(2011/04) Apr 2011


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah really many west sider[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

argh heartburn can't sleep again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Wah!!!! Me also west sider! Me 5mins walk to JP!!! But moving to 8++ end this year or early next year!!!! Our own house...

Think I'm at peak MS, vomit after every meal... DH work late recently...

Just now vomit after meal again then breakdown, cry infront my #1, he come and kiss me and start mumbling to me, blah blah blah... like encourage me... So sweet of him...

Hungry till wake up drink milo, going back to sleep soon...

Enjoy your weekend ya all.... nitey....

I'm from the extreme east - tampines .. But I don't mind going over to the west for gathering during weekends.

Don't know why my son just like to poo in the middle of the night. Just help him to clear at 4 am and till now I can't sleep.

Morning ladies...

Wow so many westerner... Must have a meetup next month Le..

Hippo: hugz hugz.. All will be fine soon.. Jiayou!!

Kaira: wah... Sure arh?? From east to west??

Sapphire: I usually tAke my vits after I brush my teeth... Should be ok ba..

morning ladies..


supp mus be taken after food... for iron n calcium mus be taken at least 1 hr apart wor... usu i took 1 in the morning n the other in the noon...


ya mus take after food 1.. ur gynae nv told u?? ya better when i wake up but after breakfast no gd again.. v tired now..

piggy: i think the nurse got tell me.. but i used to eating it after i brush my teeth.. but usually will eat liao then eat some bread....

hugz hugz....


oic nv tml onwards u took after breakie :p sian many thing to do .. mus sent my son to my IL house den go for check up den pick up my HB yawn~

wah, 1 day no log in so many posts!

I also used to be a westerner - my mum's place, near JP too..now every Friday & Sat will go over as my girl stays with my parents on Friday nights. :D

Currently I staying @ Lavender area..


hee my Hb was also considerin movin to the east cos he might need to work in the east soon but i am too use to west le :p


sure will update but i tink my gynae pattern not v sure he wun annouce so shall see hw it goes:p

peach: maybe we can arrange weekend meet up lor... then u can join in. =)

piggy: i m still trying to get used to west area... i used to stay TPY.... now move to west area.. frankly speaking.. not very used to it.. heehee


haha I opp I prefer train faster .. Alamak my gynae clinic dunno pack like wat becos he jus come back from holiday dunno mus wait how long..


my appt is 11.15 so I reach 10 min earlier lo but usu go by appt waiting is usu less than 30min for wkend but ok la 1 more will be my time..

Harlo gals..

My gynae say so far so gd BB neck thickness is gd bloodtest ready in a wk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I ask him can see gender ?he say wk 12 maybe still pretty early cos for male n female may look still pretty the same even can see mostly r boys n provided the little bird is alr well built n sturdy lol~ anyway he help me n see n it a boy..


mine is actuallly norm scan done at my gynae clinic jus tt instead if goin hosp get sonographer to scan for me he scan himself[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya hope u can see[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my hb always wan 2 boy now he v yaya ask me how wan a gal ? Wan ttc #3? Bth..


oh u ask the sonographer help u see? Cos not so gd to scan so many time also.. He Tok rubbish la 2 kid alr v siong n I stoppin after this I hate preg la...


I tink so in western country they v pro natural 1 thru out preg they only scan 3 time Nia n if spottin or bleedin they dun gave medi or injection 1 becos they believe if the BB is healthy it will stay inside if not better lost it earlier so sg consider v caution lor but I tink as long not excessive is ok la..

halo mummies...

Juz been to TMC tour.. urmmm the traffics reali kills... Carpark super limited.... but the rooms service I still find it okie.... Im not very sure wat will happen when the actual day come.

Think gota arrange to got MtA to take a look oso.

btw Rach if u r there....

the Oscar is ard 100 plus. Im taking the fish oil now, he say i can take now wor.

As for the weight, he say bb more impt... so meaning mummy nvmind la.. hahah anyway he let mi go weigh on my own.. so i go home and record lo...

Piggytoh, ya it's different. Here, it's like I look forward to every scan so as to feel relieved that BB is doing well... hahaha

Tweety, I haven't start on my calcium and iron cos I am still on progesterone. This morning had my 1st cap of fish oil.

sapphire> wah... im not sure, he told mi yday ard 100 plus... Im gg on the 8th Oct... but i see he chose the one like no need to do so much test...


i tink ur $100+ is only the NT scan leh.. TMC cant be only $100+ the blood test u do at ur gynae place or??? oscar test consist of both....


ya agree jus hope bb is fine.. jus now my bb smiling also so cute...

My OSCARS test for twins is 480+ consist of both blood test & scan...

got cheaper one .. only blood test..


my blood test alone is alr $260 lo... but scan i find impt also cos mus see neck thickness... if can do both test better la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heng my gynae scan for me so save on the scan..


Maybe govt hence not as pricy as outside .. i already thot its quite ex .. but being my 1st bb's I want to give them the best ..

thot need to hit certain weeks before can scan for bb's neck thickness .. cos my scan is scheduled in abt 3 weeks later .. my blood test is nxt week

