(2011/04) Apr 2011


ya ours r customise package by Anne it in 1 of the email [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u better check thru cos she gt 1 tt advice us on the type of clothing to prepare...

Mrs Chua,

ya all goin on the same day cos initially she was tellin us her HB charge $1300 for 1 day so see can get 10 couple anot to share the cost n now we cant get 10 but she v nice still charge us at $130.. u check with her hope u can join us maternity shot will be great for keepsake[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Vivi... i also experienced same pain at pelvic bone area and groin... very painful esp at night, even day time also pain and i got to walk really really slow... told Gynae abt it but she never say much.. sigh.. public hospital is like that... everytime see gynae she seems very rush never show any concern one...

Anyway talking abt pre/post natal massage.. anyone know of any that work in pair? i tot of getting one for my mum for normal massage while i am doing pre-natal massage.. i tried one call Jumie.. she's not honest le.. website ppl say charges will be $40/Hr but she told me $50... diappointed...


if u looking for freelance usu they work alone... y not u get 1 to massage for u follow by ur mum? unless u go to those spa ...

Hello mummies! It's been a totally shack weekend for me. Boy still not behaving normally. Whining whole weekend and every nite wake up and cry every hr. Now put him at my mum's place so we can finally have some peace.

Washing bb clothes batch 2 now. I underestimate the clothes. Tot 1 round can finish. End up still need 3rd round next weekend! Heng i start early! Still got so many things to prepare before popping. Hai..

bbgoh, hope you enjoyed ur ps. I din go amk in e end. So went 2 a tuina tt my fren recommend instead. And e yi shi gave me those med powder too. Eat for 1 day no effect. Hope it'll help after few days ba. My boy lost 1.1kg le. He last yr only gain 2kg in total. :-(

Morning ladies,

Didn't really come in to post for so long ........How r u ladies getting on ????

I believe some of u counting down to e days where bb bunny be out me toooooooo ........

Mi 2, nt yet start work oso Mon blue liao, sian..n slpy..

Any1 experience aching n numbess ard e area below breasts n above tummy? Tink due 2 tummy growing each dae like getting worse, xin gu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nw getting up fr bed oso like old granny..ni support here n ther...

Ya check with u all, is it necessary 2 buy those alcohol gaugze 4 bb button belly? Coz MIL say normal cotton wool will stick 2 e button belly.. But coated with alcohol like will b so cooling n mayb pain??

Little Twin star,

no need la so far i dun see the norm 1 pose any prob leh n alcohol dunno will be sensitive on bb skin anot wor...


yes i am counting down hope can pop in 4 wk time... bth the ache n pain liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I also Mon blues.... Coughing... Plus my son woke up at 2am to play with me, he insist I have to wake up n play with him... BTH...

Piggy, so fast? 4 weeks??? panic panic....


hahah this wk i wk 34 mah so hopefully by wk 38 can pop la... lol~

sigh my boi jus now dunno y when i drop him off at my IL place he refuse to let them carry n hold on to my leg like koala bear n gave me pitiful look say bao bao.. dunno wats wrong usu he is ok.. maybe HB not ard he thot i dun 1 him ... u still sleepin same room with Terry??

now i headache leh..

nite time my boi sleep in his own room but day time if i ask him sleep in his own room he will walk ard climb up n down his bed refuse to sleep even if he tired so if i dun dump him in his playpen n ground him he can dun nap at all leh... sigh~

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] counting down to 4 working weeks left b4 I start my ML.. Really looking forward to it.. But of cos anxiousness is there as I'm nt sure if I can have natural birth or nt.. Very scare.. 

Austin.. For full mth & wedding, I still go attend. For me, as long as u feel ok den go. If nt, dun go ;)

Hippo.. I oso haven pack my hospital bag yet. Was telling hubby on Sat that I'll start packing on Sun which is ytd but end up I get my maid to wash up my pajamas & some baby's new clothing & I slept the whole afternoon.. Lols.. 

Piggy.. I think is our body ba. Now every night, I must hv the fan directly blowing on to me b4 I can fall asleep. As hubby got sensitive nose, so I did nt on aircon. B4 I leave my room, I'll switch off the fan but I must quickly leave the room if nt I will start sweating Le.. In office, though got aircon but I dun feel anything de lo. Can sweat half way @ work, so sianz.. 

Bbgoh.. How is ur PS ytd? Hope u hv fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I oso haven wash any baby's clothing. In fact is my mummy who will wash for me but we still haven buy the toyogo cupboard so mummy say wash Le, Duno put where so she haven started yet hehe. Think will go grab the cupboard either this weekend or Wat.. For me, I bought a new romper for my boy to wear after he is discharged to go Hm from hospital. Heard from some mummies like my sil is beta but actual reason I'm nt sure. Furthermore, I oso prefer to let my boy wear new clothing Hm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To all mummies going for anne's photoshoot... I'm joining u all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hubby let me decide hehe so I'm taking the last slot from 6-7pm. Will email Anne later to confirm with her that slot & MUA. 

Mrs Chua,

ya me too in office even i wear sleeveless still can sweat v chiam...

great tt u can join us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i tink u sms her faster? cos it nex sun le sumtime she busy may take some time to reply wor..

Morning everyone ...

Twin star I do feel the achiness at the rib area too....

Wow yesterday and now having some cramps I hope this is ok....

morning mummies!!!!

Mrs Chua: That's great!!! heehee... See ya on 6th March.. =P

piggy: so fast hor... 4 weeks only.. i'm left with 46 days to EDD.. haahaa..

Morning ladies..

Sian it's monday and somehow very hard to rest during weekend.. Nowdays when I wake up, I feel like my body has been beaten up.. All achy.. Very soon the weight from our bellies would be lifted!!


Just monitor cramps.. if cramps does not come with bleeding, leaking of lochia or increase intensity.. Should be fine.. just stretching of uterus.. Sigh.. Although I feel like my stomach is reaching it's limit already.. Don't know how much I can stretch.. Hehe!!

Mrs Chua,

Don't worry so much about mode of delivery.. as long as bb come out healthy and screaming, I am sure you will be delighted.. =)

piggy: heeheee... my MIL says that she feels Jerrell might come out early also.. was packing my hospital bag yesterday and sorting out the bb clothings... heehee....


it gd to prepare early la so wun panic.. now i too tired n no extras time to do packing manz can only wait till HB is back..

now i mentally n physically v tired liao..


So sad!! Today is Monday. I will be on leave from Weddnesday till next Mon. Boss approve my leave. Hehe..

tweety, bb clothing more than our clothing.. hehe.

piggy, ya.. still coughing badly. And worse thing is cant eat well, cant zz for more than 1 hr without waking up to cry also.. even at nite. Other than cough.. dun see anything else wrong with him already leh.. he din complain anything else also... just v whiny. Hai.. dunno wat's the problem with him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

littleTwinStar, hosp will provide the wipes for belly button. No need to buy anything.

The weeks are ticking by.. now I got no mood to prepare for bb's coming also. Yest wash bb clothes till 1130pm then can zz. Then cant zz also. Hai... I just hope my boy will be back to his normal happy self before I pop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Andrea wow you on leave shik wor can rest for the week... so dont be sad that this is Monday because after tomorrow you can rest liao..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I heard your sis is resigning soon she ok?

Gerry wow still stretching of the uterus... I thought like stretch to the max liao... ha ha

I havent wash the baby clothes because the bulk is in Malaysia so hubby will help me to wash there. Here I only have some so I am still not moving my butt to wash the clothes. Oops...

hi mummies

monday blues.....


hope yr boi recover soon!! chinese med take time to work

does he cough badly at night while sleeping? if yes, better brg him to other GP/PD ?


usually hospital ll give the cotton & alcohol for cleaning, isnt it?


endure, take rest whenever possible. or try to on leave maybe 1 or 2days in a week for rest while yr son with yr MIL?

hows yr maid?

mrs Chua

yah i also need to buy the container to keep the clothes. this weekend go buy then can start wash.

i enjoy yst PS, its fun altot only 45min [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will update in FB once get the cd


ya alot rite till now i wash 2 batch still got alot.. n my infant carseat n all the bed sheet etc ...

hope i can tahan this wk.. the last wkend i feel my body fallin apart liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


he comin back nex mon...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wah u shiok la..


can understd cos previously when my boi sick also like tt every few hr wake up cry for nothing carry also no use ...

now i jus hope he can sleep in his own room even day time if not bobian i need to buy another bed for #2 liao sigh~


last wk i alr took 3 days leave liao n my boss face black like charcoal alr not happy i keep takin urgent leave so doubt i will take more leave this wk la...

seriously now my IL dun tink they can cope w/o the maid they dunno how to make my boi sleep last fri my boi go w/o nap whole day n i can tell he v tired le.. i ask them to jus ground him in his cot he will whine but at least he sleep rather than no sleep but they tell me when they heard him cry n say bao bao they gave in sigh~ so i rather take care myself at least he still nap for 2 hr per day...

bbgoh, ya at nite or day time also cough as badly. Already brought to GP.. finish 1 bottle of antibiotics and 1 bottle of cough syrup le. So now trying the chi med 1st loh. At least he takes the chi med powder without fuss.. western med we need to force it in with syringe and many times he'll vomit everything out after tt. V cham.. hai.. He's 3+yrs old.

piggy, ur boy cough ok le har? U dun have baby cot/playpen for #2?

st, i also feel the stretching pain at belly button esp when i'm full.


i tot all the while is yr MIL look after him? so its the maid? yah can understd i also veyr worry if my girl not take her nap, during weekend i always make sure she take nap then we can go out. if not she ll get cranky lata evening & night time ll be very tired.

u goin to get another maid to help?

Mrs Chua,

btw i tink toyogo 1 not v gd wor.. for me i bott from ikea those movable frame n the tray which come with cover so much better more space n wide.. i find toyogo 1 v small n if u buy those v big 1 it ex...


i only got time to wash durin wkend also limited bamboo to hang all hopefully nex wkend can finish 80%...

vivi & piggy, not shiok.. cos need to look after #1.

Vivi, she nvr tell me anything. u got heard anything y she wan to resign?


cos i intend to let #2 sleep in the playpen but now tt my #1 mus be grounded den can sleep so i headache lo cos buy another 1 v soon my #1 will outgrow the playpen also so no pt but if he continue like tt also bobian must buy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ya my boi cough ok liao last Fri bott him for x-ray to ensure he not infected also....


yes my IL but all the washin done by maid n she will be the 1 pattin them to sleep my iL jus overlook n play with them...

Andrea the only thing I heard is that she say here very sian so she prefers to do retail. Dont tell her about this because supposed to be a secret wor... hee hee

at least you stay at home .... can still rest a bit...

piggy, ooo.. but 2 playpen occupy alot of space. My boy zz on matress.. at least not zzing still can keep.

st, last wk v pain.. but this wk ok le. Maybe stretch till elastic back again. Put more stretchmark cream.. dunno if it'll help. :p


Your in laws very soft towards your boy.. But ya he should take his afternoon nap.. just tell your ILs to leave him in the cot and ignore him bah..


Ya super stretched liao.. can not tahan anymore.. Can't imagine stretch somemore.. Hehe..

I heard from 1 of my friend that her belly started to bleed due to all the stretching towards the end.. Sounds damn scary..


at nite now tt he sleep in his own room he will fall asleep slightly over 8pm cos tt the time i reach home n bath him n feed him his last feed so it abt there... they lookin after 2 kiddo but the other 1 not so playful will sleep..


ya lo for day time my boi will jus keep walkin ard the room wor refuse to sleep n v happy climbin up n down but nite time he know mus sleep will lie down let me pat n sleep v fast...

vivi, she past 2 yrs she already told me this, she prefer to work retail.. I told her retail gd meh?? So long hrs.. I dun care abt her le.. she already inform them? Ok our secert.. hehe

piggy, yup.. they walk faster than us.. hehe.

Gerry that sounds scary to bleed...

But my belly button was like aching last night....

This week is like almost end of the month liao... ha ha another month for us ....

piggy, mayb tht day his battery havent used up.. hehe.. think he miss u.. the few days before fri u were on leave with him right?



exactly i told them more than once le jus leave him in the cot leave the room but they jus cant bear to do it bth... n when i pick him up in the evenin can see his eyes v tired but still hangin on to it n shortly after i drive he fall asleep n i hate tt cos when i wake him up when we reach home he will cry non stop..

