(2011/04) Apr 2011

yolk sac- [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] thanks. strictly speaking i'm not supposed to take water but i don't think i'll follow the rule bah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

all mommies please stay healthy and strong!


Hi morning mummies!

Sorry to update so late..yest went thru q a traumatizing exp n had little energy left to update..hee.

Even aft my 2nd pill was inserted, cervix remains stubborn n hard n barely dilated..so gynae advised tt if I wanna try burst e waterbag to try n hasten e dilation may b drafty n might not work too..n my bp at e x wasn't too gd either, so we decided to opt for csec under epi..n out comes bb Renee at 1529hrs w weight of 3.105kg..

N oh, cameras r allowed in e opt theater but video taking isn't..

Hey Rach, congrats! it must have been very tiring and tough for u!

glad it's all over and Renee is out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

enjoy your bundle of joy yah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning!!!!!!


C-sec so fast can discharge?

maybe out of no choice u need to drink water lor... Is honey drink allow? Honey not liang right?

Mrs. Chua,

oh... Poor bb Gervaise... Maybe can ask for med from poly also?


3rd (clash w/ horse), 4th (clash w/ goat), 5th (clash w/ monkey) lor... These are the good date before 11th~

Congrats Rach! How has the csection recovery been?

Pink, ya lor, when no one is looking just drink, drink, drink! Get hubby to bring you some lemonade - loads of vit c! Hugs!

Hippo, aiyoh die lah, I'm a horse and it seems likely that bb will emerge on 3rd. Wish I hadn't seen your msg!, is it really bad?

hippo: i got phlegm so i think cannot take honey also. maybe only when i go home coz I have manuka honey at home. now just drink milo and plain water. thought c sect can discharge in 4 days?

Morning ladies..

Mrs chua,

nice name my #1 also end with 恒[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya tt the prob gettin own mother or CL to do confinement for us my mum also like tt 1 say only bath after 12days tt y o die die dun wan her do for me tink will be more stress up..

U take care ok hope ur BB only slight flu nt bad flu[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u take care too have a gd rest at home ya..

piggy: can't go home yet... still waiting for gynae to see me and see how... haiz. btw i used the FS services they were promoting at the hospital and the list of names they gave us was not nice! now headache don't know whether to use it or not...

Tks all!

Yolk sac, haven tried getting outta bed yet, but since aft e op there wasn't any pain at e wound yet. Gynae jus came by asked me to try walking ard aft brekkie. PD jus dropped by too, saying bb is abit bloated at e tummy cos she might haf trouble passing out e meconium. Her face is kinda reddish n abit bruised by e forceps used too. But shd go away in a few days..

Hello everyone . Quite tiring and overwhelmed by the string of events that happened. Gave birth to little Vianne at 1543 she is at 3.1 kg 43 cm on 30/3. Gynae was quite accurate in her weight.

I update my birth story when I get home here wifi super slow. I was considered lucky because whole labour took less than 8 hours for a first time mummy

Still could not believe that little Vianne is out and I am a mummy now

Congrats Vivi!

Gd job! Bb Vianne's arrival time is v close to bb Renee. Hee. N her weight too! Jus tt she is 5g heavier but longer at 49cm..hee.

morning mummies!

congrats to vivi and rach! you survived it! hope you guys managed to get the rooms you wanted since it sounded so packed yesterday.

pink and Mrs chua: oh no, hope you or baby get well. the weather recently is just terrible cause i myself am getting a bit of sorethroat. Not sure if its because I have been in aircon the whole day cause it way too hot.

ningyo: i'm the same.. even in air con i'm so so hot! then when don't put on blanket its too cold. so now, i have no choice but to crank down the temperature. works better but now the air a bit dry.. a bit of a sorethroat. this pregnancy makes me very HOT and the weather so don't not help.

yolk sac: so exciting! you could be next! good luck! don't wait too long to go to the hospital since it is your subsequent birth.

tweety: can i ask you.. did dr ask you to come early for the CTG? that means when your appt is say 930am, did the nurse ask you to come earlier or come at 930am for the CTG? strangely dr tham asked me to come earlier but when i made my appt, the nurse just told me my appt is at 1045am as there was no earlier slots. Don't think she catered CTG before the appt time.

congratz to Rach & Vivi

how many bedded u both take?


u might be the next one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou!!

Rach where you staying I was given chancery suite at 5 th floor and should be a 2 bedded

Bb goh they upgraded me to a 2 bedded i think

Hospital is very packed especially with c sect so guess 30/3 is popular

sookie: dr asked me to be there 15mins earlier for CTG.. but when nurse booked the appt.. she told me to be there at 10am... go for CTG then see dr... she called up to delivery ward for CTG.. but never give them my name leh.. i also duno why...


tats great u get free upgraded to 2bedded so u opt for 4bedded while doin admission? did u request if u want free upgrade during admission?

i forgot if i need to let them noe i wan upgrade

G'morning ladies,

Today took leave to enrol my girl for nursery next year.. They really grow up so fast.. Sigh.. The thing I am worried about is that she is going to be the baby of the class as she is a dec kid and she would only just turn 3 when she enters nursery..

Vivi, rach,

Congrats!!! Both your babies are a good weight!! Rest well.. You guys done a good job


Do take care.. Drink as much fluids as possible.. Gynae will give you meds that are safe for breastfeeding.. Even some antibiotics can take.. I had a very bad mycoplasma infection when I was 3 months post partum, I took meds, drank lots of fluid and still manage to breastfeed my girl although I couldn't kiss her and I had to wear a mask all the time.. Cos your antibodies will be passed on to her..

gerry: don't worry. they will adapt. and the teachers will usually monitor and give more attention to the younger ones. some of the older 3 years old might be "migrated" to the next class since they are more advance. my gal is a 21 Nov baby and that was what happened in my gal's school. anyway at this age, just make sure she is having fun at school! don't bother about academics at the moment.

Yups I'm on 6th floor, a 2 bedded..actuali changed our minds to a 1 bedded aft e csec cos needed more rest but it was full throughout!


My Hubby did e admission n e person jus assumed n asked 4 bedder rite? N he din mentioned anything bout upgrading..so I guess no need to tell they'll noe one..


Thanks!! Ya I know they will adapt.. But they really seem small compare to the rest of the class.. As for academics, I am not too concern at the moment.. When the kid wants to learn, they will learn.. Can't force them now.. =)


thanks for sharing. noted it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies who put yr #1 at CC, i would like to ask yr opinion.

will u do feedback/complain if the teacher FORGOT to put on diaper on yr child after shower then end up he/she took afternn nap without it & caused her clothes, matress & blanket all wet? its happened yst to my girl, i just feel it too much. altot its 1st time happened, shd i just close 1 eye?


I would feedback to the teacher. Not to complain but to let them know you are not too pleased about it.. No need to be fierce or aggressive lah. First time mah

tweety: thanks that i will just turn up at my appointment time.

bbgoh: agree with gerry. feedback is important. just highlight to the teacher. like when my gal was like not drinking any water (her water bottle was always full when she came back) i asked if they filled up her water in school.. when they said not really, then i told them appreciate if they could monitor.

gerry: yah.. they do seem very small, esp since my gal is already small sized to begin with. children will really adapt, its the mummy that needs to be adapted sometimes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i remembered when i first put her in school and when she had her first concert (she cried all the way).. aiyoh i was so emotional! ha

Hi mommies,

L'OREAL Cosmetics is having private sale 70% OFF. Ends this saturday! Ranging from lipsticks, eyeshadow, make up set, eyeliners, mascara, etc from as low as $9.90

I want to order but have delivery charges. So any mommies here interested to order 2gether? I can post the items to u for free if not too bulky.

I posted the brochures here if u want to see the sale items:


(copy and paste the whole link)

Delivery time will take abt 7-21 days. Please email [email protected] if keen. I want to order asap coz some items already sold out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbgoh, I will also be angry.. Maybe, let the teachers know.. Mayb write a note to them.. But how can they forget to put on for her.. Nvm, 1st time give them chance k..

gerry, sookie, andrea

yah i ll just do feedback to the principal, as i dunno which teacher in charge on shower yst. sometime between the teacher always lost communication, like when they handover to other teacher nvr pass the msg or wat to note foe certain child.

for diaper this is 1st time, a few times happened they forgot to give her milk at late afternn one.

Hi mommies, last night I saw a drop of blood on my undies while gg to the toilet,after that it was followed by mild cramps. But this morning,the cramps are gone and there is no more blood showing, I am in my 38 week plus, does it mean I am gg to be due soon?

morning mummies!

congrats to tiffany, rach and vivi!


hmmmm, can give ur gynae a call n check wit him. tat time my #1 i also like tat. Early morning 5am+ i saw a bit of blood. then i call emergency line n he called back then he asked me to go down 2 e clinic ard 8.30am. And after checking, he said can delivery! Tat time i was only 37wks+ too.


at least u feedback n let them know tat u r not really very happy abt tis issue. Just make sure such issue dnt occurs again. Normally I will ask the teachers when i send my gal go sch in e morning. as there's a few times my gal water bottle seems very full n had not been touch at all! after i feedback, e issue doesn't occur anymore.

yah i just talked to the principal. bcoz nw i m on ML so nvr send my girl down, i dun wan ask hb to talk as he may more talk in unfriendly tone.

thanks for the replies.

sometimes i worry if i talk or request too much, the teacher ll not happy to me then end up also ll neglect to my girl. so always wrote a very polite note to the teacher & ll try to close 1 eyes too


when gynae goin overseas, the clinic still got emergency line, isnt it?


I can imagine being emotional!! Haha!! Ya I think mummies need more time to adapt.. =)


Could be.. Just monitor your cramps.. You may be dilating slowly.. When your cervix is dilating, sometimes blood vessels might burst, resulting in some bloody discharge. Most definitive sign of labour would be the regular cramps that will only intensify.. =)


bbgoh is rite. there must be an emergency no for u 2 call n they will get some1 to call u back. I felt it's still best 2 call ur gynae emergency no. n c wats e advice frm there.


sometimes i'm also like ur tinking. scared too harsh wit e teachers, might not benefit my gal. thus, sometimes wan i wanna tok harsh or fierce, i will tink twice. But tink so far my gal only stay half day in cc. e other half day at my mummy's hse. so half day in cc, nothing much 4 me 2 "complain". haha


if u dun like the name better dun take tt time I dun like I seek another master service.. Name is lifetime 1 so better chose 1 u comfy with[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiyo be gd n rest well ah..



But ur BB only 43cm?? Or 48?

