(2011/04) Apr 2011

vivi: dun worry dun worry... monitor and see how okie...

gerry/hippopolai: hello morning!!

a friend of mine pop today through C-sect... BB is 28 weeks... and born at 3.6kg...



i was looking for this kind of drawers from ikea but that time when i was there i didn't see anything on display leh..

is it at the kids section or??


no wor.. i went to the alexandra 1 it at the basement session near the counter wor... not sure abt the Tampines 1..

i find this type of tray v useful n v gd for storage... the toyogo 1 even the biggest 1 the design not v gd n ex..


i find it stable la cos after u put in all the tray with weight it even more stable wor..


lol i thot wk 28 really scary... keke..

Tweety, while reading I also shock... How ur fren survive with so big bb???? Our bb normal range we aldy pain here pain there liao.... Lols...

Piggy, the crying still goes on every morning... Can see he is very reluctant to go CC... I still monitor him... Dunno b'coz still new or he jus don't like the school leh... Morning change him into uniform still ok leh... The moment alight at the bus stop near his CC, he starts to make those funny n pity sound...

Today very funny, I tried to let him come down n walk towards school main gate when we getting nearer to CC, the moment he reach on ground he tried to run away from it... Hahahahaha...

I will give him another 2 weeks for adapt, if still cannot I will switch CC liao, provided I can find 1 lar...

Any news on your maid? Hopefully she pass the test so u can send her home, else the bill really burden man...


hmm actually hor so far the CC i go they all advice me to start with half a day first for the first 2 day den progress with full day wor so they can adapt 1 shot full day they may tink we dun wan them??? for me i will see what they do there la at least i know if this CC gd anot.. i not expectin v gd CC la after all not payin alot mah but at least things like safety n they way they handle the kid mus be ok la.. like the 1 i went the other day they even got prob holdin on to all kid when go to playground my son almost dash out the road lo..

sigh no news yet mus call the hosp again fed up..


huh below 3kg consider small??? hahah i tink it ur friend who like big bb bah.. i dun find bb at 2.8/9kg small wor.. i tink below 2.5kg den consider small bah... keke..

my gyane say big bb very heavy to carry leh..then i told her but then it's easy to handle meh kekek


glad that u are ok


actually for me no diff but big baby the clothes out grow the clothing v fast anyway can still plump them up when they out mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] small bb easier to push leh keke.. but i do many friends who wan big bb also Lol~

St phew but I am still monitoring.

Sigh really stressed when first trimester I have cramps and now third trimester I have cramps...

Can time fast forward to week 37 then I not so worried >_<

Tweety, Terry is 2.9+kg when he was born... It looks tiny to me... But I also dun find bb below 3kg small wor...

Piggy, ya, the principal also told me 1st few day tried for half a day is better, but Terry has his own time concept, if I dun let him go full day from 1st day, he will get cranky once I leave him there for full day... Even now coming to 5pm he strts to stand at the entrance to 'wait' for me liao... N he is kind of stubborn, he won't listen to any1 or dun even let his favorite teacher to hold him or hug him during his 'waiting' time... He just make funny or pity noise during the waiting... The teacher told me just yesterday, 我终于领教你孩子有多固执了。

Finish routine check up with Woody... Fixed my c-sec date... 4/4... So means another 5 weeks+ for me... Woody ask me to eat more... He said bb is small.... I have been with him for both my pregnancy, 1st time being instructed to do something in my pregnancy, guess I really din put on weight neither Jovie... Lols... But 3 weeks ago I see him Jovie was 1kg, today scan aldy 1.6kgs leh... Isn't that a big improvement? Lols... Dun think eat help to put on Jovie's weigh also, just finish busy with CNY, now down with cough, wonder how much she can absorb with all these obstacle... Hahahahaha.... Some more if I eat more abit I will vomit also... To eat more frequent also quite tough for me, drink water also no time Liao... Let alone munching in office... Wahaha....


oic but sumtime u nv try u nv know wor.. jus hope terry can adapt soon if not everyday see them cry also heart pain...

hmm i still dunno wan to induce anot if he dun come out ard wk 38... ah... ya eat more also no use cos dunno if she absorb anot jus eat normally bah...


kekek have to try to ask end of the mth...need to see if hubby wants to buy a not lor..cos hor we tot IKEA not selling meh so we bot a 3 tier drawer at NTUC..

Wow! Tweety, ur fren's baby is really big at 28weeks. Juz curious,is she big in size or does she happen to have gestational diabetics coz heard that mummies with GD will have big babies.

hi mummies! how's everyone?? i've been busy, no time to log in.

ST: the new maid really alot of patterns, going to send her back to agency tomorrow already if possible. She really gave me a lot of problems, ranging from getting caught for taking naps in the middle of the day with my air con on, using my washing machine to wash her clothes, and yesterday brought her to my friend's house to test her with my friend's son and she had no patience to feed milk and when she saw my friend's son's soiled diaper, she didn't dare to change....

Parsley is 2.2kg liao! 33 weeks. I did the finger prick test for sugar and haemoglobin as well. Thankfully don't need to do GTT test. I only drink sweet drinks the whole pregnancy.... oops.

Hippo: is 4/4 a good day for c sect? My gynaes says from 38 weeks onwards (23th March) I can consider a date and let him know.

I was doing 3D scan and gynae noticed some cord around Parsley's neck. Now I have to observe her movement to make sure she is ok. Sigh. So C sect also good lar, then I worry for a shorter period of time. And I can't scold her for doing somersaults .. if she doesn't do then I got to worry again. BIG SIGHHH


ST, no lar... Never ask master... Coz I check calendar, 5/4 is qing ming, so just do it before qing ming...then I got check those fortune book, that day no crash with my #1 n both hb n me, N suitable for get marry... My theory is 结婚生子 same same is 人生大事, so just go ahead lor... If not 4/4 then next good date is 15/4... That is too near to my EDD, anything can happen b4 this, so to play safe, just choose 4/4 lor...

Piggy, have to try n error lor... If still con't like that... Will find next solution liao... Actually last week he was doing quite fine, only yesterday he cry until vomit... The teachers also wonder why like that lor...

