(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hello everyone gynae just came and broke my water and put me on drip. Can feel pain and back ache trying to bear the pain. Did not insert any pill because was about 2-3 cm dilated after gynae visit. Dr was surprised too.

Rach how you feeling

My next check at 1 pm

G'morning ladies,


Wah!! Jiayou!! Another mom trying without epidural!! =) Maybe without epi, your progress would be fast.


Ya agree with sookie.. If bb is not in distress, you can wait it out and go for normal delivery.. Jia you!!

Wah so many mummies got some action today.. Hehe!!


Thanks!! She looks better today.. i really was quite pissed off at this grandma from my girl's playgroup.. Insist her granddaughter is feeling alright when you can see GREEN mucus coming out from her nose!! BTH!! Now my girl is also sick!!

Elmo, bbgoh, piggy,

Of course if you don't pump or latch in the night, supply will not increase.. LC would recommend that you pump at least once a night in the first few months esp if you notice supply isn't too good. Must avoid going longer than 5-6 hours without pumping esp during the first few months too..


u lor..or i read wrongly

Pump or latch

me will latch/pump at night de..even when i started working i also did that..

pump at night

yah during hospital stay the nurse ask me to pump every 2.5hr too maybe tats y last time my supply can meet my girl demand altot not latch

vivi, rach & tiffany

jia you, girls !!!!

2nd pill inserted an hr ago, can feel abit of contractions but stil v bearable. Am being transferred outta observation ward to normal ward for light bf since it doesn't look like gonna deliver soon..gg bak to observation at 1pm..probably if cervix dilate more by then then he'll break e waterbag?

Vivi! Gd on u tt u'r progressing well! My Hubby keep tokking to bb ask her to b guai n come out..haa

Rach super pain I think my bunny gal scared so she better do something to help herself and mummy. You jia you soon soon we will have baby in our arms.


If can tahan, then tahan.. See how the situation.. Hehe!! But I truly believe epi is God's gift to pregnant women with low threshold for pain!! Haha!!

Good morning mummies,

For those who delivered today (vivi, rach & tiffany)

good luck and wish you have a smooth delivery


is 1st april gathering confirmed at 2pm or 3pm?

morning mummies!!!! good luck to mummies in actions today!!!!

Back from my checkup... Bb is still very comfortable in tummy... dr say not gonna deliver soon.. hopefully won't overdue wor.. heehee.. he's now abt 3.1~3.2kg...

Morning mummies!

Jia You Rach and Vivi... soon you can see your bbs! so exciting..

Me having crampy feeling on and off from last nite till now.. like wanna LS but nothing come out.. isit time alr?

tweety: glad your checkup went well. think baby is good weight to push out. did he do VE for you today? Since vivi is giving birth soon.. lets see if you or I give birth next! Doc gave me a few days of MC cause I told him i'm so need it! walking now is so difficult.

hippo: hmm possible. better time your cramps to get a better picture.

vivi: go vivi go! hope you can succeed without epi but if cannot, don't force it!


for me too tired liao n i see my supplu still got increase so i din bother to wake up to pump i tired to wake up once but unable to pull myself up lol~


gambate... jus try wat u can but dun force urself[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tweety: hmmmm maybe cause I'm 2nd time mom.. baby might come out faster? but next appt is CTG? Did you managed to get a good pic today? mine huh.. always have his hands in front of his face.. so no nice pic for very long.

sookie: heehee.. ya lor.. next week do CTG... no leh.. cannot see his face at all.. just can see the head only.. and dr cannot even measure his weight.. cause cannot see tummy... bb's spine is facing up... so dr estimated his weight by touching my tummy...

st: mc is a godsend when we are in the last trimester. I've never asked but yesterday i had to ask cause I really cant deal having to go to work and look diligent. and do all my last min preparation!

Good morning ladies,

haven't been posting cos stayed at my mum's place past few days.

Wow, so many mummies have popped! A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU!


you damn steady hor, still can give live telecast. Think I'll only have the energy to post my birth story after the delivery & after some rest. he3!


thanks for the info regarding the perineal massage. Apprec it.

Too many postings that I was going through... can't remember was it you that couldn't find the Karmy P.Js (front opening)? I bought it from OG- Bugis last week @$20+ after 20% discount.


hahah not i steady but the waiting is quite boring.. quite a few lady here gave live telecast also Elmo more steady no Epi n gave updates all the way hahah...

Rach, Tiffany & Vivi,

jia you! Wishing you smooth deliveries. Very soon you'll be carrying your bundle of joy.


wa! You still can sleep on your tummy! That's my comfort sleeping position, I miss it!!!

Anyone tried confinement food from Natal Essential? Thought of ordering from them.


notice lots of mummies did w/o epi. Very brave, salute them! Don't know what the pain feels like but 99% will be taking it lor. Me chicken heart one. he3!

Hi mummies,

Do you know whether Chinese Medical Hall sells Sheng Hua Tonic Soup and Si Shen Soup pre-packed?

Wanna buy some so that can ask CL to make for me.

Mrs chua

besides frequent pumpin. U can try to power pump

20 mins pump

10 mins rest

10 mins pump

10 mins rest

10 mins pump

but don try b4 u slp do it in the mornin. I tried at nite once n the whole nite I can't slp due to the engorgement n leakin breast.

B4 pumpin, drink hot Milo/horlick n while pumpin look at ur bb or bb's photo n avoid starin at the pump.

Went for my appt 2 days ago-

at 37weeks 2days, bb weighs 3.4kg!

Tummy still 'high up' so don't think will be delivering anytime soon. Making a conscious effort (I'm very lazy) every morning to walk in the pool hoping to pop early.



Wah so this weekend will be all you can eat session.. Haha!!


Nice weight.. Will be easy to carry!! So most likely will be due around EDD!!




Truly understandable.. The first few weeks very tiring and body has just gone through a 9 month marathon wor!! My body already giving way liao..


I think Yolk sac tried or is going to use Natal Essential.. Can ask her..


Yup that's the wave of pain!!! Jia you!! =) Waiting to see Vianne!


Wah just time the contractions.. See whether it's regular and whether it will get more intense..

gerry: hahaaaa... then my weight hor.. like yoyo sia.. last week gain.. this week lost.. aiyo.... waiting for him to come out..

how to know if tummy is high or low?? just now dr scan very low to see bb's head leh...

Tweety, I saw u last week, tummy bit low... Very hard to say one.. U c vivi case, suddenly cervix dilated... Still remember I guess is a boy, end up really a boy boy.. Ur next appointment when???

Hi morning mummies,

Wow, 3 mummies are in action todae! Rach, Tiffany & Vivi! Jia you!


pneumococal seems to be a compulsory jab liao lei. my gal now 2 yrs old had taken the jab too. Initially i also dnt wan 2 give her any other jabs except those compulsory jab required by the law. Then after the news of the pneumococal jab to be compulsory, i brought her to polyclinic to jab it as i can use mediasave to deduct $300 per year for the jabs.

BabyChloe, ya.. geng hor? Sometimes I woke up in that position I also feel amazing... Lols... But recently my bb dun allow me sleep in that position liao... She kick me if I sleep in that position.... Hahahahaha....

Prayhard, I tot we shouldn't drink sheng hua soup? Need to boil with the sheng yu right? Some mummies said will grow extra flesh de wor... But u can go chinese medical hall ask them pack for you if you want to! =)

Gerry, I plan to eat all I can lar, provided Terry good boy let me do so... Wahahahaha... Friday meet you girls will officially start my eat all I can session liao... Kekekeke... Oh, I checked the dragon gate dim sum hor... It's seems no more liao leh according to the webpage, the name change liao... sob sob... Initial plan to go this Sun de...


Oh..really huh? Ok, then dun drink better...how about Si Shen soup, can drink?


Dun mention [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i 've ask my mum cook crab & stingray & like to eat thai express de spicy yellow ginger chicken hehe satisfy my craving


how r u?



I also not sure about all these soup thing de... The sheng hua soup also listen to other mummy here...

Where you stay? I find this chinese medical hall at bugis, the owner quite helpful de... Maybe u can check with her... 3rd floor #56 the shop is Lao Ban Niang... I learn quite alot from her...

