(2011/04) Apr 2011


hahah i start with 1 tablespoon keke i no time so for me i increase weekly.. now my bb eatin 2 feed a day lo..


too bad now i not convenience to surf net cos of my seating else i dun mind to organise keke..



I say say only. I would rather sleep than whatsapp middle of the night! ;)


I also haven decide whether to go anot... Shall see how bah...


may ur boy get well soon.

Missed the bday bash, looks fun. Aiya


Hope ur boy slp thru soon


opps thanx for ur info. luckily i change le givin my boy happy bellies.


i start giving my boy sweet potato le. so far so gd


was using tollyjoy but very fast finish so change to this brand not bad lei at least cheaper.

one of my fren asked me for help to take care of their 4mth old bb for a mth will be starting frm next wk hope everything will go well. donno how is it like to take care 2 babies n 1 monster jux hope i wont go crazy n able to handle.

Morning!!!!! I'm on mc yesterday and today lo.. Sore throat and cold... -_-

Piggy: hoped ur new job is ok!!!!

Andrea: hoped ur fever subside Le..

I've tendered from my current co!!!!! Heehee

Morning mummies.. Seldom come in den see so many if u toking abt tender.. I oso hope can but guess is nt now.. Still got ML which I dun wan to lugi of.. Den quite alot if colleagues going in leave from end of this mth until dec.. After which yr end till mar, ir8a period.. Haizz..

Tweety.. Thought ur co quite ok, y tender? U still got unused ML??

I wanna kooonzzzzzz....

yest try cereals he spit again. Hb going reservist next wk, think i will stop feeding cereals for a wk le. I will migrate to mum's place.. they no high chair mafan... hahaha..

ya tweety, y u quit? Found job already? Or wanna be tai tai?

sandy, u feed sweet potato for consecutive 1 wk also? I decided not to make puree 1st le.. IFC also advise wait till 6 mths.. so i wait loh. Free then feed cereals like him practice eating. Wah how can u handle so many babies?

I v sad ah.. my #1 sch performance change date.. then that date my parents away on holiday. No one look after #2.. last yr they say cant bring baby in. I hope this yr allow! If not.. daddy will have to stay outside look after #2 while I go watch #1's performance alone le. Sianzzzz...... If only IFC got extended hrs on Sat... :p

Mrs chua: my co ok... But requires me to work on sat... Still got 5 days of ML which I'm suppose to use on October.. Hope they will let me claim lo... Hahaha

Elmo: ya.. Got 2 offers... 1 is Japanese co.. At bugis.. The other one is Swiss mnc.. At tanjong pagar.. Think I'm going for the Swiss mnc...




May u get well soon.

Very sian to work on a sat lo. But gd tat u manage to find a job [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I feed Onli 4 days wor. For me I do 3 days Cos I make eveyday very mafun. Dare not make n freeze.

Mayb u do abit watery? For me if I do thick my boy will spit out or gag when watery jux feed him he will swallow down. I was thinking is it he not ready but if I don gif solid he will wake up for nite feed n alwAys get hungry easily.

I oso donno can another wor already worry but my fren don wan a nanny or IFC due to money pro den Onli 1 mth.

Morning ladies..


Me still adapting lo u also flu n sore throat ah me too dunno how many wks liao.. U tender also ah so goin to be tai tai? Hee..


Thanks.. Ya the kids have fun at the bash y u nv bring ur gal go???


I haven put my BB on high chair to feed yet Joel can sit steadily alr??


Wow Swiss mnc ah usu gd welfare leh lucky u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya dun take jap 1 usu pay v lousy..

Good morning ladies,

wah... so many of u changing jobs. I already at my co for coming to 11 years liao!! This year getting long service award.. LOL


Hope u get well soon. If u r at tanjong pagar, then we can lunch tog. I'm also at that area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will also choose swiss co, jap bosses are all workaholics, expect u to work hard and long hours, which is not suitable for mummies like us.

Mrs Chua,

U also in accounting / finance line? cos i saw IR8a... totally can understand what u mean, Mar and Apr is also my bz period.


See them flip very cute rite? But now onwards hv to be more vigilant le, scared they flip continuously then fall off from the bed or mattress and knock the head. At least ur boy still can nap 2 hours. My boy, hah! only nap like 30 min. Ytd lagi best, 15 min nia... winner!


No, my bb N hasnt started solids yet. Hoping to drag until 6 mths. Vianne so cute, enjoys her cereals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Salute u! Handle 3 kids. I 1 bb already gao mm dim.. haha..


I also want to zzzzz man... ytd bb woke up at 4am... haiz... aiyoh, hope ur whole family can go and see #1 performance ok.

sandy: thanks thanks!!

piggy: yeah... i will choose the swiss mnc... the boss seems like an easy going guy.. i told him abt pumping in the office also and he's okie with it... and he also said usually at 5.30 he will chase ppl home.. cause he dun see the need to do OT... heehee...

tweety, Swiss mnc does sounds better. Good luck!

sandy, yest i make too watery again. Then i feed 1 mouth he spit 1 mouth.. plus his saliva.. then the cereals become more n more watery! Then all end up on the bib again. -_-"

piggy, he's quite ok on high chair. Put pillow behind. But when he dun wanna eat.. his head will go lower n lower v diff to feed. hahaha!

tweety, wah.... I like this kind of boss! Like my boss last time.. 530 everyone zao! So shiok! Msg me on FB wat company leh.. next time i can consider if got my job.. hahaha!

elazy, i also woke at 4am to feed milk. zzz..

re: 6 mth bash

I dun mind helping to organise. But hor, need to settle venue first. Paging for Gerry, can we go ur house? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And anyone else want to volunteer to be co-organizer? keke...

Piggy and Hippo,

Come la, without u all and ur kids, somehow feel that something is missing leh.. Pls consider? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh, i'm at the other side of tanjong pagar, shenton way there... hmm... if i'm on half day or when not so bz that time, then i jio u for lunch at outram... hehe...


haiz... normally he wakes up at 5+ lor... today dunno why wake up so early then so energetic liao... i even hv to bargain with him, pls give mummy another 15 min... lol

elazy, actually to me.. 3am or 4am or 5am wake up.. no diff. Best is he can drag till 545am cos i need to wake up at 6am anyway. :p


haha... he used to be able to drag till 6+ one... nowadays dunno why so early... maybe i shd change nick to panda liao. zzzz

elmo: heehee... when i start work then i let u know if it's good or not.. =P

e_lazy: can can.. either way.. if i'm on leave.. then i'll go shenton find u for lunch.. =P

Hello everyone mid week liao how's things?


Vianne is a monster and glutton she loves to eat !!!


if not you put baby in bumbo chair if you have? sometimes I put her in the bumbo chair


wow you also change job? I think the swiss MNC will be better because Jap companies also need to work full day on eve of public holidays and not welfare not as good as swiss kind

Ask you all ha how you all use your bottle cleaner, do you dilute the cleaner?

For me I will squeeze some cleaner and put in a container and add water to dilute it and use for a whole day.


hee actually for jap co not all will be so bad expect u to work long hr but most of them the increment is like peanut lo...

hahah me n hippopolai wher got so impt or the 2 of us like clown make u gals luff so need us to entertain lol~~~~ keke... jus jokin la if can make it i will go[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah i lazy to wash the support pillow of the high chair so still feed him in his rockin chair .. sian another 1mth + gotta start porridge mnore work to do..


wah gd la... i wan also dun have...


you mean you wait till you have quite a fair bit of bottles then you wash together huh? Because I read somewhere if possible it is still best to wash once baby finishes it.


Wow so fast you next month starting porridge I was thinking maybe 8-9 months then start

Morning ladies,


I am going to start work next week.. I am having mixed feelings man.. haiz.. Happy to have the job and yet don't want to leave my babies..

Yes you guys can use my place's function room.. No problem.. But the timing would be like brunch.. Can make it? 15 Oct right?

Piggy, Hippo,

Come lah!! Hippo we still haven't really chit chat!! =)


Congrats on your new job!! Your boss sounds nice.. My boss also like that.. He doesn't believe that we should be at work when there's nothing much to do.. Might as well go home.. =)


hahah no la another 1-2mth my bb turnin 6mth in 2 wk time mah..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sian rite i totally understd if can i dun wish to work also.. i am so lack of sleep n i hardly spend time with #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ask you all hor

I had my second menses but then last time I usually have a 7 days cycle or more but I realized that now is shorter is it normal to be like this after giving birth?


it depend on individual 1 n it could happen also if last time u have bad cramp durin menses now the cramp may be gone[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah I thought something went wrong wor... but then I think after pregnancy dont know why when menses is here I feel more tired and had a slight bad backache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piggy, i just put a normal square cushion.. cover throw in washing machine to wash only. I already bought a new thermal container to put bb porridge! I love to make baby food.. but if bb dun eat.. then sianz 1/2.

vivi, ya loh. Lazy mah... y must wash immed? But i will soak in detergent water lah. My menses same # of days as before.. if not longer.


I think because of the milk residue ba ... ok la if soak then ok

Wow you all so fast talking about porridge ... lol


Jumperoo and Exersaucer ex wor so dont think will buy moreover I think no space to put ... maybe can rent?


Ya lor - Very expensive toys for bb and dun know if bb loves to play on it! Cos recently bb wanna carried all the times!!! Refuse to play on her own!!

MY hands and back are aching! Thus wanna see if any toys can leave her there and entertain herself....

For the milk bottles: I also lazy! didnt wash immediately...Will wash few bottles at one go too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm i dunno abt u but for me usu when woman havin menses we lost blood mah n lack of sleep so will have headache.. i have it too n worse feel giddy... as for backache so far i ok could be due to posture? or durin preg u din take care so now ache?? many reason also..


yes u can rent or buy 2nd hand.. i like jumperoo quite find for them[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah i had 1 from #1 i bott the foogo 1 like the size v gd can use to store otther food also hee...


hahah i bott from amazon cheaper..

the tiger 1 u get the porridge magic cooker is better v convenience if u r in rush..


6 months bash!! wah my A coming to 5 mths only! Hahaha! I'm counting down to 6mths!! My freedom!!!


are YOU going? Alamak, no one remember me, never offer my name! I don't know leh. That time kinda busy!!


I use tollyjoy, tried pureen but my maid don't like, and I don't like the smell. Tollyjoy is cheap and good!


i saw you buying!! Cuz I also want to buy! Really lighter ah?!But that means my two tiger jar remains as elephants!!


I will also wash bottles your way. squirt in a container and add water. Easier mah isnt it? But I don't use it the whole day. I change the water with each wash.

So many of you changing jobs! Congratulations tweety!!!

GErry, all the best in your job next week!!

Any babies teething? My A has whitish stuff on her gums!!

piggy, dun wanna buy more themo jar le. 2 for each son is enough!

gin, u spy on me! The tiger jar is v big n bulky leh. But can keep warm much longer lah. I use for almost 4 yrs le still using. Tiger jar for gor gor, Foogos for didi mah. Buy buy! The mickey one nice. haha!


So long no see you here, wah if you change water that means you have to squeeze the liquid cleaner every time ... use a lot right?

Mine also start to have some sign of teething. She got nothing to bite she bite her fingers argh....


Last time I have migraine before menses maybe now not working so ok. I hope this backache is a one off thing because last cycle dont have wor

if you can tolerate pig liver you can take some after your menses because giddy is no good wor. I am going to start on my bai feng wan again. Better tiao my body if I want to have a #2.


hahah u seldom come in here mah.. me sure remember u 1... come come GIN pls come for the BASH!!!!! lol~ come la come la... or make star appearance dadah....

btw my boy teethin liao alr emerge out can feel his teeth biting me alr....


ya u wan #2 better eat sumting to bu.. i closing shop alr so bochap wahahha..


Hahahah!! Shopping leh!! How not to spy on you!!

Nice hor! Hiaz!!


I prefer to change because I am scared that germs will stay in the water lah! Anyway I have to wash a few times a day cuz I also pump mah. So change better.

I use tollyjoy quite cheap. First 3 yrs always very shiong. Diapers, cleansers, detergent. All use alot!!!


u bo sim lah, or purposely dun want to ask me go? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

You going ah?! I'm not the star leh. The star will appear...I THINK..Hahaha! You wait for me to eat the chicken ok? Nov n dec I'm very free!!!

So quiet the forum. Where all the mommies go?

