(2011/04) Apr 2011

bbgoh, everyday lay on the bed... So sian... fri I sneak out... Hehe..

Tweety, yup. Let him choose his birthday.. Mayb he inside ur tummy too comfortable...



whahah ^5 i also went there to buy the stuffs after SY recommended..


i go back to look at the list if they have it for sheng hua soup..


i dnt paid $300 at 1 time. the maxmium amount tat u can claim frm mediasave is $300 per yr. 1 jab cost $165. Tat time my gal took before 1 yr old, tink ard 10mths old ba. she took total 3 jabs. u can use ur mediasave n ur hubby medisave to deduct it. tat time i remember my gal 1st jab was somewhere ard end of the yr. then e other 2 jabs is e following yr. thus, i deduct my mediasave for e 1st jab, then e 2nd jab i use my mediasave again as it's e following yr. 3rd jab i use my hubby 1. thus, i didnt pay a single cents for e jab lor. But i tink if exceed $300, they will ask u 2 pay e balance $ in cash ba.

bbgoh, hippo,

Hehe!! Wow!! I am still coming up with the list.. Hmmzz.. I definitely want to gorge myself with the different fast food!! Haha!!

Huh dragon gate no more.. It's really quite cheap and good wor.. Sigh..


It's normal for mummies to start losing a bit of weight towards the end.. Although it didn't happen to me the last time.. haha!! Weight loss/gain very unpredictable hor..

We are losing water weight and our bowels also tend to be cleared more often.. Hehe!!

wow.. there seems to be action almost everyday. jiayou for the mummies delivering today!

does anyone feel an increase in the bb movement? my bb has been moving like crazy making my tummy very pain.. so i cannot make out the diff if it am having contractions or it is just the bb movement is causing me pain...


I stay in Sengkang...thanks for the info, will go and check...


Thanks...now thinking what to ask the CL to cook...this CL is recommended by my aunty...so far nobody tried her out before so hope that she is not the lazy and dirty type...now I am preparing a listing, just in case she everything also dun know then I will show her my list and ask her to follow...am I too KS?

Tweety, Cannot ask Andrea to come out lar, she dilated liao... Must rest at home, the most we go visit her... Hahahahaa....

ST, that shop rec by my CL... Then that day I bring my fren go n buy herbs... She is very honest... She will stop my friend from buying ex herbs... Some she said use normal 1 can liao... No need ex de... So I find comfortable to buy from her...


that day i went she will say buy this and that..then we say enough enough hahah but she is a nice person

ST, u tried? nice? and they still offer buffet dim sum?

Ya, she got rec us buy some thing that is not on our list... so i will check with what is the herbs for... She will explain to me nicely... Coz the herbs that we get is for red dates drink only, so she also teach us to buy some herbs to boil soup... but she is not hard sell, after explain we dun buy also she is ok, still good face colour, wahahahaha... I will go back to her this week to get herbs for my own confinement de... =)


Your turn very soon!! All the best!!


I did not know that we can pay jabs using Medisave. Only at hospitals?

All the action here is making me feel very kan cheong. I am going to neglect my kids and go shopping. Not much time left, must go out and have fun!! ARGH!!

tiffany: jia you jia you!!!

piggy: hopefully get to see some actions soon.. heehee... =P mine dr said bb moving low le... but fluid still alot.. heehee

gerry: my weight is like yoyo from 5 months onwards.. hahahaa... my hubby also wondering... =P

hippopolai: she mentioned she wanna join us wor.. =P

any updates from vivi and rach??

Hippo, can go out la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I two weeks nvr go out le..

I so excited on fri n sat.. Fri mayb sneak out n sat celebrating #1 birthday.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Andrea, you sure? Must be very careful ya... All big tummy later cannot help you how? Wahahahaha...

We welcome you of course, just worry about you... If you can then come ya, cannot must rest!

Hi Mummies,

Can check where to buy lemongrass?

For confinement, just boil the lemongrass and can bathe with it? or need to add more items?

Thanks in advance! =)

Hippo, think can.. If got anything go straight to TMC.. Very near only.. Hehe. I need to buy last min thing.. U going down from Jurong or u going bugis to buy herbs first??

Clingaling, can get from wet market... Most wet market have it...

Andrea, I going down from Jurong I think... Dunno tomorrow got strength to go bugis to buy herbs anot since I'll be half day... If not will buy only weekend... I dun want to lug a marketing trolley to meet you girls, look so unglam, wahahahahahaha....

U want to go with me? So at least have some1 acc you... I'm ok with any timing since I only need to prepare dinner in advanced in the morning... You need anything from Bugis? I can help you buy if you need~

Tweety, u mean for #1 or #2?? #1 is 36th VE Check est will pop in 1 week time, end up next day pop cos tht night got contraction pain, reach TMC 4cm dilated.. #2 is got contraction pain then feel a bit weird so went to check then know got dilation. The pain is so bad tht I stand up n walk is so sharp.. Pain for the whole morning..

Hippo, if u go straight from Jurong I can meet u.. I need to buy those button clothes for #2 n confinement pjyAmmas. #1 left over one look like very old to me.. I think I go gek poh n buy..

Tweety, lower tummy.. The pain u just feel like sitting down or laying on the bed.. For me, I throw temper n anyhow scold ppl... Then I think think something is not right.. Different ppl experience different..


Hehe!! No worries.. So long as baby is healthy.. Did your dr tell you as long as contractions are 10 mins apart, must head down to hospital.. Like what vivi said, it is like a wave of menses cramp.. and really very regular..

Now we have so many aches and pains, don't really know which is the real deal..

Tweety, trust ur own instinct... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Andrea, ok... We confirm timing again ok?

Just a question

My gynae said that he is admitting me to the hospital next thursday but he said that it does not mean bb will come out next thursday... so does it mean I have to be in observation ward first before the gynae decide whether I can deliver? kinda of confused...

Hi ladies

So long never posted on forum le, i guess i have been missing out on alot! ^^

3 more working days to ML.. argh..time is crawling by...

Austin: glad to hear ur bb has turned.

my last checkup on monday, 37w+2, bb is still breech. Will probably choose c-sec date on next visit. =(

Hi Hippopolai,

37 weeks is considered as full term already hor~the lungs will be well formed and functioned...my gynae says should be okie but I still 'worried'..keke.

Hi PrayHard,

You wake up a few times in the middle of the pelvic pressure? Do you have difficulties turning and tossing in bed?

Don't care about your boss...most importantly is that you get the rest you need. Actually I feel that you should start resting two weeks before the c-section (if possible), especially now we have this pelvic pressure thingy. Are you taking bus/mrt/drive to work?

True...I agree~we should take more rest and walk lesser at this stage. I also feel breathless when sitting down...cannot talk continue for too long also..haha.

Do we need to bring the breast pump to hospital? I never thought of that leh...I remember last time I didn't bring at all. I believe it will be very painful to express milk in hospital with the c-section wound.

Hi Gin,

Where can I get playtex milk storage milk? Kiddy palace? Haha...I'm also looking for good and cheap milk storage milk..keke..i see other brands are quite expensive.

My #1 is a boy and this one is a girl! Haha...yaloh..usually boys will be more active...

Do you intend to bath & wash hair in hospital? Hmm...yaloh..actually can wear back the same clothes when we admitted..keke.

Mrs Chua,

Besides drinking hot milo/green papaya + fish soup and massage the breasts before expressing, what I did last time to increase the milk supply was that I still expressed out the 'remaining' milk after I latched on. I was 'telling' my milk factory that,'hey~i need more milk please!'. So slowly the milk supply would slowly go up...but of course it would be very xinku but I found out that it does help in increasing the milk supply. After your milk supply is established, then no need to express after each latch on already. The initially stage is always siong but after you start breast feeding, you would not want to stop le...keke..I breastfed my boy until 17-18 months.


Seeing gynae this afternoon!! Hope for some updates! Will ask him to do a VE again. But I have a feeling (Week 39 today) that no action any time soon. Sigh. In the meantime, my Big Whopper is getting bigger and bigger and bigger... is it crazy to want a drug-free birth when your bb is almost 4kilos?


Oh you think we should go at 10 mins apart? My gynae said to report to the hospital at 7-10 mins apart, while my doula asked me to please call her even earlier. Think they are very worried that 2nd timers go very fast.


Not sure! Maybe he meant that labour takes time so bb might show up on Friday instead?


Wah! 3cm already? Should be soon? I love how so many mummies have no idea that they are dilated and still feel fine. For No 1, I didn't dilate until the very last stage. Whereas some friends were walking around with 3-4cm dilation.

Confinement foods

My granny, who lives with us, has volunteered to cook some food to supplement the stuff I'm bringing in from Natal Essentials. But we are Straits Chinese, so she doesn't really know the traditional confinement rules. Found a recipe book - will discuss with her.


Thanks for the Karmy info! I think I have enough for now. Will definitely keep in mind for the future though.

Live update : I took epi at about 11 plus and dilation is now at 9 cm gynae said I should haven taken earlier now at the labour ward

Mrs Chua

Re: Increasing Supply

JoJo's method (to pump after latching on) is very effective - some of my friends did it and had over-supply! Can try. But I know it's a pain to have to do a full latching feed and then pump some more. Easier if you have someone to help. My friend trained her helper to store the milk and wash/sterilise the pump parts. Then each feed, her pump parts would be fresh, clean and waiting for her in a Lock N Lock box. Good system.

Other methods:

1. Drink loads of water - like 3+ litres

2. Take fenugreek combined with blessed thistle - like the More Milk Plus formulation (available at Camden pharmacy)

3. Take moringa leaf supplements - available from Mumsfairy in tea or capsule form

4. If you find that your breasts are very engorged or hard at the moment and this is causing a slow let-down, one good method is to apply a warm compress (e.g. towel dipped in warm water) to the breast just before the feed, then manually massage the breast a bit before letting bb latch on. That usually helps to improve milk flow as you have already discovered.

Good luck girl!


WOW! 9cm! Can start pushing soon! All the best!


It is really really hot, isn't it? Dunno why, but it seems like all the wards are always full in the hospitals these days. Must be b/c many rabbit babies!

Hi mummies,

so many posts...congrats to those had popped.

Vivi, Rach, Tiffany, Jia You!


Sheng Hua soup is a must!

it help to clear our blood or dunno what.

during my #1, TCM did ask me to drink for the 1st week during the confinement. then this time ard, i choose PEM confinement herbs package, this soup is in their package.


I tried their buffet dinner(the one at houbourfront)..and was told they also have dim sum but never try tou.

Confinement foods

ARGH! So much liver in the recipes! Must we really take liver? I also don't like pigs' trotters? Which part of the trotter do we eat anyway? They always look so fatty to me. Someone, please advise?

Also, can we eat chicken in the first couple of weeks? I quite like the chicken recipes but thought we had to avoid chicken?


lol... i also dunno which type of pain is real contractions as you...

actually at 36 weeks and 5 days, my tummy doesn't look like it, ppl comment my tummy looks small...and this morning while waiting for train, a lady sat down beside me, then asked me how many months am I already.. when i told her, she commented, wow 36 weeks, still look small.

As for those who are going for this friday gathering, i'll be able to join you gals coz i have changed my gynae appointment to earlier slot, then after that, can join you gals to update... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow tiffany! U've proceeded too..me stil stuck at normal ward, observation ward is full..soooo tired of waiting..Hubby is shagged out too..

Vivi jiayou! U'r v close to seeing ur bunny gal! Hope mine's soon too..

Yolk, u seeing dr Lai today? Me goin for 1st appt on Monday, wondering got chance to bump into u?

Gerry, bb goin home le. Mine still in mt A. Level dropped frm 19.1 to 14.1. Very heartache c her sole with so many pokes..

Mummies who have delivered, r u gals opting 5in1 or 6in1 for jabs? 5in1, have to go when bb turn 1mth, like kinda rush..

