(2011/04) Apr 2011

Bbgoh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]((( yah painful to swallow water. How is ur gynae btw? Sympathetic towards ur vomiting?

Thanks jiesling.. I'm considering. But feels like I'm gynae hopping sigh.



just came back from my OSCAR test. Had to be scanned twice cause baby was not in ideal position. Scanning went ok. Now waiting for the blood test. Hope I don't hear from them cause no news means good news.

pinkraindrops: yes, I have experienced it.. all the time when i vomit all day. Basically, it is the acid left in your throat. Drink water also pain. so what i do is take mylanta and sleep it off. It sucks, I know how it feels.. but it will get better, it will. Did your gynae say anything else with regards to your vomitting?

I'm already 12 weeks 5 days and I still feel nauseous! i also can't wait to enter 2nd trimester.


the mylanta is for anti vomiting right? My gynae refuses to prescribe anything else other than maxalon and zofran. i dont know how he'll react if i go to him with a list of medication..

how long did it take for u to get better or is it still the same now?

Piggy - Yup ! Successful on 1st attempt ... hence will def worry over the slightest things ... can't help it ...

i called him to check he said its normal loh at most he only can prescribe me medicine to stop vomitting. but i try not to take since i still can cope just bear with it loh & hope the 1st trim pass soon


sounds like the same standard textbook answer from my gynae. im sick and tired of all these standard textbook answers that they give. why is it so hard to find a good gynae in SG who can understand that some patients may not be going thru a normal standard pregnancy where everything is smooth going?


i feel okie with my gynae ler

ehmm at least i feel he willing to listen my call for asking abt it & explain it to me

since its MS sign so to us who suffering bad MS is really normal

so i still satisfy with his answer lah at least i m not worry if i m alone

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just my own opinion


icic.. my friend go thru IVF but failed.. see liao v sad ... dun worry u be fine:p


actually cant blame them la cos they have seen so many patient with bad MS n it is really part n parcel... nothing much they can do except givin u some medi.... to them we might be over reacting also... i tink for gynae moost imptly is u feel comfortable bah...


can drink honey?? i tink cannot right?


haahhah me too waitin for news.. n same no news = gd news:p

hi pinkraindrops,

Yes he is very sympathetic though he did say having MS is good (I gave him a "not good for mummy" look). he changed/added my medication. Gave me MC whenever I needed. Even asked me if I wanted to go on the drip. He is Dr Benjamin Tham from TMC. Waiting hours are much more sane. I'm happy with him so far.


honey cant huh? i dunno but only a bit dilute with water shd be ok, rite?

maybe this fri i ll check with my gynae but i also only tried once


from wat i know certain brand honey cannot i tink will cause allergy or wat tink u better check with ur gynae...


hahah thanks... if i dun received call this wk means all is fine n well... but i got ask them call me to let me know the ratio dunno they remember anot lol~

Hello girls,

Had your lunch?

Gratz Piggy, me also starting 2nd trimester le..today just come back to work after a month of hospitalisation leave. Tired ..felt like sleeping!


hmm tt time i had #1 some gals share some report abt some brand of the honey is no gd for preg.. cant remember the details le.. maybe can check with gynae..


although in trim 2 but i dun feel any diff wor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] lookin forward to wk 16 now:p me now everyday tired wor.. no mood to work at all sigh~

piggy, received with thanks. or last natal massage i choose her also...but is her SIL do it for me...this time ard will confirm use her.

but i dun like the cloth they use...seem not tight enough...or her SIL and her not using the same cloth?

pink, hard to find gd gynae... even u can get the best gynae in sg...they may not provide us the best service becos we are just normal ppl.


actually it not her SIL fault.. the cloth will definitely loosen 1.. if u wan can tighten with another corset/binder? their massage is quite ok but i dun like the smell of the oil leh headache.. anyway usu i do early den unwrap ard evenin so can bath cant std the oily smell..

My MS seem to have become lesser..and I am comparing to the time I was vomitting all the gastric and bile juices + blood before I was admitted for a drip. Those were really terrible times.

Medicated oil is my best friend now..or the smell in some places will make me puke.

Jia you girls! Soon soon we can all feast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also hope you don't hear from them. i wanted to tell the nurse bad news don't call me, call my hubby. You mean you don't feel different in trim 2? aiyoh.. i hope I will feel different cause first trim is really a memory gone wrong, needs to be erased out.

to tell the truth, although I love babies and very maternal, i still do not feel attached to the baby since I had/have terrible morning sickness. its so different from the first child, though i went through bad MS, i looked so forward to meeting her. Now i look forward to the delivery date so that I will not have any more MS and can feel normal again.

JSL> tks for checking out the info..hee..ya tink $100+ is oni the NT scan, wonder if he'll do the blood test for us anot..cos according to the pink sheet appt letter, he circled the P3 package which is the NT scan n the FA scan which is the detailed scan at 20 weeks..anyways im gg on 7oct, 1 day earlier than u oni..keke.


i read tt usu MS will totally go away after wk 16 leh.. it not like once u enter trim 2 it will disappear immediately[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i tink it takes time for the hormone to adjust themselves bah...

actually i am like u.. but i not maternal la.. all the while i hate pregnancy tt y at the beginin i mentioned dun understd y some can enjoy so much.. even when i feel bb move i also dun feel v v enjoyable but painful at times jus look forward to the EDD to feel norm n eat all the restricted food... if only we can have babies w/o going thru preg lol~~


maybe due to MS i also not so attached to this baby. my #1 i was keep talking to her everynight. this time just feel so tired everynight

JieSiLing, that day I got ask Dr. Adrian leh... He never shown any preference wor... I just ask him which hosp cheaper? He said he will help to look out... But I think I will still go tour myself, scarly I dun like the hosp I suffer there 3days... Haa Haa... Btw, did u get goodie bag at TMC tour? I heard will receive a goodie bag de wor...

Pink, mee too vomit until painful... I just ignore wor... Coz I think I vomit too much acid, just wait till the feeling go away itself... So far still bearable, hopefully won't come back again...

Just came back from KK .. Did my scan and everything is fine together wi my blood test result. In the low risk group. I'm in week 12 + 1 day , bb 55mm. Was so nervous throught the scan cos the sonographer didn't say a word . Bb has grown alot compared to my last scan . Can see all the features . I was not told of bb sex .. Glad that things are okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jelly bean,

I'm not doing oscar. Din do for #1 and also not doing for this pregnancy. Figured that it's not going to make a diff coz I'm going to keep the baby anyway....

hipopolai> ya got the goodie bag but hahah noting much inside la... some brochures, sample milkpowder for mummies and breast pad...

Oh then i go see Mt A see first...

rach> Oh heehee tell u someting, my EDD now is 17-Apr le... perhaps is growing fast! haha

Congrats to all those who passed the Oscar test! I'm going on Fri.. dunno gotta wait till when then will have result. Hope all goes well!

My MS is back to the peak with the stupid hormone pills. Next appt is next Mon.. hopefully by then ask gynae can no need take le. It's killing me softly...... :p

Today is my 1st day of work after almost 1 wk break. But surprisingly.. dun feel sleepy. Think last wk i zz too much!

I also same as other 2nd time mummies... dun feel much abt the bb inside leh. no feelings. Never talk to it also.. In fact.. I'm more concerned abt #1 falling sick, sch, etc. Sometimes think.. dunno will I be biased anot? :p MS also make me so sianz..


the NT scan result is immediate but blood test may take a few days.. my gynae clinic took 1 wk... hope everythign will be fine for u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i will still try to talk to #2 la remind myself dun be so biased but compare to #1 alot lesser lo.. tink when #2 come out we will still develope strong feelin for them la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, Can I join the thread?

Hi piggytoh, this is my info:

Nick: BlessedMum

Edd: 16 April 2011

Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodsworth

Hospital: TMC

BBno: 2

Thanks piggytoh. BY the way, where is the shop you recommended to buy maternity clothes? can share with me the location and address..thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blumuffin : I noticed we have the same EDD and the same Gynae..hahah Dr adrian will have a big headache if we deliver at the same time.

Piggytoh, dunno leh. It's like.. #1 can see n touch already.. #2 only make me puke now. Lol! Ya.. maybe gotta wait till #2's out then will feel more attachment.

welcome BlessedMum!

Blessed Mum,

of cos u can join:p

hmm i dun have the address wor only know it opp the bugis OG.. not the Fu lu shou direction but the temple direction quite obvious 1...


jus my thots la cos after all is our own children n i see my friend also like us durin preg with #2 not as close but when bb comem out they auto will love n concern the bb:p

blessed mum

welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow seem like April'11 baby is a lot

hit 50 alrdy?

heehee so now i noe talking to bb helps.. no wonder my MS not that terrible already coz my HB talk to bb everynite asking BB not to make me feel uncomfortable! haha


actually i find Apr 11 v little leh i see other thread all alot 1.. even my #1 thread got over 100 wor...


hahah when i had #1 i talk to bb more freq but my MS same leh but again my MS is not v serious type so i dunno got help anot:p cos for this preg also not much diff from #1..

Hi piggytoh, bbgoh and siling, thanks

Jiesiling: Yah my mum keep telling baby in my tummy to guaiguai and not make fuss or make me feel uncomfortable..it works for my no 1...but not this one!

Piggytoh: thanks! will take a look one day..heheh now i am still confined at home becaus emy no 1 is having HFMD and I dread this disease!

Piggytoh: they say that if symptoms diff from no 1 means ti's a different gender..i wonder if mine is a boy this time round..if so, got "hao" zi hahah


heehee this is my #1... my MS is not the very serious type la... haha initally i vomited and felt very sick.. then my HB start talking to BB... haha insist that BB loves milo forcing mi to drink haha I felt better lo... haha perhaps like dad like BB, both likes milo... :S haha

Piggy congrats , you pass to level 2 .. waiting for my turn .. maybe as you say when the baby comes out , we will just feel attach . But I really don like this pregnancy compared to the first one .. perhaps less excitment and now I am carrying 2 so there are a lot of uncertainties to expect . We still have #1 to take care of so its very tiring for us .

My hubby told me I smile less these days .. I feel like telling him , try carrying a bum and feel tired everyday and still got to work . Men's job seems done while we still have to suffer in the next couple of months . Although I shouldnt think that way but sometimes cant help but feel its so tough for women . Wonder if I make the right decision to have another one ..and worse now end up with 2 .. double the pain ... my gynae told me most people chose to do C-section for twins .. I want to faint ! I don want to cut ! sigh ...

sianz.. just now go toilet.. see a tweeny weeny bit of brown discharge again. Hope it's just old blood from last wk.

dz, twins if dun c-sect.. gotta push 2x leh! I push 1x also no energy liao.

talk abt hbs... last wk I damn angry with hb loh. He know i spotting kena bedrest.. still wanna ask my end of Oct can travel to europe for work for 2 wks anot.. wat can I say.... grrr.... Then i still gotta bring #1 to sch on Sundays leh... want me to die.

hi mummies,

was down wit flu and cough for e past few days and didnt log in to chat. These 2 days my MS seems 2 be back again. OMG! really cant stand it. Yesterday woke up @ 3am+, felt hungry cum very headache. Made a cup of milo and vomit out everytink in less than 15 mins. Dnt know y suddenly it came back again.

Welcome new mummies! cant remember the name as the thread run too fast liao. hehe


u asked me abt oscar or detail test rite? Dr lek also didnt told me to go 4 tat. I remembered when i was preg wit #1, he also didnt asked me to go 4 tat lei. I will be seeing him on 9th Oct. Let u know whether did he ask me go 4 tat mah.

Blesses mum ,

if can ask ur HB to take care of ur #1 better cos u preg the germs may be pass to u.. eh actually diff symptom dun mean anything.. my counsin was hopin for a gal n she havein v diff symptom but still same.. every preg is unique but not associate with the gender wor...


gd tt ur bb listen to u.. usu after wk 8 their ear r develope den they can hear us 1:p


hahah maybe:p


thanks... ya if u wan natural mus push double leh...


talk to me tell him u cant cope? my HB worse may be posted to US for 5 mths.... now crossin my fingers hope he go to another unit... if not i tink i v chiam my IL sure insist i move over to their place[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

