(2011/04) Apr 2011


u do hand wash or washing machine for those bb clothes?

HB said just throw all in washing machine but i find it a bit unhygiene ler

not sure if i need to buy bumper, last time my girl nvr sleep bbcot, only playpen so i nvr buy. nw my fren have me a bbcot, is it neccesary to have bumper to protect?


my boss coming back next monday he say i need to pass him the hand over list by the day he is back and i target to pack all my office stuffs by this week..

so sian..last time i went on ML my same boss still never ask for list now he want list


really bth their service la.. lousy...


hahah me too.. still got lotsa things to wash n set up.. but tired leh the CL room still in a mess with my HB things lo..

bbgoh for me actually hand wash will be ideal but my hubby will definitely not be doing hand wash so close 1 eye to use the washing machine since over there in Malaysia it will be a lot.

But once bunny gal comes out I will insist on hand wash for all her clothes.... those clothes that I have here I will be doing hand wash too....


i use washing machine leh keke

now NB don't need bumper but by then if they know how to turn better get one..

but anyway my #1 also got bumper but he still knock his head often LOL cos bumper not very thick

bbgoh, bumper is quite essential when baby's big enough to move such that his/ her hands & legs may get caught in between the bars of the cot. It depends on how big/ small your cot is and how long u intend to let your bb sleep there. Guess it's quite an individual choice cos I do have friends who don't use cot bumper as they don't sleep in aircon & cot bumper doesn't allow wind to get through for standing fans so baby will be hot.

oh then just let hb wash use washing machine haha close 1 eyes if not i ll get tired

lata after born then let him hand wash as not a lot.

ermmm then i dun buy bumper 1st, not sure how long i ll use the bbcot. not intend to let her sleep in the night.

ohh seem like the laundry bag is queit useful, is it? i nvr use it b4. if we wash our clothes put it in the bag, will it get clean? hehe in my thking as its in a bag, just dip in water not rub to each other clothes wondering clean or not

Hilo mummies!!!!

Went for my checkup n I'm officially gng to play the waitin game now. Ask my gynae will there b any changes in my Edd he say no but will b earlier than 21mar so is anytime now.

N me till now haven pack my hospital bag n left wif some things to get onli thing done is washin bb clothes.

Donno y but feel so nervous n scare altot is my 2nd time Liao. Some how I forget how is labour like for my #1.


how's is ur maid?


I let my #1 used tommee tippee btl b4 in the end is my hb don like but tis time round m usin back tommee tippee so will b gng to purchase the sterilizer n warmer cos I donno other brand can fit in tommee tippee anot since the btl looks fat to me.


the laundry bag got holes de..should be clean

unless u can make sure ur hubby hand wash very very clean till no soapy feel then ok to hand wash leh..cos last time my SIL maid help to hand wash my #1 clothes then think she never wash very clean leh..then when i went to wet my #1 hanky i can still feel the soapy feeling..imagine my #1 still suck on the mittens arrgggg..


I hand wash my bb clothin n is very tirin haha will sit on the tiny stool to wash by the time I finished I almost half dead. I dare not use washin machine wash due to I livin wif in law n they smoke so to play safe I do it myself.

Sometime I will 'force' my hb to help me


my hb can hand wash cleanly just tat i feel he waste water hehe

last time he used to wash #1 one but if laundry bag so useful i ll feel like to try it


then let him hand wash lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya the laundry bag can even use for adult clothes de


i see. feel so excited for the games? :p


yah ll go buy 1 try it, i also tiring to hand wash my own clothes


can we still do prenatal msg after 32weeks? if not wrong got someone mention here not do it after 32wks

wanna ask it is important to decide on pd now? coz my gynea is asking me to choose which pd i wan.. for the 2-3 days baby checkup in hospital.. then r we supposed to follow thru with the pd, or can change pd after that?

also, usually at which wk does the baby's head get engaged? once baby's head engage, usually how long to delivery? ard 2 wks (seems to have seen it somewhere..)?


i not very sure i nv asked my gynae but he start doing VE check liao to ensure cervic not dilated.

everytime my checkup i nv pay attention tend to lie there with blank mind cos very tiring :p


ya lo when doc say 3 more wks i suddenly woke up frm my dream n huh very loud. i still got the cheek to ask will it b ltr hehe. not yet prepare.


for the PD he/she will check if ur bb r healthy etc durin ur stay they after u discharge can jus go poly clinic or other PD no worries.. cos the hosp will charge a bb package which includes a PD as well so if u gt no preference most prob they will jus assign any1... even bb engage it can be few days to 1-2wk be4 u go into labour..

not every1 bb will get engage 1.. my cervix start to dilate at wk37 n bb head not engage n my gynae told me some bb will only engage durin labour..


laundry bag is use to protect our clothin so knitted material wun get stretch or loose even if machiine wash..so far ok la usu i half fill the laundry bag so got allowance for the clothes to get clean..

actually the massage depnd on the massage lady cos the spa i been to n mdm Emma told me can cos it improve blood circulation actually it gd...


dunno abt my maid till now the haven call to update me pekchek... anyway tml they will do a test on her if she can pass shd be ok..wah tink u be the first to pop..

btw pigeon 1 will be able to fit TT bottle..

Sookie, dunno how is wheezing like. But when he zz it's pretty noisy cos of e phlegm. Wah mix med with ice cream? Now he cant take cold stuff ah. Last time we still can mix med to his milk. Now he smart le.. Can taste then reject liao.

Hello all!

so depressed today.. saw a few stretchmarks on my butt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

feels like skin stretch alot this past week hai.

Hi Mummies,

Kindly check u girls buy anything to wash yr hair during confinement? Understand we can use herbs but heard from pple that we can buy something - spray on the hair to clean?


Both the sterilizer n warmer for pigeon, tt can fit in?? If can tat will b great. My boss there got a 2nd hand de like tat I need not buy. Hehe thanx alot.

Reali prayin very hard for u tat she can pass her test so can go back early if not the bill will b high plus u gng to pop soon liao.


spray on hair??? no wor i only know gt dry shampoo in powder form so no need wash air with water but many mummies told me no use 1 .. anyway i jus wash with shampoo n rinse with herbs/lemongrass water ...


hmm food warmer i dunno cos i din use any warmer jus put the bott in warm water 20min be4 feed lo..

Piggy.. Can't figure out how the one u say from ikea look like. How much is it? The toyogo one which I'm getting is put @ my parent place de so thinking toyogo will be better? 

Gerry.. No bleeding when I wipe.. Jus saw abit in toilet bowl. Could b too heaty so comes with my pee. Gynae did nt say abt low placenta. After that pee, no more Le so guess ok ba? Will check with my gynae this sat during check up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

hmm for me i find the toyogo 1 not v useful la cos v small unless u only put v minimum item at ur mum place la..

this is the 1 buy:


i bott the frame n the tray n there r cover for the tray so not affraid got dust.. also can buy bigger tray to put all the toy also.. cos as we go along really will get more n more stuff so havin a a storage solution is impt[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the link is empty ler.. I also looking for good plastic drawer. using 4drawer from toyogo for #1 is enuf but ll get dusty easily. my Sil recommend Japanese one at muji shop but it's ex. 1 layer cost 30+ but it's very tight won't get dust easily and can step on up to 5-6 layer very stable

For Tweety & Lynn...

With regards to the thermometer order. Status from Rach, the organizer. (Littletwinstar, u oso ordered from her too right? If yes, this pcs of info for u too in case u Duno. )

Posted on Monday, February 21, 2011 - 2:14 pm:       

dear all, all thermometer are still under backorder at target.com.

Orders have been placed n once in stock, they will ship out.

Hence, pls place ur orders with payment and once orders are shipped I'll update here...

At the moment, est to arrive in Singapore 4-6 weeks time..

Mrs Chua,

did Anne replied ur email alr?

Kailee not able to take the PS maybe u can jus take over her slot... ok i forward the email to u later..

Little Twin star,

for the nipple cream i order from BP cos ex stk so faster... Rach i only order the desitin creamy... thermometer last time i order from spree ..

Morning mommies..

Mrs Chua,

That's good to know.. Maybe your pee is just a darker colour from not drinking enough and maybe cos you have been soo busy at work.. Should start to slow down liao..


Just monitor.. if it is real labour, the intensity would only increase.. Don't stress..

