(2011/04) Apr 2011


U mean your next appt ah? When was your previous scan? But V-day should pak tor instead of queueing for a doc visit mah.. Hehe..

Elmo: Hugs Hugs...my oso small small de, onli nw preg then got bit cleavage, if nt last time A-cup oso cannot fill finish de, then got 1 time Marks & Spencer got sell AA-cup, i so hapi leh then go buy, wah so fitting,hapi!! keke... my hubby even congrats mi nw can see my cleavage liao, haha then tell mi hope can last long, wahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya agree some ppl juz like 2 compare tis n tt, esp nw cny will see even more of tis 38 lor, hav 2 acting with them again...sian

Wah all bb like got @ least 1kg @ tis stage..excited 2 noe my bb weight oso on my checkup next week.. as my appetite nt so gd as b4, duno will affect bb a nt..is it true tt big tummy doesn't mean bb will b big oso?? some bb veri shy then hid inside??

Wishing all mummies a Hapi Hapi Lunar New Year, GonG Xi Fa Cai, Wan Shi Ru Yi... smooth n safe delivery 4 all of us...plus a cute n chubby n healthy bunny bb...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pearly yup next appointment ... but never mind la can go and see my bunny gal first then go for dating .... We actually look forward to see how she is doing ma... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ppl!!

It's CNY eve today! And it's my wedding anni! At least the weather is gd today. Finally can see some bright sun. Happy bunny year to everyone! Hope bunny year will be a gd yr for all of us! We have our little bunnies to look fwd to! My only wish is.. Pls ask my little bunny to turn his bunny head down so that mummy can have a natural delivery!!!

piggy, ya loh. I'm going to hide in my room after distributing ang pows tmr!

littletwinstar, oh.. really got AA- cup ah? I had a hard time looking for fitting bras after breast shrink back leh! :p

Pearly, my bb also ard the same weight as urs at 29wks. But gynae keep saying it's ok.. cos the estimation not accurate.

morning ladies..

wah had a busy morning... my HB go hosp for review so i stuck at home with my boi... tired...


sure u let me know again ya...

Little Twin star,

yup big tummy does not mean bb big cos can be our own fats also...


my boi at wk 30 is 1.5+kg...

Hi Mummies!

It has been a long while since I log on to Motherhood. Here's wishing all a Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

morning girls!

here's wishing you everyone a happy chinese new year! enjoy the 5 day weekend.

mrs chua: i have been getting insomia recently and i have been so tired lately. so not sure why i can wake up around 4plus or 6 plus. This is on top of my usual waking up to pee. i also wonder if this is going to happen another 2-3 months.. and then when the child is born, even less sleep! argh. so not looking forward to the sleepless nights.

G'morning ladies,

Little twin star,

Ya my tummy was bigger than my friends and her baby is about 700g heavier than mine at birth!! Haha!! Some women are just more compact..=)


See our bb really feels great! Hehe.. It'll b quite a special V-day for u n DH.. xD

Elmo & piggy,

Think i got biggest baby currently leh.. 29 weeks, doc roughly calculate 1.8kg! Omg! But heng she say "still ok"..

Sandy. I slept ard 11 plus close to 12 leh.. is that too early? ya, I will ren... ren.. ren.. hehe.. today in the end, I no go work. huby decided not to go work. so I os decided to stay @ home..

vivi.. I'm here.. my boy like to move to one corner and stay there making my tummy lok so ugly lols..

sookiewookie.. let jia you together ba... I starting to exp some light cramps on my tumy.. hubby say is becos I too tense ba... hopefuly not my boy boy wanting to come out.. hehe. anyway, is too early le la. now onli 32 weeks.. hopefuly I can endure till close to 38 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


bb may have growth spurt n slow down 1... my gynae say now still early to tell... dun worry so much first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sookie/Mrs CHua,

tink ur bb is givin u trainin now first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah Pearly but I hope that my gynae would have the slots available for that day wor....

Mrs Chua I havent seen my bunny gal in this kind of action except she is making waves ....

sometimes I also experienced some cramps but I think unless it is really heavy cramps or else should be fine.

I am so sleepy now.


when I'm in 29 wks my boy is 1kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] n last visit when I'm 32 wks he is 1.6kg n doc commented he is small. Haha I so worry he very big last time now I worry he too small alamak.


opps not tat I wan to frighten u jux suddenly tot of tat mayb the 1 at my pl here de breadtalk is like tat other pl de shld b clean.

U workin today???

So gd can c bunny gal durin v day aft c her le can go celebrate so xin Fu.

Mrs chua

is consider late Liao wor. Mayb tis few days cny will keep u busy den body will change to able to slp thru out the nite? When I in later part of 2nd tri me oso will wake up n pee then cannot slp back aft tat slowly change Liao able to slp thru even no need go pee.

Gd gd no need to work durin cny eve. So u took leave??


my tummy very very big but doc say bb is small while my #1 my tummy is sooo small till no1 know tat I preggy but bb is consider big. So big tummy do not equal to big bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bad bad new yr eve for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

1st is throw temper I jux wanna finish clearing everything but my monster keep disturbin me make me super pek chek n hb cannot cfm wat time he finish work so many things to do. Donno is it I stress myself or wat haix

2nd is I cry alamak haf been a cry baby past few days whenever things don go smoothly I feel so useless start blamin myself n cry or if ppl start sayin nasty things to me I oso will get upset n hide in rm cry. Like jux now for nothin my sil call to SAY me she sound like a small things I can't do properly machiam very useless. Call my hb tell him wat happen n start crying.

Super sad today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


cheer up maybe it ur hormone acting.. up...

can understd sumtime our #1 dun behave keep askin for our attention when we jus wanna clear our things dun be too hard on urself k new yr comin eveyrthing will be smooth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so tired jus finish my reunion lunch at my mun place tonite my HB side... yawn~

Super busy whole morning....

Just have time to sit down relax.... Phew~ also just finish reunion lunch at my mum place... Still many thing haven't done, hahahahaa....

Sandy, hug hug.... Dun stress urself.... Me also tell myself, do whatever can do, cannot let it be... CNY meant for rest... We should REST!!!!!!!!!!


I think is Hormone ba but told myself next yr I want to celebrate at my own pl so shld b happier therefore look 4ward to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enjoy ur dinner mummies!!!!!

Hello mummies!

Here's wishing you all a very festive lunar new year!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya probably hormones acting up but yes it will be nice once you have your own place. =)

Happy bunny year to all mummies and babies .


I'm also quite depressed over this CNY. Cos I have big plans. Start spring cleaning my house since December .. Not I clean but have to tell my helper how abt packing and clearing stuff. Have been nagging at her soooo much and also nag at hubby alot until I feel very sick of myself.

Somemore MIL like to criticize this and that abt how I bring up my boy makes me even more pek chek.. I really feel I'm a change person after being a mummy. Naggy, pek chek over big and small things.. Hai..

Worse still, today maid mop floor in her room and my boy ran in. Slip and fall back wards and hit on his back head. Really had a shock cos the fall is quite loud.. Surprisingly , he didn't cry much, only have a shock and I can't find any baluku behind his head.. Weird.

In advance.. wish all mummies, happy new year!!! Is rabbit yr.. the little one in our tummy is hoping & hoping, waiting to come out.. hehe jus now I saw my boy kick my tummy until I can really see like a hand sticking out of my tummy shape.. haha think he excited of cny ba.. haha

Piggy.. what training???

Elmo.. I think is my boy’s weight ba.. I oso duno y today I feeling very heavy jus now when I go out for dinner.. feel like dragging my feet to walk… omg..

vivi.. my boy like to hide hide in one corner de.. duno y, maybe in this way, he feels more comfortable?? Hehe

Pearly.. my boy weight ard 1.3kg @ 29 weeks.. now 32 weeks. I think got ard 1.5-1.6 ba? Cos I starting to feel the weight @ my tummy le.. really feel breathless after some walk.. omg..

Sandy.. this cny, I not going much places for visiting cos of my FIL passed away.. so we only going one place each day for more of like gathering than visiting.. but I seriously hoping I can at least slp thr the night, dun wan to wake up in the middle of the night den cant fall back to slp.. cos is really xin ku lo.. tiring for me.. but whatever it is, I will jia you and endure de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya, I took leave today.. really dun feel like going to work today.. so jus relax myself @ home.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I oso cried this morn… hubby had a sensitive nose den becos I cant slp, I keep disturbing him by touching his nose (forgetting that he reminded me not to touch his nose b4) den he woke up, feeling v xin ku.. den I v pek cek cos I cant slp when I wan to.. den when I wan to wake up for work, I feeling sleepy.. so I cried… heng hubby know I jus feeling v pek cek so he quickly hug hug me, telling me leave everything to him, jus relax myself & enjoy my last few weeks with boy boy inside my tummy..

Sandy ,

yaya be happy nex yr CNY will be better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

cos after bb came out the first few mth we r expected to wait up every 3-4hrly to feed them so all the freq pee at nite we call it bb gettin our body ready for tt haha... it v tiring but cant be help....

my boi also super active today n like urs machiam can see sumthing pressin on my tummy..

CNY is jus 1.5hr away Wish every 1 a

Very Happy CNY!!! Huat ar!!!!

Happy Lunar year to all mummies!!!!!

Hope all of us enjoy the last few week of pregnancy!!!!! We will see our little 1 very very soon!!!!!! Yeah yeah yeah!!!!!

Bunny year, HUAT arh!!!!

Piggy.. Ic ic but I think that one we can get bk to slp cos we are tired but thus obe now is we are either wide awake or sleepy but cant fall back to slp so sianz.. Hope this bunny yr will get beta for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my boy today v active, moving non stop. He today seem to use his body to push my tummy & move ard so I can feel the hardness of my tummy with him pushing on it & moving ard.. So can b quite breathless lo..

Mummies.. Is bunny yr le.. Would like to wish everyone happy new yr.. Huat ah!!!!! Bunny yr will b a gd yr for us with our little bunny celebrating with us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy new year mummies!!!!! Huat ar!!!!!!


I oso start spring cleaning in dec n almost every wkend I'm throwing things wor worse is mine is onli a rm yet I can't even do it properly. At least u ask ur helper mine nearly killed me.

Yday I change bedsheet took out the old 1 ask her put the new de n I go out in the end I reach hm the rm still in a mess. I have to sweep, wipe the floor n change the bedsheet on my own. She came in aftcmy bil ask her do but I wipe 1/2 way Liao she jux stand there say mum I help u I help u but don bother to reach out n do. I so pek chek ask her get lost :p

mrs chua

at least cny can rest no need go so many places unlike me. Got to rush here n there. Ask my hb don go he say is a MUST. So angry cos I think he jux wanna show off to his relative I'm preggy s they do not haf any young kids in the family for donno how many years Liao.

Good morning mummies,

Hope you girls are having a great new year so far [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i've been stuffing myself so much that I dare not step on the weighing scale for the last few days.

So glad that today i have nothing on so I can relax. Though it was fun visiting..it was so so tiring. tummy felt so heavy. must be all that food! Still have visiting to do on Sat and Sun.

Take care everyone and look forward to our little rabbits arriving soon!

Hello rabbit year to all of us ....

Sandy no la you wont scare me off eating the pork floss bun hee hee.... sometimes all these food we just cannot see the preparation part or else we will be scared of eating.

Hee hee I havent change the appointment so hpefully there is still slots available because my hubby could not make it on 15th....

Mrs Chua same same my bunny gal like to hide in 1 corner so long never see her face liao... gynae say she shy gal...

Wow when everyone ask me when I am popping, I told them EDD is on April and all of them told me should be next month liao... wow the word next month seems to be fast and yet slow for me... looking forward to it

Hope everyone is having a great CNY~ xD

So good u all love CNY goodies.. I dun really like and I'm already feeling dry throat.. hahaha.. But I got craving for "gua zi".. The seed thingy.. Going to buy later.. haha..


Ya loh.. Everyone was asking.. And when I answer in about 2months, suddenly feel so near yet so far! LOL!! So envy my friend who gave birth 3days ago.. Her newborn baby girl is SO SWEET! xD

Anyone delivering in KKH? Got doctor to recommend? I also want to ask if anyone knows when's the latest that I can change to "private rate" (means choose doctor de)?

I duwan to stick to a specific doctor so early cos their consultations are more ex than my own gynae (but too bad he can't deliver in govt hospitals)..

Thanks ya!

2nd day of CNY...

I hate today n tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! Can fast forward to Sat please.....

Finally I have my own time... But my PIL come visit us... I got nothing with them but I cannot tahan their naggy.... Everything also can nag nag nag... I din say anything also must nag... haiz....

harlo all.....


haha for #1 usu not so fast no worries..

many when saw me say wow tummy v big liao hor i say ya lo den when they ask me when pop i say if fast nex mth den they say nex mth?? den all say my tummy soooo small-_-""""" but i was like small meh.... but ya nex mth seem so near[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant wait....


ur PIL in sg??? but how come they visit u not u visit them 1???

nvm la let them nag lo not as if u saw them all the time but sat means goin back to work soon leh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Suppose we go back lar but this year I find excuses said my EDD getting nearer so dun wan go back just in case anything... Who knows they come in...

Nag got reason nvm... Got thing nothing also nag, I really Bth... The worst is they just walk in n out MY room the moment they reach... N my son is still sleeping lor... Think they try to walk him up lor.... I really dun like lor... My son nap time already very less n he is those type very alert 1 lor... Grhhhhhhhh... Cannot tell them off some more... Sianzzzzzzz...

Ha ha Hippo I always used this excuse not to go back to Malaysia to celebrate as my hubby's hometown is in Ipoh. Takes 8 hours drive at least.

Hmm Piggy hopefully next end month lor because my cousin's wife popped 2 weeks earlier... seeing her daughter makes me crave for my bunny gal to come out fast fast hee hee

1 of my relative commented that my tummy is high and I look better now ... ha ha must be the pregnancy glow or the make up...

Hi guys,

hope you are having fun during CNY..


I'm also eating a lot plus monday I will be seeing gynae.. Die liao.. Hehe!!


I heard a Peter Tee from KKH that is quite good..


Lucky you don't see them so often, just ignore them.. Treat their nagging like er bian feng..


Have we decided on the place to meet on monday?


haven wor Jtho and Pink haven vote dunno whihc restaurant to chose also i tink Cafe Cartel, Thai Express n Waraku each got 3 vote wor...


hmm v hard to tell but 70% of the 1st time mummies from my #1 thread all pop near EDD or overdue wor... i hope can pop 2 wk early also.. cross my fingers...


it like tt 1 at least u only see them once a yr not too bad... maybe they miss their son n grandson la..sumtime they v insensitive 1 la thot it their son room mah so jus go in the way they like.. nothing much we can do la ..

Hello Mummies,

So sorry to interrupt your thread.

I'm a Nov 2010 mommy and have some diapers to let go of as my lil' princess has outgrown them.

She's a hefty 7kg baby and has upgraded to Size M. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Item #1:

Huggies NB24 (up till 4kg) - New packet! Selling for $7.

Item #2:

Huggies S44 (3-7kg) - Slightly less than half pack left (17pcs left out of 44). Selling for $5.

Item #3:

Fitti S48 (3-7kg) - Half pack left (24 out of 48pcs). Selling for $5.

Will throw in FREE Drypers (NB) and Drypers (S) if you take all 3 items.

Self-collect from my place at Pasir Ris. Pls PM me for transaction or enquiries. Thanks and happy rabbit new year! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hilo Hilo.....


at least ur pil is nag mine sil/bil is directly show me a super black face lo talk to them machiam not happy. C Liao so sian.

when visitin those ppl will stare at my tummy n I think they r wondering m I preggy or fat. Cos they will talk to my hb out of sudden ask is ur wife pregnant or????? Omg lo.

Wow Hoo~~~~~ my PIL went back aldy, they went back early as my SIL popped yesterday!!!! Save my life... The baby too anxious to come out take ang pow... Supposingly next month now aldy come out... Lols....


same lei. those i go visiting also ask my hubby. it's like can't tell meh. -__-

feeling super irritated today. very jialat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Halo all...

Btw Watson having offer for kodomo wipes $2 each buy 10 free 1 pack[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] personally find it better n alot cheaper than pigeon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

