(2011/04) Apr 2011

yah I know got to push twice , but the tot of the knife on my tummy , my legs will wobble [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and the post care makes me very worried ... mustnt think about it until then esle I feel like backing out !



u said u still feel tired tot in 2nd trim?

how is yr MS? getting better of nauseous & bloated feeling?

over the weekend i tried to boil red dates with pao-sheng to drink. nw i feel more energitec altot still puking but wont feel so tired

not sure if its bcoz MS is slowly lighten or due to the drink i had

u may try it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope its help too

DZ - actually I'm mentally prepared to go for c-section cos usually twins will come out early better to do c-section.

some dangers are that when twin A comes out there will be room inside for twin B to move around & possible breech ... i read on internet one

I know 1 mummy natural birth her twins, think the whole birth process (minus the contractions portion) was 45mins ...

I bought twins guide book on amazon, will share more when i got the books to read


hmm but i tink y more mummies opt for c-sect is becos the implication like wat JJ mentioned n worse if need emerg c-sect v ex leh... but maybe talk to ur gynae nearer to date to see if natural is possible? i v scare of undergo the knife also...


yes i still feel v bloated n nausea... n tired... tink will only get better after another few wk bah our body takes time to adjust also..

piggytoh.. told him le. He knew i'll be v cham loh.. still dare to ask me. I ask him tell his boss i got spotting.. gotta bed rest.. see how loh. Sianz.

yah me too get over and done with .. at least week 12 .. thereafter at least no more medication and injections , I hate the inserts .. its so messy !


actually even when i got #1 i dun feel v strong bonding as well...


at least ur HB still can ask my HB cant even chose nvm la maybe his boss understand n sent sum1 else[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkraindrops: I stay at Upp Bt Timah too, but moving to Holland soon. My gynae is at Camden. Waiting time is never long (at most 20 mins) and usually he can see me within 10 mins of my appt time.

He is a very patient and gentle man. I didn't have MS so I cannot comment first hand on his MS-techniques, but my friend went to see him for her second preg and she always has VERY VERY BAD MS.

Almost as bad as yours and some would say worse. She ended up on a drip in hospital for a few days for both pregs.

Anyway, my gynae treated her during the second preg and she LOVES HIM.

Yes, my gynae can be pro-natural but he's also very easy going about anything - if you want a C-section under GA or an epidural he is also happy to oblige. If you want a water birth, he is also ok. Most important is he is well-informed and up to date with all the studies. He is also an expert in high-risk pregnancies (not that yours is high risk) and more complicated pregnancies (you may feel that you are in this category because of your high MS level).

Only downside is that he is expensive. But if you don't mind that, pls PM me for more details. Take care, pink, I really feel like you've been having a tough time and I wish we could do/say something to make you feel better or to help in some way.

DZ: Congrats on twins! So exciting! I think lots of twins have been delivered naturally as long as you find the right gynae who is equipped to handle it and there are no complications. To me, no harm trying a vaginal birth if you feel strongly about being "cut" as there is always a C-sect as a backup. What does your gynae say about delivery method?

Sharlin: Hope you feel better soon! Interesting that your gynae didn't mention the tests, maybe he's doing it but just not telling you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy: Wah congrats! Boy #2! How do you feel about it? I am quite lost as to what to do with a boy but as you say, as long as they are healthy, we'll figure it out as we go along, hor?

dz, u very poor thing. twins are even more difficult for you.

i think i will choose to go Csect once the baby reaches acceptable weight. know it's against the norm but i really don't want to prolong this suffering. i don't think i'm going to breastfeed too. Controversial huh.


tell your hubby nononono cannot go!!! u need all the help u can get. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


same for you. see if ur hubby can wriggle out of it. the men are responsible for their children too and shouldn't leave the wives alone to fend for themselves and your #1.

Yolk Sac,

ur #1 also boi?? actually when i first find out boi i was abit shock cos got strong feelin it gal n sort of expectin a gal.. but come to term liao.. but sumtime the thot of the 2 of them runnin ard messin up the house will shiver keke... jus hope they r both sensible n filial like my HB n BIL lo...

pinkraindrops: 40 weeks. But full term is from 38 (some say 37) weeks. No harm opting for a scheduled C-sect anytime from 37 weeks. And no bfeeding is not the end of the world also. Many of us here were raised on 100% formula milk and we did just fine, right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You do what you feel is best for yourself.

(if you're wondering what the 41 week figure is, it's basically usually the upper limit before ob-gyns will insist on inducing labour - i.e. if you're still carrying the bb at 41 weeks, most docs will insist on inducing labour at that point)

My #1 is a girl, piggytoh, that's why I dunno what to do with a boy! Everyone says one boy one girl is so perfect, but I don't think so. I think either two girls or two boys is nice - they will be closer that way. My boy will look at my girl and not know how to play with her and vice versa.


my HB no choice cos he is with SAF... when i preg with #1 he was away for 10mths since i was 6mth preg.. i dun blame him la cos not tt he wan he misses both of us badly also n he misses the growin up phases of our boi...i gotta take few pic everyday to show him n he is not playin ther but study n clearin his test no fun also n he has been doin all the housework n taking care of my boi whenever he is ard so for the sake of his future bobian lo...

thanks Yolk Sac. rarely see u in here~~~

I grew up on formula milk but now the overwhelming trend is to do breastfeeding. Everyone will try to educate you on the advantages. But I must be really selfish, I want my life back asap. It has been wrecked as it is.

I heard another story of another mother who did not even try breast feeding at all and i think she is very brave to be able to do that, given all the peer pressure going around from everyone. Almost everyone out there has something or another to say about your pregnancy, i realize.

i must learn how to let it go in from one ear and come out from the other...

Sigh csect still must wait until 37 weeks, which means i still have 25 weeks of pregnancy. It feels like forever.

YOlk sac,

oh... dun worry.. boi can be v fun also.. my sis got 1 boi n 1 gal they have so much fun playin together... they watch vcd together play game together n they r close also..


icic, then its not up to him to decide. his boss is so inconsiderate. SG environment is really not pro family.

try to get help from family and don't do it all by urself if possible... good thing is ur #2boy is quite well behaved (unlike my genderless one) so over all you are still quite comfortable and u can still take care of #1. but when tummy is bigger it will get harder and u'll be tired.


although my MS is consider mild compare to some of u but to preg n takin care of a toddler is not easy also.. many time my HB fly oversea 1 nite or nite flyin i gotta handle my boi alone v siong the prob is i dun wan to move to my MIL house n my own parent cannot help me so sian lo... u dun tink so much when ur MS is gone thing will be much better..

pinkraindrops: I lurk but it's been hard to post - busy with work and moving house. Actually some of the older generation seem to have an easier time dealing with formula milk. To them, all this TBF business is very weird and new. A lot of S'porean women are put under pressure NOT to breastfeed or to combine with FM. So you may have an easier time with in laws, etc, if you just tell them, "I'm not going to breastfeed". That's the plus side of things.

You can try asking gynae to have c-sect at 36 weeks but bb's lungs may not be fully developed at that point - which may lead to more problems in the long run.

I know you are worried that your MS will last the whole preg, and I know that that is a valid concern. It's very easy for other pple to say, "no, that won't happen" etc. But I must say that based on probability, that that is probably unlikely. Chances are you will feel at least a little bit better, so maybe you can defer your decision on these things (when to have a c-sect, whether to attempt breastfeeding etc) until a bit later. I just worry that you have a lot on your plate at the moment and now may not be the best time to decide on these things.

In any case, we are here for you - to rant, to complain, to sigh, etc. No judgment here from us about TBF and c-sections etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take care!

Piggytoh: Thanks for making me feel better. Fingers crossed. You thought of names already?


During my #1 time he also say dun need nw #2 he didn't mention anything I only be seeing him end of oct as he going away during e weekend I suppose to c him ....

Any of u ladies lose weight ?? I lost abt 2kg is it due to my MS ...

yolk sac,

my MIL is the very modern kind. she breastfed herself. sianz. hope she doesnt try to pressurize me.

thanks for your encouragements and advice. you're right to say that i dont have to decide now. but i'm driven to desperation already, given how horrible i've been feeling.


Yah I lost weight too 2.5kgs so far.


u knew the gender alrdy?? wow tats fast congratz!!!

yolk sac

i also very close to my elder bro since young even nw we both got own family but still very close [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yr is 1st baby, rite? u alrdy decide C-sect?


yah its very tough to work and take care of your #1 and be pregnant... and ur hubby is away alot of times. you are doing a very good job. I frankly don't think i'll be up to it.

I'm only having #1 and i already told my hubby i need a maid, and i'm still getting a confinement lady. No parents or inlaws to help (all working), plus i don't wanna impose on them or rely on them. and we are first time parents everything don't know. i'm not going to even try and be super Mum


Yah most probably. I'm not having #2. THIS IS IT for me


i lost 1kg so far

with round tummy i thk shd not be only 1kg, by right shd be more heavy then pre-preg weight


any reason to let u decided of C-section?

my #1 is C-sect at week 36 by schedule. i chose C-sect as i got cys at ovarian so gynae do it at once save pain & $$ :D

so this #2 also have to be C-sect bah..


erm, because i dont wanna go thru the torture of waiting for labour... wait for waterbag to burst...not knowing if i can tolerate the pain... then have to wait and wait and wait... what if at the end still cannot come out got to go emergency csect? then pay double... happened to my sister coz her daughter was too big, couldn't come out...

yah so I must be very selfish mother I think my threshold of pain is not very high.

i rather have everything planned so i know what to expect. just not sure if my gynae is willing coz some may only do it if there are health concerns ?(i heard??) I probably will insist for it.

so far i lost 3 kg.. my gynae told me 3 kg is ok.. his record for his patient was 7kg.

pinkraindrops: i agree, u should take one step at a time. don't over think now cause u are now at a vulnerable stage. Just focus on getting through this period. for me, i find pregnancy/babies is something that we cannot really control.. e.g. gender, want to give birth naturally but last min still have to do C section, want to breastfeed but no milk. Perhaps it is better to go with the flow.


i see yah actually i also agree with yr worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

b4 1st preg i keep having thking tat i would like to go thru natural i must experience it

then during pregnancy gynae told me my placenta abit lying down so to prevent bleeding i must have C-sect. in the beginning i queit sad over it tat i cant have natural

but after thk of it i feel tat its really better way as nowadays many of my frens & relatives end up go emergency C-sect too and went thru double pain.

and the waiting for the contraction is really a torture

i was queit lucky everythg went thru by schedule, no contraction.

for those with boys , may I ask did yall try the chinese prediction table that predicts the gender based on the age of the mother and the month the baby is conceived ?


its always good to have a plan but plans don;t always go as planned. so sometimes going with the flow is better... less expectations and disappointments.

you are definitely not a selfish mother. right now, u are suffering so you want to do what's best for you (i'm also feeling the same way too now) cause if you cant be strong for yourself, how are u going to be strong for others right?

My threshold is also very low. I took epidurial and i did not feel any pain so there are remedies that can help you with pain.

your gynae should make u feel comfortable. if he does not respect your birth plans, then perhaps u need to look for a new one. i have a friend's wife who refused to ive birth naturally cause she was scared of the pain so she went for C sect and her doctor did it.


yup know it last sat.. My gynae say usu if having boi den can know now...


I try the Chinese prediction table n it predict wrongly for both my preg...


haha I also took epi right from the beginning so feel nothin no pain at all[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for me I induce so it schedule n i took epi early so no pain only thing is the waiting time la.. Hmm not tt we tryin to be super mum la sumtime bobian cos financial not strong so can't afford so many thing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy : I did the same for my first one epidural right from the start and infact it was my gynae that recommend me to do so . the only down side was when I saw the needle for the epi , i think I suffer from a shock and black out .. haha .. the doctor has to come in the second time .. she was walking ard with the big needle , I think I must have freak out from the sight of it .


huh so unpro? the anesthetist who did it for me is 1 with some age v experience he ask me to turn 1 side dun let me see anything my sis who deliver at TMC her Hb was not even ask toleave the roomend up my BIL freak out instead lol...u deliver at which hosp for #1???

ya i tink the table not accurate at all after all it 50-50 i can also predict lol~

actually the way I see it, both natural and csect are painful. just in different forms. I am not one of those mother who die die want to experience natural birth also because its not guaranteed that it will definitely happen no matter how hard u try. I dont know if my gynae is pro natural or not but i went to him coz he was recommended for his stitching skills. Oh and I've heard very scary stories of how some mothers tore and had to be sewn up and the tear was almost to the buttockhole... I think I rather deal with the csect pain then have the pain down there because from what i've heard for some mothers they will even be afraid to poop because the cut is so near. imagine post delivery and u're doing confinement, u're having ur period, already very uncomfortable, cannot eat this cannot do that, some even cannot bathe, then plus cannot poop??? oh dear...

sookiewookie and bbgoh,

thanks for sharing with me your thoughts. it means alot to me. some pple i talk to don't seemed so understanding and supportive.

sookiewookie, was your first pregnancy very bad also?

it's true that alot of things can spiral out of control, sigh.

I'm still very sick today with the MS and i'm reaching 12 weeks.

Bbgoh, thanks, it's nice to know that there are close bro-sis pairs. I really hope my kids will have each other as buddies.

Pinkraindrops, aiyoh, who has been scaring you with all these stories? Please stop talking to them if possible, you don't need any more stress right now. Both vaginal and csect have pros and cons, we just decide based on our own needs and situation at the time. No right or wrong. It is possible not to

tear too badly or opt for the cut (episiotomy), and yet have little or no discomfort after delivery, but you have to prepare

your body. I just thought I should highlight this in case there are mummies here who might want to try delivering vaginally

and who get scared off by the posts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Agree with sookie - if your gynae does not respect your birth plan must switch asap. Two of my friends opted for c sect with GA, no problems with their gynaes at all. I can get the contact for you if you want.

i checked the calendar for my niece and nephew also only 1 is correct 1 is wrong...

yah hope i didnt scare off any mommies with the stories, i don't think so lar coz i think most mothers who want to do natural are very brave! they are willing to do it.

morning ladies..


i agree with yolk sac.. i have friend with no tear or no cut v lucky... n yes both method have pros n cons.. natural birth u recover faster less painful.. i see my friend who go thru c-sect they say it was v v painful but if u not comfortable with natural can always opt for c-sect dun pressure urself now:p there is no right or wrong jus do/opt for whatever within ur comfort zone:p like me i find mummies who go thru c-sect r more brave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm this morning i woke with no MS wor... n i feel normal again.. but but i shall see how it goes after BF n lunch who knows back again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm eating my lovely fried bee hoon ... yum yum ... must always eat something in morning one...

tomor going for part 1 of my DS package, going to take blood !

think my MS considered mild already only the feeling of nausua in the evening. plus head heavy esp so during evening to night time ...

but still able to eat my 3 meals plus many many snacks.

my veins are easy to find .. every nurse take blood for me very happy will say wah .. swee swee yr vein so visible..

JJ good luck .

Piggy : my first one at Gleneagles... its probably me .. whenever I see blood or injection I freak .. last time I ever faint when I went to test my blood group ... just prick the finger , the next thing when I stand up I fainted .. hehe

