(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hello all~

just wondering if there's any truth to the drinking coconut juice, bb will be born less bloody?

and erh taking durian to fatten bb up?


Don't stress about it now.. Most impt is to manage your GDM and make sure both mummy and baby are ok..

There are studies that state that mothers with GDM have increased risk of diabetes next time when they are older and the child also have higher risk of childhood obesity...

But these are just risk study.. So long as you and your child maintain a healthy lifestyle, you have done your best already...


The durian part I think quite true.. But friend ate a lot of durian during trim 3 and bb born 3.8kg!!! But don't take so much.. Durian super high in sugar..

Thank God for an understanding & supportive GM. That being said, I still have to dig my feet in & work really hard too.

Was super duper busy for the 2nd half of last year & didn't even take MC when I fell sick cos really heavy load due to the appraisals, bonus, AI, collective agreement etc etc etc...

Glad he saw and appreciated that I've put in my fair share throughout my pregnancy.

Of cos I'm sure u ladies work v hard as well. Guess what kind of boss we get is really heng suay la

Good afternoon mummies.... Now only 12.45pm... Eyes closing liao...

Piggy, my friend recommend me Mdm Kathy, you want to try? He said she is very good wor... Dunno how true... He said he asked her to massage him when she do post-natal for his wife wor, lols...

Kai Lee, I also haven't settle my hair cut, gotta do it this weekend, if not I cut myself liao... Kekekeke...


I will be gg to the programme on Mon, was thinking whether is it compulsory or not, I told the nurses to put it at a later date, they said it could be dangerous for the bb...coz if after the monitoring programme on Mon, they measure my blood sugar and it is too high, they will need to admit me


actually hor i tink ultimately depend on bb cos it how much they absorb like me i dun eat beef n durian but my bb big.. my SIL eat durian but her gal dun absorb so v small...


actually moost massage only 1hr 10min... so really up to u cos the other time they told me massage 1 hr den binding abt 10min n bb massage n charcoal healing all n all add up 1hr 30min...


i taking the 5days package.. u can take 7days package if u wan no need to be the same... she say i can take 5days first den if i change my mind and upgrade 7days jus let her know on the 2nd day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh i jus confirm with Origins Jamu leh but i am still lookin for pre-natal la does this Kathy do pre-natal?

Rene, it's ok. Rem to collect before end Mar can le.. if not maybe we pop already! haha!

kai lee, wah.. ur work v shacked leh. I work from 9-530 already feel so tiref at nite! Must really take care ah.. bb and ur health is more impt than work performance for now!

enigma, think u better call up ur gynae n check. When i went appt last wk.. my gynae did tell me now gotta watch out for any blood.

Piggy, I dunno if she do pre-natal wor... I was thinking to call her for prenatal massage but always no time also... Hahahaha... Maybe I give you the contact first???

Austin, pray hard for you nothing serious ok... Dun scare yourself...




i have notify her the few of us bookin together but u gals may have to confirm and pay the $200 deposit to her individually. will let u gals have the details once she confirm ya..


oh mariam one quite long but then I still have not decided who yet leh.. Mdm Sadiah I a bit give up liao


tks mummies...

i will takecare [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if there is a bed now..i think i can just lie down n sleep...

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hi ladies..just came back from my gynae appt...baby now 1.5 kilos liaoz! (31 weeks). Time flies! Hope baby changes position soon otherwise I will have no choice but to do c section.

Am engaging this lady called Latifah to do post natal massage for me. She is recommended by an ex colleague. She does pre natal massage too. Her price seems quite reasonable (ard SGD50 per session). If you are interested, can call her at 98001972


tt y lo since alr last preg liao so my HB say nvm la jus pay lo... at least the review was v gd n the hot stone therapy looks quite gd..


back from my groceries shopping... will try to stay home for now cos raining outside, and trying to be a good wife to do some chores :p

piggy, vivi n pink,

your bwaxing appt confirm liao...


ya hmm but I am the one paying lol

i also like the hot stone but do u get to choose whom the therpist me??


u can check their webbie they use these hot stone to clear the ducts n engorement... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee thanks ya...


her webbie say if u wan to chose best to confirm 3 mth be4 hand... but i got try asking la but she haven reply...


she told me if wan upgrade n take the 7days package jus let her know on day 2... so u jus pay the package price for 7days.. after deducting the $200 deposit...


ya tt wat i thot tt y i ask her keke..

but hor i scare i bth the stickiness nia

tt y for my #1 i bth the smell n whole body sticky tt y when she say i only need 3 session i so happy lo lol~~~


ur bb small??? now i hope my bb not too big leh cos my #1 birth weight is est. to be 3.7/8kg even tough i no eat durian.. too big no gd for natural birth can alway plump them up when they r out... the coconut juice i dunno true anot but i love coconut juice so jus use tt excuse n drink haha..

Lynn me same like Piggy loves to drink coconut water so still waiting for my turn to come...

Anyway no harm to try lor since so many talk about coconut water ... dont know when can I start to drink.

Hee hee happy that BUnny Gal is 30 weeks old as of today. Eagerly counting down to another 8 weeks or so

Piggy you tempting me leh...

So when I can start to drink week 32?

Yesterday saw at Esso selling small young coconut I was like drooling at it.

Austin my bunny gal is 1.2kg at Week 28 ....

gynae says mine is still at the ok weight....

Did your gynae say anything about baby too big?


there r many version... if u wan can also start to drink now.. twice a mth den after wk 32 once weekly...


in 3rd trim it norm bb gain 200-300g per week they grow v fast in last trim... n may slow down near due.. v hard to say.. if ur gynae din say anything shd be ok.. but since u got GD so maybe due to GD also..

