(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hi mummies,

Can i chk where can i buy cup holder for stroller and rain cover sheet for stroller? Those at reasonable price one. Thanks


U can try bb hyper mart at kaki bukit. Btw, will be bringing my bb for the tcm massage nxt week, share with u all the experience after that.

morning mummies,

gathering: which part of Oct are we looking at? any date set yet?

piggy: saw your pics on mcdonalds. can i enquire where did you order the shirts from?

any mummies babies starting to skip a nap? mine can dont sleep fropm 3 to 6pm... but then middle of night around 3-4am will wake up and dont want to sleep till 5pm... im so zombified!


Oh we ordered from little bhubu[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we ordered 1 for their 1 yo bash as well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ur boi all along will wake up middle of the nitr? I v shag as well for 2 nite my BB woke up ard 3 am den me n hb take turn to carry him n pat him till ard 5am put him sleep with us also cannot keep tossing sigh tink we pass the virus him now havin fever n slight flu[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies!

1st day of work after a 4 day weekend... blues...........

piggy, bb sick ah? Take care! Mine just recovered last wk.. then weekend was so happy! Finally got 1 weekend with no one sick!!!

Ask u all har.. I started feeding J cereals on Sat.. at his 5mths + 1 wk old. But he still dunno how to eat after 2 days of trying leh. Keep sticking his tongue out n spitting the cereal. Dun think he actually ate any. Shd I still continue feeding or wait 1-2wks more? Anyway it's still early? Waste my cereals n bm leh! All ended up on the bib/high chair...

6 mth bash

1. Gerry

2. bbgoh

3. Smiggle princess

4. fungfung

5. sandy

6. pinkparsley

7. tweety

8. e_lazy

9. st (KIV)

10. mrs chua

11. Elmo (sat only after 3pm or sun)

12. mikio

6 mth bash

1. Gerry

2. bbgoh

3. Smiggle princess

4. fungfung

5. sandy

6. pinkparsley

7. tweety

8. e_lazy

9. st (KIV)

10. mrs chua

11. Elmo (sat only after 3pm or sun)

12. mikio

13. Kaira

Hello everyone how's your day?


Hope your little one gets well soon


Is the consistency too thin? The first time I tried feeding Vianne I followed the instructions then end up too thin she don't really know how to eat so dribble

Next day I five her thicker consistency then better Le. Actually I thought I will start cereal on 5.5 months but then she don't drink much milk Liao and shown great interest with our food and when we eat so I take the cue to give her cereal. There was a night whereby she don't want to drink milk and I had to give 1 scoop cereals and she ate that !!!

Now Vianne can't even finish 150ml milk I think I will decrease her intake to 120ml. And dhe even bite the side of the pacifier I think she is teething.

When teething, does the gum

Turn slightly whitish?

hello mummies


hugs hope yr lil one get well soon.

love your #1 bday bash, so fun


keep trying & maybe thicker he ll prefer


yah gum ll turn whitish if got teething.

re : 6mth bash

shall we fix a date & place so can book the function room?


Sigh my whole family down too.. Now I v giddy lo tink seriously lack of sleep.. Tonite sure chiam again..

For feedin I tink u need to gave J time to get used to it too cos BB only know how to suck mah so when u gave spoon I tink quite norm tt they use their tongue to push it out[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when teething their gum dun turn colour. First u will see a line like a cut on their gum the whitish is actually the tooth tryin to emerge from underneath [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes fun but I tink slightly older kid will enjoy better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vivi, bbgoh, ya maybe yest i made too thin. Tonite try thicker see how. He keep pushing he's tongue out.. so i tot maybe he's not ready yet.

piggy, i too long din feed bb.. forgot how le. I rem last time gor gor like can take cereals better. Maybe J loves his milk more. haha! U take care n rest more. Whole family down v cham.. Hope u all get well soon!!

i think i cannot feed my boy well.. he keeps pushing out the spoon with his tongue.. think i need to attend JANE'S TRAINING LESSON. =p

Hi, I recently delivered and would like to clear some items which I’m no longer using.

These include:

Brand new baby and toddler clothes from Osh Kosh B’gosh/Carter’s/J Khaki/Nursery Rhyme, MyBrestFriend pillow, baby carrier, cot mattresses, Spiffies tooth wipes, Mothercare and carter’s prewalker shoes etc . Check out my link below!

Thanks, ladies who have visited my album before! I have added new items so do take a look.


If you see anything you need, pm me for discussion.

Lastly, have a safe delivery and enjoy motherhood!


I read somewhere from what to expect website. Baby had this instinct to push out things from their tongue to protect themselves. If you make thicker cereal and Joel continues to do so then he may not be ready yet.



Ya I get wat u mean my #2 can eat easier den #1 I find I took longer to teach #1.. I notice my BB eat better after I change the spoon n when I feed I try to Push in above his tongue.. Haha hope u can visualize wat I meant[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why not u let IFC to feed him in the beginning? i heard tat not recommend to give at night time in the beginning as they might have digestion problem at night. and also better for u, as u rch home will be queit late liao still gotta feed her solid which take time.

and the teacher might be more pro than use to feed.

i brg the cereal there ask teacher to feed also the fruit puree. now i give 2x, morning & late afternoon.


ya loh. how they charges it? per kid?

my #1 turning 3 next month. but this year i thk wont join the bash le, too busy.

vivi, thks! Will try again tonite.

piggy, yeah i know what u mean. But i dun dare to push too deep.. scared he gag. :p

bbgoh, ehh... I wanna be the one who 'teach' J how to eat leh. Hate to miss the fun! I tried 2x already... so far no reaction to the cereal. So I assume he is ok with it ba. So safe to try at nite? Anyway only a few mouthfuls.. No one feed cereals at nite de ah? And hor.. now J's IFC got more babies le.. I scared the teachers no time to slowly 'entertain' J to eat leh! I am thinking wait till he can eat properly le then I ask them to feed. They feed nestle cereals in IFC and nestle is only from 6mths onwards. So maybe I'll wait till 6mths then ask them feed ba. Cos i lazy to bring my own cereals over... :p:p:p


Yes per kid $9 each the cake is charge separately[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nt bad if u holdin party for kids[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes feed day time cos if touch wood gt allergy reaction u gt gd time to bring him to PD but if only u introducin new food la else evening ok la .. No need v deep but nt jus put the spoon near the entry of the mouth..

Halo mummies,

My N is certified roti prata liao! Keep flipping haha.


Hope u n ur boy get well soon and u all can hv good nite sleep.


Saw fr ur photos, seems like vianne really enjoys her cereals. Smart gal! When u say thicker consistency means add lesser amount of milk? I hvnt start N on solids yet, but now gathering some tips first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also had qns re napping, cos I realized nowadays my boy dun really like to nap in the daytime. Wondering if other bb also like that. Btw, when u coming to my work area then we can do lunch? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: 6mths bash

Shall we fix it on 15 nov?


nov or oct?


my Kay also didnt take much nap recently, 2-3x and very short, 20-30min only

at night she sleep ard 7+ then ll make noise ard 3-4am, give pacifier 1st if she cry louder then i give her milk

6mths bash

15 oct set!

Gerry? Ur place??? Cos mine cant acc so many mummies!


I also jus feed kasper first solid.

Jap pumpkin with milk.

How to feed

E consistency cannot be too thick.if not their tummies find it hard to digest. Best to look like smoothie..

Place abt three-quarter spoon of cereal into mouth. Set it firmly on baby's tongue. This is to teach e baby to close their moth and eat e cereal.

Initally, baby will eat as if suckin milk.. this motion wil last til baby gets used to spoon..

Hope it helps..

I learnt it with my #1 previously in kkh rehab & speech dept..


Any of u tried to read story books or use flash cards on ur bb? Any tips to share on how to grab bb attention?


thanks.. dunno y this bb gave me so many prob -_-

hmm bb attention is short so maybe u can try do a short n quick 1 but few time a day???


yes yes tt the way hahah i dunno how to describe manz.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbgoh/elazy: yah my helper was telling me that other than 1 long nap which is around 2 hours in the morning, the rest is abt 20 mins or so.. and one long stretch from 3pm to 6pm.. no sleep! i witness it myself during the weekends and aiyoh! how come ah? i just hope this is not affecting his night sleep. for me, i latch on at night so as long as eh eh.. i latch him cause who ask him to be so small! so thought if i can stuff him with milk, i better. but last night.. milk also don't want. just wanted to talk talk talk..

15 Oct for the birthday bash should be ok.. 1st oct i can't and I don't mind Gerry's place!

btw, anyone tried pureen bottle cleaner? is it good? right now I am using pigeon and kodomo. trying to source for cheaper alternatives :p

Elazy: i turned down that offer (even though i signed) cause this place said they had plans for me and economy like not very good so decided not to leave..luckily my exboss understood... i hope so.. so i am stuck in Toa Payoh Area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

as for solids, I only fed baby Z cereals so far.. waiting for my blender to arrive then i will start the rest. what were the veggies you girls first gave? was it avocado or pumpkin first?

halo mommies, i've finally found my 1st pkts of Bellamy's baby rice today! These few days playdates, hopefully I cld wake up after feeding bb to pump(so long din pump liao duno, alr became lazy...) so can mix wif the rice for brunch feed...

oh, can anyone share wif me on how the huggies stamps should look like? It isn't the one which is found on the side of their pkging(with points indicated)?

Sookie, pureen bottle cleaner is cheap n good! Use 1 drop can wash 1 bottle!

Im thinking of making sweet potato puree first. Anyone knows if its ok to feed 1 wk on sweet potato? Cos I wanna make by batch leh.

Morning ladies,

so sleepy today... zzz


maybe as ur #2 gets bigger, he will be easier to take care. Hang in there... Hugs...


Thanks for sharing with us the step by step on how to feed bb cereals. Its very helpful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maybe bb Z is training to become a lawyer next time ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mine also dun nap in the afternoon. Nowadays, bring him into the room, he will start to cry, cos he knows that's the place for sleeping! faintz... At nite, he also keep lifting his legs while sleeping. Ytd worse, even wanted to "roti prata" in his sleep!!

re: lunch, i see... nvm, if u happen to come to the head office, then we meet for lunch bah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: pureen, i used that too. orange flavour. Agree with Elmo. Its quite good.


U got used to ur new working plc le mah? Hope everything else (boss, colleagues, working time) is ok, other than the AL part.


ya hopefully.. my new co ah.. hmmi tink too early to tell... but i tink i am the odd 1 out who KO on the dot the rest will stay on for a while longer unlike me whaahah... now i still headache abt joinin them for the oversea retreat...


Aiyoh, if finished ur work liao, then KO lor.. Now i also leave on the dot to rush back to see bb hehe...

How long and where is the overseas retreat? Possible to let hb and ur kids to tag along?

Thanks Elmo and elazy for your comments on pureen. Ok I will go try!

Last Night baby z was awake from 12 to 3am... I'm going to Peng sAng Liao!

afternoon all...

elazy, my boy also like roti prata now..aniwhere anitime flipping...

sookie- as they get bigger i think they nap lesser..last time my boy can nap 3-4 hrs stright tho, now prob 2 hrs he will wake up...he takes about 2-3 naps a day...sleeps about 12 hrs at night...

solids - let my boy try porridge yesterday with some bits of pork..

went TMC over the weekend to visit a gf who just gave birth, the nurse super unfriendly..the baby keep crying and my gf ask is it the bb hungry again tho she just bf about 1.5hrs ago...den she say might be, but if my gf dun wish to latch den feed the baby with glucose water...i duno is it the correct way, but i rather feed milk than glucose water...

6 mth bash

1. Gerry

2. bbgoh

3. Smiggle princess

4. fungfung

5. sandy

6. pinkparsley

7. tweety

8. e_lazy

9. st (KIV)

10. mrs chua

11. Elmo (sat only after 3pm or sun)

12. mikio

13. Kaira

14. charmaine

Hi mummies!!!!!

Am so sleepy..... Need toothpicks. Haiz.

Piggy, mid night 3am we whatsapp k? Hahahaha... Terry also keep wake up cry for nothing. Am so shag...

Moment like this I wish i'm sahm... Hahahaha....


Has your little one tried the cereals yeah Vianne quite enjoy it before she finished the portion in her mouth she open her mouth again lol and she likes to see her bowl

Is the pureen cleaner good me go and check it out currently o am using tollyjoy

Hi Mummies,

Gd day to everyone!

Feeding Cereals:

For first time,we can only feed bb with ONE mouthful right? We can increase as days pass?

e Lazy,

Cos I new mah so nothing much yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Environment better but the rest so so lo anyway jus started gotta work n see..


Wahaha u dun make me luff huh..

Eh 3 am my eye can hardly open k!!


U can start with 1 tablespoon first 1 mouthful how u make?? Yes slowly increase..

hi mummies

I m sooo tired

why recently our bunnies like to wake up in the midnight? mine ll make noise eh rh eh gotta give her pacifier

I m zombie liao

hippolai, piggy

why never see your name on the 6mth bash ??? :p

Calling hippopolai, jtho n gin u gals going?? *Wink wink*

6 mth bash

1. Gerry

2. bbgoh

3. Smiggle princess

4. fungfung

5. sandy

6. pinkparsley

7. tweety

8. e_lazy

9. st (KIV)

10. mrs chua

11. Elmo (sat only after 3pm or sun)

12. mikio

13. Kaira

14. charmaine


Hi Piggy,

Thank you for yr reply..Ya lor, that is why I cannot figure out..LOL...

Okie, will prepare 1 teaspoon of cereal then feed her from there...then when we can increase to 2 teaspoons of cereal? the next day or we need to wait for a few days?

