(2011/04) Apr 2011


for now ir depend if u feel comfy anot.. when i had #1 my boobs sore so bad i cant wear/fit wire bra in my first trim v painful... this time round tink my boobs still saggy n loose from my 1st preg so dun feel sore at all so i still occassionally wear wire bra... but usu after u deliver ur boobs may expand abit more wor... n after u deliver wire bra is not advisable..


acutally i dunno is it becoz i have been wearing wired bras all along since preggy den dunno will stop the breast from growing or "breathing" ant..

Piggy: Trim 2 i eat a bit durian, ppl say bb will b bigger..nw oso stop liao..ya coz nw bb will start 2 grow veri fast, if we still eat tonic nw, we will nt b able 2 tahan e weight.. ur MIL so gd will mak tonic 4 u, mine nv leh.. sad>>

Bird nest is oso when i 1 drk then ask her help mi 2 brew..i oso provide with e ingredients, so i duno all e tonic stuff till recently ppl start 2 say mi..

Irene actually the rationale behind not to wear wired bra is because it will cause blocked ducts...

For me I have 3 wireless bra and 3 slightly wired bra. But of course when I wear the wireless bra my breasts like no shape

Tweety & Gerry, me now 28weeks...

Piggy, ya lor... Me also let him wail lor... But the crying is irritating.... Hahahaha....

ST, he will be in CC from March...

Elmo, dun worry so much... When times come, bb will turn down de....

JJ, think I will make up myself... Since the face n hair very impt, hahahaha.... S$70 can buy 4 packs of pull up liao.... Wahahahaha....


OIC..after the maid thingy hubby was asking if want to put my boy to CC a not leh.but i don't feel like leh..but then so scare to get maid..

Hi Mummies,

Thanks all for the reply...

I have called Bread talk - the floss is egg cream - and its raw.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Jialat!!!!

However, the staff said pregnant woman can eat the floss....they have been eating a lot of floss...

Crossing my fingers.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Vivi... Now the breast still growing mah... U can "re-shape" them after bb is out? Lols... U all can still wear wireless, so good lor... I totally cannot... So I think i got low supply of milk might be cause from I wear wired bra during pregnancy also....


as long as u dun feel uncomfy or breathless shd be ok 1... cos my boobs still expand abit even thou i wearin wire bra...

Little Twin Star,

actually durian i dunno how true cos my SIL eat also bb v small so i feel tt it depend on how well ur bb absorb la... ya my MIL is quite nice will brew me tonic n birdnest cos she say bb skin gd for me sincei like birdnest i dun mind hahah thou i dunno true anot ...

Hmm Yoti no wonder the so called mayo is diluted.... anyway I also eat quite a fair bit. If you dont feel safe to eat then never mind la dont eat liao....

Hippo how to reshape la? hee hee I think my breasts will become papaya soon liao....


no la i din wear wire bra for #1 also v low supply... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


it with HB... u let us know soon k cos the rest confirm liao... i tink the package price quite ok la.. i got found another 1 ard $125 but i tink Anne 1 nicer..


usu they sell of cos they say ok.. but since u alr eat dun tink so much....

ST, huh? Y dun wan to put in CC? Actually to me I prefer CC then maid leh... Like what I experience and what piggy said lor... Care taker normally give in to what they want, but CC different, they learn to be indepent and the teacher in CC will not give in as easy as maid or nanny... If compare actually more benefits...

Of course with maid can help you to lighten your burden by help u do some house chores blah blah etc lar...

Depends on individual also lor... Me last time also struggling to get maid or throw my son to CC especially friends and relative surround me object the idea to put my son into CC at such young age... But I do what I think is best for my son lor...


my boobs is out of shape after i stop breastfeedin lo.. i thot it will shrink back but no wor end up empty n saggy = ulgy~~~~


I scare they get sick often and i sure will be very heartpain de..

and the CC rate is more exp than a maid

cos i only intend to let him go CC like close to 3 yrs


hee it more for mummy to keep la cos we dun get preg often leh... if not my HB wan tink i will gave it a miss too since i took once when i had #1 hahah...

I see other people post their nice mani and pedi I feel sad leh.... because I did not do mani and pedi because partly pantang and partly my long long fingernails all broken now very short....

Then I did not dye my hair buy new clothes ... like very frumpy wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Vivi, got those shaping bra mah... After you confinement u can start to wear those type lor... Or pamper yourself to those massage help to firm boobs de...

Piggy, I was guessing lar... Coz #1 that time also no profesional massage n remove the blocked ducts... So this round see how lor...

Twin star, Me #1 till this 1 also no birdnest or tonic drink... My Terry still as healthy, active n clever lor... Dun worry so much... BB absorb nutrient in your body... Now eat if bu bb nvm, bu on u, think u will become balloon.... Kekekeke... =X


okok..will cfm asap..there was one 100 per hr one..but i'm not sure wat r the includes..i'm checking with a fren..

will let u know again..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



at least buy some new clothes??

i dun dye my hair long long time ago haha...


i find clearing blocked ducts helps alot leh..

Piggy too late la tomorrow eve liao anyway I lazy to shop..... hubby ask me tomorrow want to go and shop shop after my work see how lor....

now preggie liao just dont feel like shopping .... guess being preggie is really tiring

ST, actually while they fall sick they also build up their immune system at the same time... So I find it's ok... Just hope that even if fall sick also not that frequent lor... That's y the 1st thing I enrol my son this CC, I check with the principal on their record on the frequency of the kid fall sick also... Esp like HFMD, Chickenpox all these... Fever or cough is unavoidable lor... As mother, sometimes has to be 放心、放手 also lor... Worry too much or over protective can harm them too... =)

Piggy, ya lor... I heard from alot ppl, so this time round will try to get help to clear blocked ducts... ACtually now can find those white white things on my nipple, think that should the blocked ducts also...

Vivi, actually we going to deliver soon... No new cloth also nvm lar... As long as u r comfortable can liao.... Tomorrow eve the crowd sure like crazy lor... Be careful if u going out for shopping ya!


ya i understand leh but then my PD advise me to bring him only when 3yrs..

how old is ur boy liao?


hahah if lazy den bobian liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also buy v little clothing but at least i wan a new clothing hahah ...


no la those r not... i have it also..

tt time i got some colostrum durin preg thot milk ss shd be ok who knows pathetic like wat..

Piggy, ^5!!! Me also find it weird no new cloth for new year... Hahahaha... At least buy 1 set, think I've been brought up in this way, cannot change the thinking in such short period...

Thanks Hippo I also think this way that is why I did not really buy....

I think I am going junction 8 tomorrow for a short while only

vivi, i also same as u. Din buy any new clothes. Cos i dun wanna buy fat fat clothes and wear for 2 mths only! Luckily i got 2 sis who loves to buy tons of clothes when they go overseas.. so 1 koop 1 BN top which i can fit in for CNY can le. hahhaha!! They got few boxes of BN clothes sitting there waiting to be worn!!

Piggy, Hippo,

Ya must massage the breast one.. Usually if I massage my breast while pumping, will have more supply one.. Sometimes can feel those knobs, I will press hard on them and can see more milk will come out one.. A bit painful but better than the pain of blocked milk ducts..


Oh 28 weeks, 1 kg good!! =)

i hate it when ppl come n kpo.. say y put in cc so young? blah blah blah. Like i wanna put #2 in IFC.. everyone will come n say then same thing to me. Y dun put #1 in cc instead? Y put in IFC... not gd leh.. Blah blah. I wish I can print out the explainations then show them my reasons. -_-"


hahah ya usu i will put hot towel massage abit be4 i pump.. n as i pump wil push push my boobs to clear the ducts:p

elmo: preg can also wear nice nice wor.. the clothings i bought for CNY this yr not maternity one.. i just get 1 size bigger.. next time wanna wear can wear belt.. heehee

vivi: alamak.. join ma.. if ur DH dun wanna take can take alone ma. my DH might not be joining also...


ignore them la.. heng my MIL din say anything lo n say also gd la let them go learn thing... cos i expect them to say no too young...bu she de... cos they dote him dunno like wat...

tweety, cos last time after i gave birth to #1.. after confinement just nice is CNY le. Then i happily go n buy some cny clothes.. then wear a few mths.. too loose le. Not nice. So this time round i bo chap.. totally din buy any new clothes at all. haha! Gimme motivation to slim down also mah. ;)

piggy, it all depends on the kid ultimately. Some like my #1.. cant adapt so young. He cry until principal ask us to withdraw loh. That's y #2 i also scared le.. put in IFC train from young! Partly is no one look after also lah. If IFC dun work out i gotta find nanny le.


u can buy those suit for slim down also mah.. for me i buy those tunic even if slim down can jus add a waist belt...

ya depend on the kid... hope my boi dun cry too much..

piggy.. but before preg i wear belt also not v nice.. i got thick waistline.. then no bust. Bleh! And when i slim down.. the bust part will be too loose.. no cleavage mah.. then zou guang v easily.. my hb will complain also.. then gotta wear spaghetti inside. V mafan lah. Buy new clothes when slim down better... my figure too 'special' le... hahaha

That day v funny.. i wear a top tt's slightly lower... finally can see a teeny weeny bit of cleavage.. then i sit at mrt.. hb say got a guy keep staring at me.. he stare back at him. I say heng i got a wife with A--- cup.. so usually.. i wont have any cleavage to show.. so no one will see. If i am C or D cup.. I sure wear something to flaunt it! hahaha!


wahahah u make me luff la.. like me i am short boobs big also dun look gd on me leh... i tink proportionate more impt haha...


ya lo.. n i dun buy ex 1 so even after i slim down dun feel like wearin also ok..

