(2011/04) Apr 2011

Morning ladies!

Yest went for my gynae appt. Everything normal. Gynae say no need to check for my strep b infection again.. unless I have troubles with my discharge. But when giving birth time.. need to have injection cos i got past history of infection.

Vivi, I also bought my pjs at TPY central yest.. 2 for $14. Scarly same as urs. haha. Wanted to wear my old ones.. but tt day dig out.. realise it's yellowish already. Need new ones for hosp stay. :p

U all gathering ppl for maternity shots har? I'm only interested in family photos after bb is out. Now too ugly le.. dun wanna take. :p Take some big tum tum pics myself for memory sake can le.

My groin is getting more ache already. Anyone like me also? Dunno how am I going to walk for 2 more mths! Last time 36 wks then i got this groin pain leh!



*wave* hahah u r so busy seldom get to see u here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sure sure will update tonight for u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have been having groin pain since the begining of 2nd trim.. The last time I had no pain at all throughout pregnancy lor..

Wah no need to check for GBS just get the antibiotic injection prior to birth?? Hmmzz..

Piggy.... ya man... busy with my work lo... toopid comp su ka su ka chg system.. make us all busy for noting LOL... now quite settle in le...

Got MD somemore, haha try to reduce IE usage! Hehehehe

Piggy, at least he still exchange shoes with u? Hahahaha.... Luckily I still have a pair standby and lucky my son still can wear lor... Tonight have to bring him buy new sliper liao... Sianz...

JSL, u too long din log in lar... See piggy so re qing, some more wave at you leh... hahahaha.... Has been busy for CNY or work?

My bodyache is killing me leh... Cannot MC... sob sob... Hope time flies faster, no time prepare CNY let it be liao... I want CNY break so that I can nua at home... Pain...


tks :D

eh u all go for pre natal massage got those oil thingy one ornot? i'm thinking want to go for one ornot.usually it is done on ur bed or need to get a make shift mattress?

Gerry, yup. He say got history already.. so better play safe. Gd also lah.. I no need to get poked again to check for strep b.

Piggy, mine is groin pain leh. How to massage there? :p Backache still can ask hb massage.. groin pain no cure... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hippo hahaha ya lo... i like so lost touch liao man!

ya man hope the CNY break comes faster.. ahhaha as usual my comp gg to shutdown for CNY until 8th FEB... hmmm can rest le.. heehee dun envy coz they deduct my annual leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


these days shoes cannot put outside..u'll be surprised the kind of shoes being stolen these days..

i also cannot take mc..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] nm..endure..cny coming..i still gotta standby..dammit..sianz


long time no see...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope things r going well?


see la still wan big tum tum... big tumtum usu come with lotsa body ache 1 k... lol~

aiyo he took my HB ex slipper n replace with a cheapo uncle slipper he also no wear for wat? hahah..


i find it helps leh... cos my is side of the hip the joint of my bum n leg there n after massage i find can reduce abit leh but mus do regularly[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya loh..cos got alot of tasks happening within these few weeks...and no one to cover me...sibeh jialatz...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


so nice ur coy..i wan them to deduct my annual leave also cannot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cannot go on leave for cny...


Ya I also don't like Dr swapping my down there.. Like doing pap smear all the time..

Ask you your groin pain got accompany with swollen labia or not.. My left groin hurts more and my left labia also quite swollen.. Very asymmetrical my down there!! =( Can be super uncomfortable esp if sit down for too long or walk/stand for too long..

kai lee.. sob sob I cannot take for my own use le... after CNY i can onli look forward for my ML... No more leaves until May.. coz they deducted advance leave le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


pretty much the same for me wor...somemore my "replacement" not in yet...sianz...

nm..jiayou jiayou...our ML coming soon...:p

piggy ya ya ya heehee... somemore Im onli taking 12wks.. heehee I still got 20days ML to clear plus childcare leave wohoho... super look forward! heehee

Kailee.... ya man jia you... mi got no replacement.. my coll take over.. hahahe everytime she look at mi she shake her head.. heehee


my replacement also not here yet n my boss is taking her own sweet time... so i cant be bother was tellin my kolig if i pop any earlier gd luck to her..


but most imptly is they allow u to clear la.. wait hor accumulated alot of leave cant clear also no pt..


haha..u stress ur kolig ah...

i also taking it ez la...if replacement come gd..if not..i think i abit bochup liaoz..

am v drained actually.

plus these days can't really sleep well..keep waking up den hard to fall back to sleep..

Hi Ladies,

I was reading the Feb thread about their birth stories. I don't understand why most of them will choose to be induced when they found out that they have started dilation. Is this necessary? Is it normal to just wait to dilate naturally? Also found out that Gynae will break waterbag for you. Is this necessary too? Do they charge to break your waterbag? My first birth born in Australia is fully naturally and I am nervous about delivering my 2nd in Sg which feels like birth is manipulated and controlled. Thanks if mummies can advice.


no i was referrin to my boss both my kolig also bth her who knows when i rtn they quit alr haha..


induce so tt they wun get sudden surprise when ur contraction start to kick it or there r complication... it more like personal preference.. n some mucus plug came out n when they reach hosp after checkin they have not start to dilate so gynae may suggest them to induce since they alr there..

no extras charges for breaking water bag... usu more for induce or u alr dilate n contraction kick in ur gynae break the bag to speed up the process.. of cos u can jus wait if u dun like planned labour...

Piggy, ya lor... Tummy just grow abit nia aldy pain here n there... Cannot imagine if con't growing till the day I pop... But I think my bodyache/backache coz by my boobs, they really grow like nobody business lor... Dun think my tummy can catch up my boobs growing speed.... Lols....

Kailee, ya lor... Tis morning aldy told hubby not to leave shoes outside unless those really old old old slippers for me go downstair walk walk buy thing 1 can... Scarly that type also got ppl steal, Wahahahaha....


huh ur boobs still growin like no body business ah lol~~

aiyo u try big boobs n big tummy worse... now i can hard turn when i sleep also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kai Lee same same EDD ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elmo maybe the from the same shop hor. Mine 1 is cartoon print and 1 is flower print. I bought the one in dress form.

Hmm for me these few nights are the crampy feeling that I dislike... now then I know to go through these 9 months is really a tough feat.

good morning mummies,

ok, mid morning already. had a 9am meeting and so unproductive.. feel like in maternity mode already..ha

vivi: my gynae prescribes Mylanta for heartburn. can be found at guardian. very safe, don't worry.

i booked Origins Jamu already. cause i thought everyone will be doing the freelance one.. i panic last week and thought better get this one confirmed so that I can get something ticked off my check list. The owner Rebecca Chan told me that its best to book 2 months before. So if you girls are intending to go to origins Jamu, better book soon.

kai lee,

Sometimes they might only check when you are near delivery date.. I am not too sure what the indication for a swap down there.. cos I had yeast, my dr decided to swap and culture found out that I had Group B strep so now I am on a course of antibiotics..


I usually will wake up when I start feeling uncomfortable in 1 position. Then turn also very xin ku... I must wake up to turn!! OMG!! For me, it is the butt, hips and groin will kill me when I turn.. =(


yes yes me too same area... initially only right side now both side *shake head*

Jamu Origins is $425 for 5 days abt $85 per session..


ur boss really quite jialat hor..for a woman with kids...tsk tsk..


u;ll be surprised..last time my mum's old shoes were stolen..n some slippers also..we suspect it's some construction workers or some random cleaners sometimes...things we used to take for granted now haf to be v careful.

wah ur boobs still growing ah...

i paid the $200 deposit and signed up for 7 sessions. actually i wanted 5 cause for my first one, i took 5 sessions but i think with #2, i put on more weight plus.. good to have extra massages!

Here is the weblink: http://www.originsjamumassage.com/Promotions.html

i also worry with freelances, their timing a bit more "flexible", change here change there and may be hard to get the timing we want. so i don't mind sacrificing a bit more money.



think i need to go buy my PJs also liaozz..



do u mummies sleep on ur right side?i'm still sleeping on my left and sometimes on my back leh..

wah origins quite ex hor...

Hmm Kai Lee for me I sleep on the left hand side usually .... I try to sleep on the right hand side but bunny gal always kick me on my sides so I dont think she like.

Only in the middle of the night then I shift to sleep on the right side provided she dont kick me.

Sometimes when I woke up I found myself sleeping on the back....

kai lee: i'm sleeping mostly on my left side. luckily i tend to be a side sleeper but still.. the restless nights is already happening. either baby kick, insomia, got to pee that results in having to wake up a couple of times during the night. of course they say baby is training you up before they come out but aiyoh the fact still have to work the next day is just killing me! zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hi PiggyToh,

U mentioned that you prefer pump to latch...Thus when we give birth in hospital, usually nurses will carry baby for latching? then back hme you will do pumping? Cos I agreed with you abt latching, most of the babies too used to latching and cant wean off..They have a hard time when going back to work....


actually me is typical rite side sleeper one..but cos of BB..now i sleeping left side..den usually will get cramps...n yes..always wake up pee den cannot sleep well.

now i put a pillow behind me..to support my back..cos i realised sleeping on my back is not really gd for blood circulation also?

do u exp tat?


actually tt time my #1 my massage lady ok wor.. once fix the timin she stick to it cos she say she gave priority to post natal even pre natal once she confirm timin no change 1 jus tt i dun like the smell of the oil... so lookin for another but this 1 keep changin i v fedup...


ya in hosp i try to latch cos colostrum v little latch better den first few day i did latch but i got short nipple v painful to latch n i cant tell how much he drink so prefer to pump after tt..n easy to set a routine for my boy..

Kai Lee for me I dont even want to sleep on my back because I feel breathless now... Hmm dont like to put the pillow at my back like not very comfortable so usually I will just sleep on my sides.

piggy: paiseh for late reply.. we didn't book the origins jamu massage yet leh...

I heard from a few friends that it's not that hard to book... so don't have to confirm super early... Even the agency that provides the CLs have a pool of massage ladies to provide the service too. So I think that's my back up plan


icic cos i read from the webbie 2 mth in advance bookin is require.. ya some agency provide post natal massage also but gd 1 v impt so if no 1 try be4 i dare not try wor...

piggy: icic.. think i'll prob go with the origins jamu then... Coz I may do c sect, I won't be able to start the massage so early. So I didn't think I needed to book so early lor.

Am I the only one still sleeping on back (propped up on 2 pillows)? I can't sleep on my left coz I will get acid reflux leh... all the websites encourage mothers to sleep on left. I cannot... Haiz.


i jus email her to check.. so let me clear my doubts first if i confirm maybe we sign up as buddy??

sigh i cant on my back leh bb kickin n pressure v hard to sleep n breath...:x

piggy: no prob.. let me know. I think c sect I got to wait quite long before I can start. So didn't want to book too early.

I also kenna the kicking and pressure and breathlessness but bo pian, better than feeling the acid come up my throat and making me nauseous.


hahah cos sign up as buddy more freebies hahah i cheapo la... dunno leh i feel v uncomfortable with the kickin n pain from my groin area...

Hello all!

just got back to office from gynae visit. thank god bb growing well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but quite disappointed didn't get to eat deli potato cause was rushing off. :|

piggy: no mah the package so exp... of course got freebies will be good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's called maximizing our every $! Very important ok, the cost of living in SG is soaring high.

I don't get that pressure/pain at the groin area yet.. maybe Parsley's not turning yet... But I'm starting to feel like her movements are getting higher up... so not sure if she has turned yet.. got to ask my gynae on 7th Feb.

Btw is 7th Feb the waxing session on?



no la every1 is diff... not every1 will get groin pain 1 usu it becos the ligament losen ard tt area den u will get...

i am onz for the 7th Feb session..

