(2011/04) Apr 2011


can check with u something?

I get mdm Ida do prenatal msg this sunday. wen she called me confirm the timing she ask me to get ready 2 thg n1 is towel another 1 I can't hear her clearly have ask 2x so paisei ask again. Ang idea usually wat to prepare for the msg? sorry it's my 1st time no experience


Hi bbgoh, 2 big towel n a bowl..

One towel is to put on ur bed so that her oil will not dirty ur bed. Second towel is to cover itself while she massage diff body parts. Usually will take off everything except panty.

The bowl is to contain her oil as she massage u. I used disposable bowl.. So can throw away after that.. Coz oily.. Then i lazy to wash.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope this helps.. Btw I like her massage.. Helped a lot with my backaches.. Also, the oil, if u can leave it in ur body for more than 4 hrs, ur skin really feels very soft one.. Like bb skin.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello all!

for birth cert registration, don't have to do it immediately after bb born and when still in hospital right?

cause my hubby says wants to go calculate the bb name etc etc, probably need some time?

Dear mummies,

I am from Feb 2011 thread & just gave birth to a baby boy on 3rd Feb.

I had PUPPP (very itchy rashes caused by hormones, usually due to baby boys) and it got very serious from week 35 onwards.

I ordered this soap from USA to control the rashes & it worked very very well!

I also went to my gynae before but only gotten topical cream to apply of which the effects only last for a few moments.

However, i over-stocked & also my baby boy came out 2 weeks earlier!

Thus, letting go all my soap (total 7 pieces) cheap!

All brand new in box. Not available in Sg.

1 piece = $6

3 pieces = $17

7 pieces = $40

Self collection at Choa Chu Kang St 62.

Kindly PM me if keen!


Grandpa's, Wonder Pine Tar Soap, 4.25 oz (120 g)

Expiration Date: February 2013


130th Anniversary

Since 1878

Lathers White

130 years ago a family recipe was developed that began a tradition: Grandpa's Original Pine Tar Soap.

This soap retains the heritage of the original recipe using only the finest Pine Tar Oil (Pinus palustris) in its formulation. Known as the "Wonder" soap, it has withstood the test of time and continues to gain popularity today. 100% Biodegradable.

Grandpa is confident that you will enjoy his soap as generations have since 1878. Times have changed, but our commitment to bring you the highest quality personal care products remains.

Wonder Pine Tar Soap Since 1878...is one of the world's great soaps!

Many loyal users have been telling us for generations how "wonder" ful it cleans, moisturizes and deodorizes. They have described it as being helpful in removing the scales of Psoriasis, Dandruff, Eczema and other skin irritations.

Suggested Use

Excellent for bathing, showering, shaving and shampooing.

Supplement Facts

There are no added colors or fragrances to mask the rich brown color and distinctive scent of natural Pine Tar Oil.


Hi mummies.. Jus finish my massage with Mdm Emma [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very shiok.. Whole body feel loosen up Le..


ya not necessary cos my hb also wan to calculate name I tink within a mth if not wrong can't remember Liao...

Mrs chua,

tt gd so u bookin her or Mdm mas for post natal?

tweety and piggytoh,

okay. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

left about 8 weeks more to go. the braxton hicks seems to be getting worst...

Hello everyone finally Saturday !!! We can have some good rest....

Yeah Lynn I also have braxton hicks last night and when the tummy gets too hard my back was also affected.

It seems that every night my pelvic and groin area aches real bad. Even my fingers from the left hand, seems now a bit numb.

The worst part I hate is the increased discharge that I am getting. Have to change at least 4 pantyliners per day...

Hi Mummies,

Wanna get some suggestions from you all for my #2 birth.. EDD: 15th Apr... Went to the gynae this morning and was asked on the delivery method I preferred.

My #1 was an Emg C-Sect and for #2, was actually considering Natural Birth.. Gynae explained about the risk for #2 Natural though.

Will you go for C-Sect or Natural birth if you were me??

Just hoping to get some suggestions & thoughts before my next visit 2 weeks later... =)

Piggy.. I oso Duno which one to choose yet. From Wat I know, the post-natal massage Mdm Emma provide onli massage & tummy binding. No baby massage but she say if I take her package, she can provide 1 time free baby massage. She is charging $400 for 7 session, each session $60. Wonder Wat Mdm Mas provide for her post-natal.. U know? How much her package?

Mrs Chua, I had some prepare some baby stuff for u.. U can come n collect le. is abt 2 big bags. I will PM u my number.. My PM goes to my office email, I forget to copy down ur number.. hehe.

Piggy, PM went to office e-mail.. can u sms me? Sorry abt it.. Hope can get from u tonight or tml. I might be going Jurong Point later or tml..


Ya groin and pelvic pain usually gets worse at nigt cos we have been out the whole day.. Doing stuff.. Last pregnancy my hand also will go numb one.. ESP if I sleep with my arms above my head.. Quite common in pregnancy..


Hmmzz, did you ask your dr whether he is confident to guide you through vbac? Ask him for his personal opinion rather than the facts.. I know some mummies have successfully done a natural after c-sect.. I think it ultimately boils down to how much you want natural and how confident your dr is.

Mrs Chua,

hmm i know Mdm ida gt baby massage n charcoal healing last time mdm mas have it too but i tink now she no longer work as a team with mdm Ida only tummy massage n binding bah maybe u check with her better? best is u try both den u can compare...


wat the reason for ur emerg c-sect? if it ur cervix unable to dilate this time round may be the same case it depend on whether u r willing to risk n kena emerg c-sect again? n like wat Gerry say how much u wan natural also...


ok will sms u later.. but i wun be goin to JP today.. maybe tml i can dropby ur blk?

Yeah Gerry actually in a way lucky that I only feel the groin pain at night. The pain is worse when I want to get up at night to pee.

My fingers are numb sometimes in the daytime too...

No wonder my friends and all of you advised that to buy baby items while we are in second trimester because walk a bit now either backache or panting away.

Andrea.. thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy.. maybe will call her later to check... oh ya.. can provide me more info on the photography with anne?? my hubby last min say he thinking of having it now... really duno what guys wan.. hehe


my friend also popped not long ago and they are going to her house tomorrow. But I am not going because of pantang.

In fact last year when my cousin's daughter full month and I am still in the first trimester I also did not attend.

But I guess it depends on you, if you are pantang and feel uneasy then dont go. If you are ok with it then you may want to attend.

Evening..... A tired day...... Start coughing again... Dunno why just out if sudden wake up cough liao....

I haven pack my hosp bag also leh... Jialat.... I still take my sweet time... Still another 6-8weeks for me.... Just about to finish washing bb thing leh.... Tmr if weather good shld be last round... Left with bedsheet n all those blanket....

Still haven call my CL ask her what herbs to prepare also... Another round of burning $ process, reluctant to call her... Lols... Gotta call her latest by next week liao.....

Cling, y u c-sec last time? Maybe check with ur gynae better? For me last time also c-sec after abt 12 hrs waiting, coz cervix no respond at all, was hoping to go through natural this time round but no 1 help to look after #1 so drop the thinking liao....

Austin, actually depends on urself lar... If pantang then dun go lor.... For bb sake... For me I will attend if close friend or relative... Else I won't go...

Mrs Chua,

i tink u need to check with Anne if she still got slot anot leh we taking on 6 Mar the package she offer is $130 for 45min and includes 30-40pic in soft copy..


yes can add honey as per the instruction...


some believe visitin durin others full mth their bb will be easy to take care.. for me i attend numerous full mth for both my preg.. it depend on how pantang r u....

Hippo at least you have good weather on your side. My side when I just put out the laundry it rained and when I hanged it in the kitchen the weather starts to turn good. I was really annoyed at this.

Tomorrow hopefully the weather is good need to sun today's clothes or else I worry it will be smelly,

Vivi, so happen I took leave from Mon-Wed to settle #1 in CC... So I'm free to do the laundry... Today weather not good leh... So hope tomorrow is good lor... My luck alwYs not good when comes to laundry... The sun loves to play hide n seek with me de...

Piggy, btw, where is the PS location? Anne's studio huh?


ya Anne studio I tink they have email us the location n map..

Wah dunno it the weather or myself so hot can feel the heat comin out of my body sleep in aircon room still sweat..

Same same Hippo everytime when I wash laundry it rains....

Piggy since you in air con room liao still can perspire means you should be hot not the weather ba...

I tink @ tis stage we sweat easily leh...a bit i sweat liao...

Hippo: wah u veri fast leh, tot u juz start 2 wash bb clothes onli?? U wash all e clothes or juz new born onli?? I still struggling man, duno is 2 mani or i slow nt even half leh...

morning mummies

I haven start to wash any single piece loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] next week then can go buy the matress cover, lata goin for PS see after that got energy to wash or not

tdy suppose to have msg with mdm Ida, last night she cancel it, her aunt passed away :S. so postpone again but I m at 31 wk Liao ler


I had Csect for #1 too tys time gynae did ask me if wanna try natural but I dun wan. just dun wanna take the risk n nobody look after #1. so depend on u, how keen of u to go for natural n how confidence yr gynae to let u try natural


thanks for the hospital list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last night I also felt very hot, specially after had durian.

check with u guys

did u all buy new clothes for Bb to wear discharge from hospital ? or just the old one ll do?

last time my girl was just wear the one given from Thomson

Morning mummies....

Austin: I think it depends on how pantang u r.. I went alot of full months too... Even went to the hospital to see my friend who just delivered. =)

Mrs chua: u able to join us for photoshoot?? Great!!!

Bbgoh: I will bring a new set for bb to wear home.. =) enjoy ur ps today!!

Piggy, the map n location is from MUA right? Make up n PS same location???

Twinstar, I use washing machine lar... Of coz easier n faster mah... I wash those up to 9mths size, dun intend to let bb wear only new born, some bigger size also let her wear... I have very less nb size anyway...

Bbgoh, I also bring own cloth this time round, last time my boy also wear Thomson 1... But I din buy new set, just hand me down from a friend but still look new...

For me I be gg to 2 full months on 2 consecutive weekends...as I am just discharged from hospital for fever and feeling quite weak, some pple cautious me not to go...hope I be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I washed 1 round of bb clothes already with normal detergent. Going to wash another round with bb detergent.

morning mummies...


no ah the email is from Anne wor...

it say pufferfish location mah...


if it becos of ur body condition den i tink gave it a miss la.. cos u so weak wait catch any virus from any1 n fall sick headache liao...


i be bringin a new set cos the 1 from hosp not washed leh n i wan bb to wear new clothing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


same for me lei! warm like dunnoe what these days. must like constantly in aircon room or somewhere with alot of wind blowing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I really scared kena heat rash again..

Mrs Chua,

have PM-ed u..

as this is a special package price so the package includes the following:

This special package is discounted at $130 per family,

(additional service: MUA $70 - hair & face, $60 - face only)

This is a very experienced MUA, she does alot of MediaCorp projects too. You will need to pay her directly on that day.

You will be given a CD containing all the good shots btw 30-40 softcopies, with 5 best shots with touch up.


confinement will be like this too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] n worse cos we cant bath many time a day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bbgoh for me I will bring a set of new clothes which is washed for the baby to wear when discharge.

Piggy while in confinement if can bath once a day will be nice already hee hee. If really too hot, I will sponge myself....

I went for a haircut yesterday morning so I guess if can tahan then I will wash my hair once every 2 days....


nvm when u doin confinement u will know what i mean[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if rain with wind still ok sumthing rainin v humid...

I know especially when want to rain and it doesnt rain it becomes very humid.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

That is the worse ha ha

Very angry with my MIL because she got new stunt. Initally wanted my hubby to go before I reach week 37 to sweep his father's tomb. Now she say too early cannot then make her son travel all the way back to fetch her here and then in mid April go back there again to sweep his father's tomb.

I dont understand why must they let my hubby drive to and fro for so many times and I may need him during my confinement. No wonder my hubby insist on a CL because now with a CL he can then go back home.... Cannot stand my MIL.

Huh? Piggy... The package we entitle is diff from standard 1 huh??? Die... Really busy till I just open n browse the emails... Must go n read 1 by 1...

Mrs. Chua, paiseh paiseh... Mislead u liao...


piggy.. thanks.. I received the info.. will discus with huby again and email Anne on the date.. u all going for the PS on 6 Mar?? duno if got slot left.. if nt, I will ask her for another date.. hopfully she can make it..

hippo. no worries la.. no mislead me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

