(2011/04) Apr 2011

Pink, so fast!!!!! Dun worry... Maybe Parsley just too tired being active in ur tummy, so now all she wants is rest!!!!! Los~

From the feedback seems like the nurses @ Mt. A are more pro BF leh... Haiz... I really wish I can meet some1 who is really pro BF in TMC!!!!


Oh, the jabs were all from polyclinic.. It's only opposite my house & waiting time for infants super fast.. xD Last time took 5-in-1 for my girl.. This time going for FOC only..


Seems like bf-ing not as scary as it sounds right? Hehe.. Jia you!!

I will go poly 4 all e injections. Much cheaper le. Going 4 hep b 2nd dose after full mth. Tmr still gotta go pd follow up see got jaundice anot. Anyone knows jaundice will peak at which day?


Ya.. That's wad i feel also.. When kait re-admit to Mt A for jaundice, the nurses there damn patient & super encourage bf.. TMC like more "chop chop" kind..

Anyone at Mt A can help check if the nurses there will help sterilize our own pump or not? Or does anyone know?


4th or 5th day ba.. My pd scheduled check up 4days after discharge for my girl's jaundice.. Was 9.8 when discharged, 19.8 on the 4th day.. She practically turned into a banana!


yah but those free one ll be more jab taken, isn't it? pay one ia those 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 loh


dun worry, I thk TMC also have good LC


seem like yr supply is met Joel demand alrdy? tats good

Vivi, thanks!

Pearly, stop tempted me!!!!!!!!! Lols~ by hook by crook, I can't change so have to depends on my luck now... Lols~ Mt. A is not convenient since we are not driving, dun wan to tired hubby co he suddenly told me he will take 4days leave to go hosp acc me... So just go with what we have planned.. Sob sob...


wow tt a gd start seem like ur milk will start to come in soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


usu they will be assess by the dr there to see if BT is require it really depend on u...

Mrs Chua,

i had all the jab at GP cheaper n the dr is gd... n i am goin for 6 in 1.. 5 in 1 mus take 1 more jab wor.... but u can jus follow the jab to be taken in health booklet it FOC... where it not 5 in 1 or 6 in 1...


the peak is from 5-7day.. today my bb is 1 wk old so at the peak... wow at least u got excess for nite feed if i wan to sleep thru the nite i wun need to supp 1 FM feed wor cos mine each pump jus enough for 1feed[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


pneumococal is compulsory alr... u better check cos ur gal younger than my boi so most prob it compulsory for ur gal as well..


5-in-1 same number of jabs as foc de but got extra 1 type of vaccine.. 6-in-1 same as 5-in-1 but less 1 jab.. 5-in-1 $280+, 6-in-1 $320+.. That is if price haven't changed yet la.. Can use CDA but must have enough to NETS it when u go for the jab.. If pay by dosage (installment?), more ex.. If recall correctly, abt $80+ more leh

Until now, i keep wondering if the "extra vaccine" was the culprit for the violent change in my girl's behaviour.. But up to individual de la.. See heng or suay loh.. Hehe..


Hehe.. Nvm.. We got a lot of pro-bf mummies liao! Can get support n advise here la! xD


By compulsory, u mean compulsory at CC or law? Cos the polyclinic told me not compulsory but should take if go CC.. my girl haven't take till now cos postphoned due to flu last week..

I think once enrolled in CC, it's the cc who makes it compulsory? Polyclinic clarified with me 3 times liao.. Or is it made compulsory by law for "new babies"?


my replacement CL so so nia my previous 1 better but still ok la cannot hiam too much...

for pneumococal it is compulsory le cos i remember v clearly my GP told me it compulsory when i bring my boi for 6in 1 but cos my boi alr born by then so i can opt to take after 6mth or be4 6mth n now all the health booklet include this jab as 1 compulsory jab liao when u pop u can flip to the page with all the jab [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it in the news leh..compulsory by law my GP got show me the article tt y now everywhere got Prevenar jab... n all the new health booklet include this jab as well wor..


Izzit? So weird leh.. The booklet got say how many jabs? Cos the nurse told me later = less jab.. Kait's age now 1 jab nia.. Unless she not going cc, maybe can "tahan" 5yrs without it.. Eh, asked 3 times, same answer.. Different nurses leh.. But i opt to take for kait cos she going cc mah..

I nvr ask PD cos i nvr go.. I asked from polyclinic de.. This time, i'll ask again for #2.. If can "escape" to only 1jab, then best liao! Hehe.. I really dun like side effects of jabs.. So mafan! xD


yes older less jab maybe tt time when ur gal born nt yet compulsory tt y cos I tink it was compulsory when my boi almost 4-5 mth old the health booklet I see gt 3 line for pneumococal la.. Hmm my boi so far ok no side effect ..


Orh.. Means now can drag at most to 6mos? That's 2jabs ah? I see if can drag to 1jab again for #2 onot loh.. Cos i find no point jabbing extra since he's home.. I super scared side effects also.. As long as got jab, my mom duwan help liao.. Lol! But thx for clarification~ This time, will take note de!

hello mummies!

congrats pink and applenut, and anyone else who has popped??

jia you vivi and rach...

today went for my gynae appt, she did a VE for me. she can feel baby's head but cervix not open yet. so she said will not have any action for this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] did the CTG and baby is super active. gynae said he's very happy inside, that's why moving so much... then i was thinking, if he's so happy, does that mean he doesn't want to come out??? HELP!!!

Oh, tmr is his 5th day. Tt means maybe still need to go pd again on 7th day ah. Then maybe i wanna consider go poly liao! Pd so far.

Bbgoh, piggy.. My supply seems enough for him cos he kept zzzing! Sometimes can drink 5 to 10mins then satisfied le! I din feed him from bottle yet except tt 1 time is hosp. So i also dunno how much he drinks. I suspect ard 30-40ml every 3hrly only. Izzit much too little? Tonite will know after CL tries.


Wah.. 3jabs.. T.T.. Ya i know but not as exposed as go IFC or CC everyday mah.. Kait also like that.. I prefer natural immunity ba.. If bo bian, then have to take loh.. But if can siam, i'll definitely siam! I'm a weird mom hor.. Hehe..


my girl took after 1yo only took 1jab. so far she is ok with all the jabs.

yah I also read somewhere & knew tat prevenar is compulsory & even can pay by medisave too other then cda


Orh.. The only jab my girl had a problem with was the 3rd month de loh.. Went on milk strike and cried almost whole day/night.. Duno if it was the jab or not la.. My friends all dun have much of these problems leh.. So this time not gonna take "extras" le.. Can siam, will siam! hehe..

Prevenar and pneumococal is same de ah? I only know if the nurse say must take, then I LL will have to take loh.. If she never mention must, then I try to skip.. hehe.. So I assume it's ok to take just 1 pneumococal jab ba..

As for #2, see can drag or not loh..

Wah, suddenly super hungry! Downed 1 big cup of milo liao.. Made another cup & enjoying with 2 half-boiled eggs + bread/butter!! wahahaha.. Shiok!

Vivi / Rach,

I will be going for inducing tml morning, haha.. Prolly will see u all in the labour ward or TMC.. Have a smooth delivery!

Piggy.. I agree that going polyclinic is cheaper, ytd I bought my boy there. Total bill was less than $20 with the blood test & check up by nurses & doctor there.. Wat is csc card??? How to apply?? Got Wat benefits?? 

Vivi.. My boy much better Le. Ytd his jaundice level was 283 den after a night of lights, it drop to 203 today.. The acceptable level to go Hm is 220 & below.. But doc recommend to stay another night of lights & observation to reduce it further so Bo Bian la, for his own gd, I got to let him stay.. So Tmr he shld b able to go Hm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as for me, I'm stil ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry.. I'm fine jus wound still abit pain  but bearable ones la.. 

Mummies.. Today I'm quite satisfied with my pumping... Supply ard 40-50ml each pump for 2 breast but not enough for my boy. His intake now is ard 70-80ml each feed so no choice got to top up with formuale.. 

Btw, anyone know how can I increase my supply other than frequent pump or latch? Oh ya, this morn I get my massage lady to come over to help me massage my breast b4 I pump it in hospital.. Somehow it helps in increasing my supply cos it clear the milk ducts & my breast dun feel so bloated.. Tmr gonna get the massage lady to come in again to

Massage one more time.. Really a moo moo lols


Jia you!! U're another of my envy! Keke.. U got company there right? Another mummy also admitted tonight right? xD The part that i couldn't tahan most here was my hunger! Everything else was ok.. Keke.. Tml is THE DAY! omg si bei envious la.. Haha

Piggy, yr bb oso got jaundice? Nw he following up at poly?

If touchwood polyclinic says need to admit, where do we go?

Mrs chua, i think it's norm for mummies to cry cos there's another bb tat need admit for jaundice, mummy cried too. Hw is ur bb now?

So many mummies popping, jia you ya!

Ya pearly,

Vivi's got company here but I came in earlier so I'm not sure whether she's in e same rm as me..anyways it's soooo quiet in here..r we supposed to z? ;p When e nurse inserted e pill jus now she says im oni 0.5cm dilated.. *_*

Vivi and Rach

We are with you in spirit! Nice to go in when the hospital is quiet. Breathe, relax and update us when you can! Jia yooooo !


Should ask for vivi's contact! Then can wait & update together.. Hehe.. I think waiting room is 1? Forgot liao.. Maybe a few rooms, can't remember.. But i do remember can request to get off bed, to walk to loo or something.. Then can "visit" & gossip a bit here n there.. Keke..

Jia you to both of u!! I can't zzz so will b roaming ard here to see updates & fill myself with more envy! Lol!

Just now a nurse did a ve check so painful partly she very fierce and I am tense. No insert pill because I am dilated by 3 cm so will wait for them to push me to the ward and will come back observation tomorrow morning at 7

Wah.. 3cm liao.. Not bad leh.. It took me forever to get 3cm for #1.. hehe.. Great sign!

Sian.. I can't sleep.. I just suddenly realized today is 30th mar liao! Just 2 more days to Apr! I will tahan cos, ironically, i've always wanted an Apr baby! xD Let's all jia you! I think i a bit siao siao liao.. Lack of sleep.. Hubby took leave, supposed to help me tonight but end up both DD & DH are sleeping super soundly tonight.. Haiz..

Hi rach and vivi: woke up to pee so thought I sneak in and see how's it going. Looks good so far! Good luck and hope to hear some news too!

Tiffany: good luck to you too!

Pearly: having insomnia?

Pearly: alamak now I can't sleep. So much for "sneaking in".

You know, just like you I'm hoping my baby will last till April cause I also want an April baby since mar is my birthday and considered my month! So yes, 2 days to April *cheers*


me here just woke up for pee and check any updates too. kekekee

perhaps yr supper too heavy?? haha. Milo + half boiled egg Ah u shiok ler

vivi & rach


Hehe.. Night owl club is active again.. I also cannot sleep.. My girl has fever.. Just went to check on her.. Sigh..

Vivi, rach, jia you!!


Hope tomorrow's delivery will be smooth for you.. =)


Wah eat soo much for supper!! Hehe!!

The pneumococcal vaccine was recently made compulsory..

Things to note about vaccination ( ESP compulsory ones), when you give it to your child, you are not only protecting your child but other children that are in contact with other children.. When children get vaccinated, not everyone will get 100% protection.. So if 1-2 children in the group did not get vaccinated, then they will easily get the sickness and may pass it to those who are not 100% protected thereby still passing the disease.. And for pneumococcal disease it can be quite a scary disease ESP if it causes infections to the brain ( meningitis)..

Voon.. Ya, is norm to try cos we can't bear to leave our little ones there. Think that is called mother's love but hubby won't b able to understand Lols.. He's much better Le, later shld b able to b discharged from hospital.. Waiting for gd news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elmo.. Ur milk supply enough for ur boy ah? That is gd lo, my supply v little until now supply onli 40-50ml while my boy hv increase his demand to 60-70ml per feed.. So Bo Bian got to top up with formulae for him.. 

Piggy.. Think I hv to go check with pd & polyclinic the various prices for the jabs den make a comparison. Omg.. Another thing to learn 

Vivi & rach & Tiffany... Jia you! Very soon u will be able to hold ur little hubby in ur hands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies !!!!!

Rach, Vivi & Tiffany, Jia You!!!!!!!

Little Twin Star also in hosp middle of night due to cramp on n off... Wonder how is she now....

Vivi, how are you now? Hope bb will come out asap for you!

Mrs chua, think my supply gonna be insufficient 4 him soon! Yest nite he drink 50-60ml every 3-4 hourly. No wonder before i zzz he keep crying for milk n latching on every hr. Looks like i gotta be more hardworking and pump more le. If not at nite supplement with fm loh.

Wow seems like everyday also got ppl popping in our thread now! Jia you to those delivering today!

I feel so Shiok after my 1st uninterrupted zz since delivery! Though got wake up few times. But still Shiok. Haha. But i whole nite din express.. Lazy me. Now exploding waiting for bb to wake up and latch. Scared i expressed le not enough 4 him later. Dunno e huiji bu yao jing works or e zz works. My back less ache le!

I think i got constipation leh. Dunno got tear my wound abit. Regretted not getting stool softener from gynae. Now got wat food tt we can take to help naturally har?

Mummies.. Anyone pump out more milk using hospital electric pump than our own freestyle pump? My supply seem to drop by 20ml? I Duno y.. Anyway to increase supply other than frequent pumping???

Morning ladies..

Mrs chua,

the Csc card is for civil servant cos my hb is under SAF so if we apply for our kid they go polyclinic is foc..

For vaccine I go GP cos price abt same as poly n dr is much better..

For milk supply u can try fenugeek tt time we bott mother milk tea but I haven try la.. Btw ur BB weight gt gain?


if need admit they will refer us to hosp so cheaper also..

Vivi& rach ,

jia you..

mrs Chua

drink more soup, massage breast & use hot towel b4 pump, take fenugreek, rest more, heard oatmeal can incurs supply too. u may try


wah u can sleep thru the night dun need to express? will it decrease supply or not? heard if we not frequently clear our breast it ll slowly decrease as it tell our brain we dun need so much

Morning all,

Wished I cld jiayou..but aft 1st pill inserted until now barely dilated wor..so 2nd pill jus inserted ard 8am..if cervix remains stubborn will haf to go under the knife lo..

rach: don't give up. see if the gynae will break your water bag. as long as baby not in distress, keep trying if you are determined. remember i took 21 hours?! but i managed to deliver vaginally though my cervix took so so long to dilate! good luck!

Mrs chua/Elmo: don't worry too much about supply now.. cause you guys just gave birth. if really want to increase,other than the foods and soups, pump more frequent or pump after feeding the baby to stimulate production.

Mrs Chua: hospital pumps are usually better than the off the rack pumps.


ya ask them to put u on drip or burst water bag cos my body also dun react to the pill whole nite only 0.5cm but after break water bag it v v fast[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I did not pump at nite also for both preg cos too tired Liao n usu morning will pump more mah so I jus make sure I clear my breast well so far my s/s remain but maybe not as fast to catch up my boi demand compare to every 3hrly pump even at nite..


Elmo, I drank hui ji too, taste still acceptable hor? Any mummies knw if we can we drink Dom at the same x?

Piggy, ic..anyway she's admitted le, dnt knw jaundice can refer...

My milk supply ONI 10ml., pathetic!!

