(2011/04) Apr 2011


Congrats!! You got quite a big baby!! =)


Don't stress.. Maybe he is also very stressed with having 2 young children and trying his best.. Having another baby can create quite a bit of tension at home sometime.. Everybody needs time to adapt..

As for bf, my girl latched on every 1-2 hrs in the early days too.. Sometimes, she suckled for 20 mins.. Sometimes just 10 mins.. So I think it is normal.. Not every baby will last 3-4 hrs.. If you believer in demand feeding, just feed when bb wants.. Sometimes, mummies always hope that bb will follow according to the "books" but babies are individuals and do not follow any mould but their own.. Just like some adults eat more than others, more often than others.. =)

Tiffany, Congrats!!!! U go thru natural? Big bb wor~~~~~

Elmo, maybe ur hubby just feel pek chek due to hot weather? At least he still acc u lar... Suan le suan le....


i sometime latch n btl feed. Normali afternoon if I forget to warm up the milk will direct latch on den at nite lazy to wake up hb will make FM n feed my boy cos he donno how to warm ebm.



Gerry, my #1 is with grandparents. Only 1 baby in e house now loh. I see bb latch on only 5mins every 1-2hrs. Dun feel secure le. Dunno he drinking enough anot. Plus i pump out only 30ml. Now he cry after i just pumped not long ago. I scared not enough milk for him so ask CL to feed my expressed milk. He finish 65ml in 5mins! But i see him cry din latch on.. Feel abit sad le. I'm so contradicting!

Hippo, Tt's why i ask him go back so work Suan le. Now he like doing confinement with me too. So e house got 2 pekchek ppl to irritate each other!


my bb cant suck well n i can latch him for nearly an hr on alt side n he still not full so i tink he is not drinkin most of the time n my nipple is damn sore from his bitin so i prefer to pump n bott feed... n at least i know how much he drinkin.. how much ur boi drinkin now?

oh too bad i also on confinement so abit hard to pass to ur HB... n my HB work in the east.. or u see ur CL got lobang anot? see can get sumwhere nearer to u?


Congrats wow tt big[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hang in there! Sounds like you're doing the right thing. Even if you want to follow a routine, young newborns always start at the breast for a short time, so it's nothing to worry about. They only move to feeds every 3 hrs after some time.


Congrats! Big baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You poor thing, that birth story doesn't sound like much fun, but you are very determined to force yourself awake afterwards so that you could breastfeed and see Parsley. (Can we still call her Parsley? The nickname has kinda stuck!) This is why I'm so scared of the epidural and would rather not have one if possible. The needle is so close to the spine and sometimes, if the anaesthesist isn't good, then all sorts of things can go wrong...


for my #1 after i bott feed i still got latch on occassionally he ok wor.. anyway i dun like to latch so rather bott feed at least i can set a routine ...

aiyo u know my HB also on leave with me but hor everyday he v busy 1 only stay at home in the noon a couple of hr den go out again so i tink gd for them to go out cos really can feel pek chek stayin whole day at home...

Yolk sac,

oops i haven check will reply u from there...

Tweety and Gerry

Yeah, I think this weekend will probably be action time for me! If I haven't popped by then, will allow gynae to do the "sweep" on Sat at noon, then hopefully will go into labour either late on Sat or on Sun.


Haha you nt going thru vag birth lor... You also chose c-sec this time also right? Im very convinced by your words.. Think most likely choosing csec. Btw how u calculate the date for csec? From 6th to 17th which are te good dates?


When you latch and pump, obviously the vol you pump would be less.. That was what happened to me the last time, so I didn't pump at all and just full time latch till I went back to work..

If you don't mind latching, I would advise you to latch full time at least until milk supply has been established..

Hang in there.. If baby drink for 5-10 mins and only wants it every 1-2 hrs.. And if urine output is ok.. Then you are already doing a good job.. Remember the vol bb suck out in5-10 mins may be better than pumping for 20 mins..

Congratulations Tiffany!! What a big baby!!


Take it easy! Think having a newborn always makes one more jittery!


ouch! The epi sounds realyl painful!! Glad its all over now! For me, the contractions are so painful that I cannot feel anything else!


I am sure those US sprees sells them, but I'm not sure which one cuz its been a long time since I bought them! Here is a picture of the milkbag:


You can use cable ties or clips, I use rubber bands.

I am not working so err can rest at home when the two kids are in school!


I don't wear nursing wear at all. For the first few weeks I use a nursing wrap. Once baby can latch easily, I just lift up and feed cuz I wear big tops and usually no one can tell I am feeding! I do use a nappy cloth if I need to.


Maybe Gerry is right, he might in the phase to adapt he is daddy to another kid again, he might also go thru the anxiety... Dun pek chek... Husband & wife shld help each other esp at these crucial moment...

You have our ears to listen to you, he doesn't have any1 now... poor him right? =P

If you think he go back to work can reduce the conflict, just ask him go back to work... But make sure you can handle alone ya~


Wah~ convinced by my word... *stress*

Later u pain you curse and swear how? Lols~~~~ But I believe all mother will have the "guts" to go thru whatever the pain we will encounter, that's y we are born as women! *Proud*

I din calculate, I bought the fengshui book so I just check from there...

15th (clash w/ Horse) or 17th (clash w/ Monkey) is good day...

12th, 13th & 14th is 破日,not good to do anything... =)


Thanks master Joe for the dates! Haha 15 n 17... Doc says my edd is 17th so maybe by 15th or 17th I would have gone thru vag birth n no need to csec Liao...

Ok I've decided. Will still latch on demand in e day time. Then express after latching. Then at nite ask CL bottle feed.

Piggy, i still wanna latch on cos after CL gone.. Gotta look after him myself. Think i latch on easier. No need to wash bottles esp at nite! Just tt i got this nagging feeling dunno he having enough anot. So i guess have to try an error ba. Just saw an article on bf tt says.. Dun look at e numbers. Dun bother abt how many ml you express or how long bb feed. Just feed!

I think hor.. Man cannot handle too much baby stuff. I keep talking to him abt baby stuff is bad for him. So i gotta depend on this forum! Thks for listening to all my woes!

yolk sac, think ur birth story will be an interesting one. You doing water birth rite?


Congratz!!! yr Bb has a gd weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shd be no 2 after mrs Chua one haha.

rest well b4 start yr moo moo


dun get angry... agree with hippolai. he has no one to share or vent out his anger when phek chek somemore this weather really can make ppl phek chek too.

no news from vivi & rach??


so yr case is lye down insert the epi? last time I sit down & bend de. I must pray hard this time can have same 'ma zue shi' she is queit good.

about the shen hua soup

I check with my mil se said for c-sect dun need it as they has clear our lochia during operation.

Gerry, really ah. So bb may suck out more in shorter time ah. I dun mind latching in day time. But at nite since now got CL i still want my beauty zz le. Cos I'm so tired always! I believe confinement still need to have enough rest leh. I pump after bb latch to clear all e milk so body will produce more mah. Is tt rite?

gina, tt means gotta hide the whole baby under ur clothes rite? Not obvious meh? I only dare to do it in e car.

Hippo, think you are rite. I can vent out my frustrations here but hb got no where to vent out. But he's really abit siao liao.. 1Min v good.. Next min just a nutcase. Maybe i shd just pretend i din notice and ignore him.


for BF i tink u gotta do what u feel comfy... at least u got the s/s[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for me latchin is more time consumin so i prefer pumpin:p

sigh my HB know i been feelin emo esp i been spendin less time with #1 so this 2 day he din brin my boi to my IL house n bring him home straight from CC but my IL come to my house these 2 nites! super pek chek cant even let me have some bondin time with my #1 n always delay my boi sleepin time bth...


You go girl!! Yes just feed!! Follow your baby's cue!! Monitor baby's urine output and skin.. =) I'm sure you will do fine.. And I agree latching is so convenient particularly at night and when you lie next to baby to feed, there's this warm fuzzy feeling that only you and him can feel..

Checked my list on the sheng hua soup.. Only stated

It as one of confinmement soup but never put war herbs are needed

Piggy, how come latch on more time consuming leh? Ur boy can latch v long ah? I also miss my #1 so my parents brought him over today after sch. He's ok with didi leh. No jealous. Just v curious and dun dare to touch didi. When ur #1 not ard just take it tt you have more time to rest loh.


my boi can latch v v long but not drinkin i unlatch n latch again same v pek chek so i prefer to pump ...

cos he was in CC the whole day n maybe i emo la caant of miss the bondin with #1 cos he alr v close to my IL which make me jealous n now din bring over they make their way up quite irritating at times...

Piggy, how come latch on more time consuming leh? Ur boy can latch v long ah? I also miss my #1 so my parents brought him over today after sch. He's ok with didi leh. No jealous. Just v curious and dun dare to touch didi. When ur #1 not ard just take it tt you have more time to rest loh.


Yes.. Baby suck very efficiently once they get the hang of it.. =) babies mouths and tongues are designed for breastfeeding.. When you breastfeed, putting your babies body next to yours... The skin to skin contact is not only impt for you to increase bm but good for baby to thrive..

But agree since you have CL, let her do the night feed.. Then u rest well.. So in the daytime, you must work harder. Pump after latching and accumulate enough during the day for that night feed.. This will also ultimately increase your bm!

Elmo: hugz hugz.... Dun be affected...

Tiffany: wow.. Bb has a good weight.... Natural??

Yolk sac: good luck!! Jiayou ooo!!!

Waiting for updates from rach and vivi...

congrats tiffany!

hmmm.. c-sect doesn't seem very scary from the experiences here, but how's long the healing time? about a month?


that's what i do leh. latch in the day and at night I wake up and pump but i give baby bottle, so I can sleep right after pumping!

Hmm not hide the baby under my clothes lah, I only lift up one side of my shirt lor. so only can see one side of my spare tyre. So far so good and usually nobody can tell I am Bfing

Wow, we got a inhouse fortune teller here!

Michelle, usually estimation of weight is not very accurate. My gynae told me I will have a big baby for my first birth! End up only 3kg!


then u consider 3rd (clash w/ horse), 4th (clash w/ goat), 5th (clash w/ monkey) lor... Coz after 5th basically is no bad date other than 12th to 14th, but like 3rd, 4th, 5th, 15th, 17th is stated in the book, good date lor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just follow bb demand if u want to latch... Babies are human, they will suck when they are hungry!!!!!!! Lols~

When I first latch Terry, I also panic like u, scare he got no enough milk, n he has no patient to adapt my big nipple, so end up I pump... This time round, after 20mths bring a mum, I know I need to 放心、放手... So think I will also latch rather than pump!!!! Dun worry, we got so many pro BF mom here, sure we can do it de!!!!!!

Piggy.. My boy lost weight during the 2 days when he is back so we din know must increase his supply of milk, kept thinking hospital gjve 30ml sen we shld follow.. That's part of the reason y he had jaundice cos no energy to fight with it.. Today he is back Hm Liao, Tmr need to go polyclinic for his jaundice check, will get them to check his weight den know if he gain.. Ok, will check out the fenugreek, maybe ask hubby go GNC buy.. Btw, if we would to drink the raspberry tea, will helps?? 

Bbgoh.. Will try using hot towel to c.  But i dun feel my breast full though I no pump for few hrs.. But guess to if I need to stimulate my flow..

Sookie... I jus Afraid he dun wan to latch on anymore lo.. These few dats I tried, he started slowly rejected Le.. How?? U mean those pumps suck beta? Y? 

Sandy.. Thanks for ur advice.. Will give it a try maybe fri morn cos my boy hv to go back polyclinic for his jaundice review [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haizz.. Jus sort of complaining to hubby that I would like to go back to woodlands (my in laws's place).. Though over there, not as gd as staying @ my parent's Hm but guess it would b beta.. My parent more traditional kind den totally dub allow me to bath except using rice wine with warm water to clean my body.. Today I reslly cannot take it Le, took a quick shower when inside the bathroom... After bath, felt so comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] told my mummy dun give my boy water, den she started her ranting saying if he dun drink water, how can la etc etc.. Den cooking euse, everyday eat the same food over & over again.. No soup.. Den I requested to cook in another way, she say who ask ur mil bought so much of kidney over, if dun cook later spoil how.. I told her, I nv say I dun wan to eat the kidney ah but u can cook it using a different way right? Furthermore, I brought back so many confinment receips for u to see is to let u hv idea on how to cook dun need to headache ah but u no see.. Den she say, I cook so long Liao, still need to see meh? Den jus walk out of the room.. Argh!!!

If can go back mil's place, she more open minded.. Guess I already can bath Liao, jus that need to keep myself warm & dry myself up after bath etc.. Food wise will b more variety ba cos she even told hubby she bringing soup over for me Tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hubby know I suffering here so he promise me that after confinment, bring me back to woodlands den come over every few days... How I wish confinment quickly end so can go backz...

Congrats Tiffany [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] baby of a gd weight.. do take care of urself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hippolai.. I think that time u did ask me abt my birth right? I gave birth thr emergency c-sect with epidural.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway, my boy name had been settled this morn..

Gervaise Chua (Cai Zongheng) 蔡 宗 恒

Hmm, seems like mummies r goin through rough time w confinement. Me too... Me too, hang on ya. 1st wk over, bal 3 weeks.

These few days weather damn hot!! I've been waking up in middle of night perspiring even thou I got d aircon on....Not just that,been having heartburn at night making me o uncomfortable.

I hope d weather will turn cooler when I start my confinement.

Hi Master hippo,

How abt dates from 2-3rd, 6th-11th? Any good dates?

Counting down 2more work days n I'll start my ML but seems like still got tons of work to clear & I'm really lost as to when baby is coming out.......pls dun b 1st Apr!

Secretly hoping baby come out on 4th n maybe in d morning 9-10am n hope it start w contraction pain. Hehe

Hi pink,

Ur epi experience sounds scary! I've a colleague who gave birth in tmc last yr said her anaestician was a very old man n he ask d nurse to get a torch light to shine on her spine area before he inject her.


oh no. how come u ll fall sick? b4 delivery u alrdy not feeling well? get med tat safe for BF from hospital and hope u recover soon. u discharge tdy?

bbgoh: yah on the day of delivery i started to feel like i was getting a sorethroat... sigh.

Nope only can discharge tmr the earliest I think... sigh. Will get medicine from gynae later when he comes to check.

Anyone fallen sick before doing confinement before? I don't know how i'm supposed to be taking the heaty food now... argh


I had fever last confinement but it's happened abt 1wk after discharge. then went see GP take med loh

ask yr CL reduce Ginger and sesame oil, bcos u got sore throat. maybe yr longan red tea also make it thinly then u have to drink more. take light food 1st eg steam fish, kidney with mee sua, fish soup.

Take care Pink, that must be awful...to be sick during this stressful period. Yah agree that you must drop some of the Heaty foods for the time being. Are u allowed water? Down it! Take care....

morning mummies.. woke up @ 3.30am to feed my boy.. my poor boy having flu, wondering is it caught the virus from me or due to the temp difference in hospital and home.. later will be bringing him to polyclinic for his jaundice check

Morning mummies....

Mrs chua: hugz hugz... Endure!! Confinement will be over soon.... Hubby is there to support u.. =)

Pink: gonna take good care of urself..

