(2011/04) Apr 2011

piggy, tweety, I v cham loh. Only preg then got cleavage leh. Then after i stop bfing.. got no bra to buy... even A cup also too big.. cos the bust bones expand! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hi mummies & MTBs,

Interested in getting a neck float for your baby?

Comes in 3 designs:

Winnie the Pooh

Disney Princess

Thomas and Friends

Each at $16, kindly PM me or email me at [email protected]

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



nvm la most impt ur HB happy with it mah...

i tell u i got a male friend he like woman with v flat boobs like Sammi Cheng 1 like.. n he say he find big boobs disgustin lol~

piggy, wahaha.. ya apparently my hb doesn't mind small boobs.. else he wont marry me liao. hahahaha! He also say too big v disgusting.. :p


den ok mah... but for my friend he v funnie he say his gf is cup B he find big but fated 1 la... jus like some like tall guy end up with short guy lol~~~~

elmo: u're slim ma.. if u have big big boobs... will look weird leh....

what piangz.. all this ppl keep posting their items for sales.. irritating...


no sum of my friends who r tall n hope to look for tall BF but end up found sum1 not tall or average...

it like tt 1 la.. where got so perfect 1 haha...


yes v irritating... post few time a day lo..

piggy: ya lor.. heeheee..... usually is like that one la... i feel so long it's approprate then okie... dun care if big or small, tall or short.. =P

Haha!! You ladies are talking about boobs...


B cup big?? Your friend don't know what is big lor.. Haha!!


Look at posh spice.. She soo skinny still want to do boob job...end up like 2 big round balls on her chest!! Hehe!!

Aiyah.. My conclusion is that we girls will never be happy with what we have!! Haha!! My hb will complain if I complain too much about my so called"imperfections"..


hahah ya lo who dun 1 a handsome, rich n doting HB lol~~ anyway as long as our HB dote on us treat us well most impt la keke...

wah the time is crawlin manz..

wahaha thks for consoling me on my small bust. :p Last time i look for bf... my min criteria is must be taller than me leh! Then dunno how come.. in sch.. the shortest guy in class had a crush on me (i'm tallest gal in class lah).. I find it so weird! :p

i got 30mins more! Go cwp fix my earrings. Wanted to eat out as pre-anni celebration.. but mum cook le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hahah when i in sec hor those v tall guy above 180 like shortie like me wor.. hahah dunno why also.. but i cannot accept leh talk also neck tired haha..


wah so gd... another 20min for me...


but i seen many tall gal their partner either shorter or same height wor.. tink for tall gal they might tink how come so hard to find tall guy haha..


haha me too.. n becos i alr short i cant accept guy tt r v short too lol~ wait look like 2 humpty dumpty walkin together lol~


kekekekek me too short if hubby also very short really look weird...

but now i stand beside my hubby also look weird leh

st: still okie la.. sometimes if i'm not lazy i will post using Hp also... heeeeheeee....

piggy: ya lor.. weird right?? heeheee.... u know hor.. my friend arh... her DH ard same height with her.. then during her wedding.. she wore 3 inch heels lor... so weird sia.. her DH stand beside her.. aiyo...

I very gek! My grandma keep nagging me confinement din eat this and tt lah.. So my boy keep falling sick la. Then now must eat this eat tt lah. Everytime see her will kena nag. Cny i Wan dan le. Sure got alot of 3 gu 6 po nag this and tt. Then my grandma always like 2 compare my boy with my cousin's boy. Say mine so naughty.. So skinny.. Always fall sick. His so guai lah.. Seldom fall sick la.. Cos e mum got eat alot of bu. Come on lah.. My cousin's boy havent go 2 sch yet le. My boy before go sick also seldom fall sick mah. So pekchek. I super hate this cousin of mine. Same age as me. From young then compare results.. Grad compare salary. Then now compare kids. Then suay suay now i preg.. His wife also preg. Wait cny dunno wanna compare wat liao. Tummy size ah? Zzz. My cousin's boy of cos fat la.. Cos their family all so fat. Me and hb like bamboo le. Bb how will be fat?

Sorry for complaining so much. Need somewhere to vent my frustrations. Talk to hb like talk to air. He got special power.. Ppl talk to him he can 1 ear in next ear out. He still dare to ask me to learn his power. I trying.. But cant be so bo chap like him le. I listen le will be v gek!


ya i tink ifi were u will also pek chek...some u tell them cos ur boi go CC mah they will tell u y u so young sent him CC blah blah... really bth to have this kind of relative..

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt!

Am running a spree on Lugmax Bag Organisers and Baby Essentials Organisers (A Must have!! so useful even for my 18mth old now!) in FaceBook…

Prices starting from $7.. Mail or Add me in FB at [email protected] for enquiries and to place your orders!

Thank you for your support!!


morn ladies.. guess I'm early today? lols.. guess is my rountine of not able to slp from 4am onwards.. seem there is a body alarm in me that is waking me up @ 4am automatically. argh!!!

tweety and ST.. most of my replies all from iphone de.. no choice hv to use iphone cos @ home, hubby wil log in FB to play games den another lappy, I jus leave it to rot on my table without opening it.. cos table limited spaces and I very lazy to set it up and use unless I super bored.. so my replies all normaly very long and super late de.. cos I will check out the forum while on the way to work *no reception in the train* den post when I reach office.. lunch time see see if have time, if not after work, again reply during the journey in the train.. hehe

talking abt baby position.. I oso dun really know where he is.. sometimes can feel him kicking me on my left side of the tummy, almost same spot everytime.. den when I sitting, can feel his kicks near my boobs.. jus now b4 I slp, hubby and me can see my boy moving to one corner of my tummy, giving the odd shape in my tummy at one moment.. den the next moment, he went over to the other side of the tummmy.. so I oso duno the exact position he is in.. hehe..

was telling hubby that I got a feeling that boy boy will come out b4 EDD.. this feeling had been with me for sometime but I dare not say out to anyone.. den hubby was like, say out la.. though I know he was hoping boy boy can come out on his bday which is 2 days after my edd.. but now I say might come out earlier, he jus console me saying nvm la, we both cant wait to see him so do him right?? hehe..

talking abt PS.. sorry that I cant join u all, duno y hubby now more interested in taking it after baby come out.. maybe he saw too many of his friends taking it after their child born.. so maybe that is y he changes his mind.. hope u girls enjoy urself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so gd that some of u all already started on leave/cny le.. my co is working 1/2 day tmr den can officaly off work.. bo bianz, working in my life in my companuy have to be in line with the banking practice.. they end work, we end work.. they start work, we start work. so have to start work on next Monday.. so sianz.. argh!!

was teling hubby that u all going for waxing next MOnday.. he ask how come I dun wan to go and try.. my reply is, how to take leave when my work is piling up in my office leh? I expect MOnday go back, start my super peak period again of the month plus need to rush for IR8A for my clients.. really sianz lo.. totaly no break.. I even printed some back to check during this cny break.. haizz.. realy sianz and tired with my work.. jus looking forward to my ML start.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivi.. I oso did not buy much clothing for this cny.. simply duno what to buy.. cos onli left 2 mths le, dun wan to waste my $$$ buy Maternity clothing.. den wan to buy those normal clothing, size seem small for me.. either too small for my boobs or tummy.. onli manage to get 2 dresses from cotton on and 1 tube from duno where le hehe *without tummy will be dresses, with tummy now have to pair it with tights hehe* den was telling hubby, he and me onli settled the top without any bottom..lols..

aiyo.. now already coming to 5.30am, I still wide awake.. hubby's alarm gonna ring soon.. wonder if I can slp abit more b4 work... heng, today onli work 1/2 day, so after work can come back to zzz... if nt, walking zombie again.. heee.. but this gonna last till when leh? till I pop ma??? omg...

Morning mummies!!!!!!!!

Is cny eve!!!! Haix me oso nv buy any new clothing, new shoe, new hairstyle n got no mani. Best is I clean up my rm le in the end my daughter mess it up plus my maid totali Bo chap in cleaning my rm. How I wish I can finish alot of things today. Change bed sheet, cut hair blah blah blah so tired got to do it myself hb working. Got maid machiam no maid.

Mrs chua

is it u slept too early? Mayb try slp later?

Ren ba very fast u will finish work le den cny can open the pineapple tarts n eat Liao kekeke.


I oso wanna join u all on the 7th lei but onli for lunch cos I decided to chicken out. Haha will dbl cfm wif u c I can on leave :p

talkin abt the floss bun frm breadtalk. I got addicted few wks ago everyday mux eat 1 spicy floss bun until there is 1 day I n hb was standin at the counter lookin at them makin the bun we saw a housefly got stuck in the pool of sweet mayo struggling to come out. The person makin it did not notice still smile at us till my hb point to him he den noticed n scoop the fly out. Frm tat time onward my cravin stop Liao.

Hello morning mummies

Sandy that was gross if I am you I would have stomp the outlet... yee now that you say next time I dont dare to eat liao hee hee

Mrs Chua your boy is so active so cute....

Good morning everyone!

I'm now at KKH.. Just had my scan, waiting to see doc.. I duno if the sonographer accurate onot de.. I'm at week29 & my boy is a monster sia! Estimated to be 1.7kg leh.. Like very big & scary leh.. Will have to ask doc to confirm sia.. xD

Btw, how's everyone this non-rainy morning? Happy CNY Eve!


Pearly wow nice can see your little one today .... hubby asked me to either bring forward the appointment for 15th Feb because he cannot make it...

Thinking of changing it to 14th then can have the last v day quite by ourselves before bunny gal join us next year....

A bit no mood to work

