3hrly to ask for milk? Let me check with my master if she has any remedy... Haa haa... She taught me some technic that day but then I forgot it totally Liao coz intend to starts train my girl to wean off night feed when is about 2-3 mths...


Wow~ ur birth story!!! I also same same, almost chicken out when they about to starts on epi... Haa haa...

Oh ya,

Elmo & Piggy,

U want to switch to PD instead? I find poly sometimes depends on reading too much also... They go by 'book'... Although u save some $ but end up more trip n time consume with all the BT makes u heart pain seems like not worth it leh... Even diff PD practices diff thing but they are more by logical I must said... My girl also look yellowish but then my PD also never ask me go back for review... Now start wondering when & where I shld report for the next vaccination liao...

for mommies using Nuk's classic teats, may I know if there's any specific 'direction' of the teats we hv to face when feeding bb?

I tot we shld face the 'rounded side' on top?

Y/day whole day latch on so far so good, today all hay-wired and nipples sore, OMG, how to continue like tat, aiyoh bf tis time round really sooooo cham!

Elmo, samo here, I also will put on abit of makeup(not full makeup la, no time now) whenever I go out, except dur tis confinement period. I always feel it's social courtesy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How come u stopped giving EBM, so wasted, given that u hv sooo much to give! Yr child's PD told u to stop giving?


Pizza hut! U still in confinement! *shake head* Lols~

Then how? Fever also play prank... Faint....


Have a try... I also survive thru my #1 after his full month... As a new mum w/o helper coz we shifted to rent a room outside...

Like what Gerry said, u will be very surprise with what u can do upon u upgraded as a MOTHER!!!!! Jia You!


Hehe!! I heard there is actually a discrete cup which can be attached to your bra to collect dripping milk!! Haha!!=)


Ya for me the last time my girl also quite yellow.. Skin, eyes.. But my pd just looked at her.. ask me whether I am bfing ok and send her packing home.. But for me I got my hb to monitor lah.. so she never request I take BT..


Haha!! Some assets are god-given assets!! =) You buy Victoria secret or Marks and spencer bras lah.. Cos their pretty lacey ones also come in pretty eh hmmzz big european sizes!! Your assets need more investment!! Sometimes it's nice to wear pretty underwear.. =)


Phew!! Relieve.. Wah after eat pizza fever come back..But I bet you enjoyed your meal! =)

mummies.. would like to check.. what do u all think are the essential things which baby will need from now till abt 1 yr old.. some relatives wanna buy gifts for baby but we wondering to get.. we dun wan to get something which he can onli use for few mths.. maybe up to him 1 yr old?

though we kow cash will be the best gift but jus wan to give some idea on what they can buy, whether they got buy or not, is up to them... please advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


actually my #1 go PD n they also do the say thing do BT den gotta go back again n some PD I find too relax cos jaundice is v common so some PD will jus pit it under low risk for py I jus wan to do the BT once drop below200 wun go back Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm pizza ok mah nt liang keke n Singapore so hot so

I tink once in a while pamper ourselves ok la to me those strict confinement more suitable for country like china ba[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


her ya enjoy my meal but the dr say fever will come back so wan me to eat fever med timely sian..

Rene ,

wah I tink I will freak out too choy ur nex labour will be v smooth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs chua,

I am hoping sum1 will gave me Ergo BB carrier, jumperoo oh the parklon playmat is gd too ... Else leap frog learning DVD My boi now learn phonics from it v gd n the leapfrog alpabet toy is gd can entertain them for quite a while..Or high chair, dining set n blender for BB food?

Piggy: pizzahut!!! *drooling*. Glad tht u r feeling better, hopefully the viral fever will go away soon. Meanwhile stay positive!! =>

Hippopo: yes I will try out aft my confinement. I guess since so many mommies can do it, I can do it too! I need to boost up my confidence ^v^ actually till now sometimes when I carry her bo seh and she very uncomfortable keep struggling then I very paranoid quickly ask my mum to take over. =s feel like quite failure thou. Guess I need to learn how to be more independent le.


glad tat u not feel so painful and enjoy a pizza treat from yr hb. kekekee.

tat day I brg Bb back to review also ate kfc bandito with my mum. kekekkee. but not drink the soft drink lah :p

u make sure keep yourself warm if go poly maybe wear a jacket

mrs Chua

ehmmm. depends wat u need bah eg maybe a rocker, leapfrog learning table

Hello all!

Anyone know of any promotions for full month packages? Will it be too early if i start prep now? Holding on 8th may

Bbgoh/ Aries,

sigh after I reach home fever up again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Choz havin 20% n every 10 box 1 box foc wor..

mum05, no one ask me dun give bm. But doc told me not to eat herbs. Then i also scared it's bm jaundice.. So now i try giving more fm loh. Heng he's willing to finish 80ml of bm now. I also tried e red dates water since harmless. I just want e level to drop on Fri then i can fang xin loh.

Ur nuk teats izzit e one with a hole for air at e top de? I just wide neck silicon nuk teats for #1. E air hole gotta face up

Hippo, i know poly ks la. But now his jaundice level dun start dropping i also worried. If Fri can drop then will be more fang xin lo. Fri see how.. If drop to low level then will consider dragging e time to go back or dun go at all. See how ba.

Piggy, get well soon! Ur boy jaundice level below 200 you will stop going back poly le ah? Mine last wk already 181 le.. Make me happy who knows still will increase. Gai.. At least 2day no calls.

Shiok ah.. You eat pizza. Can we eat fries? I wanna go mos burgers buy fries later! Then go kiddy palace and ntuc shop! Lol!


Oh fries.. Here i come! Tt day while outside i had subway cookies too. Shiok. Haha.

rene, so long din hear from you. Gd tt ur bb is doing well now. I think I'll freak out like you if i had to go through ur ordeals too.. Cos i also super scared of needles and csect. Haha!

