(2011/04) Apr 2011

piggy: do we need to make reservations?

Vivi: U still keen to do?

I'm abit apprehensive... wahaha never do before! Need to open leg big big rite... *blush*



wahahha dun like tt leh it took me quite a while to muster up my courage leh haha...

Jtho say she will help us make reservation wor.. but i will go n do first la cos i cant stay too late..


wahhaah ya i will share with u my exp hhaha... i will join the gals for lunch so maybe can still catch u if u come early... Vivi will be acc u for the wax[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me back from lunch...

i still sleep on my left side..but once awhile haf to turn leh..i will sleep awhile on my back den turn back again...


u sleep left side got acid reflux ah..if i sleep on my right then i will leh...haha


i am also sleepy..after lunch...*yawnz*

u all going to wax on 7th ah..hee..jiayou!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah cannot like tt say 1 hahah...

childbirth many things we cant predict but b-wax r options we can chose wan or dun wan hahah...

if kena another round of tear tink i will cry manz..

Pink for me I think clean clean better lesser risk of infection or itchiness for me la... a lot of discharge ma...

Today feel itchy again .... and it is only the front part only. So I dont know if it is infection or skin irritation.

Back from lunch and am feeling super sleepy!!

Ohh.. You guys going waxing.. Jia you... I'm sure you guys will like the clean feel.. You asking them to get rid of all?? =)


My last pregnancy I had no aches and pains wor.. Maybe you lucky wouldn't have it... You already very unlucky to have bad MS..

Piggy, Yoti,

I am very lucky in terms of weaning.. My girl was quite easy to wean off the nipple.. So the day I decided to stop, I just stop latching and gave her all my remaining EBM mixed with FM.. and then I slowly reduced the no. of times/amount I pumped to stop my milk supply completely..


yes alll hahah..

ya u v lucky ur gal wean off easily cos many of the mummies in my #1 thread still have prob wor... even my SIL took her a long time cos her gal refuse to drink from bott...


Ya I'm very lucky.. =)

Wah those kids already 18+months leh.. But I was bottle feeding her during the day when I'm working and only latching at night.. Maybe that's why she was ok with either.. I think by 10 months, she didn't need the middle of the night feed and more likely she just wants me to comfort her so as long as I am there, she felt soothe.. so no more nipple craving.. Thankfully!

Piggy, vivi,

For me I always keep a trimmed triangle in front.. I find it a little too girl girl without anything.. Haha!! =)


yes i tink now it liek more for comforting ...

some of them can simply refuse to drink any n wait for the mummy to come home n latch wor...

some i tink not hard hearted enough bad..

hahah i like it bare n clean so since i am doin it might as well do all haha..


B-wax!! u wanna join us?


we goin on 7 Feb.. I will goin for the wax ard 11.30 den Tweety n Jtho will meet us for lunch Vivi n Pink will go for the wax in the noon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kai lee: i sleep with pillows all around me. front is bolster, back is another pillow and of course my head is on a pillow. sleeping on the back is not possible for me cause I do feel that it restricts my breathing but if i raise my legs, i can manage for a while.

Pink: hmm i read that sleeping on left helps with heartburn. but maybe everyone's body is built differently.

Pink/Piggy: i also think that if you decide to book the massage after birth is possible. especially if it is a proper business set up (not freelance) cause the last time, i booked when i gave birth but then the place no longer exists anymore. for me, i booked cause i just wanted to tick it off my to do list!

Weaning of child i think depends on the child. mine was pretty easy. but she was already 10 months plus. think everything is balance. when your child is young, do breastfeed and occasionally use the bottle if you are afraid that baby will only wait for you to come back to latch when you go back to work.


oh cos i tink Jamu origins not v big set up n only got a few massage lady if not wrong...

anyway Rebecca told me Apr bookin is almost full also... dunno how true..

ya i tink weanin depend on child cos my SIL n the mummies i know do gave bottle on n off but suddenly the bb only wan latch...

piggy: is it? oh then you guys better decide soon!

baby kicks: all along i can feel the baby kick on the top of the stomach. but today, i feel a lot nearer my V and none at the top. hope the baby did not like turn around or something.


all along i can feel bb kick the top n bottom part of the tummy cos top is leg bottom is hand..

so v uncomfy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

You guys meeting for lunch on 7 Feb.. Making me so tempted to take off that day since I'll be going for check up in the morning.. Hehe!!

babykicks: my baby initially liked to kick the bottom.. but now my ribs are also getting tickled..Hehe!!


Ya I heard some babies are like that.. my girl was initially like that.. but I think she got too hungry in the daytime!! Haha!! Ya I know some mothers really enjoy the intimacy they get between their little ones and them when they latched on so even after 1 yr they still want to do it even when baby don't really need the BM..

Massage lady,

My friend recommended this lady to me.. But she charges $70/session but will include baby massage also..

Andrea hello

join us join us for the deforestation....

Gerry join us for lunch la...

For me Bunny Gal kick me sometimes in the v area sometimes right side sometimes left side... nowadays her fave area is right side and it is like she is squirming ....

sometimes at the top area.... at the stomach....

anything la as long as she kick I happy liao wa ha ha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


come come join us la...

hahah but my friend 1 the bb rather go on hunger leh... keke... tink i will at most BF till 8mth lo... hmm freelance $70 abit ex wor...


ya it a workin day happen i on leave tt day n the gals r available[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee u see if u can take leave????

the more the merrier[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah most of e mummies gg 4 e waxing.. but i dun hav e guts 2 do so like so scary.. but mine down ther oso can b forest liao..so paiseh lor when tink of delivery time..

Is it when near due date, gynae will see ur V area 2 check??

Gerry: ya lor ya lor nw my bb will oso tickle my ribs area ther, got 1 time it's so hard till i almst jump n laugh but crtl if nt ppl tot i siao. haha.. bb nwadae like 2 double attack mi by punching n kicking mi @ same time man..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how i wish i can join leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but u all go now is it abit too early?

Little Twin Star,

yes usu gynae will do a vaginal examination neaer to due...

i also no guts 1 but the lady here gave me courage..


cos as ur tummy bigger u do i tink more painful n uncomfy.. n wait gynae do VE mah so jus do once now get use to the pain den nearer to date maybe do once more.. cos i was thinkin nearer to date tummy even bigger maybe more painful esp for 1st timer haha..


u haf no idea how big my tummy is now loh!pple dun believe i am 6 mths...they think i'm like abt to gif birth loh..damn sad..

i see if i got courage to do in mar bah..

i asked doc..she say it's ok one..dun shave also ok.

Piggy, vivi,

Ok will confirm with you guys next week.. Most likely can.. Where you guys meeting?


Ya some babies are just more stubborn.. Your friend poor thing..

Ya I also think $70 a bit ex.. But my friend said she is very good and pro.. I trust her lah.. Very close friend..


These girls are doing it now and 1 more closer to the date.. Let the area get used to it first.


now u shd be 7mth liao la still 6mth haha... my tummy not small also wor...

ya i only shave abit for my #1 but irritating la... yesterday GOT 1 AUNTIE say my tummy v small for 7/8mth i was now... huh she the first to say my tummy small hahah...


we goin to marina sq branch[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also v scare of the pain..but shave hor durin confinement the grow out hair v picky wor...


hahaha..oops..lost count!these days just looking fwd to EDD...

i wonder when my little rascal will come out leh.


this shave will be itchier wor..waxing is definately beta la..but expect pain loh..hee.


hahaha noow we almost 8mth liao... soon soon u can see ur darling boy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yar...kinda nervous excited n scared at the same time..dunno whether i can be a gd mum..

i just got news tat we need to work 9 to 9 for the next 3 weeks!!!!arrghss...maybe i will reconsider the part on working till i pop!!!dunno whether how long i can tahan...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello mummies, have not been coming in for so long. Hope all of you are doing well. Can I just check, do any mummies encounter rashes on leg, hand and on the neck?

I read the thread that some of you going for the maternity shoot. I m so envy. I really hope to go for it too but I am suffering from rashes now. My leg, hands n neck is so ugly now. Sobs. Why do I have so many problem.. Even my manager said that I have so many problems for my pregnancy. Feel quite hurt by his words.


kai lee,

Wah!! That's like crap working hours!


Ya shave the growth will be very itchy and uncomfortable.. somemore in april during confinement can be very hot.. So down there, bleeding, hot and itchy.. not the most pleasant experience..

