(2011/04) Apr 2011


Well I would just wait for the cramps to be regular.. Like contractions every 10 mins.. Then I'll make my way down.. Your baby is in the correct position right? Or you can call the emergency no. You are at kkh right? If it's really d day, then there will be another dr who will deliver for you..



i feedback le. not shorthanded but is the teacher problem. all the teachers queit good, jiu shi suay suay my girl's class de form teacher more forgetful bah. just had a talk to principal, she said yst tat incident also this teacher forgot -_-

Hippo, aiyoh die lah, I'm a horse and it seems likely that bb will emerge on 3rd. Wish I hadn't seen your msg!, is it really bad?

Sookiewookie - haha

Anyway I just lost my mucus plug! Though that doesn't really say much, labour could still be some time away

Congrats yolk sac. Means anytime soon!!

Congrats to Tiffany vivi and Rach!!

Me just finish gynae appt. Now 39 weeks alr and dr says to wait still.. Bb at 3.3 kg. Sigh neck alr v long when is my turn? Any tips to make her come out fast?? But not s*x??

Congrats Vivi and rach!

austin, when i dilated.. My contractions was not regular at all leh. Ranges from 3 to 10 mins. Maybe if you start feeling uncomfy.. It's time to go hosp le!

Vivi, Congrats!!!!!! Cham.... TMC wifi slow... Think I will die of bored... Haiz....

Yolk, later reach home help u check old old calendar which year de horse ya... Dun worry ya.... Actually u believe it exist, u dun believe then it's shit... Lols~

Pink, agree with piggy. Name is lifetime thing... Seek for other opinion if u dun like? But I tot u choose 乐莹 already??? Hahahaha....

c-sec stay 3 night mah.. U admit Tue morning, so shld b discharge only tmr mah...

Bbgoh, I also will feedback... Last time the teacher dun bother to fill up my son water bottle after he finis h coz it's approaching the go home time, I just request to fill it, at least half a bottle... Now they will fill for me...

Hippo, no more faster liao... U r in week 39, final lap liao... Unless ur bb want to stay inside overdue? Lols~ only last week to go, be patient ya....

Hippopolai - thanks gal, you mean different year got difference? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hb is convinced bb will arrive on 3 apr

Hi pink,

gosh! It's bad to be sick during confinement n if u r sick, u r not supp to take all those heaty confinement food. Think u'd better have plenty of rest n water n if necessary, c doc for medicine for speedy recovery.

Old pple say if durin confinement didn't take good care of ur health,next time u'll get all sorts of problems...

Hippo- When did your no 1 arrive? Apparently there is some correlation. No way Dr Paul will induce, right? He's very pro natural. Are u going drug free?


any idea what are the good dates after 10th apr and before 17th apr?

very sleepy now after lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ya... Only bad impact for particular year de horse... I need to check the calendar, those tear day by day de... Later update u...


u dun scare urself... Who knows tmr bb got action liao~


15th (clash w/ Horse) or 17th (clash w/ Monkey) is good day...

yolk sac: this is your second baby so it could be faster. i think as long not bloody show its ok. and, really Dont worry about date. just go and give birth when its time. most important is baby is healthy.

Me stay at level 5 528a. I just now try nothing cones out am stress now leh . I really don't know how to bf how? Then little Vianne cry makes me feel heart pain

The lc is not friendly at all because when she asked me why no go for atenatal classes the tone is like blaming me

Yolk my first one was induced so cannot tell when. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] yup dr Paul says no induction allowed. Sigh

Y do u think Bb coming out on 3 April? Maybe 4 April?? 4/4/11 is a nice date!!

Hi Vivi congrats!

Get the Lc to help u?? At my side the nurses help me with every feed n teach us how to latch on...

Just keep asking we are first timers.. I only got a bit of colostrum .. Don't stress... But my Parsley wants to be super model only wants to sleep don't wanna feed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Vivi, wow!! The LC so unfriendly!! Whts her name?? Write in n complaint!! Feedback to Geraldine.. She will do something abt it... Tht time mine she help me to settle... U dun stress urself....

Vivi, yes.... Pls complain... For ur own sake... Some ppl just treat as a job... They are not loving at all.... U have the right to ask!!!!!!!

Pink, ur Parsley really vain leh... Jialat...

Yolk, u r natural then y worry about the date huh? We c-sec then choosy lar... U natural just let bb decide... Dun worry about the date lar... As What I said, believe it anot it's really up to u!!!! Actually I dun quite believe in the clash thing... Me n my mum no clash but we just get along, Lols~

Congrats to Tiffany, Vivi and Rach!


Try to get some Vitamin D to get well( go under the sun for a while) Read an article about how to cope with flu etc and basically our body need Vitamin D to fight it. Personally I find it quite helpful hence nowadays I don't mind walking under the sun for lunch!! Get some Vitamin D to stay well!

Yolk Sac

Looks like it's really any time for you now. Jia you!

Can't wait for the check-up tomorrow although I still have a long way to go!!

Andrea, who is Geraldine? I better prepare to complain, my last experience with TMC nurse n LC on BF is really unpleasant also... But now I know I can complain, wahahahaha....


Same here..jus now aft lunch tried latchg on but the nurse who is supposed to 'teach' me sounds like she's in a hurry..anyhow push bb to me n say let her suckle for 15min n left..aft tt come bak I told her bb fell asleep seems uninterested in latchg then she immediately say will bring her bak to nursery to feed fm liao..hope it's a different person tt will bring e bb for e next feed later ard 4pm..

Good afternoon mummies,

have not been coming in often these few days coz busy with work.. want to clear my work for handover so that can go on ML soon...

Congrats to rach, tiffany and vivi, bb is of good size, rest well so that can start your moo moo soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for those who are going rough time during confinement, hugz hugz...endure for a while more and it will soon be over.. please don't stress yourself as it's not good for your body and mind

will like to check with you gals, for the black sugar cane drink, do i need to scale off the purple skin to almost fresh, then cook them or it's better to cook with the skin on.. please advise.. thanks

Oh my.. TMC sounds really busy & packed! Hope mummies there can relax & learn as much as possible.. Dun b pai seh to keep pestering them! It's their job to help with bf!

I'm now waiting for my turn to see my gynae.. Just did B wax!!! Omg! So exciting & not painful la.. Hubby can go in & pei me leh.. Hehe.. He said it looks painful.. >.< Clean feeling really shiok!

My turn already.. Update soon!

hey gal afternoon

Congrats ViVi/Tiffany/Rach


Dr Wong was telling me yesterday the delivery was very crowded i told her ya i know keke


last time i also attend tat class but this time maybe wont go le.. haizzz seem like mtA LC more helpful huh


i just boiled with the skin

bbgoh: i'm fine.. stopped working on wed already.. doing washing bb's laundry and bedsheet these 2 days.. hmm.. my c-sec on sat.. so today counted is 1 more day? o_O


tats good, dun overwork on hsecore too.

haha bcoz i also counting down to monday then hippolai said tdy & d-day cant count in so to us is 3days to u is 1day LOL~~~~

wat time yr c-sect ? early morning?

bbgoh: ohh.. like that arh.. 1 more day for me.. sounds scary leh.. -.-"

my c-sec timing is 1pm, then need to admit by 11am.

oh ya, if the nurse says after 7am cannot eat, but can i still drink water?

Vivi - was this LC at TMC? My friend was there recently and said the LC was awful, so impatient, always rushing around, did not give much advice. Sigh....Hope Mt A is better in this regard.

Hippopolai - Thanks for the reassurance, just worried that bb will "choose" to come out on a date that clashes with me. Hoping and hoping that it's not the wrong horse year- mine is 1978. Thanks again for checking for me! HB says I'm being silly....

Mikio - All the best! Try to get some rest over the next day or so. Once bb comes, hard to rest..

Totoro: Thanks! Hope so! Quite exciting. Getting harder to sleep at night - stomach is so big, the heartburn is really bad.

Hippo: Yes, I would love 4 April. Let's see lah. Oh, your No 1 not with Paul?


oh yr timing same as my #1 hehe i still remember ask hb went for mac brekkie b4 7am

gynae said better dun drink water if opt for epi c-sect. if really thirsty maybe just 1sip

