(2011/04) Apr 2011


nope never try Mdm Emma cos now already week 33 don't want to do any massage liao..


got once i sneeze then i hear those like tear sound at my belly button so scary



no leh dunno y for my boi as long as he cant run about he not willing to sleep 1 wor... but if i jus put him in his playpen he can run he will fall asleep himself dun even need me to be ard..

piggy, my boy is he used up all his energy, he will sleep, no matter where he is.. he wan to sleep he will just sleep. but he sleep le, if wake him up, he will cry v loud.. every kid is different..


my boi will sleep if it abt time n nothing excite him like in carseat n his playpen..

ya every kid is diff i tried lettin him run ard in his room after abt an hr i gave up liao put him in his playpen within 10min he doze off... headache..


actually i like his first yr... n i really dun wish for him to grow up so fast but with #2 coming i need to settle the bed issue.. another prob is i try to let him self feed but he is not a greedy baby so harder to train self feed tired...


yes not to scare u... not easy n we mus keep tryin diff ways n approach but no doubt the joy they bott u is also priceless la..

Piggy yeah my hubby was telling me imagine that when you come home from work and your child greeted you that kind of feeling is indescribable. That was what his friend said.

Now many things for me to learn wor that day I was telling him even buy diapers and baby stuff also need to consider so many things... ha ha

Vivi: i'm sure we'll cope alrite. In fact we're quite lucky nowadays cos there're alot resources like books to read up from, forums to be involved in... so at least can get advice here & there!

Our mothers survived very well... so i'm sure we will!


yes it true esp when he gave me a hug n kisses in the morning but of cos there r many times he misbehave can really make me v pekchek... so scare i will suffer PND while my HB not ard.. sigh~

hi ladies!

back to office today and heard from boss' secretary that he was asking whether i'll be back today... sian... dunno why he looking for me. but now he's in a training session so didn't see him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so worried dunno anything went wrong during my leave on friday or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

now dun dare to remind him that i'll be going for gynae appt tmr and worst, dun dare to apply more leave liao... hurhurhur [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piggy, my items from iherb i not in a hurry to collect. can wait till ur hubby comes back, when u not so headache then take from u... i can also go over to collect from u since we live so nearby...

my son started to cough a bit on friday.. monitored him on saturday, still coughed on and off. so brought him to Yu Guo yesterday, then now on chinese medication. hope will be turn into a full blown cough n flu... *pray hard*

Rene I think we should be able to pick up fast if not we can turn to the second time mummies here hee hee for advice.

Piggy how long will your hubby be away when you are in confinement? What happens to #1 then while you are in confinement? Is your maid discharged now?

Hello Jtho

Dont scare yourself maybe nothing happen


ya, really hope his cough will just go off fast... the chinese physician said "bing cong qian zong yi"... means to treat while the illness is still mild [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway, i was glad that the physician said my son is very healthy... all develpments are very good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya, i was on leave on friday, went shopping for my son's birthday celebration stuff... then saturday went for my son's best friend's birthday party, and whole family went for haircut... hahaha

then sunday went to the chinese physician then was at my dad's place for the whole day... that's why didn't come in lor...


when i had #1 my Hb only rtn when bb ard 7-8mth old in between he only came back twice for few days... n when i pop he was back only 12days n i pop the 4th day after he came back so he only ard the 1st wk lo... i got CL mah so durin confinement the CL take care while i rest n concentrate on buidlin up my BM haha...


NP u jus let me know again ya[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah seem like many kiddo either cough or flu take care ya...


but last time our mother time bb easier to take care jus sleep n sleep n less work stress but i believe we all can do it de jus gotta keep tryin i believe all of us can handle n do a great job..


ya, i'll sms u... anyway no hurry cos i only need the tea after giving birth. so will probably collect from you before u give birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

many kiddos falling sick, even my boy who's taken care of at nanny's place also kenna.. must be the weather plus all the CNY goodies la...


ya, fruitful cos also managed to wash 1st batch of babies clothings... but still think there are many things to be done... like buying new mattress for the cot, new clothings for #2 for discharge from hospital and full month, taking out the sterilisers, warmers, etc to test before the BIG day, etc etc etc... like never ending tasks to complete... so sian...

Ha ha Piggy at least he accompany you when you are about to pop.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am hungry and sleepy now...


but quite stressful lo cos my HB need to apply n book airtix n i cant last min tell him so tt time we r takin a risk cos if we wait till gynae confirm cervix open can induce may have to wait till wk 38 n beyond n if no air tix den siao liao so i jus ask him to go ahead n book at wk 37+ n heng my cervix open ard tt time..

Piggy.. Really email Anne to confirm my ps & MUA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety.. Yeah! See u then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies.. I'm currently in my 34 weeks. Jus now go toilet, saw abit red red in my pee, wonder is it show or heaty.. Any advice? Nothing on my panty liner.. No pain etc.. Boy boy v active in my tummy..

Mrs Chua,

u got see any mucus plug?? cos even mucus plug come out no contraction is still can wait 1.. or if u worried can go to ur gynae for a check?

@ Gerry / Piggy / Hippo, Cervix not diluted & due to my gal poo inside me, that's why the cause for Emg C-Sect... Thinking of natural due to faster recovery for me...

As to how confident he is, did not ask leh. He just mentioned the risk of Natural for my #2.. *thinks*


i thk yr boi wanna see his daddy at his 1st sight hehe

and really tough for yr #1 pregnancy, u r really indepandant ler pei fu you

mrs Chua

monitor a while if lata pee again see the red red then give yr gynae a call


lol~ when my gynae told me my cervix dilated 2cm liao i told my HB if my boi come out be4 he come back tt it lol~ but after my HB come back i ask him come out he dun 1 angry... ya now i tink back not easy lo to handle him alone durin ML n when i go back to work but i tink sumtime under tt circumstances sumhow it mind over body when we have no alternatives will jus have to tell ourselves no prob 1 we can do it..


actually i feel tt end of the day is whether u wan to take the risk anot cos for gynae it simple if ur cervix is stubborn unable to dilate n bb cant wait they will proceed to emerg c-sect of cos there r sucessful cases but most of my friends actually opt for c-sect for #2 becos they dun wan to risk n spend a bomb again so u gotta tink carefully ...

Reali reali salute those who still ni 2 tak care of #1.. @ tis stage reali damm tired n aching, do wat oso like got difficulty, cannot imagine hw u all survive still ni 2 tak care #1...

Clingaling: but sometimes hor we 1 natural, but ther dun open big enough oso ni c-sec... if can i oso 1 natural, so as 2 tak care my bb..coz no1 reali 2 help mi...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Btw 4 natural, is ther ani need 2 go bk remove stitches or they use those dissolve by itself stitches??

Piggy.. No mucus plug.. Think I monitor & see, dun wan false alarm..

Rene & Bbgoh.. Will monitor & see how later. My colleagues say could b stress ba..

Little Twin Star,

the thread will dissolve by itself...

yes to take care of #1 no joke tink i need another round of massage soon..

Mrs Chua,

could it be ur urine v yellowish so it looks like a bit red to u?? or u call up n see wat ur gynae say?? cos some pp show they will go into labour soon some may take wk so usu no contraction can still wait n see..

Mrs Chua: Ya drk more water, dun scare urself...nw i oso easily scare by other ppl comment, esp fr my colleagues...nt gd feeling lor, onli mak mi more stress...hate it...

But check with ur gynae if u feel something nt rite...

hi all mummies, toking abt washing of clothes n packing of hospital bag etc, i had managed 2 wash all e baby clothes. now left wit only hospital bag 2 go. I had packed 20% of it. pyjamas, breast pad n disposable panties. tink i gonna buy some more disposable panties too. Actually i bought frm sorella brand. e disposable panties is very thick, like cotton material too. think 2 packs (10 pcs) cost abt $9+ ba. e quality is gd.


ur hubby wouldnt be ard tis time when u give birth #2?

mrs chua

tink u better monitor n give gynae a call if u saw red red again. maybe u walk too much etc. better 2 call gynae n be cautious.


i c. but tis stage also very tough 4 us. yesterday i was mopping e flr and realisd tat i took longer than be4! Caused my back was in pain throughout when i was mopping! i really wish end of march/first wk of april faster come! tis morning i was telling my director tat i will still work till e day i pop! dnt know whether i can take it till e last day. haha. crossing my finger on it.


me too. was so tired throughout the wkend as it's was my close cousin wedding. woke up at 4+am on sat morning n only get hm ard 1am after e dinner. this moring was so reluctant 2 wake up for work. was tinking of taking urgent leave but in e end still drag myself 2 work. tink later i wanna eat snake liao


sigh me too n i can only do the household chores when my boi is sleepin n mus chop chop finish vaccum, moppin, laundry, cookin... if not my boi will come n disturb ....

i also dunno can endure till i pop anot but i dun wanna waste leave leh last rd i induce at least i know when pop jus took ML 3day in advance nia..

ya, me also like u. can only do house work when my gal is asleep. every wkend, i gonna wake up ard 7am so tat by e time i finish my housework, she just wake up. same tinking! me too also dnt wanna waste my leave sitting at hm do nothing. same same, tink my #1, i also took about 2-3 days ML. caused initially i was scheduled for C-sect on 24 March. And gynae insisted tat i must stop working as my legs was very swollen. my gynae given me MC on 2 days then i started my ML. but in e end, my gal came out 2 days earlier than e scheduled date. but dnt know tis time rd, my #2 will come out earlier than expected. still havent really confirm that i will be going c-sect. gynae mentioned tat high chance will be c-sect. but he mentioned closer 2 e date then we firm again.

haiya, i was telling my hubby e big different btwn preg wit #1 n #2! now i know y my mum kept on scolding me 2 get enough rest during my #1 confinement!


me too, hardly to open eyes but my manager sit on front on my table one, we got no cubicle de, everyday face to face with her, i wanna close my eyes a while also hard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hug hug!!! over the weekend u handle yr boi alone? can understd must do hsecore plus lookafter a toddler.


wah siong ler.. why u nvr take leave to rest tdy?

tml i take leave to wash the bb clothes & rest.


initially i wanna take leave but after consideration, aborted e thought! i regretted not applying leave! now i'm like a zombie! haha. but luckily i still can eat snake. later 3pm wanna go site do som stuffs thn 5+ will call it a day. rather not stay in office as need 2 stay till 6pm!

tink u can start 2 wash bb clothes liao. i washed 3 batches then finish all! caused i still need 2 wash my bb clothes tat r meant 2 be placed at my mum hse etc. baby sling, carriers, towel, nappy cloth etc. tink my baby got too much clothes liao. i tink i still need 2 go n get 1 more new set of clothes 4 him 2 wear during full month as all e clothes on hand r all handdown.


ur HB nv help u ??? if my HB ard at least i dun need to vaccum n mop jus need to cook n do laundry.. actually i find v hard to rest even with CL cos 1st time parent v excited n concern with the bb den for me mus pump n pump n each time took me 40min becos i use a lousy pump ...

hmm tt time my gynae told me anytime liao i was hopin he come out himself lo but bobian my HB only ard for 12days so cant afford to wait...

for #2 preg i can feel more intense tummy hardenin n sharp pain below lo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya wkend it me n my boi alone n i still need to bring him along for grocery shoppin n his GUG lesson... siong ah.. last wkend he refuse to sit in the stroller wanna WALK! so piss off tt i press him down in his stroller let him cry ...


my hubby is on shift work. so sometimes wkend he will not be ard. n normally i only do hsework on wkend. so no choice, gonna do by myself lor. tink ask my hubby do, i gonna wait long long liao.haha.i also felt preg wit #2, i felt more pain at my V area. sometimes while i'm walking, i felt sharp pain n cant walk. need 2 stop n rest a while then continue again. tink we need 2 carry #1 when preg wit #2 thus, more stress etc then tummy hardening etc.


i cant find the top, thk at Batam with my bro. have ask my mum look for me then brg over next 2weeks when she cum.

will just wash watever i have 1st, to me not much ler. i thk 2batch jiu finish le hehe

haven buy the towel, new set of clothes for full month, mattress cover, pillow

yah u shd ask yr hb share the hsecore. since preg my hb in charge on all cleaning, i only do cooking & iron clothes which HB cant do


yah really siong ler.. recently i even hard to bath my girl le. just bend a bit my back jiu ache whole day.

try to rest stay at home with him during weekend. dun overtired yr body.

how to do grocery shopping if bring him alone? all hang on his stroller huh? really pei fu u



anyone using MIM sling?

i m thking to get 1 beloved at WTS thread. but worry dunno how to use

last time my sil borrow me hers, i really stupid dunno how to tie & drag to fit. saw the video many times but just clumpsy *shy*

but i noe its very useful, saw many mummies use it very well

any trick to use it?

