(2011/04) Apr 2011

hey gals i will add u all later in FB ok..cos i went to KPO and realised there r some common friends..so just in case they ask meh..i will add in the later part


Oh.. Tweety and Piggytoh are all mei nu! And you all look so young. I'm old aunty le!

tweety how you know Lynzi and tiong hxx?

Hi Kaira,

I'm 34 too. I am stopping at this one. Too old to go through TCC and all that MS all over again.

Agree with you guys that the hubbies are more excited with the first one. Just like yours piggytoh, when i am vomitting all he can say is want to see doctor? aiyoh. but i am glad that at least he is keen to come to the gynae's appointment.

elmo: lynzi is from TTC 2011 when using my another nick.. heehee... TH is my cousin.. they are expecting bb#2 too... =P

andrea: hugz hugz... dun hate dun hate...

sookie: still young also ma.. =)


where got mei nu... jus now my kolig jus say married summore a mum consider aunty category liao lol~~~


hahah ok la i only 155cm lo.. pathetic leh...


ya lo at least they willing to go with us still ok... but tml i gotta go myself.. sian.. my HB oversea for 1 nite... tired ...


keke u gals so cute.. i tink i cant be too bother if pp know i preg anot but not goin to specially annouce in f/b la.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andrea, I know what you mean [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i really pray that the 2nd trimester will be better. I have a friend who is in her 2nd trimester 15 weeks and she's still feeling so tired.

btw, are you girls going to keep your baby gender a surprise?

Andrea did i add you on fb? I hate e preg process too.

tweety.. Ooo.. Lynzi and my #1 born on same mth. So qiao.. TH is my eca mate in sch long time ago.


huh no gd la many clothes cannot wear leh den worry my son not tall nex time... sigh...

me too hate preg but bobian it a mus to go thru for our precious bb:p

sookie: i wanna know asap.. so i can start shopping liao.. haahaaa... shopping queen.. =P

elmo: oooooo... TH and my cousin in law bb will be feb 2011 bb.. heehee.. so qiao hor...

piggy: i think the same la... some baby doll dress i cannot wear also... so got good got bad lor.. haahaa....

i'm still thinking if I want to know even though its my second child cause healthy is the most important.

People ask me if I want a gal or boy. I don't mind a boy cause its different but at the same time, i also don;t mind another girl so that my #1 will have a sister and be close when growing up.

Just wish April 2011 is around the corner!

sookiewookie, I remember I get over MS for #1 at week 23... Hope this one get over at 1st tri, I will be very happy le! I want to know the gender!! So I can date tweety go shopping!! Haha!! If boy boy then dun need to shop le =(

Elmo, I dun think I have urs. Mine is [email protected]


haha i also wan to know dun tink i can tahan[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n i can prepare the clotin etc n name in advance:p


taiwan clothin not as cheap n nice i find... n v small size wor... it ink more for eatin bah?

Andrea.. Cant find ur email on fb.

ya know gender earlier easier to think of name. I got a few in mind but havent really decided yet.

elmo.. cant find ar... think something to do with my settings. U find under the way Tweety suggested, if still cant I add u when I reach home.


ops maybe u missed my post..i posted in the thread..told him want to go HK he say" u got $$ huh" then i say ok lor then go malacca lor..he ay go sentosa leh

Malacca so near and cheaper also cannot

sigh..he will only go if i tell him I pay for everything lro sigh


hmm certain airline they will require but since ur tummy not obvious i tink no need... BKK ah now not a gd time la not safe n my sis jus go recently she say no more v cheap le.. go SZ better keke..


Sentosa also not cheap leh... if go sentosa ask ur HB book those RWS hotel stay 1 nite lo... i tink more ex than malacca...


my hubby is TBBNA (talk big but no action) LOL

so he say only leh..his intention is not to stay there..is stay there he sure will say u got $$ huh..

haha so bad of me to say him here..


if he can afford force him to pay!! we woman sarcrifies so much to bore them a child n they shd respect n dote on us... i always told my HB he better be nice to me if not divorce i got half his fortune nex time n all children i take whahahaa....


andrea.. Added le. I'm so bored!

After my cruise hor.. I totally dun feel like travelling while preg at all. Too tiring for me. Wanted to book hotel at yr end.. But think cancel plan also. Gotta safe $. Next time with 2 my expenses will be super high liao. 1 in pre sch.. 1 in infant care. Already 1k per mth!

