(2011/04) Apr 2011




for bb food u can freeze up to 3mth provided u store well but best consume within 1 mth be4 its nutritional value may begin to decline.


not mnc tt y welfare no gd .. CC leave sure have 1 mah... will try n see how it goes.. jus hope their bonus is gd:p

my bb teeth finally emerge abit from his gum can feel abit.. i remember my #1 only start teethin ard 8mth old[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies,

Have not been coming in to post coz nw back at SK, no one to help look after Z so only when I'm more free then can come in.

Mentally challenging and tired today. Give Z his feed at 5+pm, he drinks half way, dun want to drink any more. No matter how I coax and entertain him, to make him drink, he dun want. I also dunno why. So coax him for 2hrs+ and wait till he fall asleep then dream feed him. He also dun want so hv to throw away about 30-40ml of ebm.


Wow like that good lor, my Z if woke up, will try to give pacifier and pat him. Sometimes work, sometime dun.. If dun works, then I hv to let him latch on to coax him to sleep. Now I dun expect too much, if he can dun wake up in the middle of the nite so often, I'm more than happy Liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] these 2 nights are getting better, so *finger cross*, hope that it can be like this or better as the days go by. =D

Hope that u hv a good start at work today.q


Where is fern vale point? Near to which LRT?


Enjoy ur off day!

6mths bdae bash

Seems like not alot of mummies going..

How abt this?

If less than 10 then can be at my place, if not e function room will seem empty.. and not as cosy..

More than 10 mummies makes more sense to have it in e function room..


do u have a food warmer? Or bottle warmer?

U can defrost and warm it easily with that..

I only prep food once a week and freeze for a week..

That is e max i accept for my own standard of freshness.


is it 10 days of cc leave for 2kids???


I gave #1 Bellamy rice cereal.

abt the medical hall I thk maybe they purchase in bulk get lowest price. I never read thru their product details as i haven bought anythg there. still got some stock but I used to purchase mamil gold for #1 at a mini mart @amk neighborhood their price also lowest abt $5 than ntuc. he told me tat bcos they buy in bulk & not get high margin.

re ; freeze fruit puree

the longest I kp is 2weeks. usually I make 1week supply


at fernvale station.


no la regardless of # of kid we only get 6days mah..


ya my bb also gettin better hope this continue..

argh so tired my #1 cough jus vomit i gotten clean up feed #2 den make #1 slep again n my hb not back yet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]




Oh, kyler cough hvnt recover? I can understand how u feel. It's quite tiring. I already felt it dun say u coz u are handling 2 of them

Anyone not working tml? Maybe 'I'll be going town tml. Who's free and dun mind travel to town, I can meet up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

6 months bash! We are coming!!!

ok with whichever location....

howcome attendance not good ah?? where's everybody!! yoohoo!!

Lynn, most of the bibs are gifts! My frens travel to japan/ hongkong/ china and they buy buy buy.... i only bought 1-2 of those. the rest all from gift boxes or my friends bought them from overseas! =)

6 months bash

I put down everyone's name first wahahah

1. Gerry

2. bbgoh

3. Smiggle princess

4. fungfung

5. sandy

6. pinkparsley

7. tweety

who else who else? ST, vivi, elmo, elazy, lynn, yoti, sookie, GERVAISE's mommy Germaine aka 3Gs....

come come register attendance please? hehehe :D


He recover alr but my cough rtn maybe I pass to him sigh~

really tired den whole nite can't sleep well me down with flu n migraine damn shag..

Good morning mummies,

Its Friday again!!! YEH!!!!


ur frens are so nice, get such pretty bibs for pretty C [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

6mth bash, i'm coming [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Added my name below le.

1. Gerry

2. bbgoh

3. Smiggle princess

4. fungfung

5. sandy

6. pinkparsley

7. tweety

8. e_lazy


Hugz hugz.. Take care..

Hmm... not sure if mummies here hv heard of this tcm bb massage (推拿) at 育国. Its near Kembangan MRT station. Alot of parents bring their kids there, supposed to be quite good and no need to eat medicine too.


For migraine, if u want to relief that, get banana skin and rub the inside of it at the back of ur neck where the veins were. Heard that it works. After rubbing, not pain already.. Maybe u can give it a try as someone who tried it told me.

Re: baby massage at kembangan

Which mummy had brought their bb to try? Is it good? Sound interesting. May I knownwhat isthe massage for?


I'm have brought my son there for massage a few times. Heard many parents saying how good this TCM is , and I agree. My boy had cough and after the massage and medicine, he recovers the next day. The medicine is given in powder form in a sachet. U need to get a cloth belt from them and wrap the medicine around his tummy , belly button area in contact with the medicine. No intake of medicine.

Mummies, I have found a job!!!! I am going to throw letter to my idiot boss face!

Mummies kindly check if I have to serve 2months notice but I have balance of annual & maternity leave to offset the 2nd month,am I still pay for my wages for the 2nd month?


Big congrats to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U should be paid the 2nd month pay .


Gd question I ever call mom to ask.. If u use ur leave to offset eg 2 mth notice n after offset ur last day is 1 oct u will only be paid till 1 oct but if u clear leave is diff meanin u apply leave for tt period den they have to pay u.. But be4 u resign u mus fully utilize ur ml if nt wrong.. Else tink u mus pay back tt y I take all my ml ..


Wher to find banana leave so last min? Nvm la I pop panadol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


we r not suppose to quit when we have not finish our ML not to mention offset.

quoted from MOM:

Employee’s obligations

Employee cannot use the maternity benefit period to offset notice of termination. Once an employee leaves employment, her maternity benefits will cease.

An employee cannot work for another employer during the period of her maternity leave. If she does so, her maternity benefit will be forfeited. She may also be dismissed.

An employee can claim paid maternity leave benefits from more than one employer, if she was working for multiple employers before she gave birth.

The above applies to employees covered under the Employment Act or the Child Development Co-Savings Act.


In the case of a dispute, the employee should first speak with the employer to understand the situation. If it is a case of dismissal and she thinks that she has been unfairly dismissed, the employee can:

•Seek the union's help (if she is a union member);

•Submit an appeal in writing to the Minister for Manpower:

•within one month of her dismissal if she is dismissed more than six months from the date of estimated delivery or the date of confinement. This is applicable to employee who is covered under the Employment Act; or

•after the dismissal and within two months from the date of confinement if she is dismissed within six months from the date of estimated delivery or the date of confinement. This is applicable to employee who is covered under the Employment Act or the Child Development Co-Savings Act.

•Seek legal help


6th mth bash can't confirm yet leh..will be in the KIV list bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1. Gerry

2. bbgoh

3. Smiggle princess

4. fungfung

5. sandy

6. pinkparsley

7. tweety

8. e_lazy

9. st (KIV)


Haha not banana leave lah.... Is banana skin, u eat the fruit inside and use the inner skin for headache, not bad right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Did the doc recommend how big must the bb be b4 can do the massage. Other than cough, wat does the massage treat? Do u hv any idea?


ya i know skin dunno y go type leave.. erm my house no banana 1 n in office where to find banana keke..

the tuina hor if ur bb is weak also can ..

SIANZZZZ! Thought I can quit after offset my ML and AL..My god! In other words, I cannot quit??!!!

Aiyo..What shld I do??? I am so sad!

The new company cannot wait for 2 months de...only 1 month..Provided I have to pay my company 1 month salary..Argh!!! Hai!!! SAD!

Just heard from HR that they have misplaced my employment contract as was asking her to check something for me. She dare to ask me to give her my contract!

Any HR mummy or experienced mummy here know abt the employment act rule? Can I just leave the company with immediate effect since they do not have my contract??


i tink if u r willing to forgo ur ML den u can still quit.. the employment act is usu more coverage for salary less than $1.6k if not wrong.. y not u call the MOM hotline to get a more precise ans?

hmm if u not tt desperate better dun compensate ur co n go la wait ur new co also no gd den u really pay to go to the wrong co.. i tink first get the fact rite.. den check how many AL u can clear remember dun offset ask them can clear ur AL anot diff meaniin 1.. den let ur new co know if they really on u tink they may be willing to wait?

Hi mummies, on leave these few days so din come forum.

yoti, congrats on finding a job! if e offer is good n u like it, can forefeit ur remaining ml loh. like me.

Yoti, piggy is rite. or if ur new company is really despo,,see if they willing to pay for ur 1 mth notice period anot. but normally hor ... companies that cannot wait means they really despo for manpower. start work will be v bz le. like mine .....

6 mth bash

1. Gerry

2. bbgoh

3. Smiggle princess

4. fungfung

5. sandy

6. pinkparsley

7. tweety

8. e_lazy

9. st (KIV)

10. mrs chua

11. Elmo (sat only after 3pm or sun)

Piggy-thank you so much for yr advice.yes I have tried to call mom just now but waiting time veri long..will try again later..yes I do not wish to compensate also..wait later the new company no gd..den I will be like a fool! Wow didn't know that "offset" and "clear" leave mean such a big diff! I will take note of that..will clear my leAve rather than offset to serve the termination period...what do u mean we need to pay back company if my ml is not fully taken? If I forfeited my ml,I will not need to pay back right?

Elmo-oh u also forfeited yr ml leave to join the other company? U left 1 month ml? Tough decision hor?the new company offer is gd..better than my current company! Just that now need to serve 2months termination notice..siAnzz..but now they have misplaced my contract..wondering if I still need to abide the contract...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yoti, ya. I'm e most lugi. one. forfeited. 3 wks of ml n use 17 days of Al to offset notice period. but tt time company wanna close down le so bobian. heng i got. a lot of leave now... so kinda compensated le.


I also din know offset n clear leave gt such big diff until I quit recently cos the election happen to fall on the period I offsetting my leave tt y call mom to confirm if I am entitled HENG my manager dunno still gave me tt additional 1 day ..

For ML I tink if forfeit shd nt need to pay bah..

But even if ur HR lost the contract I tink min mus go by the mOm guideline on the notice period..


Wah ur co gave so many leave ah.. My current co leave really pathetic n they jus inform me there is a oversea retreat in dec n if dun wanna go mus take 2 day force leave argh sad alr not enough leave n now zzzZzz..


I feel yuguo is mainly to tiao the body. If the kid is having slight fever, cough or running nose, can go there do massage. At least no need to take western medicine and will be able to recover . If too serious, I feel it's still better to go Pd. I saw very small baby there but I will not let my baby do the massage if he is this small.

I also bring my #2 there for massage as he has very difficulty in moving his bowels. I bring him to so many Pd . The TCM use to wrap around his belly helps . At least he can clear his bowels naturally after 3 days. Previously 6 to 7 days, i will use the pd medicine insert into his anus to help him.


If cranky dunno massage already will help or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



oh! but those are really nice. :D

BB R very very cranky these days and reject bottle feeding when he sees and knows i'm at home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

