(2011/04) Apr 2011


yup need to be ard wk 12 den can take NT scan... no la oscar test is not abt givin bb best but more of whether u wan to find out the ratio of them being DS.. some parent they r prepare to accept DS child so they opt out for this test:p


Do you girls know where I can buy a maternity pillow? My booster is not helping anymore. Did not need it for my first pregnancy but don't know why with this one, I'm feeling so uncomfortable.

wow piggytoh, u know the gender liao ah?? so good... congrats!

sookiewookie, u can get the snoogle from first few years at paragon... i got mine there during my 1st pregnancy. think need to take it out to use soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Please refer to this link http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

for related pics and descriptions. Items include BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, My brest friend nursing pillow, and Dale abdominal binder.

If keen, please PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.

PS: just to add, for every purchase for $15 and above, you get 5pcs of Drypers S for free. so for $30, u get 10pcs and so on. while stocks last!

Hey mummies how's weekend so far? I'm just feeling bit bloated sometimes but no more nausea for last two days. A bit early for MS to go away? Too good to be true haha. Just hope that this good condition will sustain. My no 1 is very naughty these few days, very hard to get him sleep. I carried him quite a lot so got some cramps. Must go slow I guess.

Piggytoh, congrats!

My oscar results out le, everything ok..was worried for the 2 days while waiting for results, hubby keep saying I think too much :D

Oh ya, I went to find the shop which Piggytoh recommended for the maternity clothes at bugis..The shop name is call Carrano. It is a corner shop just beside the entrance to "The Bencoolen". Heh. Thanks Piggytoh! I got some clothes and they are affordable.


lol yes know early means boy tt y u see up ther all boy keke.. nvm la can recycle the clothing spend less time to wash also lol~~


thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes i agree it irritating ..


thanks:p btw i dun tink tt shop i recommend is corner shop wor i tink got 2 clothin shop side by side directly opp OG 1.. but nvm la glad u bott some clothes tt u like:p


hee i tink nothing much for me to buy cos alr got lotsa boi clothing for him:p

Hi Ladies

Anyone looking for a good second-hand stroller?

I have a Capella S228 (black and orangey red) for sale at $150. Suitable for newborn. It is a four-wheel drive stroller and the handles are reversible. It comes with full-canopy and a three-point harness. I bought it about 6 months ago at Robinsons (retail price was about $200). It is used occasionally as I also have another Combi stroller (a hand-me-down) from my colleague. I'm letting the Capella go because I have just bought a twin stroller (expecting another bb). Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Ang

Piggy, congrats! Ya, bb healthy is more impt...

Agree with u, all these advertisement are so annoying...

Jiesiling, me too plan to go Mt.A for a tour... Just went Thomson, still prefer there, more familiar, but haiz... Cost is higher... Can't bear to leave my #1 for that 3 days leh... Thinking to opt for single room so that he can stay over with me n DH too!!!

Me do not enjoy my weekend at all, a fren of mine is preggy too, that day we msn told me she is having ms, vomit like mer-lion, I still laughed at her description, in the end me vomit like merlion for the pass 2days, what a weekend!

Hi everyone,

I have a Mamas & Papas brand (from UK) baby cot & changing table (both cream color) for sale

Used only for 2 years and is in very good condition

Cot has 3 levels and is good for newborn till 3 years old.

Come with mattress and bed sheets.

Bought at $1500 now selling $450!

Please conatact me at 97970047 for viewing or photo if you are interested. Sorry, i hv problem to upload the photos here.

morning ladies....


thanks.. ya baby healthy more impt:p

hmm TMC cost higher??? i tink abt the same wor.. but i would suggest u go MT A tour first.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies... urmm perhaps he is telling mi each is ard 100plus bah.. im not sure lei, i ask my hubby i got hear wrongly ant.. but he oso say he heard 100 plus.. nvmind lo.. 8 oct i will know le lo...

hippopolai, ya man.. I see the package for TMC is slightly higher then MtA. So Im gg down to take alook also.

My frd (same gynae) says Dr Adrian prefers TMC lei....

Congrats piggy on moving onto tri 2 ... wait for all of us to cross over ok!!

these few days experience lower back aching & pain sia ... its like those intensive aching of the bones, don't know is it my sleeping position or what .. so achey ...


usu those gynae with clinic in TMC will prefer TMC 1 so they can jus go over n check on n off without travellin .. If u opt for 4 bedded I tink will be cheaper bah unless u wan 1 bedder ..


u r carryin twin so goin forward ur back ache will get worse ESP when ur BB gain more weight... Bear with it k ..


ya will see how it goes lo... I will go max 2 bedder la.. 4 bedder seems abit nosiy.. see how it goes first... BTW, so good u pass 1st tri... I'm "patiently" waiting for mine... so slow! heehee


oh for TMC Dr adrian wil ask u take 4 bedder n get auto upgrade.. but got risk if full u will stick to 4 bedder.. which happen to my friend... argh i am still feelin v sick leh.. looking forward to wk 16:p

Morning mummies

Waiting at gynae's clinic again. The queue is very very very long as usual. Appt 8.15 and hubby called they said can come at 9. Can u imagine if we came at 8.15? Think it's madness.

Anyone has recommendation of gd gynae at MT A or TMC? Need somebody very kind, patient and understanding . Dont need to be pro natural coz im not keen to go natural. Current gynae sometimes not available coz he's also a surgeon doing other ops.


which area u stay? actually not necessary to go to gynae station in MT A or TMC.. my GYnae deliver at all pte but his clinic is in the west side HDB area...

I remember my fren took TMC single ward then her DH stayed over 1 night w/o charge (slept on the sofa) ... seems like the nurse close 1 eye .. but she stayed 2 days only la ...

bb's 2cm already back aching liao .... can't imagine when they full term ... think i'll tip forward ...


i didnt receive your PM abt massage lady..can send again?


sat when for gynae checkup...by right bb shld be 11wk 2 days...but scan out is 12 wk...anybody same case as me?

abit of worry...going to do oscar test this thurs..for blood test need to fast?

forget to ask

and last sun one time affair of pinkish discharge... today again...dunno is becos wkend carry my gal or not. my gal ard 10kg

cowgal - my bb's also growing fast .. they base the date of bb on their size .. so sometimes they grow very fast then the dates acclerate fwd ...

that's why i ask my doc what's my EDD he was like btw the 1st twin & 2nd twin lor ... haha .. aniwei for twins no use knowing the EDD also. .. i just need to know which date to cross for the bb's to be health & don't need neo care


i got 1 baby when in 3rd trim i alr v xin ku lor not to scare u la.. but i small size n short also so i find the weight is heavy..


ok ok I PM u again.. btw the bb size will keep changin 1... sumtime fast sumtime slow so dun worry it norm.. ya usu it ard wk 12.. n i usu done both together.. i v sway my blood vein too small end up both arms kena...


mine at clementi.. my gynae is funnie n patient la wun say much only say the necessary.. if u wan 1 tt is v friendly n kind u may wan to consider Dr Wong Mun tat? he is v soft n gentle type at bt gombak... but his nurses not tt friendly i dun like...

Hi morning mummies!

Did not enjoy weekend with all the vomitting n onli manage to eat bf then the rest of the day cnt eat liao but still vomit. Tdy go back office liao feel so tired.


Me still carry my gal she is 12+kg, maybe call yr doc to check.

Piggy : congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

seems like majority here had done/or gog 4 the Oscar test. I am still thinking wheather to do anot.. or just wait for the triple blood test. anyone here not doing the Oscar?


i tink popular 1 r usu long waiting time wor.. my 1 usu i only wait for 30min sumtime only 10mins...

Jelly bean,

thanks.. hmm if u r confident enough tt no matter DS or no DS u will opt to gave birth to ur child den can jus skip???

pinkraindrops...u can dr yvoone chan...her waiting very short. but she only accept certain no of patients.

thanks gals...great to heard tat.

Piggy - then lucky I'm big sized ... hahaha aniwei from what I see of twins usually the last 4weeks are bed rest ordered by the doc ...




hee i not v sure but i see my friend havin twin she din bed rest wor... btw u r not in the table u wan me to add u?

I think wait till pass 3 mths la then add me .. sorry i'm pantang ...

tried very long to have this precious babies ...



me me me.. i experience it

gynae said its bcoz hurt the throat. even swallow water also painful

usually only can recover after a sleep, i tried to drink honey but still same

