(2011/04) Apr 2011

Ha ha Piggy learn from all of you too.... after bunny gal comes out my full time job will be a mummy to bunny gal ....

Hopefully I fare well hee hee

someone mentioned that birdnest don't find those super white one scare they bleach right so what happen if we take those kana bleach ones leh?


hahah dun tink of the worse first.. at least u still have helper who knows i may be the 1 who will be depress lol~~~~~


i agree my boi also not consider easy nor v diff.. after 1 mth he become more alert if he dun see me will start to cry haha..


oic ok tks...cos i now i think back for my #1 that time my MIL say her friend give her birdnest so she brew it for me..

now i think of it where got pple so good giveu birdnest..alamak


Ya it was a crazy year.. it has it's good moments.. but really after a while I got used to the reduced hrs of sleep.. Sometimes I would just automatically wake up before Lisa woke up and would be waiting for her to get up!!!

But if you have CL, let her take care of baby at night.. then you can rest.. I nearly went crazy in the first month.. waking non stop, painful breastfeeding and sore bleeding downthere.. really no joke!!

Wah.. Your cousin let bb sleep by himself since 4 months.. I scared leh.. Recently, the SID incident was quite scary..I think I will let my #2 sleep with me till 6 months bah..

Ya agree with piggy, don't stress yourself out.. Every mother and baby are different... If you cannot breastfeed or must supplement with FM, then do it.. we all just want to survive the first few months.. =)


so gd i wanna do medi leh but hor diff cos still mus take care of #1 n do chores at home wait my nails sure kena be4 fully dry-_-

Piggy: yup I agree every baby is different need to go thru trial and error.. My hubby really asked me so how wanna confirm the CL for 2 month (=_=) I told him we see how first.. I'll definitely need someone experienced around. If not when Parsley cries I'll cry with her!! See who can cry louder??? :p

Piggy: I only do feet mah.. I can't do hands too I'm also doing chores too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah feet i also cannot do haha.. cos i need to bath my boi n my toes nails v ulgy keke...

ya maybe emply 1 mth first who knows parsley know she torture u alot alr so decided to be a gd baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nope i didn't buy that book but i bot baby whisper forget the author name..but then i got no time to read so never follow


tracy hogg is the baby whisperer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i bought both, but only finish reading tracy hogg's.


oh ya haha

but i never get to read leh..should try on my #2..

but a bit heartpain to put them on schedule leh..


haha..really ah..shall see la..to a certain extend..i think can be boring to be home 24/7 also..

let's seee...anyway my application always kenna rejected also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


haha I read abt Gina ford din really follow use my own method instead Haha..

Oh jus now I go buy bubbletea den gt this aunty tink she knows alot keep tellin mr drink this no gd mus drink warm water n cook wat soup blah blah .. I know she meant well but still quite irritating:x


hee who say ML mus stay at home 24/7? After my confinement I went out daily leh.. Even find time nt enough den mus rtn to work Liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks ladies..

Haha!! Ya for #1 also never follow. Just go by demand. Hehe!! But I am thinking maybe with #2 can follow some schedule. My #1 no schedule.. Sleep pattern not very good in the 1st year..


Some aunties like to give free advice.. I just nod head.. No point arguing with them.. Hehe.. Ya but can be irritating..


ya lo tt y i jus out of courtesy smile n walk away... bth.. i also dislike those who act like a expert come n ask if i am havin boi n when i say yes they look so proud tt they r rite n the logic of pointed=boi n round = gal is 100% correct irritating..

actually hor i find latch on demand harder to set a routine leh... tt y i dun do tt n after 2 mth my boi sleep thru le..


ya i will bo chap jus find them irritating.. btw tt time u say wanna go to Jamu origin u book alr?

argh so piss off tt Mdm Sadiah suppose to come massage me last wk den she told me v pack say this wk end up when i check with her this wk she told me after CNY!!! so scare after birth she also like tt pek chek.. now thinkin if i shd go to jamu origins ......

hey mumies. jus would like to check.. who has the conact of the massage lady... mdm Sadiah and mdm Ida? my friend looking for one now.. anyone know the charges and who is beta??


for #1, i didn't really follow strictly to the routine, just that he automatically fall into the routine himself...

the diff between the 2 methods are:

for gina ford, there's a fixed time to sleep, to eat, to play... it's called a schedule

for tracy hogg, she just use the E.A.S.Y. routine... there's not fixed time to follow, but just a pattern... as in EAT, then ACTIVITY, then SLEEP, Y stands for YOU meaning when baby sleep, it will be your "me" time... so it's quite easy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

both Mdm Sadiah n Ida charge $50 for the post natal massage.. but Mdm Ida package includes charcoal healing and baby massage... i tink it better tt ur friend try both for prenatal massage first... i can PM u the contact but ur PM not on wor..

Piggy, thanks for the update! I also worry Terry will have fever but bo bian leh... As per last experience, he din had fever, hopefully he won't have it this time round also... If really fever, at least from 01/02 till 07/02 either me or my hubby is on leave can take care of him on our own... Better than let him go to nanny lor... Actually din have much activity during CNY other than visit my grandma, so shld be ok lor...

Pink, thanks for your compliment on the name, of coz it's nice, I choose de mah.... Wahahahahaha..... The woke me up sharp sharp means Terry tried to woke me up zun zun at that timing... I din make myself clear.... Kekekekeke....

Another super duper tired day.... Step out from house 9am, reached home at 9pm..... -_-" but glad that some of the CNY stuff has been settled... I haven't settle my hair business!!!!! Lols... Left with hubby cloth n the curtain I think... Hopefully nothing I miss out...

Good morning ladies !!!!!!

Bad mood early morning... Terry's shoes kena stolen.... Tsk! pervert lor.... Old shoes also want stole....

morning ladies..


icic.. ok la since not much visitin not so bad jus tt i feel CNY sick no gd tt y i am holding on again sian... so far Kyler no fever also but the last Prevenar booster jab he kena wor... n MMR v strong.. so u took MMR or MMRV??

aiyo my HB shoe also kena stolen few time n worse is he took my HB shoe n replace with a cmi pair of slipper siao~

Morning mummies.. So many post to read in 1 day.. Jus reply & comment some 1st..after work den continue reading.. 

Vivi.. I oso settled my boy boy clothing le.. Think dun need to buy his clothing for the next 6-9mths le.. Lols.. Suddenly gotten a lot of passed down from hubby's frd & sil's frd.. Mummy & mil say could b becos they doing spring cleaning so clearing all the clothing over to us.. 

Thanks piggy & Gerry for Ur concern.. Me sick oso have to go office, really short handed le den work piling up each day, will last till end of feb when all ir8a are out.. But by then, audit for my various clients oso in den gt to do handover of my portfolio so dun think gt time to rest until I go give birth ba.. Haizz.. 

Tweety... I'm on mc.. Blocked nose & cough.. Haizz.. 

Kai-lee.. I oso can't take leave @ all, nt even cny.. Guess my leave hv to start when I give birth which is ML le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sookiewookie.. My boy sometimes oso dun listen but duno is it scare of daddy, he normally dun kick much when daddy try to touch or feel his kicks. But so far, I would say he is still quite ok.. Cos when I slp, he dun kick kick to wake me up.. 

Hospital bag.. I oso haven pack yet.. Totally no idea what to pack.. But thanks piggy for the list.. Gonna get a big bag for all the stuff.. 

Gerry.. I think I'll faint too if I'm the wife of that boss.. Show everything to pple.. Omg.. Now I jus hope hubby will know wat to do @ labour ward, dun panic when he see bloody or get too nervous lols..

Vivi: For heartburn, safe & effective way is to take the liquid Gaviscon. It worked for me & it's mild & safe, as recommended by gynae.

Rene and drink that Gaviscon I was so tempted to buy that because they have the one time pack...

Mrs Chua actually I am not too sure how many clothes she bought for Bunny Gal because I am shy to ask her so if it is not enough then need to top up lor...

But hor I got this sick feeling because I dont like my SIL to see the first hand clothes or got to help in choosing the clothes that my MIL bought for bunny gal since I detest my SIL to the core.

Piggy yes yes hopefully today and tomorrow finish quickly.

Mrs Chua,

do take care ya... if really too sick dun force urself ya... for hospital bag yes prepare a big bag dun bring too much unnecessary if miss out any den get ur HB go n take cos u will have more things to bring home when u discharge..

morn mummies...

todae can come in earlier..so sleepy..

mrs chua,

tong ming xiang lian loh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


was also toking to hubby n telling him i hope tomm no need to work..thinking it's fri todae


ya I SMS mdm Sadiah for two days not reply from her but the other time not like this leh.. Jamu for exp right but got good comments leh.. So if we have a group got cheaper??


tt y v fedup lo.. cos she promise me this wk 1. had i know i shd jus sign up the Jamu Wellness first at least i can still get some massage[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

actually i jus found out the founder of Jamu Origins is my Sec sch friend sis hahah but not close paisei to ask for discount.. tink tt time sum1 ask be4 no special rate for group wor only got additional gift for buddy..

Need 5 more couples anymore interested? If not gotta call of liao..

Interested in Photoshoot

30-40pics rtn 45min duration

(need 10 couples for $130 per couple)

1.) JJ

2.) hippopolai

3.) kai_lee

4.) piggytoh

5.) tweety

G'morning ladies,

Last night, ate some CNY goodies and now am wondering how to not eat too much over the holidays next week!! Sigh..


Ya I agree that latch on babies very hard to set routine so the last time also don't have much rountine until I weaned her off BM.. That's 1 of the reason why BF can be soo tiring.. It's really on demand feeding and cos I scared she's not getting enough when I come back home from work, will latch on as and when she wants.. So I can wake up like 3x in the middle of night to feed.. But after a while I got so tired that I just lie her next to me on my bed and she will drink until she and I fall asleep.. Don't know whether this time will be possible to set routine for #2..

Got people steal old shoes one ah!! Aiyo..

Mrs chua,

Don't force yourself to work if you are feeling very sick.. Your body is going through so much..

Haha!! Maybe you and hb can do full dress rehersal to make sure he knows what he is doing during labour.. =)


Must also remember to pack hb's clothes if he is staying with you..

Hi mummies... drop by to say hihi...

How u gals doing... think i need to read back those posts.. missed out alot... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jus see wat u can do... cos i still prefer to pump over latch at least i know how much he is drinkin n i know when to gave him his nex feed..

so far it working well for me.. in fact i have seen many mummies who have prob weanin off latchin babies wor.. some til now 18mth still wan to latch everynite wor.. see liao really tiring...



need a favour..my EDD now changed to Apr 8th liao and will be going to Parkway East Hopsital..can u update for me?

tks hor...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

